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March 4. This day in history

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Цей день в історії
Published Time: 2024-03-04T00-01-99
Images: 000000.jpg
4 березня. Цей день в історії

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/4-bereznya-czej-den-v-istoriyi-5/

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Polish protesters are blocking 6 border crossings with Ukraine, not allowing truck to pass, even with equipment for Ukrainian...

Action: rally-10
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Poland, Central and Eastern Europe
News ID: 22633175
(Longitude: 22.92126, Latitude: 49.79659)
Geographic Location: Lviv Oblast
News Source: https://x.com/grntmedia/status/1764337386782073155
Published Time: 2024-03-04T01-09-00
Tags: Lviv Oblast
Images: 000000.jpg

Polish protesters are blocking 6 border crossings with Ukraine, not allowing truck to pass, even with equipment for Ukrainian Armed Forces

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/3-march-polish-protesters-are-blocking-6-border-crossings

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Russian aviation launching guided bombs towards Okhtyrka district

Action: airplane-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22633187
(Longitude: 35.48036, Latitude: 50.60105)
Geographic Location: Okhtyrka
News Source: https://x.com/war_monitor_ua/status/1764337540700488104
Published Time: 2024-03-04T01-10-00
Tags: Okhtyrka

Russian aviation launching guided bombs towards Okhtyrka district

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/3-march-russian-aviation-launching-guided-bombs-towards-okhtyrka

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Explosion was reported in Mykolaiv

Action: explode-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633173
(Longitude: 31.98257, Latitude: 46.99233)
Geographic Location: Mykolaiv, Mykolaivs'ka oblast
News Source: https://t.me/lachentyt/39756
Published Time: 2024-03-04T01-30-00
Tags: Mykolaiv, Mykolaivs'ka oblast

Explosion was reported in Mykolaiv

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/3-march-explosion-was-reported-in-mykolaiv

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Explosions were reported in Kramatorsk

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633230
(Longitude: 37.55213, Latitude: 48.74772)
Geographic Location: Donetsk Oblast
News Source: https://t.me/Donbas_Operativnyi/72020
Published Time: 2024-03-04T03-12-00
Tags: Donetsk Oblast
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Explosions were reported in Kramatorsk

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/3-march-explosions-were-reported-in-kramatorsk-1069

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How the military is being built by defensive borders: photo report from the Armyinform from Donetsk region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Репортаж
Description: Given the nature and realities of modern war, trenches make wider and higher so that it could ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T06-30-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, оборонні рубежі, Фоторепортаж
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It is a platoon stronghold at the turn of the operating area of one of the operational-tactical groups. Only the military work here - too close to the line of collision, and the military is better understanding the requirements and features of combat work. Therefore, such support points erect engineering parts.

Considering the nature and realities of the modern war, the trenches are made wider and higher so that you can calmly blur in equipment, carry the wounded on the stretchers.

As the question of journalists, as the construction rates of such fortifications have changed, the officer of engineering troops Leonid says:

“If during the Second World War there were norms of depth and width of trenches - 1.5 meters by 80 centimeters, now we make a depth of 2 meters, about 1 meter width. And another half a meter broth is poured on top. At the same time, it is impossible to do more wider, because trenches will become more vulnerable to shelling. In construction we use geotextile, mesh, board, bars. "

Due to the fact that the trench goes zigzag, the corners are strengthened with additional columns, departments. Fire cells are lined with a wooden board.

Also equipped with smooth height transitions are equipped to avoid injury during rapid movement.

The height of the covered area is about 2 meters 30 centimeters. There is a powerful frame, transverse longitudinal beams, overlaps - two roll: rolling - half a meter of land, the second rolling - as well.

All this is masked. In the case of shelling, you can quickly go into such areas from fire cells. At each entrance-output, a well is digestible for water collection so that it does not flow into the covered area.

«Plus work with wood - speed, minus - short -lived (requires repair in 2 years - ed.). Above the undoubted part of the bottom and top we make the departments, for the strength of the structure and the installation of antitrone protection. In our approach, we took into account the tips of combat infantry commanders, ”said military engineers.

Photo by the author

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/yak-vijskovi-rozbudovuyut-oboronni-rubezhi-fotoreportazh-vid-armiyainform-z-donechchyny/

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Lithuanian experience, our "rex" and 24 days of a saturated program: How do instructors prepare in the Armed Forces

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Репортаж
Description: How is the instructors in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which countries to us ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T06-40-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, інструктори, сержанти ЗСУ
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In any war, perhaps the main factor in the future victory is the training of a serviceman. But it can only be of high quality if the soldier trains a qualified instructor. Therefore, our army pays much attention to the preparation of future instructors - those who will do an iron warrior of the former civilian.

As the instructors in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently being prepared, which countries help us in this and who is the "Rex" in the modern slang of the military, read in the material of the correspondent Armyinform.

"Introduce a basis of basic level instructors we were helped by Lithuanian colleagues"

- Soldiers come to us from their crews to undergo basic level instructors training. We teach their teaching methods: how to properly prepare educational material and training places for classes, how to qualitatively bring information to the personnel, - says Chief Sergeant Olga.

She is currently responsible for the platoon commander to prepare the base -level instructors. He says that the course of study in the course is 24 days. The military will study Monday to Saturday inclusive, daily for 8 hours.

- We were helped by colleagues from Lithuania. We still communicate with them, and if they have some changes in this course, then we make them in ourselves,-says the commander of the military unit, the master-state.

And adds that they send their young instructors to Lithuania if possible to take this course:

- After graduation, our instructors are returning, and we do a little analysis of what Lithuanians have now and what we could change to keep up with our colleagues.

Chief Sergeant Olga notes that when servicemen arrive for a course, they first take an entrance exam, if the cadet does not recruit a passing ball during the writing of tests, he is deducted: he is deducted:

- And if he has not previously undergone a basic training course for the instructor, they are also deducted. And the basic course involves all -military, professional, professional qualified training, and the military should also take courses of sergeants.

“We evaluate how servicemen are able to make a presentation”

Olga says that in the first week of training for arriving servicemen conduct lectures. After that, the cadets again take the exam, which can also be deducted.

- Next week, the cadets themselves conduct lectures (for their colleagues. - Ed.). We evaluate this, see how servicemen are able to make a presentation, how the educational material is found, how well they know this material, how it is brought to personnel, - said Olga.

Then with the cadets make "parsing", there is work on mistakes. After that, the military again pass the exam, where there is also a risk of deduction.

In the third week after the lecture - weapons begin.

After that, the fourth week begins, when the servicemen work on the preparation of field practical classes. There, for example, cadets are learning to set a combat mission, TLP (Troop Leading Procedures, English, Battle Planning Procedure) is being worked out.

During the field classes, the cadets already have a demogroup (with it the cadet works as an instructor who conducts classes for servicemen. - Ed.).

- cadets who take the duties of the instructor on a certain day, even their homework is asked to colleagues. And in the next lesson, they can come and interview their staff, - says Chief Sergeant Olga.

"We still have groups in messengers, we communicate"

The military notes that often the guys who were directly involved in hostilities and injured:

“They return to the crews, where they want to put them in instructors, because these guys know their profession very well. And then they go to us to learn how to teach, get an instructor certificate and officially hold a position and teach staff. "

Olga says that even after graduation, the former cadets call her and thank her for their preparation.

“We still have groups in messengers. We communicate, help each other, share information, ”the military says.

She recalls that during the course of the course, representatives of Lithuania, Latvia, Canada, Sweden came to them:

- Western colleagues of our sergeants are called "Rexami" (in the military slang, perhaps the best compliment, that is, a very cool and experienced warrior. - Ed.)! And so they always spoke of us.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/lytovskyj-dosvid-nashi-reksy-ta-24-dni-nasychenoyi-programy-yak-gotuyut-instruktoriv-u-zsu/

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Seven aircraft were knocked down in a week, this is the correct dynamics of Russian losses

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: He said this in an evening address. “We only managed to knock down seven in this week ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T07-12-99
Tags: Володимир Зеленський
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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized the need to strengthen the air defense system to protect cities and civilians.

He said this in an evening address.

“We only managed to knock down seven Russian military aircraft during this week. It is those who dump these bombs and kill. Since the beginning of February, Russia has lost 15 military aircraft. This is the right dynamics of their losses, ”said Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

According to the heads of state, in general, from the beginning of only one this week, Russian terrorists have already used almost 400 managed aircraft, more than 40 rockets.

"And the more of our opportunities to knock Russian aviation that we will destroy Russian logistics in our occupied territory, the more Ukrainian lives we will be saved," he said.

The President stressed that there would be more opportunities to knock Russian aviation that we will destroy Russian logistics in our occupied territory, and more Ukrainian lives will be saved.

“We are able to provide it. Each partner knows what is needed. The main thing is political will to realize everything. To give exactly the level of supply that will help, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.

According to him, if this is not, it will become one of the most shameful pages of history - if America or Europe is losing to Iranian "Shahhedam" or Russian fighter jets.

"It is not necessary to encourage Russian evil neither the weakness of decisions, delays in supply or indecision," he added.

As reported by the Armyinform, as a result of a blow to the high -rise building in Odessa12 people were killed, including 5 children.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/volodymyr-zelenskyj-za-tyzhden-zbyly-sim-litakiv-cze-pravylna-dynamika-rosijskyh-vtrat/

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The General Staff of the Armed Forces: at the front of 78 combatants a day, most - in Donetsk region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on its Facebook page. In the area ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T07-19-99
Tags: Генштаб ЗС України, Ситуація на фронті
Images: 000000.jpg

During the last day, there were 78 combat clashes on the front. In total, the enemy caused 7 rocket and 50 aviation strikes, and made 112 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on its ownFacebook page.

In the area of responsibility, the "KhortytsiaIn Kupyansk directionThe enemy made 11 attacks in the areas of Sinkivka settlements, Tabaivka of Kharkiv region, unsuccessfully trying to improve their tactical position.

In the estuary directionOur warriors reflected 5 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements of Bigorivka, Luhansk region, Terny and Verkhnyamyansk Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut directionDefense forces repelled 5 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Bogdanivka, Ivanivske and Andreevka of Donetsk region.

In the area of responsibility, "Tavriyain the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders repelled 20 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdychi, Orlovka, Tonny, Pervomaisko, Nevelskoye Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the areas of Krasnogorivka, St. George and Novomikhailivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy, more than 30 times tried to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Orikhiv directionThe enemy made 3 unsuccessful attacks in the area of the settlement of the robot of the Zaporozhye region.

In the area of ​​responsibility, "Odesa"in the Kherson directionDefense forces continue to keep positions. The opponent of offensive (assault) did not take action.

In the area of responsibility, the "north"in Volyn and Polissya directionsThe operational situation remains without significant changes.

In the Siversky and Slobozhansky directionsThe enemy retains military presence in border areas, conducts sabotage activities in order to prevent the transfer of our troops to threatening directions, increases the density of mine-explosive barriers along the state border in Belgorod region.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/genshtba-zsu-na-fronti-78-boyezitknen-za-dobu-bilshist-na-donechchyni/

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Russian troops struck 177 beats in the Zaporozhye region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of the Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration Ivan Fedorov. The invaders dropped the airplane by ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T07-28-99
Tags: ворожі обстріли, Запорізька область
Images: 000000.jpeg

Over the past day, the enemy has struck 177 beats on 6 settlements of Zaporizhzhya region.

About thisreportedHead of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration Ivan Fedorov.

The invaders dropped the robot airplane and made 10 RSSV-arrows of Malinivka, small Tokmachka and robot.

The Russian military was also attacked by 33 drones Gulyaypole, Novodanilovka, Malynivka, a small tookmachka and a robot.

In addition, 133 artillery blows came across the territory of Novodanilovka, Malynivka, Robots and other settlements on the fire line.

There were 11 reports of destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure. The civilians were not injured.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/vijska-rf-zavdaly-zavdaly-177-udariv-po-zaporizkij-oblasti/

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Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: The enemy holds only one ship in the Black Sea

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Sea of Azov is also ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T07-37-99
Tags: азовське море, ВМС ЗСУ, Чорне море
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Illustrative photo

There is one enemy ship in the Black Sea.

About thisreportedNavy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

There is also an enemy ship in the Sea.

There are now three enemy ships in the Mediterranean, including two carbive carbon carriers, a total volley of up to 12 rockets.

In the interests of the Russian Federation, 9 vessels passed the Kerch Strait to the Azov Sea, none of them moved from the Bosphorus Strait.

18 ships passed to the Black Sea, 11 of them continued the movement in the direction of the Bosphorus Strait.

"The Russian Federation continues to violate the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of 1974 (SOLAS), switching off automatic identification systems (AIS)," the Navy of the Armed Forces emphasized.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/vms-zs-ukrayiny-vorog-trymaye-u-chornomu-mori-lyshe-odyn-korabel/

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RF loss per day: minus 1150 invaders, 21 BBMs and 22 artsystems were destroyed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: personnel - 417950 (+1150) tanks - 6648 (+8) combat ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T07-43-99
Tags: бойові втрати рф, втрати рф
Images: 000000.jpg

The total fighting loss of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 04.03.24 are approximately:

The data is specified ...

Beat the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in truth!

Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 04.03.24.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/vtraty-rf-za-dobu-minus-1150-okupantiv-znyshheno-21-bbm-ta-22-artsystemy/

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In the defense forces explained how to fight Russian cubic on the front

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This was stated by a spokeswoman for the south of Ukraine forces Colonel Natalia Humeniuk on air ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T07-57-99
Tags: КАБ, Наталія Гуменюк, Сили оборони
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Russian troops will reduce the use of managed aviation bombs on the front line if they block their tactical aviation.

This was statedEtherThe only news Telelorphone.

According to her, preventive measures are needed and tactical aviation should be locked as a way of delivery of cabins.

“Therefore, waiting for the appearance of fighters, we do not sit with our hands. The results of the air forces on the crashing of aircraft eloquently indicate that the destruction of aircraft decreases, ”Natalia Humeniuk said.

Hot February: Ukrainian air defense in a month knocked Russian aircraft for a billion dollars
Гарячий лютий: українська ППО за місяць збила російських літаків на мільярд доларів

She stressed that it was inappropriate to spend valuable air defense valuable means on the rooms, and this was clear from the beginning, when these attacks had just begun.

“To beat every Russian bomb, you need a lot of equipment for the tools we have. And to use in the cabin very unproductive, ”Natalia Humeniuk added.

