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March 7. This day in history

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Цей день в історії
Published Time: 2024-03-07T00-01-99
Images: 000000.jpg
7 березня. Цей день в історії

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/7-bereznya-czej-den-v-istoriyi-5/

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5 person killed and 5 more wounded as result of Russian missile strike at Odesa port today

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22633865
(Longitude: 30.74618, Latitude: 46.49077)
Geographic Location: Odesa
News Source: https://t.me/OdessaDumskayaNet/73713
Published Time: 2024-03-07T00-48-00
Tags: Odesa

5 person killed and 5 more wounded as result of Russian missile strike at Odesa port today

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/6-march-5-person-killed-and-5-more-wounded-as-result-of-russian

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In Crimea I will go on the armor - Scout Isa Aquaev

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Life story, Новини
Description: And in 2014 he had to leave his homeland again, and again through the Russians. ATO participant ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T06-56-99
Tags: АР Крим, ГУР МО України, Іса Акаєв, Наріман Білялов
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The junior sergeant of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Crimean Nariman Bilyalov, better known for the call sign "Isa Aquaev", was born in deportation, in Uzbekistan. The family returned to Crimea in 1989. Then he was 24 years old.

And in 2014 he had to leave his homeland again, and again through the Russians. The ATO participant since 2014-volunteer went to fight in Donetsk and Luhansk region. With the large -scale again, he again became the ranks of defense forces with weapons in his hands.

His struggle has been going on for the tenth year, but he dreams of returning to his native land. And I am convinced that it will happen. And certainly - on the armor. Because this is the first time that history gives a chance to Crimean Tatars return to their native peninsula in the status of winners.

The memories of life on the peninsula, creeping Russian annexation, resistance to the Crimean in occupation and plans to return the ID Akayev identity peninsula, shared in an interview with the Armyinform.

"We looked at us as if we stole a piece of bread from someone's table"

The Crimean Tatars, who returned to their native land in 1989 and had nowhere to live, the Soviet authorities did not give residence. Moreover, it created artificial obstacles to this.

- You come to receive a registration, and they say they can't register you until you are on a military account. You go to the military enlistment office - and they say that they will not be registered until you bring a certificate that you are officially employed. At that time, we had a closed circle, artificially created.

I went to the market, traded. Then he worked at the Saky plant of building materials because he was the director of the Crimean Greek. He took us to work, but asked no one to tell anyone. The work was difficult. When we came to work on the first day, we looked at us as if we stole a piece of bread from someone's table.

We always looked at us. Although I had a higher education engineer, but I could not work in my profession. The friend also could not settle anywhere - he became a cook, prepared pilaf, - recalls Nariman.

Many teachers of higher education (with the title of Associate Professor, for example), after returning from deportation, traded vegetables on the market to earn their lives.

Then the 24-year-old Nariman became interested in the national movement of the Crimean Tatars.

- I met people who told who we were from where we came from reading the relevant literature. My friend, Recep, was also in his youth in the national movement. He was younger than me for 5-6 years. Quite creative person, artist. He began to tell me a lot from the history of the Crimean Tatars, gradually I was involved in this topic. And I began to be interested, - the man recalls.

He notes that he participated in rallies concerning the protection of the rights of the Crimean Tatars on the peninsula.

- Simferopol, Evpatoria. In Evpatoria, in particular, they were captured by the City Hall demanding a registration. We seized the Executive Committee and kept it for several days to receive a registration.

We said we would live there if we are not prescribed. On November 19, 1990, I received a registration in the Crimea, - recalls Nariman, who won the legal right to life in my native land.

"The Russian NGO was near my house in the center of Simferopol"

The Crimean Tatars supported independence in 1991. And in this matter, our interlocutor is categorical.

- We were all for independence, for Ukraine. Because if this did not happen-everything that happened in 2014 could have happened 30 years earlier. All Crimean Tatars, who are oriented in the situation, know history and socially active, realize that we with the Russians - not on the way.

Ukrainians have forgiven the Russians a lot during history. For example, I consider kindness and softness for weakness. And the Russians used it, - he thinks.

The family began to live a little. Nariman and three more companions had their own business in the construction sphere. All this is from scratch, and with total obstacles from the local authorities.

- I cannot say that I was a rich person, but I had enough for life. He had housing, cottage, car. Every weekend he could go to the sea with the children, on barbecues. I was not a very rich person, but I felt quite normal, - the interlocutor states.

But he recalls that the presence of Russians on the peninsula was felt. In his case - literally through the road.

- One of the Russian NGOs was located near my house in Simferopol - "Russian community Crimea". There the Russian flag hung. In the city center. The Kuban Kazaks walked. And they were all tuned against the Crimean Tatars.

They were all convinced that if the Russian Federation wanted to annex Crimea, then the Tatars would resist. And they all prepared for it, - says Isa Aquaev.

He does not hide that the anticipation that Russia wants to seize Crimea has always been.

-Somewhere in the early 2000s, an incident with the island of the Tuzla, the Russians pursued the situation. The Russians have never hidden that Crimea wanted themselves. They believed that the peninsula in Ukraine was a misunderstanding, and in the near future it had to be corrected ... - he recalls the moods on the peninsula.

And shares somewhat cruelly satirical memory from the Crimea:

- One of my comrades, who communicated with the Russian Cossacks, once came and said to me, “They openly told me that there would be no black here. Only Christians. "

I told this incident one Somalia's friend, after a large -scale invasion. And they laughed, because then he replied, "If you are black - then I am?" - Laughs Isa.

In Sevastopol with the invasion of the Russians, says Nariman, there was a disaster in general. They bought real estate, the land - asserted their positions on the peninsula. Here is one of the fragments-memories that confirm this:

“We, as builders, were offered to make an object - a pool bowl. We agreed. It was a luxurious estate on the Black Sea, a Cossack Bay, a base of Russians (Russian Navy - Avt.). In the rock there was a bed nearby, where in the winter the owner could hide the yacht ... and, as it turned out, the owner of that estate - the management of the Novorossiysk cement plant. "

It was the beginning of the 2000s, and the Russians, says Nariman, "felt very well in the Crimea."

- It was profitable for Ukrainians to work with the Russians - they did not spare money, bought real estate, land on the false citizens of Ukraine, but the final beneficial owners were Russians ... Kiev did nothing to prevent the loss of Crimea in 2014. And Russia - did, - summarizes Isa.

“Partisans on the Peninsula give a lot of information for us”

The decision to leave the peninsula in 2014 was easy.

- Perhaps it will sound cynically, but I saw the opportunity to revenge for my relatives, loved ones, ancestors. And when the large -scale began, he understood clearly and told his brothers: if we now take weapons, then this is a real opportunity to return home. There will be no other opportunity, - says Nariman.

During a large -scale invasion, the man first defended Kiev, then - the Makariv direction. After the de -occupation of the Kyiv region - preparation, receipt of new weapons, combat coordination. Next - Kherson, Zaporizhzhya.

- What do I do in the Main Intelligence Directorate? I will only tell after the war. If you want to write a book - one material will be, only about the events of a large -scale invasion, - laughing the man.

He notes that he is genuinely rejoices when he arrives in the Crimea in the Crimea.

In two years, the interlocutor says, the resistance movement has intensified in the temporarily occupied Crimea:

- Our guerrillas on the peninsula provide a lot of information for us. Those blows that are made by Russian objects - intelligence and exploration are carried out by our people - moving, where moving, in what quantity. And they further transmit this information. So far, this is happening at this level, because control, pressure and persecution by the occupation regime is strong, significant.

«Russians on the peninsula? All to the exit ”

Nariman's future forecasts will not end in the coming year. But he dreams, convinced and makes a lot to return to the peninsula.

- I really want to go home. I dream of that. I want to see my sisters and brothers. Many older people have already passed. In 10 years, since I have been born in Crimea four grandchildren - and I would also like to see them, because I have never seen them, - he says with nostalgic fire in his eyes. - If, God gives, I will return to the peninsula, then I want to lead the poorest and smallest region of Crimea. And make it the best, most promising in the economic sense. So I will prove my love for Crimea. I would be happy from that. Our people have very great potential. People are handwritten. We are able to organize how it was at the beginning of a screen -scale invasion. We only asked two questions: where is the weapon and where is the enemy?

Another goal after the de -occupation of the native land is the return of the peninsula of authentic Crimean Tatar place names.

- My main goal for which I beat - so that after returning to Crimea we can revive the peninsula as he was when our ancestors lived there. To sound our language. To make the mosques again mosques. In order to teach in the Crimean Tatar.

In order for us to study our literature, our characters, to develop our culture. So that we, together with the Ukrainian people, develop a state where it would be comfortable for all, even ethnically different peoples. For us to become an example for other countries: a state where Muslims and Christians can live, cooperate and develop their country,-Nariman emphasizes.

Concerning the further presence of Russians in the Crimea Isa Akayev is a categorical:

- Russians on the peninsula? All to the exit. I don't trust them. After the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people, the Russian authorities brought to the peninsula all their need. And now it gave descendants. And we see the consequences.

The Crimean lived with the Russians in the neighborhood, so they know their "potential".

- When I moved to the Vinnytsia region in 2014, I wondered - in almost every yard, in a small village, there was a motor -block. There was no such thing in the Crimean village, even there was no motocos. Because they (the Russians there. - Avt.) Drinking everything. They earned - and drunk. They are ready to sell grain, property in exchange for vodka. I was told that I was a kulak. Of course. Because I worked, not drank, - he recalls, laughing, Nariman.

“What will happen when we go to Crimea - I'm even afraid to imagine”

Nariman participated in the liberation of Kherson region. He remembers the emotions that the Ukrainian military residents of the regional center met - flowers, embrace, tears of gratitude and more.

- What happens when we go to Crimea - I am even afraid to imagine. After all, those people lived for 10 years in occupation. But in the future, whatever I do and who I may be: I will go on the armor in the Crimea. Really want. This is a great opportunity. This is not the first time such an opportunity for the last, probably three centuries, that we, the Crimean Tatars, have returned to Crimea, home, winners. Not like beaten dogs. And the winners.

After all, in 1989 we returned home - and we had nothing. We were not returned our home. We were not given land for construction. So now - only as winners and only on armor.

Nariman Bilyalov's family in Turkey from the beginning of a large -scale war. Children study in Turkish schools. The country that is at war is not returned. Yet.

- I tell them: understand me correctly. You will come to the Crimea immediately - ours, free, - summarizes the military, Crimean, junior sergeant of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Nariman Bilyalov.

Photo by Ruslana Tarasova

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/u-krym-ya-zayidu-na-broni-rozvidnyk-isa-akayev/

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The Chernobyl Reserve land along the border will be transferred for defense

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine. According to the department, already ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T07-18-99
Tags: державний кордон, Чорнобиль
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Along the line of the state border of Ukraine from the Russian Federation and Belarus is a strip up to 2 kilometers for construction, arrangement and maintenance of engineering, technical and fortification structures, fences, border signs, border gardens, communications.

About thisreportedState Border Service of Ukraine.

According to the department, the Presidential Decree has already been prepared on changing the boundaries of the territory of the Chornobyl radiation-ecological biosphere. The document is currently being approved by the central executive bodies.

The total need for land diversion along the state border of Ukraine is more than 23 thousand hectares. Of these, more than 2 thousand are the lands of the nature reserve fund consisting of 42 reserves of state and local importance.

BeforeIt became knownthat the observation systems at the border of Ukraine have strengthened mobile complexes

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/zemli-chornobylskogo-zapovidnyka-vzdovzh-kordonu-peredadut-dlya-oborony/

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General Staff: The enemy attacked the most in the Avdeevsky direction

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: In the area of responsibility of the operational-strategic group of Khortytsia troops on ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T07-29-99
Tags: Генштаб ЗС України, ранкове зведення
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During the last day, 92 combat clashes took place, the enemy caused 6 missile and 90 aviation strikes, carried out 115 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

In the area of responsibility of the operational-strategic group of the Khortytsa troops, 4 attacks of the enemy in the areas of settlements of Sinkivka and Tabayivka of Kharkiv region were reflected in the Kupyansk direction.

About thisreported in the morning of March 7The General Staff of the Armed Forces.

In the Lyman direction, our soldiers reflected 11 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements of Bigorivka of Luhansk region and Tern, disputed Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut direction, the defense forces reflected 11 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Ivanivske, Klischivka, Andreevka of Donetsk region.

In the area of responsibility, "Tavriya" in the Avdeevsky direction, our defenders repelled 21 attacks of the enemy in the areas of settlements of Berdychi, Toneyke, Pervomaisk, Nevelskoye Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky direction, the forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the areas of settlements of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Venta, Novomikhailivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops 20 times.

In the Orikhiv direction, the enemy made 16 attacks in the westerly willow and robots of the Zaporozhye region.

In the area of responsibility, Odessa was in the Kherson direction of defense forces continue to maintain positions. Despite significant losses, the enemy does not leave the attempt to knock out our units from the positions. Also, during the last day, the enemy made 1 unsuccessful attack on the positions of our defenders.

During the last day, the Aviation of Defense forces has struck 7 areas of concentration of the enemy's personnel.

The missile troops were affected by the 1st district of personnel concentration, 1 ammunition composition, and 4 enemy artillery.

Last day enemymost attackedin the Novopavlovsky direction.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/genshtab-vorog-najbilshe-atakuvav-na-avdiyivskomu-napryamku/

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Russia causes numerical blows to civilian objects in Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the General Staff of the Armed Forces. “As a result of Russian terrorist attacks, on ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T07-35-99
Tags: воєнні злочини рф, ворожі обстріли, Генштаб ЗС України
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Over the past days, more than 100 settlements of Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson and Mykolaiv regions were found under artillery fire.

About thisreported March 7The General Staff of the Armed Forces.

“Unfortunately, Russian terrorist attacks have been killed and injured in the civilian population. Multi -storey and private homes, as well as other civil infrastructure, have been destroyed and damaged, ”the General Staff said.