As reported by the ArmyInform, on March 2, the Air Force Command of the Armed ForcesconfirmedBelling of the Russian fighter-bomber Su-34. In total, 13 enemy aircraft were shot down during February.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/u-sylah-oborony-poyasnyly-yak-borotysya-z-rosijskymy-kabamy-na-fronti/

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AS ORIKHIV DIRECTION RUSSIAN Army Shelled Novodarivka, Malynivka, Gulyaypole, Omelnyk, Orikhiv, Novoandriivka, Primorske of ...

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22633242
(Longitude: 36.09215, Latitude: 47.69249)
Geographic Location: Ukraine
News Source: https://t.me/lumsrc/7412
Published Time: 2024-03-04T08-02-00
Tags: Ukraine

At Orikhiv direction Russian army shelled Novodarivka, Malynivka, Huliaipole, Omelnyk, Orikhiv, Novoandriyivka, Prymorske of Zaporizhzhia region. Russian aviation conducted airstrikes at Staromayorske of Donetsk region, Verkhnya Tersa and Robotyne of Zaporizhzhia region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-at-orikhiv-direction-russian-army-shelled-novodarivka

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"It's like a fight": Natalia Humeniuk told why the Russian Federation uses X-31p missiles

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was stated by a spokeswoman for the south of Ukraine forces Colonel Natalia Humeniuk ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T08-13-99
Tags: ворожі ракети, Наталія Гуменюк, Х-31П
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The Russian military began to use the X-31P anti-radiolocation missiles more often to identify Ukrainian air defense systems.

This was statedEtherThe only news Telelorphone.

“It is an anti -radial rocket aimed at searching for air defense systems, radar stations. It was such a rocket that at one time hit a foreign ship, because there is a radar system, ”Natalia Humeniuk said.

On March 3, Russian troops struck the Odessa Kri-31p from the Black Sea, but the rocket in the airlostcombat capacity.

According to Natalia Humeniuk, after the loss of the aircraft of the distant radar intelligence A-50, the enemy was somewhat activated using these missiles.

"Not able to approach the use of managed aviation bombs in the south, the enemy uses rockets," the spokeswoman added.

Natalia Humeniuk explained that the defense forces, as a rule, observe such an activity when the Russians lack intelligence information.

“It's like a reconnaissance by battle. If it works, then 100% is the air defense system. Or if the rocket reaches the goal, then the anti -radiolocating system was destroyed, ”she said.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/cze-yak-rozvidka-boyem-nataliya-gumenyuk-rozpovila-navishho-rf-vykorystovuye-rakety-h-31p/

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Cyberfhachi Gur broke the servers of the Ministry of Defense of

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 4 by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T08-32-99
Tags: ГУР МОУ, кібератаки
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As a result of DDOSAtaki, Ukrainian cyberfactors were able to access the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

About thisreportedMarch 4 Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Now the Ukrainian intelligence service has software to protect information and encryption that used the Russian Federation, as well as an array of secret official documentation of the Russian Ministry of War.

These are orders, reports, orders, reports and other documents that circulated between more than 2000 structural units of the Russian Power Office.

The information obtained allows you to establish the complete structure of the system of the Russian Defense Ministry and its links.

The analysis of the data obtained also helped to identify the generality, other high heads of the structural units of the MoD of the Russian Federation, as well as deputies, assistants, specialists - all who used software for electronic document management called "bureaucracy".

At the disposal of military intelligence of Ukraine, for example, the official documentation of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - Ivanov Timura Vadimovich.

“This deputy Shoigu played an important role in the fact that Cyberatak has become successful. So the honorary title of "Maladetz" goes to him: Vadimich, all 4, you - 5! ", - GUR noted in his message and promised that he would be next.

Earlier GUR MOUcalledRussian servers and networks are the legitimate goal of their cyberfactors.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/kiberfahivczi-gur-zlamaly-minoborony-rosiyi/

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Air defense systems, armored vehicles and missiles: France has published a list of weapons transmitted to Ukraine in two years

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the site of the Ministry of Defense of France. The statement explains that everyone ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T08-43-99
Tags: допомога партнерів, Франція
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France provided Ukraine with weapons and military equipment totaling EUR 2.615 billion from February 24, 2022 to December 31, 2023.

About it reportsplaceMinistry of Defense of France.

The statement explains that all military supplies to Ukraine meet three criteria: ensuring a full cycle (ammunition equipment, equipment training and maintenance), assistance without weakening the French army and control of escalation.

It is also noted that financial efforts are accompanied by decisive training in the field of training, and nearly 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers have already passed and continue to undergo training in Poland (at French) and France.

The list of some of the weapons transmitted is classified. This applies to CroTale, Aster and Scalp missiles.

In two years, Ukraine received individual equipment from France, including 6200 helmets, 6500 bulletproof vests, 1100 chemical protection suits and 3700 first aidles.

Anti -tank systems:


Air defense

Armored vehicles

Transport/liaison machines

Marine technique

The rockets of the class “airEarth"

Ukraine also received 1.1 million units of small -caliber ammunition (9 mm, 5.56 mm, etc.), 10,500 grenades, 1.74 million cartridges 12.7 mm, 9 thousand ammunition 105 mm for AMX10 RC and 30 mm. Thousands of shells of 155 mm caliber for the Caesar SAU and TRF1 guns.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/systemy-ppo-bronetehnika-i-rakety-francziya-opublikuvala-spysok-peredanoyi-ukrayini-zbroyi-za-dva-roky/

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In Kherson region as a result of Russian shelling damaged high -rise buildings, there is a dead

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of the Kherson Ova Alexander Proudin. Last day enemy ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T08-51-99
Tags: ворожі обстріли, Херсонська область
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In Kherson, as a result of Russian shelling of the last day, administrative buildings were damaged.

About thisreportedKherson Ova Chairman Alexander Proudin.

Last day, the enemy fired at garden, giant, Kizomis, Poniativka, Antonovka, Stepanivka, Zelenivka, Berislav, Mikhailivka, Dudchan, Tomin Beam, Sablukivka, Kachkarivka, Cossack, Vesele and Kherson.

The Russian military kissed the residential quarters of the settlements of the region, in particular 9 high -rise buildings and 16 private homes were damaged.

As a result of hostile attacks, the settlements of the region were hit into the object of critical infrastructure, educational establishments, bakeries and outbuildings.

Due to Russian aggression, one person was killed.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/na-hersonshhyni-vnaslidok-obstriliv-rf-poshkodzheni-bagatopoverhivky-ye-zagyblyj/

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In Ukraine a moment of silence

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: “For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit of spirit, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T09-00-99
Tags: загальнонаціональна хвилина мовчання
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According to Presidential Decree Volodymyr Zelensky No. 143/2022, a minute of silence is spent daily at 9:00, it is announced in all media.

“For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit, stability and heroic feat of warriors who died in the performance of combat missions to protect state sovereignty and territorial integrity , I make: start a daily at 9 o'clock 00 minutes of a nationwide minute of silence for compatriots, killed as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which to declare in all media, regardless of ownership, ”the document reads.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/v-ukrayini-hvylyna-movchannya-18/

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Ahead of threats: in Norway, they tested the updated missiles for the well -known NASAMS air defense complex

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Озброєння та техніка
Description: As stated on the RTX official portal, fire tests were performed with support ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T09-11-99
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Amraam-ER missiles for NASAMS SCRs. Photo: Raytheon (RTX)

Raytheon (RTX) military-industrial company in partnership with Kongsberg Defense & amp; Aerospace has successfully conducted flight tests of a new Amraam-Extended Range (ER) rocket designed for Nasams.

AsStatedOn the official RTX portal, fire tests were supported by the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces of Norway. And successful flight tests demonstrate the extended capabilities of the upgraded amraam-ER, reports the Armyinform.

The new Amraam-ER version is the first configuration that includes the AIM-1220 C-8 missile. The ammunition is equipped with a more reliable missile engine from Nammo, a system of drive control from Kongsberg Defense & amp; Aerospace, developed in the framework of the Norwegian Propulsion Stack project, in which the Norway Defense Ministry is a partner.

The complex test phase included trial shooting, during which the rocket was launched on a pre -programmed flight trajectory to check its safe exit from NASAMS starting installation and general characteristics.

Paul Ferraro, President of the Raytheon Air and Space Defense Systems, emphasized the importance of integration of new technology into Amraam-ER, providing its extended opportunities. He emphasized the flexibility of software updates that will constantly improve Amraam missiles to effectively counteract the developing aerial threats.

Amraam-ER missiles for NASAMS SCRs. Photo: Raytheon (RTX)

Amraam-ER is specifically designed for integration with NASAMS starting installation, providing improved air protection by intercepting targets at increased range and heights, how to compare with the standard Amraam version.

However, Defense Express Defense Express expertsnotedthat, after the first flight tests of the Amraam-Era rocket in May 2021, Raytheon considered the opportunity to use this rocket with increased range not only as a weapon of the class "surface-air", but also as a missile "Air-Air", in particular for steals- F-35 fighter.

Nasams (NorWegian Advanced Surface-To-Air Missile System) is designed to damage air and medium-sized air and medium heights in any weather.

AsreportedThe Armyinform, in the first decade of February 2024, the Government of Norwegian suggested that the Parliament order from the manufacturer Kongsberg Defense and Aerospace (KDA) additional starting installations and centers of fire management of NASAMS Fire to provide them to Ukraine.

In particular, it is about ten starting installations and four centers for the NASAMS air defense.

One of the Amraam-ER rockets from the NASAMS PC launches. Video: RTX

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/vyperedzhayuchy-zagrozy-u-norvegiyi-vyprobuvaly-onovleni-rakety-dlya-znanogo-v-ukrayini-kompleksu-ppo-nasams/

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Master Class from the 47th: destroyed the occupiers and cleaned landing

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Video battle was posted on March 4 by a land troops. Initially, the Russians worked ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T09-21-99
Tags: Авдіївський напрямок, зачистка, Командування Сухопутних військ, Хроніка оборони
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Warriors 47 of the separate mechanized brigade showed how the Russian invaders are eliminated in the Avdeevsky direction.

Video of battlePostedMarch 4 Land Forces.

Initially, the Russians worked the UAV, and then the infantry of the 47th OMB, which was fighting in the Avdeevsky direction for 5 months.

BeforeIt became knownthat in the past 24 hours Ukrainian defenders repelled 20 enemy attacks in the Avdeevsky direction.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/majster-klas-vid-47-yi-znyshhyly-okupantiv-ta-zachystyly-posadku/

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The occupiers were fired at 110 settlements in 9 regions of Ukraine per day

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports Military Media Center. According to the situational center ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T09-27-99
Tags: stoprussia, ворожі обстріли
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During the last day, March 3, Russian troops fired at settlements in nine regions of Ukraine.

About thisinformsMilitary Media Center.

According to the situational center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, during the last day, Russian troops fired 110 settlements and 110 infrastructure sites.

The enemy used various types of weapons for shelling - mortars, artillery, tanks, RSSV, SCR, UAV and tactical aviation.

"There are killed and injured among civilians, the number of victims is clarified," the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Kherson as a result of Russian shelling last daydamagedAdministrative buildings, and there is an infrastructure in the region.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/okupanty-za-dobu-obstrilyaly-110-naselenyh-punktiv-u-9-oblastyah-ukrayiny/

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In Beryslav, the Russians dumped out the drone of explosives, wounded a man

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Kherson Ova. The invaders dropped an explosive item on a 55-year-old ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T09-45-99
Tags: Берислав, ворожі обстріли, Херсонська область
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On Monday in the morning, Russian troops attacked the drone of a resident of Berislav in Kherson region.

About thisreportedKherson Ova.

The invaders dumped an explosive item into a 55-year-old man when he walked the city street.

The victim was diagnosed with explosive trauma and fragile wounds of the extremities. He was taken to the hospital where they are now provided with medical care.

As reported by the Armyinform, Russian Militarykissed in residential quarterssettlements of Kherson region, in particular 9 high -rise buildings and 16 private homes were damaged.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/okupanty-skynuly-z-drona-vybuhivku-v-beryslavi-poraneno-cholovika/

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Yuri Ignat told about the seventh day without hostile A-50 near Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Актуальна тема, Новини
Description: Yuri Ignatus gave relevant comments live on the Uniform News in the morning ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T10-12-98
Tags: А-50, Повітряні Сили ЗС України, Юрій Ігнат
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Colonel Yuriy Ignat, spokesman for the Air Force of Ukraine, said that the seventh day of the A-50 reconnaissance planes for the seventh day near Ukraine.

Yuri Ignatus gave relevant comments live on the morning of March 4, 2024 on the morning of March 4, 2024.

“A-50 has not yet been gone for a long time. The seventh day, if I'm not mistaken, A-50 does not appear in the Rostov region or in the Azov Sea water area, ”said the AFS spokesman.

According to him, the enemy stated that he would restore his A-50, which are in the Russian Federation for storage.

"It is difficult to say how fast or long is this process, but they need these planes to plan strokes to carry out radar exploration of our country's airspace," Yuri Ignat stressed.

As reported by the Armyinform, Yuri Ignatus stated that the air forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are significantlylimitedOpportunities of enemy A-50.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/yurij-ignat-rozpoviv-pro-somyj-den-bez-vorozhyh-a-50-bilya-ukrayiny/

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In the Dnieper detained the Russian spy who followed the air defense

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 4 by the Security Service of Ukraine. According to the department, a man ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T10-12-99
Tags: Дніпро, зрадники, СБУ
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A local resident, a citizen of Ukraine, at the end of 2023 was recruited by a representative of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

About thisreportedMarch 4, the Security Service of Ukraine.

According to the department, the man explored the places of basing of air defense systems and logistics routes of defense forces in the region.

First of all, the person tried to identify the positions of radar complexes of the Armed Forces.

This information was needed by the occupiers to try to "get around" Ukrainian air defense during new air strikes.

Also, in the case of accurate coordinates, the invaders planned to perform sighting rocket-aromic blows at Ukrainian radar stations.

Another task of the Russian agent was to track the main routes that moved fuel tanks in the direction of the front line.

The SBU staff exposed the hostile associate at the initial stage of his intelligence activity.

This made it possible to document the criminal acts and delay the agent in a timely manner, as well as to install his Russian curator - the personnel employee of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia (known as the GRU).

According to the investigation, he remotely recruited a resident of the Dnieper in December 2023.

In the field of view of the aggressor, he got as an ideological supporter of Rashism, who taught his own anti-Ukrainian posts in the telegrams of Prokremlivsky bloggers.

To accomplish hostile tasks, the traitor went around the area on his own car and hidden Ukrainian objects. He supported communication with the invaders through the popular messenger.