During the last day of aviation blows, the settlements of the middle-Buda, Tovstodubovo, Volfine, Khrapovshchyna, Kamianka of Sumy region have suffered; Zarichne, Unterty, Krasny Yar, Black, Kozacha Lopan, Tabaivka of Kharkiv region; Yampolivka, Terny, Bogdanivka, Stupochka, New York, Pokrovsk, Novobakhmutivka, Ocheretine, Netaylovo, Krasnogorivka, Novomykhailivka, Vodyane, Harvest, Staromayorsk Donetsk region; Novodarivka, Chervone, Malynivka, small Tokmachka of Zaporizhzhya region.

In Volyn and Polissya directions, the operational situation remains without significant changes.

In the Siversky and Slobozhansky directions, the enemy retains military presence in the border areas, conducts sabotage activities in order to prevent the transfer of our troops to threatening directions, increases the density of mine-explosive barriers along the state border in Belgorod region.

BeforeIt became knownFive people were killed in the Russian Federation's rocket stroke on Odessa.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/rosiya-zavdaye-chyselni-udary-po-czyvilnyh-obyektah-v-ukrayini/

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Kot's effect: Russia stopped bringing ships to the Black Sea

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Navy of the Armed Forces. According to them, in the Azov Sea ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T07-44-99
Tags: ВМС ЗС України, зведення, Чорне море
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In the morning of March 7, hostile ships were absent in the Black Sea.

About this P.They were awareThe Navy of the Armed Forces.

According to them, there are 1 enemy ship in the Azov Sea, and 3 in the Mediterranean - 3, including 1 carrier carriage missile "Caliber", a total volley of up to 4 rockets.

During the day, in the interests of the Russian Federation, the passage of the Kerch Strait was made:

10 vessels to the Azov Sea, 2 of them moved from the Bosphorus Strait;

To the Black Sea - 7 vessels, 2 of them continued the movement in the direction of the Bosphorus.

According to the Navy, the Russian Federation continues to violate the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of 1974 (Solas), turning off automatic identification systems (AIS).

BeforeIt became knownHow many enemy sailors were injured during the destruction of the Sergey Kotov ship.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/efekt-kotova-rosiya-prypynyla-vyvodyty-korabli-u-chorne-more/

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The enemy is massively fired at the Zaporozhye region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the head of the Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration Ivan Fedorov. By...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T07-54-99
Tags: ворожі обстріли, Запорізька область, Хроніка війни
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Over the past day, the invaders have made 253 strikes on 12 settlements of Zaporizhzhya region.

About thisreported March 7Head of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration Ivan Fedorov.

According to him, the Russian Federation was eating from Aviation on Novodarivka and Red, 7 RSZV-UNSC of Malynivka and Roboty, as well as 16 attacks of UAV on Gulyaypol, Novodanilovka, Robino and Malinovtsi.

228 Artudaries came in Orikhov, Gulyaipol, small Tokmachka, Omelnik, Primorsky and other frontier cities and villages.

There have been 20 reports of destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure.

Earlier it became knownFive people died as a result of rocket strike on Odessa.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/vorog-masovo-obstrilyav-zaporizku-oblast/

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1160 per day: The enemy suffered great losses in living strength and technique

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the General Staff of the Armed Forces in the raise of hostile loss. General combat ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T08-22-99
Tags: втрати ворога, Зведення ГШ ЗСУ
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42 artillery systems and 17 tanks were liquidated.

About thisreported March 7The General Staff of the Armed Forces in the summary of hostile loss.

The total fighting loss of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 07.03.24 are approximately:

The data is specified.

ForThe last day wasMinus 1250 invaders, more than 60 units of armored vehicles and a sinking ship.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/1160-za-dobu-vorog-ponis-velyki-vtraty-v-zhyvij-syli-i-tehniczi/

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The occupiers fired Kharkiv region a day 22 times: there are wounded and dead

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov informs about it in his telegram-channel, reports ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T08-26-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф, КАБи, Олег Синєгубов, Харківщина
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About 22 settlements of Kharkiv region have suffered artillery and mortar shellings: Udi, Kozacha Lapan, Ambarne, Western, Sinkivka, Stepova Novoselivka, Kotlyarivka.

About thisinformsThe head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov in his telegram-channel, reports the Armyinform.

In addition, the enemy caused air strikes on Zarichny, unbearable, Red Yar, Black, Kozachi Lopani and Tabaivka.

As a result of the air strike on the village of Borova, the Garage, the outbuilding and two cars burned down. A 70-year-old man was killed near the car. A woman was rescued from the rubble, five of her children, as well as a man from a neighboring house, were injured. In total, 12 houses were damaged.

“In the Chuguev district, the occupiers hit at least two Shahaneda, there were no injured. As a result of the impact, the boob was damaged by the facade of an apartment building, a fence and a car. The 73-year-old owner of the house has an acute response to stress, ”the message reads.

The Armed Forces of the Armed Forces also repelled four enemy attacks near Sinkivka and Tabayivka.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat the enemy fired at the Zaporozhye region.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/okupanty-obstrilyaly-harkivshhynu-za-dobu-22-razy-ye-poraneni-ta-zagyblyj/

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Born of War: Separate Eger Brigade DShV celebrates the second anniversary of the creation

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it inform the landing troops of the Armed Forces in its telegram channel, reports ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T08-57-99
Tags: ДШВ, єгері, єгерська бригада ДШВ, річниця
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A little over two years ago, the lion's part of the present-day puppies came to the shopping center to become warriors and defend their land from the bloodthirsty occupier.

About thisinformAirborne troops of the Armed Forces in its telegram channel, reports the Armyinform.

Exactly two years ago, the former Avita, teachers, farmers and students gathered and became part of a completely new unit, which soon went to the front with heroism and dignity.

“At that time, they knew little and knew, but at that time - in the foundry of one of the Ukrainian plants - people who were overwhelmed by anger and determination to defeat the aggressor. Never before, and hardly after that, no foundry shops of the world have created an alloy of greater power, firmness and faith in victory. Eger, happy in the day! Happy Glory and Strangers! ” - The message says.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat the enemy attacked the most in the Avdeevsky direction.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/narodzheni-vijnoyu-okrema-yegerska-brygada-dshv-vidznachaye-drugu-richnyczyu-stvorennya/

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In Ukraine a moment of silence

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: “For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit of spirit, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T09-00-99
Tags: хвилина мовчання
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According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky No. 143/2022, a minute of silence is spent daily at 9:00, it is announced in all media.

“For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit, stability and heroic feat of warriors who died in the performance of combat missions to protect state sovereignty and territorial integrity , I make: start a daily at 9 o'clock 00 minutes of a nationwide minute of silence for compatriots, killed as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which to declare in all media, regardless of ownership, ”the document reads.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/v-ukrayini-hvylyna-movchannya-21/

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The Navy of the Armed Forces predicted a new target for destruction in the Russian Navy

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Spokesman for the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine captain of 3 rank Dmitry Pletenchuk ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T09-04-99
Tags: ВМС ЗСУ, Дмитро Плетенчук, Чорне море
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In the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces, the next candidate was predicted in the list of "bottom fleet" of the Russian Federation.

Spokesman of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine captain of 3 rank Dmitry PletenchukpredictsThat very soon in the Black Sea will appear another candidate in the list of "Don Navy" of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Pletenchuk gave his comments during the Direct broadcasting of the Uniform News Telernorphone on March 7, 2024.

According to him, in the Black Sea for the third day of coal.

“The situation is stable. As you can see, the enemy does not go into our Black Sea for the third day. For clear reasons, ”Dmitry Pletenchuk said.

“Always after the incidents, as it happened to the next patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet, they analyze the situation, understand it. Now, most likely, someone answers very uncomfortable questions from the Command of the Black Sea Fleet. So now the relative lull in the Black Sea waters, ”he added.

The Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that usually the enemy has such an analysis for several days.

“It is usually a few days. When they analyze the situation, they will understand once again that they do not have a special choice, that they are still forced to complete the task. Because, in addition to the territorial waters they occupy, they have their own shore in the Black Sea, their territorial waters. And these tasks are as forced to perform as in the Azov Sea. And so, I think, in a short period of time, we will see the next candidate to replenish the list of the Don Fleet of the Russian Federation somewhere off the coast of Crimea, maybe in the Kerch Strait, ”Dmitry Pletenchuk said.

AsreportedThe Armyinform, on the night of March 4 to March 5, 2024, the GRU of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Group 13 attacked the patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. As a result of the impact, the Russian patrol ship "Sergey Kotov" was destroyed.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/u-vms-zsu-sprognozuvaly-novu-czil-dlya-znyshhennya-u-rosijskomu-floti/

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Recharge in the constellation of the Pentagon satellites: Boeing will develop a military satellite for US space forces

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Озброєння та техніка
Description: According to the Space24 defensive portal, the Pentagon on behalf of the US Space Forces has concluded a contract ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T09-11-99
Tags: ОВТ, супутник, США
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Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) satellite. Boeing artistic image

The US Department of Defense has concluded a multi -million dollar contract with Boeing to create a new military satellite. The spacecraft will be placed in Earth orbit and is intended for communication.

AsinformsSpace24 defensive portal, Pentagon, on behalf of the US Space Forces, has concluded a contract for the construction of a new connection satellite for the military, which will be deployed in geostationary orbit (GEO).

Boeing, which received $ 439.6 million, was selected for this purpose, Boeing will build another Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) satellite.

According to the direct designation of the new device (WGS-12), it will be the 12th satellite of the geostationary network, whose task is to provide the services of the USA

Experts recalled that Boeing has been a WGS general contractor since 2001, and the first unit has been launched into space in 2007.

Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) satellite assembly shop. Photo: Boeing

The company is currently focused on the construction of the WGS-11 unit within the contract concluded five years ago. The satellite is equipped with a PTS-P (Protected Tactical Prototype) load-a system that is responsible for protecting the apparatus from enemy attempts to disable it.

Boeing said it plans to deliver the satellite to the customer in 2024. It is planned to be launched by the UNITED LAUNCH Alliance (ULA) Vulcan Centaur.

Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) Satellite Satellite Satellites include telecommunications satellites in geostationary orbit and is used to communicate in a programmed frequency spectrum. Due to its military purpose, their exact orbital positions are not disclosed.

The WGS satellite is made on the base of the Boeing 702 platform with a capacity of 13 kW, has a diagram of the antenna orientation of the antenna, which is reconfigured from the ground. The satellite is equipped with transponders of X- and KA bands and onboard router, which allows the satellite to connect two any arbitrary users within the service area.

The WGS-11+ version is twice as productive than its predecessors. In this case, one WGS apparatus is endowed with such bandwidth as the entire DSCS constellation. The system supports communication and data transmission for tactical and operational management of military operations, as well as for intelligence and combat missions.

Boeing builds military satellites in El Sedundo, California. According to the contract, the WGS-12 must be delivered in January 2029.

The principle of WGS satellite grouping. Video: Ronsmythei

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/popovnennya-u-suziryi-satelitiv-pentagonu-boeing-rozrobyt-vijskovyj-suputnyk-zvyazku-dlya-kosmichnyh-syl-ssha/

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In the occupied territories, mobilization is expected to be expected immediately after the "elections"

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of Lugansk Ova Artem Lisogor informs about it in his telegram channel, reports ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T09-16-99
Tags: Артем Лисогор, Луганщина, тимчасово окуповані території
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In the so -called LNR, the occupiers plan to increase the mobilization immediately after the election is completed. However, in some places compulsion to the Russian army did not stop.

About thisinformsThe head of the Lugansk Ova Artem Lisogor in his telegram channel, reports the Armyinform.

In the Troitsky district, the occupation administration confirmed that the number of mobilized from their area is increasing daily.

Forced certification, which was declared a high percentage of collaborators in 2022, once bypassed students of higher education institutions of the so -called LNR.

Many of them are the owners of passports of Ukraine or the relevant certificates of the citizens of the republic. The invaders were found during the strengthening of military accounting.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat the invaders fired at Kharkiv region a day 22 times: there are wounded and dead.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/na-okupovanyh-terytoriyah-ochikuyetsya-posylennya-mobilizacziyi-odrazu-po-zavershennyu-vyboriv/

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In Kharkiv region the enemy struck drones on the training ground

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the State Emergency Service. According to...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T09-17-99
Tags: ворожий БПЛА, пожежа, Харківщина
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As a result of the shelling, a one -story administrative building of one of the educational institutions is partially destroyed.

About thisShe reported March 7State Emergency Service.

According to the department, the structural elements of the floor and the roof of this structure were burning. The fire area was about 150 square meters. m.

2 branches of the rescue service on tanker trucks were involved in the elimination of the consequences of the hostile blow.

Rescuers eliminated the fire and prevented the spread of flames to other buildings and coniferous forests.

BeforeIt became knownTwo rescuers were killed in the Donetsk region during the extinguishing of the fire caused by shelling.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/na-harkivshhyni-vorog-udaryv-bezpilotnykamy-po-navchalnomu-poligonu/

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The enemy fired at 11 regions of Ukraine per day

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by Military Media Center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. To...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T09-54-99
Tags: Military Media Center, ворожі обстріли
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A total of 97 settlements and 119 infrastructure facilities were attacked.

About thisreported March 7Military Media Center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The shelling involved mortars, tanks, artillery, rocket launchers, anti-aircraft missile systems, operative-tactical missile systems, UAVs and tactical aviation.

There are killed and injured among civilians, the number of victims is clarified.

BeforeIt became knownFive people died as a result of rocket strike on Odessa.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/vorog-obstrilyav-za-dobu-11-oblastej-ukrayiny/

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In Odessa, a traitor was detained that was preparing a new rocket strike in the city

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the SBU. First of all, the aggressor was interested in possible coordinates ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T10-13-99
Tags: державна зрада, Одеса, СБУ
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In order to "get around" the Ukrainian air defense during the impact, the invaders were instructed to find their associates to identify the locations of anti -air complexes in the regional center.