During the searches, the detainee revealed computer equipment and a mobile phone with evidence of correspondence with the Russian GRU.

Currently, investigators of the Security Services have informed the person being suspected under Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (State betrayal committed in the conditions of martial law).

The attacker is in custody. He is threatened with life imprisonment.

BeforeIt became knownthat the Russian spy was sentenced to 15 years old, who had an instructor.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/u-dnipri-zatrymaly-rosijskogo-shpyguna-za-ppo/

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In the Donetsk region, 19 people were injured in the day of the Russian Federation per day

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. During the day, 10 hits were recorded on residential ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T10-39-99
Tags: ворожі обстріли, Донецька область
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In the Donetsk region, 19 people were injured in the last day as a result of Russian shelling.

About thisreportedMinistry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

During the day, 10 hits in the residential sector were recorded. In total, Donetsk region withstood 1556 beats.

On Sunday on Pokrovsk RussiaShe hitThe Iskander-M rocket. Three people were injured, four apartment buildings, a shop, 12 civilian cars, communications were damaged.

In Kurakhovo on the roof of an apartment building occupierspulled offThe 500 kg -controlled airbots.

16 people are injured, two of them are a 17-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy. 15 apartment buildings, cars were destroyed.

The enemy was struck by a bomb of Kab-100 in the Nikolaevka Pokrovsky district.

Seven homes were damaged in the village of Zotyne as a result of the CAC-250.

As reported by the Armyinform, Russian Militarykissed in residential quarterssettlements of Kherson region, in particular 9 high -rise buildings and 16 private homes were damaged.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/na-donechchyni-vnaslidok-obstriliv-rf-za-dobu-poraneni-19-lyudej/

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In Sumy region found arsenal of invaders

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 4 by the State Bureau of Investigation. According to the department, arsenal ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T11-12-99
Tags: ДБР, Сумщина, схрон боєприпасів
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Almost forty anti -tank mines, 10 homemade explosive devices, two grenade launchers, and two boxes with 14.5 mm cartridges were stored in the decking storage in the forest belt.

About thisreportedOn March 4, the State Bureau of Investigation.

According to the department, the arsenal was equipped with military Russian military near the border in Sumy region.

It was intended for the enemy DRG, which were neutralized by the Defense forces of Ukraine during the de -occupation of the territory of Sumy region.

After the examination, the seized ammunition will be transferred to the needs of defense forces and will work against the enemy.

Earlier a shrony with Russian weaponit was foundin the Kyiv region.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/na-sumshhyni-znajshly-arsenal-okupantiv/

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6400 invaders and 92 tanks: the loss of Russians in the week became known

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Data for the period from 26.02 to 03.03 published Military Media Center. The losses of the Russian Federation for ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T11-27-99
Tags: бойові втрати рф, втрати ворога, втрати рф
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Illustrative Photo:

The forces of Ukraine's defense last week have eliminated 6400 Russian invaders and more than 250 units of armored vehicles.

Data for the period from 26.02 to 03.03PublishedMilitary Media Center.

Russian losses in the week are:

The report states that one battalion is about 500 people; One tank mouth is 10 tanks; One motorized battalion is 34 cars, one artillery division is 18 guns.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/6400-okupantiv-i-92-tanky-staly-vidomi-vtraty-rosiyan-za-tyzhden/

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In Odessa, rescuers destroyed an anchor mine on the beach

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 4 by the State Emergency Service. Rescuers spent ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T11-48-99
Tags: ДСНС, контрольований підрив, міна, Одеса
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An explosive object was found on one of the city beaches, which was identified as an anchor mine.

About thisreportedMarch 4, the State Emergency Service.

Rescuers carried out preparatory work and then destroyed a mine.

The SES is reminded that if you find an unknown item that resembles an ammunition from the outside - do not touch it. Call "101" immediately.

BeforeIt was reportedthat in the Toretsk Donetsk region in the courtyard found a bomb, which did not break.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/v-odesi-ryatuvalnyky-znyshhyly-minu/

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20,000 tactical headphones have been purchased for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: The Armyinform was reported in the press service of DOT. It is noted that 15 thousand ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T11-53-99
Tags: Державний оператор тилу, закупівлі для армії, тактичні навушники
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The state operator has purchased 20,000 tactical headphones for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Armyinform was reported in the press service of DOT.

It is noted that 15,000 Peltor Comtac 3M headphones and 5,000 Sordin Hadband were purchased. The total savings for the purchase is UAH 160 million of the estimated value.

Peltor 3M tactical headphones were purchased for UAH 15,896 per unit - 23% cheaper than the price of the last purchase of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Sordin Hadband tactical headphones managed to buy for 12 355 UAH per unit. This is 37% cheaper than the price in the latest purchase of MOU in December.

The auction took place on February 19. 7 participants took part in the auction. Significant savings have been achieved through the expansion of competition.

"If we calculate the savings regarding the price at which similar headphones were purchased by the Ministry of Defense in 2023, we saved 105 million hryvnias on the volume of the current purchase," said Victoria Vynohradova, Director for the Procurement Management of Dot.

All goods will be checked before delivery of the Armed Forces in accordance with the technical requirements in independent laboratories. Deliveries are expected at the end of March.

As reported by the Armyinform, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Dmitry KlimenkovHe told about reformsin the system of defense procurement of Ukraine.

After several purchases, the Ministry of Defense has decided to reform the system. In particular, the bodies that were engaged in purchases were disbanded.

Instead, two agencies have been created that have the right to buy goods for the military. The Ministry of Defense now provides policy, supervision and forming a list of what is needed.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/dlya-zbrojnyh-syl-ukrayiny-zakupyly-20-tysyach-taktychnyh-navushnykiv/

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Reported suspicion to two Russian generals who bombarded Borodyanka

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 4 by the Security Service of Ukraine. According to the department, as a result of ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T12-23-99
Tags: воєнні злочини рф, підозра, СБУ
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Oleksandra Chaika and Vladimir Kravchenko are suspected of violating the laws and customs of war combined with premeditated murder committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons

About thisreportedMarch 4, the Security Service of Ukraine.

According to the agency, as a result of an air attack, six apartment buildings in Borodyanka were destroyed in the early March 2022, which led to the death of more than 30 locals, including a young girl.

Military crimes are now documented:

During the large -scale invasion of Russia, the persons were commanded by the bombing of residential areas of the village of Borodyanka in the Kyiv region. Through Borodyanka, the enemy tried to break into the capital.

According to the investigation, Oleksandr Tchaiko gave a direct order for fire damage to apartment buildings in the center of the settlement.

To accomplish the hostile task, Volodymyr Kravchenko sent fighters-bombers Su-34 and Su-25 ribbons from the 303rd mixed aviation division of the Russian Federation.

During the departure, hostile planes released 500-pounds of fugas aircraft aircraft on dwellings, which at that time were the civilians of Borodyanka.

As a result of the air attack, the invaders destroyed six apartment buildings, which led to numerous casualties among civilians.

Some of the injured residents have not yet been identified, they are considered missing.

BeforeIt became knownThe suspicions were declared by two Russian generals who organized massive missile strikes in Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/povidomleno-pro-pidozru-dvom-rosijskym-generalam-yaki-bombarduvaly-borodyanku/

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the Netherlands for the support of Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of state was placed in a telegram channel. “Ukraine and ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T12-24-99
Tags: Володимир Зеленський, Нідерланди
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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the Netherlands for the constant support of our country in the face of Russian aggression.

A corresponding message to the head of stateplacedIn telegrams.

“Ukraine and the Netherlands. We together after two years of a full -scale war, after ten years of criminal Russian aggression, ”the message reads.

“Together we protect our people and our values. And just together we have to win this protection, in achieving our goals. Because life has to win. Thank you for the fundamental and very effective support of our country and people! ” - added the head of state.

According to the Armyinform, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte on March 1 was visiting Ukraine.

Together with Vladimir Zelensky heVisitedKharkiv andmetwith experts investigating the crash of the MN17 flight aircraft

The Netherlands is also a coalition of countries that transmit F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

Also the Netherlandsprovide Ukraine with military assistance for 2 billion euros in 2024and continue defensive support for 10 years.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/volodymyr-zelenskyj-podyakuvav-niderlandam-za-pidtrymku-ukrayiny/

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The invaders during the day fired border villages in Chernihiv and Sumy regions

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on the Facebook page of the Operations Command "North". IN...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T12-58-99
Tags: ворожі обстріли, Чернігівська область
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Russian invaders fired at five villages in the Chernihiv region, 14 in Sumy, one in Kharkiv region, which are located near the Russian-Ukrainian State Border.

About it reported onFacebook pageOperational Command "North".

In the Chernihiv region, the villages of Leonivka, Mykolaivka and Buchka of Novgorod-Siversky district, Yelina Koryukiv district, Senkivka were fired.

In the Sumy region, five villages of Sumy and Shostka districts, as well as four villages of Okhtyrsky district, came under fire. A number of settlements have been fired several times.

In the Kharkiv region, a mortar shelling of the village of Timofiivka was recorded.

In all cases, no information on the dead or wounded among the local population was recorded. Destruction due to shelling is not reported.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/okupanty-protyagom-doby-obstrilyuvaly-prykordonni-sela-u-chernigivskij-ta-sumskij-oblastyah/

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Ukrainian military and veterans went to US Air Force sports

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The government portal informs about it. The main purpose of the competition is to attract veterans and ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T13-17-99
Tags: stoprussia, адаптивний спорт, змагання, Повітряні Сили США
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For the first time, veterans and soldiers who have suffered serious injuries will compete at the United States Air Force Torials 2024, which will take place in Las Vegas. 30 athletes will be represented by Ukraine.

About thisinformsGovernment portal.

The main purpose of the competition is to attract veterans and military in sports, to promote rehabilitation through sports events among veterans.

The national team will compete in nine adaptive sports: archery, athletics, bicycle sports, spraying, rowing on simulators, volleyball sitting, swimming, basketball on wheel chairs and rugby on wheelchairs.

The competition will take place from March 4 to March 16, 2024.

“Through sports, we show that despite all the obstacles, we are able to achieve results. We demonstrate our inviolability and leadership to the world. I can say that injuries are not the end of life, as it seems at the beginning. This is another test that can and should be overcome, ” - said Acting Minister for Veterans of Ukraine Oleksandr Pryhun, conducting a national team for competition in the United States.

The Ukrainian national team will participate for the first time in games for American veterans. The organizers of the competition invited the Ukrainian team to join the selection and demonstrate the impact of adaptive sports on the restoration of veterans and military after injuries.

As reportedArmyinform, 30 veterans will present Ukraine at international sports competitions in Las Vegas.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/ukrayinski-vijskovi-ta-veterany-vyrushyly-na-sportyvni-zmagannya-povitryanyh-syl-ssha/

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Almost 127,000 Russian military crimes have been documented in Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Office of the Prosecutor General. In addition, according to juvenile ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T13-23-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф
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Since the beginning of a large -scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the Office of the Prosecutor General has documented 16 632 crimes against national security. 126 781 Russia's crime was also registered.

About thisinformsOffice of the Prosecutor General.

In addition, according to juvenile prosecutors, 1767 children were injured as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation, 534 children were killed, 1233 were injured in varying severity.

The department emphasizes that these figures are not final, since work continues to be installed in places of active fighting, in temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

Recall in Sumy regionfound arsenal of the invaders.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/majzhe-127-tysyach-rosijskyh-voyennyh-zlochyniv-zadokumentuvaly-v-ukrayini/

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Army Sagittarius took second place in the overall standings at the European Championship

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the central sports club of the Armed Forces. “The champions became in shooting ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T13-32-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ЦСК ЗС України
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Ukrainian Airmars' athletes took the second place in the overall standings at the European Kulva shooting championship, which took place in Hungarian Dier.

About thisinformsThe Central Sports Club of the Armed Forces.

“Sergey Kulish, Svyatoslav Gudziy and Oleg Tsarkov became in shooting from a pneumatic rifle for 10 m. Also in this composition, the Army won silver, ”the message reads.

In addition, Oleg Omelchuk was awarded gold in a pneumatic pistol shooting among mixed teams.

"Oleg Omelchuk, Pavel Korostilev and Viktor Bankin were also silver medalists in a 10 m pneumatic pneumatic pistol.

As reported by the Armyinform, Army Sagittariushave obtained "bronze"At the European Championship.

Recall army fencingerswon "gold" and two "bronze"At the Cadet Championships.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/armijski-strilczi-posily-druge-miscze-u-zagalnomu-zaliku-na-chempionati-yevropy/

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In the Tavriysk direction, the Russians lost a tank, 5 BBM, 3 artisystems and almost 300 UAVs

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the commander of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T13-37-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, втрати ворога, Хроніка оборони
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During the last day in the operating area, Tavriya leaped 25 aircraft and 3 missile strikes, made 53 combat clashes, made 906 shellings and 93 blows Drone-Kamikadze.

About thisreportedCommander of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Brigadny General Alexander Tarnavsky.

He emphasized, our defenders and defenders keep their defense and take active actions in certain areas. The losses of boundaries, districts and positions are not allowed.

“The total losses of the enemy are: in living force - 426 people killed and wounded, 1 tank, 5 combat armored vehicles, 3 artillery systems, 1 air defense, 9 cars and 1 unit of special equipment. 287 UAVs of different types have been neutralized or destroyed, ”the brigade general said.

In addition, the forces of Ukraine's defense destroyed 4 more ammunition deposits of the Russians.

"In the last two days, 5 more Russian invaders have been captured," Alexander Tarnavsky added.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Defense Forces of Ukraine have been liquidated over the past week6400 Russian invaders and over 250 units of armored vehicles.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/na-tavrijskomu-napryamku-rosiyany-vtratyly-tank-5-bbm-3-artsystemy-ta-majzhe-300-bpla/

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The government has allocated nearly UAH 40 billion to buy drones

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Prime Minister Denis Shmigal has informed about it, stressed that providing the sector ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T13-46-99
Tags: БПЛА, Денис Шмигаль, Кабінет Міністрів України
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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allocated almost UAH 40 billion for the purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles.

About thisreportedPrime Minister Denis Shmigal, stressed that providing security and defense sector is a key direction of government.

“We strengthen our own production. The Ukrainian market is ready to produce more than 1 million drones. This task was set by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. About 40 billion UAH have been allocated for the purchase of drones, ”he said.

According to the head of the government, 50% of all funds for the purchase of weapons are planned to be spent in Ukraine.

“We concentrate on drone systems of the EW to win the technology war. We will cooperate with the world's weapons market leaders, ”Denis Shmigal added.

To date, the Prime Minister emphasized, there are already 5 concluded contracts for the creation of joint ventures.

“There will be dozens in the future of joint industries. This will accelerate our logistics, enhance the security component, provide transfer of technology, ”Denis Shmigal summarized.

As reportedArmyinform, in the defense forces, they told about the beating of the enemy's intelligence drones.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/uryad-vydilyv-majzhe-40-mlrd-grn-na-prydbannya-bezpilotnykiv/

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Defense forces reported increased activity of enemy reconnaissance drones in the south

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is reported by the defense forces of southern Ukraine. “For the last day of the assault actions of hostile ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T13-52-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, Сили оборони півдня
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In the operating zone of the Defense Forces of South of Ukraine, a daily counter -backer is ongoing.

About thisinformDefense forces of South of Ukraine.

“Over the past days, the assault actions of hostile units in the direction of our bridgeheads on the left bank were not recorded. Instead, the enemy attacked abundantly with shock drones and discharges, ”the department said.

In addition, there was an increase in the activity of reconnaissance drones - more than 130 spans per day.

“There are 2 hostile ships in the sea in the sea - one in black and Azov. The rocket launchers from the base points were not released, ”the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the Tavriysk direction of the Russianslost the tank, 5 BBM, 3 Artsystems and almost 300 UAVs.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/na-pivdni-zafiksuvaly-pidvyshhennya-aktyvnosti-vorozhyh-rozviduvalnyh-droniv/

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An explosion targeted the bridge between Zvezda and Chapaevsk stations in Samara region of Russia

Action: explode-4
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22633408
(Longitude: 49.66037, Latitude: 52.94982)
Geographic Location: Chapaevsk
News Source: https://t.me/rian_ru/233874
Published Time: 2024-03-04T14-00-00
Tags: Chapaevsk

An explosion targeted the bridge between Zvezda and Chapaevsk stations in Samara region of Russia

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-an-explosion-targeted-the-bridge-between-zvezda-and

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They forced to sing the anthem of the Russian Federation and shout "Glory to Russia" - three traitors received suspicions

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 4 by the Office of the Prosecutor General. According to investigation, March 25 ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T14-05-99
Tags: воєнні злочини, жорстоке поводження, Офіс Генерального прокурора
Images: 000000.jpg

The so -called employees of the Volnovakha Correctional Colony were reported suspicion of abuse with a civilian population committed by a group of persons.

About thisreportedMarch 4 Office of the Prosecutor General.

According to the investigation, on March 25, 2022, the Head of the Institution managed the so -called procedure of acceptance of detained civilians delivered to the colony. Among them was an employee of the National Police of Ukraine, who, being a civilian, did not participate in the armed conflict. On the eve, it was detained by representatives of the so -called "DNR" on one of the checkpoints during an attempt to evacuate from the surrounded city of Mariupol of Donetsk region to the territory under the control of the authorities of Ukraine.

While communicating with the "head of the institution", the man with his head answered his question without lowering his head down. The suspect regarded such behavior as extremely bold and ordered the subordinate staff of the colony to "re -educate" the victim, instead of ensuring a humane attitude to the detainees of civilians.

At the behest of the Chief of the Institution, his employees intentionally kept his man in the courtyard of the colony in an uncomfortable position for about an hour. They struck with rubber sticks in different parts of the body.

In the future, the man was transferred to the "disciplinary detention" of the colony. There two suspected colony staff to execute the order of the chief caused the victim of numerous blows with legs, hands and rubber sticks in different parts of the body. They forced him to sing the anthem of the Russian Federation and shout "Glory to Russia", "Glory to the DNR", for the refusal - increased the use of physical violence.

BeforeIt became knownthat the military of the Russian Federation was informed of suspicion of abuse of civilians.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/zmushuvaly-spivaty-gimn-rf-ta-krychaty-slava-rosiyi-troye-zradnykiv-otrymaly-pidozry/

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Advertising in Tiktok and Forest Paths to the EU - SBU eliminated new "Schemes for Evidence"

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Security Service of Ukraine informs about it. As a result of complex measures in different ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T14-16-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, СБУ
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The Security Service has blocked three more schemes of evasion and illegal departure abroad of conscript men.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

As a result of complex measures, the organizers of the equipment were detained in different regions of Ukraine.

"Among them is a person who used a fake certificate of a non -existent" Corruption Committee. " For money, the attackers offered the military to avoid the conscription and escape abroad to bypass the checkpoints. The cost of such "services" was estimated by up to $ 12,000. The amount depended on the urgency of the escape and its method, ”the department said.

In Odesa region, law enforcement officers detained three deals that organized a channel of escapes to the European Union. To search for customers, the persons involved were placed "advertising" on the Tiktok social network.

Then they buried the fugitives in the truck and transported them to the border. There they were given an inflatable boat for transporting to a neighboring country through a border river.

Another "route" ran through pre -prepared forest paths. After crossing the border of the fugitives, he met one of the organizers of the Scheme and helped them to legalize them outside Ukraine for an additional fee.

As it is noted, a criminal group was neutralized in Bukovina, which organized another channel of illegal migration to the EU. The leader of the group was a recidivist who already had a criminal record for crossing illegal aliens across the border. Together with the two accomplices, they brought up the evaders to the neighboring country through forests.

According to the investigation, one of the participants of the group used a fake certificate of a public "anti -corruption". He made this fake at checkpoints when he was transporting the assassination to the destination near the border.

Also in Transcarpathia, three more residents of the region were detained, who tried to cross the so -called "green" to the EU several potential conscripts from Rakhiv district.

Investigation is underway to establish all the circumstances of crimes and prosecute the perpetrators to justice.

Complex measures were conducted with the National Police under the procedural guidance of the prosecutor's office.

As reported by the Armyinform, two Lviv residents were arrested for attemptedbribe the border guardsand take out three of the evil people.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/reklama-v-tiktok-ta-lisovymy-stezhkamy-v-yes-sbu-likviduvala-novi-shemy-dlya-uhylyantiv/

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From the Autopanzernik commander - to the commander of the army: how did Ukraine's "soldier of the front region" serve Pavel Shandruk.

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Історія, Публікації
Description: The soldier quite rightly called himself a "soldier of the front edge", ready to give ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T14-18-99
Tags: Павло Шандрук, УНР
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The 1st Penal Division of the Separate Zaporizhzhya Division and the commander of the Polubotko Auto Panzernik began his combat route in the UNR Army Pavel Shandruk (1889-1979). By modern standards, his position can be compared to the tank commander.

The soldier quite rightly called himself a "soldier of the front land", ready to give life for Ukraine, but one who was not very well understood on political issues.

Throughout the period of independence, I was a soldier of the anterior land, far, undoubtedly, from the internal political games and not fully aware of the unacceptable political circumstances for Ukraine, and therefore the actions of our higher political circles were not always clear to me. Especially I and numerous frontovists could not understand certain events that took place in our government between 1917 and 1920. In many cases, we were surprised by the course of events, and - as we learned - such actions were not always justified by the situation, - he wrote in memories.

However, it was Pavel Shandruk who had not only been commanded by the brigade of the famous third Iron Division and to go to the title of General-Horown, but also to head the Ukrainian National Committee and become the commander of the Ukrainian National Army.

The reasoning of the military, expressed in his 1947, in Geneva, Essays "Army and Politics", published in 1959 in New York, Memories of the Army of the Army ("Arms of Valor") and other numerous publications not only testify to acute scientific and political publications Mind, but remain surprisingly relevant to this day:

The world has undergone great harm as a result of Russophile tendencies and political myopia of political leaders such as Georges Clemenceau, David Lloyd George, to some extent Winston Churchil. We remember that they buried Ukrainian freedom and created Bolshevik authorities. & lt;… & gt; Despite the proclaimed idea of the right of nations to self -determination, the Ukrainian nation that has drowning in the blood was denied material, technical and even medical care. It was one of the main reasons for the victory of our enemies over us, not a lack of our faith in victory or unwillingness to donate.

Instead of priesthood went to the police

Pavel Shandruk was born in the family of an Orthodox priest in the village of Borsuki, Kremenetsky district in Ternopil region. The origin opened the path to a church career, so after the elementary education, the teenager studied the seminary.

However, the fate of the priest did not attract a young man too much, so later Pavel Shandruk found himself in police in Kharkiv. During 1910-1913, he held the positions of police supervisor of the city of Vovchansk and assistant chief of the search department of Kharkiv.

Assistant Chief of the Investigation Department Pavel Shandruk (left) and the head of the search department Mykola Sychov (right)

With a police career, however, Pavel Shandruk also did not happen, so in the future he will not mention this period of his life. In detail it was possible to explore the Merefian local historian Vladislav Rudenko, whoHe proved convincinglythat Kharkiv police and military Pavel Shandruk is the same person.

From the very beginning of the service, Pavel Shandruk arose with the chief of the search department Mykola Sychov, who came to the fact that the employees of the department were divided into "Shandruk" and "Sichov". After mutual accusations and investigations against both police officers in the summer of 1913, they were dismissed from the police, transferring cases against them to court.

The ensign and combat of the royal army

With the outbreak of the First World War, Pavel Shandruk has been drafted into the Russian Imperial Army. Since then, the military service has permanently determined his further life path.

The officers of the 4th Rifle Brigade of the 2nd Rifle Division of the UNR Army. Pavel Shandruk sits the second left (May 20, 1920)

In 1915, Pavel Shandrok completed the accelerated four -month courses at the Alekseev Officer's Infantry School in Moscow, winning the rank of ensign. Then he commanded the battalion of the 232nd Reserve Regiment in Tver.

He later served in the 70th infantry regiment, which fought on the Northern Front in the Dvinsk region. During the fighting, he was poisoning with gases and, according to some testimony, was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir IV with swords and bows.

From the Autopanzernik commander - to the Iron Division Combrig

Pavel Shandruk began his service in the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic in the spring of 1918 to the 1st Panzer Division of the Separate Zaporizhzhya Division and the commander of the Polubotko autoplasnik.

General Horunzhi Paul Shandruk. Commander of the Panzernik "Polubotko". Commander of the Zaporozhets armor. Commander of the individual Zaporizhzhya Kurin. Commander of the 9th Rifle Regiment. Commander of the 7th Rifle Brigade. Commander of the 3rd Iron Rifle Division

During the famous Crimean operation of the Central Rada troops under the command of Colonel Peter Bolbochan in April - May 1918, he turned the usual train for the transportation of coal into a formidable armored train "Zaporozhets". Putting his autopanzernik in the wagon Pavel Shandruk was the first to break into the nodal railway stations.

On the order of the commander of Bolbochan at the Lozova station, I built an improvised armored train from steel wagons transporting coal. Inside, we attached them with pressed straw. The steel plates, also fortified behind the straw, installed four machine guns with three inch guns and two more backup guns. Our machine gun was located in the front of the train, in one empty car was located my armored vehicle "Polubotko" for use in the case of battles, - he wrote in the memoirs of a hike to Crimea.

Subsequently, Pavel Shandruk served as a commander of the Auto-Panzer Battery of a separate Zaporizhzhya Division and the 7th Kharkiv Army Division of the UNR Army, and in May 1920 he was appointed commander of the 7th Brigade of the famous Third Iron Division.

Flag of the 3rd Iron Rifle Division

After the defeat in August 1920, the Bolshevik troops near Warsaw, the 7th Brigade of the Iron Division under the command of Pavel Shandruk forced the Dniester and Zbruch and participated in the November offensive of the UNR Army in Zhmerynka and Vapnyark. The Ukrainian fighters were forced to retreat to Poland only because of the pressure of the enemy's dominant forces.

At the service of Ukraine in the interwar day

After the defeat of Ukraine in the war against Bolshevik Russia, Pavel Shandruk, along with other UNR soldiers, was interned in Poland. He was a commandant of the camp for interned military in Kalisha, taught the Taras Shevchenko High School and the Podunych school.

Postal envelope in honor of Pavel Shandruk

In December 1922, Colonel Pavel Shandruk received the title of General-Khunzhi, assigned to him for his military merits in the forcing of the Dniester and in the offensive to Zbruch. From 1923 he performed the duties of the head of the department of the Ukrainian Central Committee in the Lodz Voivodeship. Subsequently, for almost decades, from 1927 to 1936, the military headed the General Staff of the UNR Army in exile.

During this time, the General Staff under his leadership prepared a plan for the mobilization of the Ukrainian military in the event of a war for the restoration of Ukrainian independence, registered 40,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 4 thousand elders, and organized 70 training groups in Poland and individual groups in Romania, Czechoslovakia and France. In 1928, General-Horojji himself entered into an infantry and garrison service textbook for the Ukrainian army.

Military specialist, historian and publicist

At the same time, Pavel Shandruk pays considerable attention to the military science and history of the Ukrainian army, publishing numerous articles in Ukrainian and partly Polish military publications. It was at this time that the talent of the General-Horzhi as a military specialist, historian and political publicist was fully revealed.

In the camp newspaper "Iron Sagittarius", published in Kalisha during 1920-1924, Pavel Shandruk published works on military science and Ukrainian military history: "Defense on a stretched front and reflection of horse attacks", ""Slidesand their significance in battle "," Red General and his cavalry "" The Red Army in Russia in 1920 "," The Life of the Division. Military examination. "

In 1923-1924, Pavel Shandruk, together with the former Prime Minister of the UNR Government Vyacheslav Prokopovich, published a camp "Tabor" in Kalisha. It published essays on the history of the war of Ukraine for independence and notes about the latest weapons and military equipment - tanks, planes, artillery. Pavel Shandruk himself published in the magazine "Thoughts on the evolution of infantry tactics", "Panic in the war" and others.

Subsequently, the General-Horojji published a number of works on the history of modern Ukrainian army and the war of Ukraine for independence: Simon Petliura-the creator and the leader of the Ukrainian army "," The role of the Ukrainian army in the spread of national consciousness "," The UNR Army in the summer campaign of 1920 "," " The organization of the Ukrainian army in Podillya with the beginning of 1920 and the attack on the Mogilev "," Armed Acts of the Ukrainian Army in the War of 1920 "," The Genesis of the Polish-Ukrainian Agreement ". He organized materials for published in 1933 in Warsaw the book "The Ukrainian-Moscow War of 1920" in documents.