About thisShe reported March 7SBU.

First of all, the aggressors were interested in the possible coordinates of anti-aircraft missing units in the coastal territory of the city.

The invaders also tried to find out about the presence of military vessels in the local ports, which were equipped with air defense.

The invaders were planned to be "taken into account" when preparing new attacks on the city, including with the use of winged rockets and Dronov-Kamikadze type Shahd.

The Security Service exposed the hostile plans in a timely manner and prevented their implementation.

Before detention of the Russian agent, all its criminal actions were gradually documented from the "first steps" of intelligence activity.

This made it possible to inform the Command of Defense forces in advance about the new threat of air strikes and prepare for protection.

During the documentation of the intelligence and subversive activities of the enemy agent, the identity of her Russian curator was established. He was the head of the intelligence group of the group of Russian troops, who is stationed in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol.

It was established that the aggressor remotely attracted the Odessa in January this year as an ideological supporter of Rashism.

Currently, investigators of the Security Service have reported the detainee of suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (State betrayal committed in the conditions of martial law).

The malefactor is in custody. She is threatened with life imprisonment.

Yesterday as a result of rocket stroke in OdessaFive people were killed.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/v-odesi-zatrymaly-zradnyczyu-yaka-gotuvaly-novyj-raketnyj-udar-po-mistu/

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In Kharkiv region the defense forces passed 10 quad bikes

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Oleg Sinegubov. By...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T10-25-99
Tags: допомога Силам оборони, квадроцикл, Харківщина
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New ATVs will help the defenders of Kharkiv region more effectively carry out evacuation measures from the battlefield and save their brothers.

About thisreported March 7Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Oleg Sinegubov.

According to him, the project was implemented by the Codelt4Life Ukraine team, which in 2 months managed to accumulate funds, choose and buy equipment, transfer it to fighters.

Previously, the philanthropists provided the Ukrainian military car for the transportation of the wounded and drones.

Before thisIt became knownIn Kharkiv, 20 pickups were purchased for the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/na-harkivshhyni-sylam-oborony-peredaly-10-kvadroczykliv/

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France announced the expansion of Ukrainian military training

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Armed Forces of France. “In addition to supply ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T10-29-99
Tags: допомога партнерів, навчання, Україна, Франція
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France plans to expand its preparation programs for the Ukrainian military and naval sections in 2024.

About thisIt is saidin the message of the Ministry of Armed Forces of France.

“In addition to supplying weapons and military equipment, France supports Kiev by training the Ukrainian military. For what purpose? To increase their skills according to their needs, so they can continue to protect their territory, ”the department said.

The ministry emphasizes that providing training for the Ukrainian military is one of the aspects of French support of Ukraine together with weapons and financial support.

Training occurs both in the territory of France itself and in Poland, mainly within the framework of the European Union's military assistance mission to support Ukraine (EUMAM).

In total, since 2022, France has prepared almost 10,000 Ukrainian military.

The preparation, according to the message, is carried out in three directions.

The first direction: preparation related to the use, implementation and maintenance of new weapons, including Caesar guns, Crotale NG missiles, lightweight AMX 10-RC combat tanks, launching installations Sampt).

Second direction: specialized training aimed at critical know-how or know-how with high value added. It covers different areas: health care, logistics, demining, intelligence.

Third direction: formation of tactical units focused on hostilities in cities and fields. Their goal is to improve the skills of Ukrainian officers to command a mouth or battalion.

AsreportedThe Armyinform, France recently published a list of weapons transferred to Ukraine in two years.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/francziya-anonsuvala-rozshyrennya-pidgotovky-ukrayinskyh-vijskovyh/

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Putin's "elections" according to Russian recipes are prepared in the occupied Luhansk region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was stated on March 7 by the Chief of Lugansk Military Administration Artem Lisogor. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T10-39-99
Tags: воєнні злочини рф, Луганщина, псевдовибори рф
Images: 000000.png

The locals are encouraged by threats and promises to participate in the "vote".

About thisdeclared March 7Head of Lugansk Military Administration Artem Lisogor.

According to him, the heads of state institutions of the so -called LNR were ordered to provide the appearance of all employees in March "Elections".

Employees of businesses are promised to participate in these "elections".

In the settlements of the occupied Luhansk region, where up to 100 people remain, one thousand people are included in the election lists. That is, the invaders artificially overstate the turnout several times.

Among the members of the commissions are employees of the same state institutions. In case of refusal, men are threatened with mobilization, women are released.

BeforeIt was reportedwhich in the occupied territories is expected to increase mobilization immediately after the "elections".

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/na-okupovanij-luganshhyni-gotuyut-vybory-putina-za-rosijskymy-reczeptamy/

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In Sumy region stopped the enemy DRG

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine. According to the department, by ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T10-51-99
Tags: ДПСУ, ДРГ, кордон, Сумщина
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On the night of March 7, border guards found several people from a hostile sabotage and intelligence group moving into the territory of Sumy region from Russia.

About thisreportedState Border Service of Ukraine.

According to the department, the saboteurs immediately opened fire on the defeat. Falling from small arms and grenade launchers, the invaders retreated. The loss of the enemy will be intelligent.

Earlier in Sumy regionfoundhiding place with ammunition for DRG.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/na-sumshhyni-zupynyly-vorozhu-drg/

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GUR International Legion marks the anniversary of the creation

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Відео, Новини
Description: About it reports the International Legion of GUR MOU, reports the Armyinform. International...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T10-56-99
Tags: Бахмут, ГУР МОУ, Донеччина, кінбурнська коса, Куп‘янськ, легіонери, Лисичанськ, Луганщина, Міжнародний легіон, річниця, Сєверодонецьк, Херсон
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The Legion began to be created from almost the first days of a large -scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine.

About thisinformsGur IU International Legion, reports the Armyinform.

The Gur IU International Legion was created to enable real warriors to join our struggle for the freedom and independence of Ukraine. Foreign and Ukrainian fighters of the Legion are shared by combat experience and with weapons in their hands defend the integrity of not only Ukraine but also the civilian population of Europe, democracy and a formed system of international relations.

GUR MOU Legion is fought by foreigners from more than 50 countries, including the United States, Britain, Denmark, Australia and many other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

All legionnaires are experienced fighters, veterans of special operations and other special military units that have extensive experience in fighting in all corners of the world.

The soldiers participated in the battles for the Kyiv region, Kinburn braid, Zaporizhzhya region, Kupyansk, Kherson, and also performed special tasks in Bakhmut, Severodonetsk, Mayorsk and Lisichansk Refinery.

Heroes of Ukraine are serving in the international legion. Some legionnaires were awarded the honors of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces "Steel Cross", the orders of Bohdan Khmelnitsky and award weapons.

Many foreigners were awarded the Order of Courage. Defenders also received awards from GUR, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and from the President of Ukraine. Some fighters were awarded posthumously.

It is the legionnaires who help our country to resist the racists who have launched the world's largest war in the center of Europe.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat a separate Eger Brigade of the DShV celebrates the second anniversary of the creation.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/mizhnarodnyj-legion-gur-vidmichaye-richnyczyu-stvorennya/

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Gur began to advertise on

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T11-13-99
Tags: Головний бот розвідки, ГУР МОУ
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Lets of "main intelligence bot" are actively distributed in many cities of the Russian Federation.