At the service of Poland

In 1936, Pavel Shandruk joined the Polish Army, where he served in the 2nd Battalion of the 18th Infantry Regiment in the city of Skernovitsa Lodzin Voivodeship in Major. He later studied at the Polish Higher Military School. The year before the Second World War, in September 1938, the Ukrainian military received the title of Lieutenant Colonel of the Polish Army.

After the beginning of the Second World War, Pavel Shandruk participated in the defense of Poland against the Third Reich attack. He first commanded the team of the team, and then held the positions of chief of staff and commander of the 29th infantry team. He distinguished himself in the battles against the Germans on the Zamost -Grubeshiv line and was subsequently represented by the Polish government in London before the Virtutari V Order of Virtutari V.

Pavel Shandruk's memoirs translation covers in Ukrainian in Ukrainian

Having been injured and captured by Pavel Shandruk for about four months wandered in the Nazi camps, until in January 1940 he was released at the request of the UNR President in the exile of Andriy Livitsky.

Coopered Cooperation with the Germans

Being occupied, Pavel Shandruk did not go for political cooperation with the Nazis for a long time. When, in 1940-1941, he worked as a former prisoner of war at German military headquarters, he was talking about purely technical work. He was forced to release from the camp and gladly got rid of it as soon as possible.

Therefore, until the end of 1944, Pavel Shandruk lived as a private person in Skernevitsa, where he headed a local cinema. Watching the activities of Ukrainian social and political figures in the Nazi occupied by Europe, he himself removed from any active cooperation with the Nazis.

It is rightly believed that cooperation with the Germans will look at the best unclear, Pavel Shandruk only agreed after long hesitation at the end of 1944 to head the Ukrainian National Committee in Weimar. The military managed to persuade the military of the UNR to exile Andiy Livitsky, who called Pavel Shandruk to take care of the fate of the Ukrainian soldiers who fought on the side of the Germans and who, in the event of Germany's defeat, could not be given to the Soviet Union in any case.

“It was necessary to take feverish measures,
To make the division not be issued to the Bolsheviks ”

Since then, Pavel Shandruk has returned to active political activity. In 1945, when the third Reich was already moving to the inevitable defeat, he was intended to form from the 14th Division of the SS "Halychyna" and some other units where Ukrainians served, the Ukrainian National Army (UNA). In fact, it was to become a revived army of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

At best, the purpose of the UNA was to continue the struggle for independent Ukraine after the defeat of Germany. In the worst, Pavel Shandruk hoped to surrender not before the Soviet troops, but in front of Western allies on the anti -Hitler coalition, in which Ukrainian soldiers could count, if not compassion, at least for understanding and justice.

"It was necessary to take feverish measures so that the division would not be issued to the Bolsheviks," he wrote in his memoirs.

This was done in May 1945 in Austria, where UNA soldiers fired weapons in front of British and American troops. So, going to forced cooperation with the Germans at the final stage of the war in Europe, Pavel Shandruk fulfilled a noble mission, saving tens of thousands of lives of Ukrainians from the inevitable massacre that was waiting for them in the USSR.

A Difficult Choice for a Noble Purpose

As we can see, during the Second World War, the fate of Pavel Shandruk was not easy, having undergone stunning changes and ending with a forced military-political collaboration with Nazi Third Reich.

However, his choice was dictated by the sole noble purpose - the desire, if not restored Ukraine's independence, at least to save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers.

Yaroslav Serednitsky's books about Pavel Shandruk

If it does not justify the fact of collaboration, then at least acceptable explains it. At least, Western allies treated Pavel Shandruk and the Ukrainian National Army soldiers. Initially, most of them were in the camp for interned near the Italian city of Rimini, and in 1947 they were given the opportunity to settle in the UK.

On emigration in the postwar years

Pavel Shandruk himself emigrated to the United States in 1948, where he actively participated in the activities of Ukrainian veterans and public organizations, published in Ukrainian periodicals an article on the history of the Ukrainian army and wrote a book of memoirs "The Army of the Twig".

For the scientific services of the military elected a full member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in emigration on the recommendation of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific and Philosophical Section.

General died on February 15, 1975 in Trenton, buried in the Bund Broost cemetery in New Jersey.

War and Politics: The right reasoning of Pavel Shandruk

The fate of Pavel Shandruk was not easy. He had to serve in the armies of different states and in different political regimes, agree to cooperate for political reasons and sacrifice his own security and partly a good name for the highest purpose.

However, despite all beyond any doubt, his figure deserves a fair assessment and respect for contribution to Ukraine's struggle for independence in the twentieth century. The descendants honored the memory of the military, establishing a memorial plaques in Nizhyn and the native village of Pavel Shandruk Borsuki in Ternopil region in his honor.

"Tsarist General" and "Moskal", who created the headquarters of the UNR Army. What do we know about Vladimir Sincler
«Царський генерал» і «москаль», який створив Штаб Армії УНР. Що ми знаємо про Володимира Сінклера

Special attention, selection for inaccessible publications, dust, popularization, new reading and modern rethinking deserves scientific and journalistic achievements of the military. To a large extent, it has not lost its relevance to this day.

To take at least the arguments of the military about "whether the military can engage in politics", on the one hand, "whether in the army or among the soldiers to manage politics", on the other:

  1. A military citizen must be politically aware of his civic duty.
  2. A military citizen can belong to any political and party organization (constructive-state).
  3. A citizen-war cannot and does not need to manage political and party work in the time of his or her active service.

A warrior citizen cannot fulfill his or her political and party duty during the war, but therefore does not cease to be (when he is) a member of the political and party organization. & lt;… & gt; A warrior who is in an active service in time cannot fulfill his or her political and party duty, but may not be forbidden to belong to a political and party organization.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/vid-komandyra-avtopanczernyka-do-komanduvacha-armiyi-yak-sluzhyv-ukrayini-soldat-perednogo-krayu-pavlo-shandruk/

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UAH 20 billion has been allocated for the construction of defense borders since the beginning of the year

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: Prime Minister Denis Shmigal has informed about it. According to him, the specified amount was ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T14-29-99
Tags: Денис Шмигаль, фортифікаційні споруди
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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allocated UAH 20 billion for fortification and construction of defense borders from the reserve fund of the state budget.

About thisreportedPrime Minister Denis Shmigal.

According to him, the specified amount was allocated from the beginning of 2024.

The head of government noted that the additional resource from other sources is almost UAH 11 billion.

How the military is being built by defensive borders: photo report from the Armyinform from Donetsk region
Як військові розбудовують оборонні рубежі: фоторепортаж від АрміяInform з Донеччини

Denis Shmigal said that almost UAH 3 billion was sent to the Ministry of Defense and the State Services. More than UAH 16 billion was allocated to regional administrations.

As reported by the Armyinform, the government allocated for the construction of fortifications in the Zaporozhye directionrecord amount- UAH 1.3 billion.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/20-mlrd-grn-vydileno-na-budivnycztvo-oboronnyh-rubezhiv-z-pochatku-roku/

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The occupiers minus 8 guns, 3 reb stations and 3 fortifications on the Dnieper Left Bank

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the defense forces of southern Ukraine. The command noted that the forces ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T14-52-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф
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On the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region, the forces of defense destroyed 47 invaders and three fortifications of Russians.

About thisreportDefense forces of South of Ukraine.

The command noted that the forces of defense continue to cause fire damage to the locations of the enemy, fire positions and rear.

In particular, the last day was confirmed that there were less than 8 guns, 3 radio electronic fighting systems and communication, 12 units of automobile equipment and 3 boats on the left bank.

We will remind, the forces of defense reported aboutincreased activity of enemy reconnaissance drones in the south.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the Tavriysk direction of the Russianslost the tank, 5 BBM, 3 Artsystems and almost 300 UAVs.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/u-okupantiv-minus-8-garmat-3-stancziyi-reb-ta-3-fortyfikaczijni-sporudy-na-livoberezhzhi-dnipra/

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Fireings of Ukraine, the situation on the front and supply of ammunition: President conducted a selector

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Head of State in the telegram. “He heard the minister and representatives ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T14-55-99
Tags: stoprussia, Володимир Зеленський, вторгнення рф, Президент України, селектор
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Illustrative photo

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky conducted a selector, heard, in addition to daily topics, the Minister of Defense and the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces on arms and ammunition in March.

About thisreportedHead of State in Telegram.

“He heard the Minister and Representatives of the Ministry of Defense on the actual arms and ammunition receipts, as well as planned receipts in March. He heard the head of the operational situation in the main directions, the audit of the Armed Forces, rotation of brigades and personnel decisions within their limits, ”the President said.

Vladimir Zelensky also reported intelligence, SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“He received the latest information about the rescue operation in Odessa. The parsing was completed. It is now important for people to receive all the proper help as soon as possible, including new housing instead of lost, ”he said, adding that he had instructed the head of the Ova to take control of it.

Also, according to the Head of State, the consequences of Kurakhov's shelling are eliminated, where Russian invaders hit the managed airboman on the residential quarter. People are also provided with all the necessary help.

The situation on the "grain corridor" was also discussed at the daily selector.

The Grain Corridor continues to show good dynamics - we are approaching 30 million tons of cargo, of which more than 8 million tons have been exported. We continue to develop alternative routes: the Danube and through Moldova, ” - summarized President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

As reportedArmyinform, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized the need to strengthen the air defense system to protect cities and civilians.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/obstrily-ukrayiny-sytuacziya-na-fronti-j-postachannya-boyeprypasiv-prezydent-proviv-selektor/

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Cyber Police told how to reach the defense forces, not fraudsters

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 4 by a cyber police, which gave some tips on the right ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T15-01-99
Tags: Кіберполіція, шахраї
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The volunteer movement in Ukraine became a phenomenon, but fraudsters captured the trend and began to make themselves for volunteers and charity funds to assign people's money.

About thisreportedOn March 4, the Cyber Police, which gave some tips on correct donations.

In particular, the department is advised in response to a request to lose money from friends from friends or acquaintances, to make sure that the message is published by a truly person, not a fraudster who received access to the user's account.

In other cases, the following steps are recommended to check the collection:

Fraudsters can be covered with well -known funds or inventing those that do not exist. To make sure that a charity fund or a public organization is real, take the following steps:

In addition, do not enter the full data of the bank card (validity, CVV code) when donations-this information can get to the fraudsters.

If you are still afraid to send funds to unknown volunteers and organizations, you can always join the fees of well -known funds.

BeforeIt was reportedthat the fraudsters broke accounts of the Verkhovna Rada staff to deceive the relatives of the prisoners.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/kiberpolicziya-rozpovila-yak-donatyty-sylam-oborony-a-ne-shahrayam/

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The first rehabilitation center for the military was opened in the Zaporozhye direction

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov. Currently in the center is passing ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T15-24-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Запоріжжя
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The first rehabilitation center for the military who wins the Zaporizhzhya direction began work.

About thisreportedHead of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov.

Currently, 25 defenders are undergoing rehabilitation, therapy and consultation of psychologists.

"The plan of the Zaporizhzhya region team for 2024 is to open a modern rehabilitation center for both military and their families and civilians who were injured from Russian aggression," Ivan Fedorov summarized.

As reportedArmyinform, a new rehabilitation department for the military was launched in Lviv region.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/na-zaporizkomu-napryamku-vidkryly-pershyj-reabilitaczijnyj-czentr-dlya-vijskovyh/

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In Dnipropetrovsk, Ukrainian air defense destroyed the enemy managed missile X-59

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Air Command "East" "in the Dnieper district ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T15-45-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, ППО
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M51.3 ballistic missile. Photo: DGA Picture

Today, the East Warriors shot down the controlled X-59 aviation missile in the sky above the Dnipropetrovsk region.

About thisinformsEast Air Command

"In the Dniprovsky district of Dnipropetrovsk region, the Air Command" East "was destroyed by a managed air aviation missile X-59,"-the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, Yuri Ignat told aboutThe seventh day without hostile A-50 near Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/na-dnipropetrovshhyni-ukrayinska-ppo-znyshhyla-vorozhu-kerovanu-raketu-h-59-2/

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The Defense Agency is introducing a new tool for safe and competitive weapons purchase

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine informs about it. This is provided by the office approved ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T16-00-99
Tags: Агенція оборонних закупівель, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, МОУ
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The State Enterprise of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine "Defense Procurement Agency" (AOP) has the right to use framework agreements to meet the needs of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defence Ukraine.

This is envisaged by the Cabinet of Ministers by the Cabinet of Ministers “On Amendments to paragraph 3 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 1, 2022, number 1275”. The document was developed by the Ministry of Defense to expand AOP capabilities.

"This tool has a number of advantages and will allow defense purchases to competitive ways, without revealing sensitive information to the generally, as it can be a threat to users of the electronic procurement system," the statement said.

Also, the framework agreement for defense needs is more dynamic and allows participants to join it throughout the validity.

"This provides transparency, development of the competitiveness of the environment, favorable conditions for business and involving it in defense purchases," - summed up in the defense department.

As reportedArmyinform, 20,000 tactical headphones were purchased for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/agencziya-oboronnyh-zakupivel-vprovadzhuye-novyj-instrument-dlya-bezpechnogo-ta-konkurentnogo-prydbannya-zbroyi/

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In Kiev, the former TV presenter will be tried for collaborative activity

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was announced on March 4 by the Office of the Prosecutor General. He is charged ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T16-03-99
Tags: колаборант, Офіс Генерального прокурора
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An indictment against a lawyer, a former politician, a public figure, a TV presenter of the prohibited TV channel in Ukraine went to court.

About it March 4reportedOffice of the Prosecutor General.

He was charged with collaborative activity and justification of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, started in 2014 (Part 6 of Article 111-1, Part 2, 3, Article 436-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The investigation found that the accused, being a Ukrainian politician and public figure, through social networks and Russian media resources carrying out information activities in cooperation with the aggressor state.

The accused placed an interview with his participation on the Russian -controlled Russian information resource.

In his programs and interviews, he deliberately and purposefully spread Russian narratives that European allies of Ukraine actually use Ukrainians to build accounts with the Russian Federation and intend to seize and divide the lands of Western Ukraine.

On his own YouTube channel, he also places manipulative, distorted information about events and historical facts concerning Ukraine, promotes Russian propaganda about joint history and heroes.

The defendant translates the guilt in Ukraine in Ukraine and the current power, denying and justifying the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

According to the conclusions of forensic linguistic expertise, the content and context of the accused statements in videos indicate the implementation of information activities in cooperation with the aggressor state aimed at supporting the aggressor state and avoiding responsibility for armed aggression against Ukraine, as well Russian Federation.

As the accused went outside Ukraine after the large -scale invasion began, criminal proceedings were carried out under the procedure of special pre -trial investigation.