About thisreported March 7Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

"The locals of many Russian cities are actively spreading the calls to send information to the GUR Ministry of Defense of Ukraine," the message wrote.

According to GUR, postcards about "Main Bot of Intelligence" were distributed on the streets of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Taganrog, Nizhnevartov, Arkhangelsk, Tver and Cities of Lower Novgorod region.

Earlier GURreportedThe organizer of Pseuvisiborius Putin was liquidated in the occupied Berdyansk.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/gur-pochalo-reklamuvatysya-na-rosiyi/

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In the defense forces, they told about the specifics

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Dmitry Likhova gave relevant comments in the direct ether of the Teleterna "Unified News" 7 ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T11-26-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Дмитро Лиховій, ОСУВ «Таврія»

The spokesman of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Captain Dmitry Likhov told how the enemy increased the use of ATVs to transfer infantry and how the defense forces of Ukraine were destroyed.

Dmitry Likhov's relevant commentsgaveOn March 7, 2024, in the direct ela of the Teleterna "On March 7, 2024.

“Traditionally, in the Zaporozhye direction, the enemy tries to step up high -speed means of high -permeability of the type of quad bikes. Here in yesterday 2 more quad bikes were destroyed, " - said the spokesman" Tavriya ".

"This is such a small machine, many could see or even use them in resorts in Egypt. They are widely used for tourists in the Carpathians. But the Russians are used precisely to throw infantry in the fields. This happens at high speed. What is the advantage of - they can overcome mine barriers and not be blown up on them, ”he added.

At the same time, as Dmitry Likhov noted, Ukrainian fighters successfully destroy them.

“They remain vulnerable to our anti-tattooists, for FPV. They are widely used, these ATVs and buggies, cars with open wheels. But they are also massively destroyed: the number goes to dozens, ”said the spokesman of Tavriya.

He also reported that the forces of Ukraine's defense in the directions for which Tavriya was responsible were struck by a lot of interesting enemy equipment in the last day.

“I always try to somehow distinguish something interesting from the destroyed nomenclature of weapons and military equipment, so I can point out that in the past day another complex of video surveillance" Mur-M "was destroyed, and yesterday we had such complexes two. The 203 mm of the self -propelled artillery gun of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief of Artillery is still affected ... It is such an old Soviet very huge Makhina "Pion", with two units. In addition, one "acacia" of the enemy was damaged, - Dmitry Likhov said.

AsreportedThe Armyinform, according to the Armed Forces General Staff, from 6 to 7 March 2024, the enemy lost 1160 people in live force.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/u-sylah-oborony-rozpovily-pro-speczyfiku-vykorystannya-rosiyanamy-kvadroczykliv/

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One person was killed, three were injured: the consequences of enemy shelling of Donetsk region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The National Police of Ukraine informs about it, reports the Armyinform. The army of the Russian Federation caused ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T11-48-99
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Under the fire of the enemy were 11 settlements: Krasnogorivka, Pokrovsk, Toretsk, Zarichne, Shcherbinovka, Halytsynivka, Elizabeth, Kleban-Bick, Netroilovo, Novoukrainka and Romanivka.

About thisinformsThe National Police of Ukraine, reports the Armyinform.

The army of the Russian Federation struck on the settlements of Donetsk region by the CAC-500 airbugs, artillery and SCRC "S-300".

As a result of enemy shelling, 67 civilian objects were damaged, including 45 houses, lyceum, cultural houses, enterprise, boiler room, warehouses, 10 cars, communications.

“Four C-300 missiles attacked Pokrovsk-they wounded a civilian, damaged a private and four apartment buildings, infrastructure. In Netaylovo, a person was killed as a result of artillery shelling, an apartment building was damaged, ”the message reads.

The CAB-500-managed airbots dropped on Kleban-bike. Two civilians were injured. Four apartment and 16 private homes, a house of culture, have been destroyed.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat the enemy fired at 11 regions of Ukraine a day.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/vbyto-lyudynu-ta-troye-poranenyh-naslidky-vorozhyh-obstriliv-donechchyny/

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Defense forces have shown how they destroy enemy armored vehicles

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The video was posted by March 7 Commander of the National Guard Alexander Pivnenko. Ukrainian ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T12-00-99
Tags: FPV-дрони, Нацгвардія
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The drones of air intelligence of the Kondor Special Purpose Brigade of the Bureviy National Guard destroyed several units of enemy equipment.

VideoHe outlined March 7Commander of the National Guard Alexander Pivnenko.

Ukrainian drones destroyed Russian armored vehicles on the march and also produced abandoned armored vehicles.

Earlier the National Guardreportedabout the destruction of three enemy long -range guns.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/syly-oborony-pokazaly-yak-nyshhat-vorozhu-bronetehnyku/

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The enemy began to attack more in the area of the robot

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by a spokesman ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T12-13-99
Tags: Дмитро Лиховій, Роботине
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Previously, there were only a few attacks a day there, then in the last day there were 16 combatants.

About thisreported March 7On the air of the TV channel "Unified News" a spokesman for the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Captain Dmitry Likhov.

"The enemy tries to cut the robot performance and develop activity, as in mid -February, when his attacks were reflected," Dmitry Likhov said.

According to him, the attacks of the enemy took place to the west village of Verbovo and near the robot.

The robot speech is the greatest success of the Ukrainian counter-offensive in 2023, so the occupiers try to eliminate it.

Earlier Dmitry Likhovtoldabout the specifics of the use of the Russian quad bikes.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/vorog-stav-bilshe-atakuvaty-v-rajoni-robotynogo/

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Today the anniversary of Dmitry's death "da Vinci" Kotsubayl: on Askold's grave honored his memory

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Ukrainian volunteer, founder and first commander of the battalion "Wolves Da Vinci" of the Armed Forces ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T12-21-99
Tags: Вовки Да Вінчі, Дмитро Коцюбайло
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On the morning of March 7, a memorial service was held at the Askold Tomb in Kiev to the anniversary of the death of the Hero of Ukraine Dmitry Dmitry Vinci Kotsubayl. The family and brothers honored the memory of the warrior near his grave.

Ukrainian volunteer, founder and first commander of the battalion "Wolves Da Vinci" of the Armed Forces, Dmitry Kotsyubaylo died a year ago in Bakhmut's battle.

Dmitry - a participant in the Revolution of Dignity, since 2014 has been in defense of Ukraine's independence, participated in battles at the hottest points in Donetsk and Luhansk. He is the first volunteer in the history of Ukraine to be awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.

With the beginning of a large -scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the Wolves Da Vinci Battalion became a battalion that entered the Armed Forces. "Da Vinci Wolves" participated in the battles in Donetsk region: in Soledar, Berestovo, Serebryanka, Vladimir and Bakhmuta; In Luhansk region - in Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, Bigorivka and Kreminna, as well as in the liberation of Kharkiv region: Balakliy, Izium and Kupyansk.

"This war will only end with a victory and uniquely with the return of Crimea," Dmitry said.

Eternal respect for the freedom of Ukraine, a fighter for the victory of Ukraine. Eternal Honor to all Ukrainian soldiers

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/sogodni-rokovyny-zagybeli-dmytra-da-vinchi-koczyubajla-na-askoldovij-mogyli-vshanuvaly-jogo-pamyat/

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Two former officials were detained in Kharkiv who helped the occupiers to fire gas networks

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the SBU. For this one of the persons appointed by the manager ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T12-22-99
Tags: колаборанти, СБУ, Харківщина
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The attackers were two former officials of one of the branches of the state company Kharkivgas, who, after seizing the region, supported the invaders.

About thisShe reported March 7SBU.

For this, one of the persons was appointed by the head of the occupation "gas service", and his accomplice - "chief engineer" of the pseudo -institution.

Immediately after the "appointment" they handed over to the racists a map of gas networks of the region.

The aggressor used this information to prepare massive shelling of the region.

The occupiers also "took into account" cartographic information for the arrangement of engineering barriers and mine fields aimed at deterring the counter -offensive operations of the Armed Forces.

In addition, the persons involved in the selection of "blue fuel" from the Ukrainian gas transportation system for the needs of the invaders.

For this purpose, the attackers resumed the operation of the gas distribution station in the Chuguev district captured at that time.

According to the investigation, the Rashists used stolen raw materials to heat the temporary base of Russian troops and the local occupation administration of the Russian Federation.

After the liberation of the community, both hostile, the associates tried to "lie down to the bottom" in Vovchansk, and later hid in a rented apartment in Kharkiv.

On the basis of the evidence collected, the attackers were informed of suspicion under Part 1 of Art. 28, Part 1 of Art. 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (assistance to the aggressor state committed by a group of persons).

They are now in custody. They are threatened with up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Earlier in KievDilkov was detainedthat helped the FSB of the Russian Federation monitor all the Internet events in a temporarily occupied Donetsk.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/u-harkovi-zatrymaly-dvoh-kolyshnih-posadovcziv-yaki-dopomagaly-okupantam-obstrilyuvaty-gazovi-merezhi/

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For veterans the training reintegration program "Cyber Defense" started

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: It is reported by the Ministry of Veterans, reports the Armyinform. The solemn opening of educational ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T12-26-99
Tags: кіберзахист, Мінветеранів
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With the support of the Ministry of Veterans of Ukraine, the Cyber Defense Project has started, which aims to provide comprehensive support for veterans and veterans on the path of new career opportunities in the field of cybersecurity.

About thisinformsMinistry of Veterans, reports the Armyinform.

The solemn opening of the curriculum was held at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Veterans of Ukraine, the National Coordination Center of Cybersecurity at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the US Civil Studies and Development Fund (CRDF Global).

The Cyber Development program is designed for 4 months, it includes regular classes for practical consolidation of theoretical material, intensive English language learning, professional career consultations and psychosocial support. Participants will gain practical skills that will help maintain the dedication of the country in cyberspace, helping to strengthen digital infrastructure protection systems in Ukraine.

«Ministry of Veterans are interested in developing the initiatives of our partners aimed at training and retraining of IT war veterans. We are convinced that the passage of the reintegration program "Cyber Defense" will serve as a reliable start for further employment of veterans and veterans, in particular, for the posts», - said the Deputy Director of the Department - Head of Development Department of Information Systems of the Department of Digital Development and Transformation of Ministry of Veterans Nadiya Adamenko.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat France announced the expansion of the preparation of the Ukrainian military.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/dlya-veteraniv-startuvala-navchalna-reintegraczijna-programa-kiberzahysnyky/

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The Russians dropped the bombs on Vovchansk: a woman was killed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the State Emergency Service. According to the department, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T12-31-99
Tags: авіаудари рф, воєнні злочини рф, Харківщина
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At 10:00 on March 7, the enemy aviation bombed the housing sector of the Vovchansk Kharkiv Region.

This was reported by the State Emergency Service.

According to the agency, powerful explosions were damaged or destroyed by about 12 private homes.

One of them was the direct entry of a bomb that killed a 40-year-old woman. Rescuers disassembled the rubble of the destroyed house and removed the body of the dead.

As a result of another hit, a 67-year-old woman was injured in a private household-in her house there was a fire of structural elements.

Rescuers eliminated the fire.

BeforeIt became knownFive people were killed in Odessa due to a rocket strike.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/rosiyany-skynuly-bomby-na-vovchansk-zagynula-zhinka/

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Italy's premiere about the Russian Federation on Odessa: intimidation will have no effect

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Embassy of Ukraine in Italy on Facebook. In his statement Italian ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T13-05-98
Tags: агресія рф, війна, Джорджа Мелоні, Італія
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Italian Prime Minister George Meloni responded to the Russian rocket strike on Odessa on March 6, when President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister of Greece Kiriakos Michotakis were visiting the city on a visit.

About thisinformsThe Embassy of Ukraine in Italy on Facebook.

In her statement, the Italian Prime Minister condemned the Russian rocket attack on Odessa.

"This next Russian act of intimidation will have no effect and will not weaken the Ukrainian resistance, which is adamantly supported by Italy and its government," Georgia Meloni emphasized.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Chairman of the Euro CouncilcommentedThe blow of the Russian Federation on Odessa and stated that it was more than doing the Kremlin.

The Chairman of the European Commission Ursula von der Liaan is decisiveShe condemnedRussia's rocket strike on Odessa.

Also Moldova President Mia SanduShe saidthat Russia's war against Ukraine poses a direct threat to common security in Europe.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/premyer-italiyi-pro-udar-rf-po-odesi-zalyakuvannya-rf-ne-matyme-zhodnogo-efektu/

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Interflex's educational operation commander communicated with British instructors and Armed Forces fighters

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces informs about it, reports the Armyinform. Within a multinational ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T13-05-99
Tags: Велика Британія, ІНТЕРФЛЕКС, навчання
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The commander of the multinational interflex educational operation Colonel James Turkan spoke with the instructors of the UK Armed Forces and servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are trained in the framework of the Interflex Operation, in particular regarding the development of assault assaults in the area.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces, reports the Armyinform.

Within the framework of the Multinational Operation Operation "Interflex" instructors from the United Kingdom continue to train the military personnel of the Defense Forces of Ukraine to storm and clean the buildings.

The training took place at one of the British landfills, where the urbanized terrain was realistically recreated: several -storey private homes, mini -hosts, gardens and gardens, outbuildings, fences and fences.

Under the leadership of the British, the military of the Armed Forces learned to move forward, the house behind the house, to choose the right positions for fire control, to use grenades and smokes, to save and evacuate the wounded, to act coherently in groups.

Particular attention was paid to the analysis of the situation on the front. They determined the order of the commanders to always have up -to -date information and control the situation on the site.

It should be reminded that, in addition to the military from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Ukrainian army is prepared by the best instructors and instructors from Australia, Denmark, Canada, Lithuania, Estonia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Finland and Sweden.