Earlier in Kharkiv regionwas exposedThe former teacher who passed the enemy of Ukrainian patriots during the occupation.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/v-kyyevi-kolyshnogo-televeduchogo-sudytymut-za-kolaboraczijnu-diyalnist/

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1 person wounded as result of Russian drone attack in Beryslav

Action: drone-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633353
(Longitude: 33.41698, Latitude: 46.83659)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/suspilnenews/29809
Published Time: 2024-03-04T16-16-00
Tags: Kherson

1 person wounded as result of Russian drone attack in Beryslav

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-1-person-wounded-as-result-of-russian-drone-attack

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Canadian military showed how Ukrainian sappers teach

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Canada's armed forces inform about it. “Mines and other explosive items ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T16-18-99
Tags: stoprussia, Канадські військові, розмінування, Світ підтримує Україну
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The Armed Forces of Canada showed how Canadian servicemen in the UK teach Ukrainian sappers of mine method.

About thisinformCanada's armed forces.

“Mines and other explosive objects pose a constant danger on a modern battlefield. To help save lives, Canada's armed forces stationed in the UK as part of a UNifayer surgery teach the warriors of the Armed Forces of Ukraine how to identify, avoid and neutralize these dangers, ”the message reads.

As reportedArmyinform, Canadian military in Poland has prepared more than 470 Ukrainian sappers.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/kanadski-vijskovi-pokazaly-yak-navchayut-ukrayinskyh-saperiv/

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Spent the assembled "donat" for the Armed Forces on the online casin

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Kharkiv Prosecutor's Office. "The benefactor" was raising money from indifferent ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T16-36-99
Tags: stoprussia, колаборант, суд, Харків
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustrative photo

The Kharkiv, who collected "donat" for the military of the Armed Forces and then spent them on online casinos, will be tried for fraud. In total, the attacker looked at more than 20 citizens and seized almost 150 thousand hryvnias.

About thisinformsKharkiv Prosecutor's Office.

The benefactor collected money from indifferent Ukrainians to drone, bulletproof vests, radios, helmets, generator, batteries and more. He was a 39-year-old Kharkiv resident.

"During the second half of 2022, under the guise of a volunteer, he published an announcement of money on social networks for the collection of money for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the statement said.

The texts of the dealers' ads were published under loud headlines, such as "for fighters under Kharkov", "for the soldiers who defend Bakhmut." However, the money received from philanthropists was appropriated by the attacker for games in online casinos.

“In total, the Kharkiv resident has been looking for more than 20 citizens. The total amount that the fraudulent took place is almost 150 thousand hryvnias, ”the prosecutor's office said.

Law enforcement officers exposed the man, now he will be tried in Kharkiv.

As reportedArmyinform, in Kiev, the former TV presenter will be tried for collaborative activities.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/vytratyv-zibrani-donaty-dlya-zsu-na-onlajn-kazyno-pered-sudom-postane-volonter-shahraj/

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A deliberate attack on civilians is a war crime: in the EU condemned a blow to Russia in Odessa in Odessa

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was stated by the spokesman of the European Union Peter. “As a result of a drone attack on ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T16-49-99
Tags: stoprussia, YES, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Одещина, Харківський трибунал
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In the European Union, they responded to the Russian attack of drones in Odessa, emphasizing that a deliberate attack on civilians is a war crime.

About thisstatedThe spokesman of the European Union Peter.

“As a result of the drone attack on Odessa, 12 people were killed on the weekend, including 5 children. A deliberate attack on civilians is a war crime and another example of Putin's response to those who believe that peace with Russia is possible, ”he stressed.

As reportedArmyinform, in Odessa 12 dead: under the rubble rescuers found the body of another child.

Earlier it became known that from under the rubble of the high-rise building in OdessaThey gotThe body of a 10-year-old boy.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/navmysnyj-napad-na-czyvilnyh-ye-voyennym-zlochynom-v-yes-zasudyly-udar-rosiyi-po-budynku-v-odesi/

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The government will look for additional funds for defense within the country and abroad

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Prime Minister Denis Shmigal stated this at a press conference on March 4. "IN...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T16-58-99
Tags: витрати на оборону, Денис Шмигаль, Фінанси
Images: 000000.jpg

This year, UAH 1.7 trillion is laid in the budget of the security and defense sector, while last year there were almost 2 trillion UAH.

About it at the March 4th Press ConferencestatedPrime Minister Denis Shmigal.

"In any case, this year, with the intensity of the fighting that is today, we will need to make a decision to additional financing our security and defense forces," Denis Shmigal said.

At the same time, the prime minister was believed that the amount of co -financing will not be needed.

According to him, Ukrainian enterprises now strongly develop their capabilities for the production of military equipment, ammunition, etc.

“These things we will need funds, and we are now actively exploring them in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense, a minestable, and look at the tools of state guarantees. We work with our partners on this, ”Denis Shmigal said.

According to him, for military defense procurement, the United Kingdom provided Ukraine with 3.5 billion pounds. There is also an agreement with the Italian State Agency for Ukraine's allocation of EUR 1.5 billion. And the United States will allocate $ 3 billion for defense purchases for Ukraine.

"We have an internal resource and a large external resource that is not taken into account in the budget, but it exists," Denis Shmigal assured.

BeforeIt became knownthat the government has allocated almost UAH 40 billion for the purchase of drones.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/uryad-shukatyme-dodatkovi-koshty-na-oboronu-vseredyni-krayiny-ta-za-kordonom/

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Over UAH 34 billion has already been transferred from the National Bank's special account to the National Bank's special account

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The NBU press service reports. “In general, since the beginning of the war from a special account for needs ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T17-02-99
Tags: Нацбанк, Сили оборони України, спецрахунов
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Since the beginning of a large -scale invasion of a special account opened by the National Bank of Ukraine, more than UAH 34 billion has been transferred to the needs of defense.

About thisinformsNBU press service.

"In general, since the beginning of the war, the National Bank has transferred more than UAH 34 billion to the needs of defense, in February 2024 - more than UAH 846 million," the statement reads.

Thus, as of March 1, 2024, the balance of funds for a special account, which the National Bank opened to support the Defense Forces on February 24, 2022, amounts to more than UAH 1.6 billion. Last month, almost UAH 675 million was received for a special account. In total, from the beginning of the war, more than UAH 35.5 billion was received in the special account.

The funds were transferred by both citizens and enterprises of Ukraine and the international community (including the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Switzerland, Norway, Australia, France, Canada, Bulgaria, Hong Kong and many other countries). From abroad, more than UAH 15.8 billion has been equivalent in foreign currency.

As reportedArmyinform,France has published a list of weapons transmitted to Ukraine in two years: among the provided - air defense systems, armored vehicles and missiles.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/zi-speczrahunka-naczbanku-na-potreby-oborony-vzhe-pererahovano-ponad-34-mlrd-gryven/

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As a result of Kherson's shelling damaged educational institution

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the head of Kherson MVA Roman Mrochko. “Another educational institution on ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T17-16-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Харківський трибунал
Images: 000000.jpeg

Russian troops from the temporarily occupied left shore were fired at the Dnieper district of Kherson. The school was damaged again.

About thisinformsKherson MBA Head Roman Mrochko.

"Another educational institution in Kherson was damaged as a result of enemy shelling," the message reads.

As reportedArmyinform, in Beryslav the Russians dropped out explosives from the drone, a man was wounded.

We will remind, during the last day the Russian militarykissed in residential quarterssettlements of Kherson region, in particular 9 high -rise buildings and 16 private homes were damaged.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/vnaslidok-obstrilu-hersona-poshkodzhenyj-zaklad-osvity/

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National Military Memorial Cemetery: When will work begin and what will be the mourning house

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: He wrote about it temporarily Acting Minister for Veterans Alexander ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T17-32-99
Tags: Мінветеранів, Національне військове меморіальне кладовище, Олександр Порхун
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The creation of a National Military Memorial Cemetery is one of the largest states of the state and Ministry of Veterans, in particular.

He is about itwroteTemporarily Acting Minister for Veterans Affairs Alexander Pryhun and showed the project of the National Military Memorial Cemetery.

According to him, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has simplified the procedure for removing green spaces - this is important for the construction of NVMC.

“The territory of the future cemetery in Gatny near Kiev is forest. The NVMC project provides the maximum preservation of trees, but in order to start preparatory work, it is necessary to remove trees directly under the planned construction sites, as well as emergency plantations and dry stands. And these works will already begin in March, ”Alexander Pazun explained.

At the same time, all plantations that will be removed will be transferred to the needs of defense forces.

“In parallel, we take the first construction of the construction. And this is directly the fields of military burials, Columbarium, ”he added.

Alexander Pazhun also posted a photo of the site where the cemetery is planned:

As reportedArmyinform, a sketch project of the National Military Memorial Cemetery is presented.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/naczionalne-vijskove-memorialne-kladovyshhe-koly-rozpochnutsya-roboty-ta-yakym-bude-budynok-trauru/

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Dmytro Kuleba discussed with Radoslav Sikorsky Ways to increase weapons deliveries to Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of Ukrainian diplomacy reported this on Twitter. “We focused on the paths ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T17-48-99
Tags: stoprussia, вторгнення рф, Дмитро Кулеба, Радослав Сікорський
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Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Poland Dmytro Kuleba and Radoslav Sikorsky discussed ways of increasing the supply of weapons and resolving the situation at the border.

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy was about itreportedIn Twitter.

"We have focused on the ways of increasing the supply of weapons to Ukraine, with a special emphasis on artillery ammunition and air defense for better protection of our troops from attacks by Russian aviation and drones," he emphasized.

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy thanked Poland for ensuring uninterrupted delivery of military and humanitarian assistance across the border and stressed that together with Radoslav Sikorsky, he positively noted the interaction between the sectoral ministries of both countries in finding ways to resolve the situation on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

The parties also exchanged views on a recent summit in Paris. Dmytro Kuleba congratulated the beginning of an important discussion on ways of ensuring European security by strengthening Ukraine's support and emphasizing the importance of urgent decisive action.

As reportedArmyinform, Ukraine expects that the EU will increase the supply of artillery shells as soon as possible.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/dmytro-kuleba-obgovoryv-z-radoslavom-sikorskym-shlyahy-zbilshennya-postavok-zbroyi-v-ukrayinu/

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Rosarmia fired at the Zaporozhye region cassette, is the dead

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov. According to him, one person ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T17-54-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли
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Photo Illustrative / Sergey Nuzhnenko

The army of the Russian Federation fired at the Zaporozhye region with cassette ammunition, as a result of shelling is known about one dead.

About thisreportedHead of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov.

According to him, one person died as a result of a hostile shelling of the Zaporizhzhya district.

“The Russians fired at the village of Christmas district of Zaporizhzhya district of Zaporizhzhya region twice. The second shelling took away the life of a civilian. We will not forgive, ”Ivan Fedorov emphasized.

We will remind, as a result of Kherson firingThe educational institution is damaged.

As reportedArmyinform, in Beryslav the Russians dropped out explosives from the drone, a man was wounded.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/rosarmiya-obstrilyala-kasetnymy-snaryadamy-zaporizku-oblast-ye-zagyblyj/

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The official website of the International Damage Register has been launched

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Irina Wise. As noted, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T18-11-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Мін'юст
Images: 000000.jpg

From now on, the official website of the International Register of Losses caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which was created by the Committee of Ministers of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the creation of an extended partial agreement regarding the register of losses caused by aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, CM/RES (2023) 3 of May 12, 2023, was established .

About thisreportedDeputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Irina Wise.

As it is noted, the resource is created to cover the activities of the International Register of Losses among the general public. On the website you can read information about the loss register, find out about the latest news and events related to its work.

In addition, potential applicants will be able to find answers to the most common questions, find out information about the beginning and procedure of submitting applications for damages, etc.

The website is available in Ukrainian and English. The French version of the website will be available later.Linkon the website of the International Register of Loss.

As Irina Wise stressed, the International Register of Damage is the first component of the international compensation mechanism to consist of a loss register, a commission for consideration of applications and the compensation fund.

“The register of losses serves as a documentary form of accounting of evidence and information on applications for damages, losses or damage caused on February 24, 2022 or later in the territory of Ukraine within its international excellent borders, including its territorial waters, all interested individuals and legal entities, as well as the state of Ukraine, including its regional and local authorities, state or controlled institutions, international acts of the Russian Federation in Ukraine or against Ukraine, ”the Deputy Minister recalled.

The International Damage Register is located in Hague.

According to the Deputy Minister of Justice, Ukraine, together with other member states and associated members of the Register of losses, is actively carrying out a number of measures aimed at the lowest full-fledged launch of the International Register of losses as soon as possible.

It is expected that the loss register will start receiving the first applications in April 2024. The start of the receipt will be reported additionally.

As reported by the Armyinform, Ukraine has an extremely realistic chanceGet reparations before the end of the war.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/zapushheno-oficzijnyj-vebsajt-mizhnarodnogo-reyestru-zbytkiv/

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The Ministry of Defense's audit found 30 thousand turnstiles that were stored for almost a year: part has already been released in the Armed Forces

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports about it. As noted, these turnstiles were obtained ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T18-14-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, міноборони
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Auditors of the Ministry of Defense found in the repository of one of the military units of subordination of the command of medical forces in Zhytomyr region nearly 30 thousand new quality medical turnstiles of SOF production of US production.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defence Ukraine.

As it is noted, these turnstiles were obtained in April 2023, and only six months later the military unit issued the first of them to the military - only 458 units.

The results of the internal audit were reported to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov.

The department also emphasized that after the audit, responsible officials have begun issuance of turnstiles, now almost a third - already with servicemen.

Also initiated the issuance of other medical property (individual first aid kits, backpacks for combat physicians), which were stored in the warehouses for a long time in large numbers.

“The task of the internal audit of the Ministry of Defense is not just to identify and respond to abuse, but also to prevent inefficient use of military resource. Due to the more efficient planning, increased accountability, solidarity at all levels of decision making, ”said Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Dzhigir.

As reported by the Armyinform, from the National Bank special accountfor defense needsMore than UAH 34 billion has already been transferred.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/audyt-minoborony-vyyavyv-30-tysyach-turniketiv-yaki-zberigalysya-majzhe-rik-chastynu-vzhe-vydaly-vijskovosluzhbovczyam/

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The third assault burning orcs near Avdiivka, GUR has abducted data from the Ministry of Defense

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: At night, the third assault track of the enemy infantry in one of the forest strips near Avdiivka ....
Published Time: 2024-03-04T18-39-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Армія TV, війна
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The soldiers of the 60 separate mechanized brigade managed to repel three waves of storms in the estuary. The enemy threw two BMP-2 one T-90m BMP-2 and four Chinese allies "Desertcross 1000-3".

At night, the third assault track of the enemy infantry in one of the forest strips near Avdiivka. From the drones, the fighters adjusted the artillery fire and covered the landing with the occupiers.

Cyberfachivtsi GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine received access to servers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Now the Ukrainian intelligence service has software to protect information and encryption used by the Russian Federation, as well as - an array of secret official documentation of the Russians.

You will also see the fighters of the 5th separate assault brigade on armored personnel carriers shot Russian near Bakhmut.

These and other topics are discussed by our presenters - junior lieutenant Sergei Lipko and Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Misyura.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/tretya-shturmova-palyt-okiv-pid-avdiyivskoyu-gur-vykralo-dani-minoborony-rf-strim-iz-mista-na-shodi/

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The enemy has attacked Nikopol region by artillery and drones, there is destruction

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak. According to him, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T18-49-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф
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During the day, the army of the Russian Federation attacked Nikopol region with artillery and shock drones eight times.

About thisreportedHead of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak.

According to him, during the day from the attacks of the enemy, the Nikopol region - the district center and the manganese community.

Fortunately, there are no victims, but there is destruction.

“Damaged private enterprise, 9 local homes. The mutilated economic building, another is destroyed. Drilled minibus and garage. Several transmission lines and gas pipes were affected. There was a fire, it was promptly extinguished, ”said Sergei Lisak.

In addition, the head of the Ova noted that in the Dnieper district there was a air defense. Due to the fall of the whipped rocket, a building was not operated. Fire rescuers tamed.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Dnipropetrovsk Ukrainian air defense withdestroyed the enemy managed rocket X-59.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/vorog-visim-raziv-atakuvav-nikopolshhynu-artyleriyeyu-ta-dronamy-ye-rujnuvannya/

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Russian Ministry of Defense says a drone was shot down over Bryansk region of Russia

Action: aa-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633377
(Longitude: 32.20643, Latitude: 52.29231)
Geographic Location: Bryansk
News Source: https://t.me/rian_ru/233930
Published Time: 2024-03-04T18-56-00
Tags: Bryansk

Russian Ministry of Defense says a drone was shot down over Bryansk region of Russia

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-russian-ministry-of-defense-says-a-drone-was-shot

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The President has appointed a new commander of support forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This is stated in Decree No. 141/2024, which published the President's office. “To appoint Yakovets ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T19-01-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, Володимир Зеленський, вторгнення рф, Указ Президента України
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President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has appointed a new commander of the Forces of Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He became brigade General Alexander Yakovets.

This is stated in the decree№ 141/2024, which published the President's office.

"To appoint Yakovts Alexander Vasilyevich commander of support forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," - he reads.

Before that, Volodymyr Zelenskyy dismissed Major General Dmitry Gerega from this position.

As reported by the Armyinform, the President has appointedthe new commander of the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/prezydent-pryznachyv-novogo-komanduvacha-syl-pidtrymky-zbrojnyh-syl-ukrayiny/

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Defense forces repelled 37 enemy attacks in Novopavlovsky and Avdiivskyi directions

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. In the Kupyansk direction the enemy is 6 times ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T19-15-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ, оперативна інформація, Хроніка оборони
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There were 63 combat clashes during the day. In total, the enemy caused 5 missile and 44 aircraft strikes, and made 68 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In Kupyansk directionThe enemy attacked the positions of our defenders 6 times in the area of the settlement of Sinkivka of Kharkiv region.

In the estuary directionOur warriors reflect 1 attack of the enemy in the area of the settlement of Terny of Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Bakhmut directionDefense forces were reflected 3 attacks of the enemy in the area of the settlement of Andreevka, Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to improve his tactical position.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders reflect 21 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Novoselivka, Berdychi, Tonny, Pervomaisk, Nevelskoye Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the districts of Georgiivka, Novomykhailivka, Vodyany, Prychistivka and the Harvest Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, the enemy tried 16 times to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Orikhiv directionThe enemy of the offensive (assault) did not take action.

In the Kherson directionThe enemy does not give up the intention to knock out our units from the bridgeheads on the Dnieper Left Bank, despite significant losses. Thus, during the day the enemy 2 times performed unsuccessful assault actions.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Defense Forces of Ukraine have been liquidated over the past week6400 Russian invaders and over 250 units of armored vehicles.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/syly-oborony-vidbyly-37-vorozhyh-atak-na-novopavlivskomu-ta-avdiyivskomu-napryamkah/

[Previous Article]#[Next]

The army of the Russian Federation from the beginning of a large -scale war made 1068 chemical attacks in Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the command of forces of support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. “Mobile groups ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T19-28-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Командування Сил підтримки Збройних Сил України
Images: 000000.jpg

Since the beginning of a large -scale war, Russia has made 1068 chemical attacks in Ukraine, 250 of them this February.

About thisinformsCommand of Forces of Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The mobile groups and other units of group and support groups have recorded 1068 facts of use by the Russian Federation of Tears Action Irritants, which are equipped with poisonous chemicals prohibited for war (fighting) of Article 1 of the Convention on Chemical Weapons,"

As it is noted, in February 2024, 250 cases were recorded (244 cases of use of GPs, one case of gas use and five cases of use of other ammunition with a chemical).

The intelligence units are selected by soil samples, vegetation, fragments of ammunition and send them for analyzes.

In the framework of open criminal proceedings, documented cases of use of hazardous chemicals are provided to the investigative bodies for investigative actions.

As reported by the Armyinform, Russian troopsnine times used chemical weapons against the Armed Forcesin the Zaporozhye direction.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/armiya-rf-vid-pochatku-shyrokomasshtabnoyi-vijny-zdijsnyla-1068-himichnyh-atak-v-ukrayini/

[Previous Article]#[Next]

Ukrainian aviation during the day struck 9 beats on Rosarmia

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. “The missile troops were inflicted ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T19-46-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ, оперативна інформація, Хроніка оборони
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During the day, the Aviation of Defense forces struck 8 areas of personnel concentration and 1 land management station of the enemy UAV.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The departments of rocket troops have affected 1 area of concentration of personnel, 1 agent of air defense and 6 enemy artillery means," the statement said.

Recall that the forces and means of air defense of Ukraine are destroyedone-managed X-59 aviation missile.

As reported by the Armyinform, the forces of defense repelled 37 enemy attacks in Novopavlovsky and Avdiivskyi directions.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/ukrayinska-aviacziya-protyagom-doby-zavdala-9-udariv-po-rosarmiyi/

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Explosions were reported in Sloviansk

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633389
(Longitude: 37.70413, Latitude: 48.86301)
Geographic Location: Sloviansk
News Source: https://t.me/Donbas_Operativnyi/72062
Published Time: 2024-03-04T19-59-00
Tags: Sloviansk
Images: 000000.jpg

Explosions were reported in Sloviansk

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-explosions-were-reported-in-sloviansk

[Previous Article]#[Next]

Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting with Rustem Umerov

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Head of State reported this in the evening address. “Rustem Umerov's Defense Minister ....
Published Time: 2024-03-04T20-02-99
Tags: stoprussia, Володимир Зеленський, вторгнення рф, Президент України, Рустем Умєров
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President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting with the Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov, during which he discussed the issue of weapons supply for combat brigades.

The head of statereportedIn the evening address.

«Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov. He held a separate meeting with him. Supply of weapons, fair and correct provision of brigades. Every combat brigade, every front unit must receive more available modern weapons, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.

A separate conversation on which the president focused is the supply of drones. The head of state noted in this matter a good trend, in particular on our long -range drones.

As reportedArmyinform,At today's selector, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy discussed with the Minister of Defense and the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of weapons and ammunition in March.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/volodymyr-zelenskyj-proviv-naradu-z-rustemom-umyerovym/

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The names of another 25 collaborators who went to the occupying "Ministry of Internal Affairs" in Kherson region became known

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Security Service of Ukraine informs about it. According to the investigation, the persons involved in voluntarily ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T20-04-99
Tags: stoprussia, війна, вторгнення рф, СБУ
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Illustrative photo

Law enforcement officers installed another 25 collaborators who entered the aggressor of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the Left Bank of Kherson region.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

According to the investigation, the defendants voluntarily joined the pseudo -institution at the beginning of the occupation of the regional center.

"Then they were appointed to various" positions "within the Dnieper, Ship and Central" Departments "of the punitive body of the aggressor country," the department said.

It is established that the selection of "personnel" for illegal formation was carried out by personnel staff of the FSB.

"After passing the" interviews ", collaborators were given" certificates ", firearms with ammunition, and uniforms of Russian sample clothing. Being in the ranks of the occupying "branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", the persons involved are involved in mass repression against the locals, " - the message reads.

According to the SBU, the attackers fabricate "cases" against Ukrainian patriots. And then they are stolen from their own premises or in the middle of the street and imprisoned to Russian torture.

“During such“ plaque ”collaborators plunder the victims under the guise of“ searches ”. Thus, hostile associates help the invaders to spread the Kremlin regime in the temporarily captured territories of Ukraine, ”the department said.

On the basis of documented facts, investigators of the Security Service informed the defendants in absentia about the suspicion under Part 7 of Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (collaborative activity).

As noted, the list includes:

As the exposed collaborators are on the temporarily occupied part of Ukraine, complex measures are underway to bring them accountable. Each of them will be found and punished!

The investigation was conducted in conjunction with the National Police under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor General's Office.

We will remind, in Kiev the former TV presenterwill judge for a collaborative activity.

Earlier in Kharkiv regionwas exposedThe former teacher who passed the enemy of Ukrainian patriots during the occupation.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/staly-vidomi-imena-shhe-25-kolaborantiv-yaki-perejshly-do-okupaczijnogo-mvs-rf-na-hersonshhyni/

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The Ministry of Health begins checking the military-doctor commissions in Kiev

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of the department Viktor Lyashko. The Minister has signed the relevant order ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T20-16-99
Tags: Віктор Ляшко, влк, МОЗ
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The Ministry of Health begins to check all military medical commissions in Kiev.

About thisreportedVictor Lyashko, head of the department.

The Minister has signed an appropriate order to create a working group for inspection.

Viktor Lyashko explained that such a decision was caused by an increase in the number of complaints. The main ones relate to the very basic things that the head of the department assured, can be promptly corrected. In particular, it is non -compliance with an electronic queue, the lack of basic conditions for comfortable passage of VLK and not optimized routes.

The Minister recalled that in order to accelerate the passage of the GDL and make it more convenient, last year a separate package was introduced within the framework of the medical guarantee program, which allows the military to undergo a medical examination in a civilian medical facility with a clearly defined limit. At the same time, Viktor Lyashko recognized, some of the VLK still operates on the basis of the centers, not civilian medical institutions.

However, other things will not be left out of the ministry's attention:

“The list can be continued. There are many questions. Not all of the MOH has direct levers of influence, but for our part we will in every way help so that everyone worked in the legal field without exception. To do this, we cooperate with law enforcement. We are in dialogue with military administrations, ”he stressed.

The head of the department urged to report the violation. This will help you better understand where there are problems and accordingly to react. As for VLK in civilian medical facilities, you can contact:0 800 60 20 19.

As reportedArmyinform, the Ministry of Defense's audit found 30 thousand turnstiles that were stored for almost a year: part has already been released in the Armed Forces.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/moz-pochynaye-perevirku-vijskovo-likarskyh-komisij-u-kyyevi/

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In the Donetsk region, two rescuers were killed during the extinguishing of the fire caused by shelling

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Klimenko reported about it. “Today, while extinguishing a fire in ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T20-33-99
Tags: агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Ігор Клименко, обстріл донеччини
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Two Ukrainian firefighters were killed, three more were injured as a result of Russian drones during extinguishing a fire caused by shelling in Donetsk region.

About thisreportedMinistry of Internal Affairs Igor Klimenko.

“Today, while extinguishing a fire in the Kramatorsk district, rescuers of the Slavic garrison were re -fired by Russians. The enemy struck the drone and fire equipment, ”he said.

29-year-old Oleg Martynenko and 31-year-old Bogdan Ravlyk were killed. Three more rescuers were injured, they are provided with medical care.

"Our rescuers have no weapons, they risked their lives so that others could live," the Ministry of Internal Affairs head said.

As reportedArmyinform, the enemy attacked Nikopol region eight times with artillery and drones, there is destruction.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/na-donechchyni-pid-chas-gasinnya-pozhezhi-sprychynenoyi-obstrilamy-zagynuly-dvoye-ryatuvalnykiv/

[Previous Article]#[Next]

Rustem Umerov and Alexander Syrsky were discussed with British colleagues the use of drones in Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: The head of the defense department of Ukraine wrote about it on his Facebook page. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T20-41-99
Tags: агресія рф, дрони, Олександр Сирський, Рустем Умєров, Світ підтримує Україну
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The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov, together with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Colonel-General Alexander Syrsky conducted a telephone conversation with the Minister of Defense of the United Kingdom Grant Shapps and Commander of the Armed Forces Admiral Sir Anthony Radakin.

About this the head of the Defense Office of UkrainewroteOn his Facebook page.

Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky informed his colleagues about the operational situation and urgent needs.

“We have also discussed the possibilities of implementation within the coalition for the development of maritime capabilities. We need to scale Ukraine's success in destroying the Russian Navy. Therefore, we need to increase the use of drones in Ukraine, ”Rustem Umerov said.

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine thanked the United Kingdom for the allocation of 200 million pounds for the production of drones for Ukraine.

As reportedArmyinform.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/rustem-umyerov-i-oleksandr-syrskyj-obgovoryly-z-brytanskymy-kolegamy-vykorystannya-droniv-v-ukrayini/

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Igor Klimenko showed how our warriors destroyed nearly 60 Russian armor in a week

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported and published by the appropriate video Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klimenko. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T20-55-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Нацгвардія
Images: 000000.jpg

The soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine destroyed 57 armor with the personnel of Russian troops, 55 artillery systems and 19 enemy tanks last week.

About thisreportedBut the appropriate video was published by the Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klimenko.

According to him, the video is the work of the Aeraconian of the Brigade of the Guard of the Spaartan offensive in the Zaporizhzhya direction, which accurate discharges hit the small holes of the dugouts and open hatches of equipment.

“The willingness to defend Ukraine and fight for freedom is always unchanged by the fighters of the National Guard of Ukraine. Our boys and girls are ready to destroy as many invaders and enemy equipment as it takes for peace and tranquility, ”Igor Klimenko emphasized.

Also during the specified time, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs head, the National Guards destroyed 79 units of enemy armored vehicles, 64 military cars, two rockets of volley fire and seven warehouses with the ammunition.

We will remind, in the Tavriysk direction of the Russianslost the tank, 5 BBM, 3 Artsystems and almost 300 UAVs.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Defense Forces of Ukraine have been liquidated over the past week6400 Russian invaders and over 250 units of armored vehicles.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/igor-klymenko-pokazav-yak-nashi-voyiny-za-tyzhden-znyshhyly-majzhe-60-rosijskyh-blindazhiv/

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Lithuania will join the Czech Initiative for Ammunition Purchase for Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини, Новини світу та України
Description: About it on the results of the telephone conversation of the Prime Minister of Lithuania Ingrida Shimonize with Czech ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T21-02-99
Tags: stoprussia, вторгнення рф, Литва, Світ підтримує Україну, Чехія
Images: 000000.jpg

Lithuania will join the multilateral initiative, which was started by the Czech Republic for the acquisition and transfer of artillery ammunition to Ukraine from outside the European Union.

About it on the results of the telephone conversation of the Prime Minister of Lithuania Ingrida Shimonite with Czech colleague Peter FialareportedLithuanian government.

The head of the Lithuanian government called Czech initiative very important, "especially at this time when the supply of ammunition to Ukraine has slowed."

"Lithuania will continue to support all the formats of assistance that will increase Ukraine's ability to effectively protect against Russian aggression, thereby protecting the freedom of all Europe," Ingrid Shimonite emphasized.

As part of this initiative, the country is involved in the joint purchase and transmission of ammunition to Ukraine, determining the possible reserves of ammunition or fast production sources.

Lithuania and the Czech Republic have also discussed the security situation in the region, the importance of increasing defense investment in Europe and determining bilateral relations.

As reportedArmyinform, The Czech Republic approved the continuation of Ukrainian military training in 2024.

Recall, the ministers of Lithuania and the United States in WashingtonThey will discussUkraine's support and NATO summit.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/lytva-doluchytsya-do-inicziatyvy-chehiyi-iz-zakupivli-boyeprypasiv-dlya-ukrayiny/

[Previous Article]#[Next]

Explosion was reported in Dnipro, possible air defense was active against a missile

Action: aa-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633390
(Longitude: 35.15605, Latitude: 48.37258)
Geographic Location: Dnipropetrovsk region
News Source: https://t.me/hyevuy_dnepr/67144
Published Time: 2024-03-04T21-20-00
Tags: Dnipropetrovsk region

Explosion was reported in Dnipro, possible air defense was active against a missile

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-explosion-was-reported-in-dnipro-possible-air-defense

[Previous Article]#[Next]

The court declared a sentence in attempting to bribe the commander of Odessa

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Specialized Anti -Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP). According to their data, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T21-22-99
Tags: командувач ОСУВ «Одеса», суд, хабар
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Today, on March 4, the panel of judges of the Supreme Anti -Corruption Court announced an indictment of a citizen who was exposed to the submission of UAH 200,000 to the unlawful benefit of the Odessa Odessa Commander for issuing a separate order to obtain a bioresources permit in the prohibited border area.

About thisinformsSpecialized Anti -Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP).

According to them, the suspect fully pleaded guilty.

“The court agreed with the arguments of the SAP prosecutor and found the person guilty of committing the crime under Part 1 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Taking into account the full recognition of the person of his guilt, the court imposed a penalty of UAH 51 thousand, another 340 thousand UAH will be paid by a legal entity in which the citizen acted, ”the statement said.

In addition, the court confiscated 200 thousand UAH of undue benefit that was transferred to the official.

The prosecutor's office noted that in the process of pre -trial investigation into the needs of the country's defense capability, a legal entity, the head of which is the accused, was listed as charitable assistance 1 million UAH.

As reportedArmyinform, the commander of Odessa helped to expose a bribery.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/sud-ogolosyv-vyrok-u-sprobi-pidkupu-komanduvacha-osuv-odesa/

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In Donetsk, the clown from Italy stands in front of children: some of the toddler smiled for the first time

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Публікації
Description: Even a young man in the form of Clown Pimbo, he began to walk on children's wards of hospitals, and already in ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T21-25-99
Tags: Марко Родарі
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Once again, the famous Italian clown Marco Rodari comes to Donetsk region with a simple mission he had once chosen - to support children in difficult situations.

Another young man in the form of Clown Pimbo, he began to walk in children's wards of hospitals, and already in adulthood began to go in the country covered by the war. The artist came to Ukraine for the first time in early March 2022, when he learned about the large -scale invasion of Russia. And since then he has regularly performed in frontline cities and villages.

Marko Rodari is a representative of the Italian Clown Association "To Smile Sleeping" / "Per Far Sorridre Il Cielo", which was created in 2015 at the initiative of Mark himself. The main purpose of the association is to give a smile to all children, especially those who have suffered physical and mental injuries through war.

- We are all used to that children are restless, emotional, loud. And these children sit quietly, locked in their experiences. And such happiness is the first smile, because she immediately flips to others like light, and in a moment everyone laughs, - says Marco Rodari.

Pimba's clown is able to cause smiles even in special children. And after a speech in Kramatorsk tells me why it is so important.

- I want the war not to destroy their ability to rejoice so that fear does not destroy their ability to rejoice. I myself felt a fear of shelling, and I understand the condition of all children of Ukraine every day. Laughter is something that helps to overcome fear, ”says Marco.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/na-donechchyni-kloun-z-italiyi-vystupaye-pered-osoblyvym-ditkamy-dehto-z-malechi-posmihnuvsya-vpershe/

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Air Force destroyed a managed airbomb military object of the Russian Federation in a temporarily occupied Kherson region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Commander of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk. “March 4th ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T21-34-99
Tags: stoprussia, командувач Повітряних Сил ЗСУ, Микола Олещук
Images: 000000.jpg

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the military object of Rosarmia in the territory of the temporarily occupied part of Kherson region.

About thisreportedLieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces.

“March 4, 2024. Occupied Kherson region. The lesions of the enemy object managed by the airbag, ”he wrote.

Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk thanked the Ukrainian pilots for his "successful combat work" and wished the Orkans to "burn in hell".

As reportedArmyinform, Ukrainian aviation during the day struck 9 beats on Rosarmia.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/povitryani-syly-znyshhyly-kerovanoyu-aviabomboyu-vijskovyj-obyekt-rf-na-tymchasovo-okupovanij-hersonshhyni/

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Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine makes EU enlargement a geopolitical necessity. We can no longer afford any gray ar...

Action: speech-2
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Balkans, Europe
News ID: 22633412
(Longitude: 19.26418, Latitude: 42.43261)
Geographic Location: Podgorica, Glavni grad Podgorica
News Source: https://x.com/GermanyDiplo/status/1764648623491440951
Published Time: 2024-03-04T21-46-00
Tags: Podgorica, Glavni grad Podgorica

Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine makes EU enlargement a geopolitical necessity. We can no longer afford any gray areas in Europe. We want to walk the path to the EU side by side with Montenegro. @ABaerbock with Montenegro's FM @fivanovicpg

Source: https://balkans.liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-russias-war-of-aggression-against-ukraine-makes-eu

[Previous Article]#[Next]

Ukraine has started negotiating a security agreement with Spain

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Presidential Office. “On behalf of the President of Ukraine ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T21-55-99
Tags: stoprussia, вторгнення рф, допомога партнерів, Світ підтримує Україну, Україна - Іспанія
Images: 000000.png

Ukraine has started negotiations with Spain on the conclusion of a bilateral security agreement.

About thisreportedPresidential Office press service.

"On behalf of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and the head of the office of the head of state Andriy Yermak and to execute the joint declaration of G7 on the support of Ukraine, the deputy head of the Presidential Office Igor Zhovkva began negotiations with Spain on the conclusion of a bilateral security agreement," - the statement reads.

It is noted that the structure of the future agreement was discussed and the schedule of further negotiations was agreed.

As reportedArmyinform, Ukraine and the Netherlands have signed a bilateral security agreement.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/ukrayina-rozpochala-peregovory-shhodo-bezpekovoyi-ugody-z-ispaniyeyu/

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The Ministers of Defense of Ukraine and the US have discussed the strengthening of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: He wrote about it on Facebook about it on Facebook. “He spent productive ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T22-43-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Ллойд Остін, Олександр Сирський, Рустем Умєров
Images: 000000.jpg

Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, together with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Colonel-General Alexander Syrsky conducted a telephone conversation with Pentagon's head Lloyd Austin.

About this the head of the Defense Office of UkrainewroteOn Facebook.

"He had a productive weekly conversation with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin," Rustem Umerov said.

He reported that, together with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Colonel-General Alexander Syrsky informed the Minister of Defense about the current situation at the front, and discussed changes in the most important areas.

"We work together to meet the needs of the Armed Forces and increase the capabilities of the Ukrainian army," the Minister of Defense of Ukraine summarized.

As reportedArmyinform, Rustem Umerov and Alexander Sirsky were discussed with British colleagues to use drones in Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/04/ministry-oborony-ukrayiny-ta-ssha-obgovoryly-posylennya-spromozhnostej-zsu/

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Russian artillery shelling Kherson

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633395
(Longitude: 32.58015, Latitude: 46.62223)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/kherson_non_fake/13666
Published Time: 2024-03-04T22-46-00
Tags: Kherson

Russian artillery shelling Kherson

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-russian-artillery-shelling-kherson

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Missile launch reported from Dzhankoi

Action: rocket-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633417
(Longitude: 34.42017, Latitude: 45.69638)
Geographic Location: Armiansk,
News Source: https://t.me/Crimeanwind/54999
Published Time: 2024-03-04T23-30-00
Tags: Armiansk,
Images: 000000.jpg

Missile launch reported from Dzhankoi

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-missile-launch-reported-from-dzhankoi

[Previous Article]#[Next]

Ukrainian and Polish Foreign Ministers discussed current affairs in the phone call

Action: phone-2
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Poland, Central and Eastern Europe
News ID: 22633464
(Longitude: 21.02319, Latitude: 52.21698)
Geographic Location: Warszawa, mazowieckie
News Source: https://x.com/MSZ_RP/status/1764682077616611738/photo/1
Published Time: 2024-03-04T23-59-00
Tags: Warszawa, mazowieckie
Images: 000000.jpg

Ukrainian and Polish Foreign Ministers discussed current affairs in the phone call

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-ukrainian-and-polish-foreign-ministers-discussed

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March 5. This day in history

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Цей день в історії
Published Time: 2024-03-05T00-01-99
Images: 000000.jpg
5 березня. Цей день в історії

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/05/5-bereznya-czej-den-v-istoriyi-5/

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2 firefighters were killed, as result of Russian double tap strike in Kramatorsk district

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633463
(Longitude: 37.56844, Latitude: 48.77756)
Geographic Location: Kramatorsk
News Source: https://x.com/MVS_UA/status/1764713383935250645
Published Time: 2024-03-05T02-03-00
Tags: Kramatorsk
Images: 000000.jpg

2 firefighters were killed, as result of Russian double tap strike in Kramatorsk district

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-2-firefighters-were-killed-as-result-of-russian-double

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Shelling in Dniprovsky district of Kherson

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633471
(Longitude: 32.65755, Latitude: 46.66418)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/kherson_non_fake/13671
Published Time: 2024-03-05T03-09-00
Tags: Kherson

Shelling in Dniprovsky district of Kherson

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-shelling-in-dniprovsky-district-of-kherson

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Ukrainian military had 63 combat engagements with Russian forces near Synkivka of Kharkiv region, Terny of Donetsk region, An...

Action: ak-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22633477
(Longitude: 33.11691, Latitude: 46.74435)
Geographic Location: Oleshky, Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/lumsrc/7423
Published Time: 2024-03-05T04-16-00
Tags: Oleshky, Kherson

Ukrainian military had 63 combat engagements with Russian forces near Synkivka of Kharkiv region, Terny of Donetsk region, Andriyivka of Donetsk region, Novoselivka, Berdychi, Tonenke, Pervomayske, Nevelske of Donetsk region, Heorhiyivka, Novomykhaylivka, Vodyane, Prechystivka and Urozhayne of Donetsk region, at the eastern bank of Dnipro river in Kherson region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-ukrainian-military-had-63-combat-engagements-with

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Shahed drones activity was reported over Black Sea towards Odesa

Action: drone-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633490
(Longitude: 30.89906, Latitude: 46.56367)
Geographic Location: Odesa
News Source: https://t.me/war_monitor/15079
Published Time: 2024-03-05T05-35-00
Tags: Odesa

Shahed drones activity was reported over Black Sea towards Odesa

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/4-march-shahed-drones-activity-was-reported-over-black-sea

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Traffic at Kerch bridge has been suspended for 5 hours after explosions were reported in the area at about midnight

Action: stop-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633494
(Longitude: 36.53503, Latitude: 45.28177)
Geographic Location: Kerch Strait
News Source: https://t.me/uranews/89133
Published Time: 2024-03-05T11-33-54
Tags: Kerch Strait

Traffic at Kerch bridge has been suspended for 5 hours after explosions were reported in the area at about midnight

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/5-march-traffic-at-kerch-bridge-has-been-suspended-for-5

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Ukrainian air defense shot down 18 of 22 Shahed drones

Action: aa-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633497
(Longitude: 30.75176, Latitude: 46.49863)
Geographic Location: Odesa, Odessa Oblast
News Source: https://t.me/kpszsu/11430
Published Time: 2024-03-05T12-50-00
Tags: Odesa, Odessa Oblast
Images: 000000.jpg

Ukrainian air defense shot down 18 of 22 Shahed drones

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/5-march-ukrainian-air-defense-shot-down-18-of-22-shahed-drones

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Project 22160 patrol ship Sergey Kotov was reportedly attack overnight near occupied Crimea by naval drones

Action: explode-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633498
(Longitude: 36.43341, Latitude: 44.98908)
Geographic Location: Kerch
News Source: https://t.me/Crimeanwind/55030
Published Time: 2024-03-05T13-59-00
Tags: Kerch
Images: 000000.jpeg 000001.jpeg 000002.jpeg 000003.jpeg 000004.jpeg
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Project 22160 patrol ship Sergey Kotov was reportedly attack overnight near occupied Crimea by naval drones

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/5-march-project-22160-patrol-ship-sergey-kotov-was-reportedly

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