The training was started in the UK after the Operation Orbital, a long -term British Army training program in Ukraine, it was necessary to suspend when Russia began a large -scale invasion of Ukraine.

The Interflex Operation was started in June 2022. It is a leading curriculum in the world, which is implemented throughout the United Kingdom, attracts volunteers who have joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine, having virtually no military experience, and teaches their skills necessary for survival and efficiency in the frontier.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat France announced the expansion of the preparation of the Ukrainian military.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/komandyr-bagatonaczionalnoyi-navchalnoyi-operacziyi-interfleks-pospilkuvavsya-z-brytanskymy-instruktoramy-ta-bijczyamy-zsu/

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The Lithuanian Foreign Minister at a meeting with the President of the European Commission stressed the need for defense support of Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is stated on the website of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry. Politicians discussed ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T13-27-99
Tags: Глава МЗС Литви, міжнародна підтримка України, Урсула фон дер Ляєн
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Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielus Landsbergis met with the President of the European Commission Ursula von Der Lyen in Bucharest.

About thisIt is saidon the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania.

Politicians discussed Ukraine's support and the security situation on the eastern flank, defensive cooperation and the fight against misinformation.

“The indecisive answer only encourages Russia. The Kremlin will continue to export instability and cause new conflicts if not stopped. This war should be won and won decisively. It is not only a European war. It challenges an international order, which, although it is imperfect, but seeks to ensure that our borders and sovereignty are defined by law, not military force, ”said the head of Lithuanian diplomacy.

Gabrielus Landsbergis also stressed the need to provide long -term defense support for Ukraine.

As reportedArmyinform,Lithuania and Romania's foreign ministers discussed the situation in Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/glava-mzs-lytvy-na-zustrichi-z-prezydentom-yevrokomisiyi-nagolosyv-na-neobhidnosti-oboronnoyi-pidtrymky-ukrayiny/

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Russia fired at the Zaporozhye region with cassette ammunition: there is a victim

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov. According to him, one person ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T13-39-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф, Запоріжжя
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Photo Illustrative / Sergey Nuzhnenko

The army of the Russian Federation attacked the village of Belenke of Zaporizhzhya region with cassette ammunition, there is a victim.

About thisreportedHead of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov.

According to him, one person was injured as a result of artillery shelling of Zaporizhzhya district.

“The enemy continues the terror of the frontal territories. The Russians fired at the village of Belenke with cassette ammunition. A wounded man. Information on destruction is clarified, ”Ivan Fedorov said.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Russians dropped the bombs on Vovchansk:A woman was killed.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/rosiya-obstrilyala-zaporizku-oblast-kasetnymy-boyeprypasamy-ye-postrazhdalyj/

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Prime Minister held a meeting: Our target is access to all frozen Russian assets

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: He reported this in his Telegram. “About 300 ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T13-43-99
Tags: війна, Денис Шмигаль, заморожені активи
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Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmigal held an important meeting on the confiscation of Russian frozen assets with the participation of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy and the National Bank.

He is about itreportedIn his Telegram.

“About 300 billion euros of Russian sovereign assets have been frozen in partner countries. Our goal and position are unambiguous - access to all these assets.

We strengthen our legal position and prepare the necessary legal mechanisms. We have a clear plan of action and first results, ”Denis Shmigal stressed.

Our plans for working with G7, the EU and Belgium were also discussed during the meeting.

"Together with the World Bank, we have calculated that Ukraine's restoration will cost at least $ 486 billion and assets of the aggressor country should be the main source of recovery," the Ukrainian Prime Minister added.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the EUdiscussThe possibility of using frozen assets of the Russian Federation in favor of Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/premyer-proviv-naradu-nasha-czil-dostup-do-vsih-zamorozhenyh-rosijskyh-aktyviv/

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In the Tavriysk direction, our soldiers destroyed two Pion guns, an acacia howa and the Mur-M complex of Russians

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the commander of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T13-59-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Олександр Тарнавський
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During the last day in the operating area, Tavriya dared 24 aircraft, 3 missile strokes, 127 shocks in Kamikadze, made 57 fighting clashes and 899 artobrats.

About thisreportedCommander of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Brigadny General Alexander Tarnavsky.

According to him, the situation remains difficult, but controlled.

“In the Avdeevsky direction, our defenders and defenders repelled 21 Russians. In the Novopavlovsky direction, the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops 20 times. The enemy was noticeably intensified in the Orikhiv direction - 16 storm actions of the Russians on a robot speech were reflected here, ”the brigade general said.

He also thanked for the combat work by our units, which conduct a defense operation and consistently destroy the invaders.

As Alexander Tarnavsky noted, the total loss of the enemy is: in the last day:

"Among the affected Russian iron is two 203 mm self-propelled guns 2C7" Pion ", 152 mm self-propelled howitzer 2C3" Acacia ", another complex of video surveillance" Mur-M "," the commander added.

In addition, the forces of Ukraine's defense destroyed 3 more ammunition warehouses.

Recall the enemy becameMore attack in the area of the robot.

As reported by the Armyinform, 1160 a day:The enemy suffered great losses in living strength and technique.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/na-tavrijskomu-napryamku-nashi-voyiny-znyshhyly-dvi-garmaty-pion-gaubyczyu-akacziya-ta-kompleks-murom-m-rosiyan/

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The Russian rocket lost "combat capacity" on the coast of Odesa - Natalia Humeniuk

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Актуальна тема, Новини
Description: This was reported by Colonel Natalia Humeniuk, a spokeswoman for the southern Ukraine forces of Ukraine ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T14-09-99
Tags: stoprussia, вторгнення рф, Наталія Гуменюк, Одещина, Х-31П
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Illustrative photo

This morning, the enemy attacked Odesa from the Black Sea tactical aviation aircraft, directing the X-31P rocket. The rocket has lost its combat capacity to run to the coast.

This was reported by a spokeswoman for the south of Ukraine forces Colonel Natalia Humeniuk on the broadcasting of the Uniform News.

“It is not the first time that the enemy uses the X-31P anti-radial rocket in Odessa, testing and exploring the Ukrainian air defense systems. And for the first time, rockets are losing its combat capacity over the Black Sea: this is both due to some influence on our part, and due to the fact that not all the missiles are working fully, ”the spokeswoman for the southern Ukraine defense forces said.

Now, she said, it can be stated that in the intervals between attacks, the enemy is increasingly checking the battle of Ukrainian air defense systems.

"It is likely that Russia's troops compensate for the absence of intelligence from A-50," Colonel Natalia Humeniuk emphasized.

As reportedArmyinform, Rosarmia has begun to use the X-31P anti-radiolocation missiles more often to identify Ukrainian air defense systems.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/rosijska-raketa-vtratyla-bojovu-spromozhnist-na-pidloti-do-uzberezhzhya-odeshhyny-nataliya-gumenyuk/

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The entrepreneur who has arbitrarily occupied more than 400 hectares of the Armed Forces in Mykolaiv region will go under court

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Office of the Prosecutor General. The investigation found that in ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T14-14-99
Tags: війна, землі оборони, Офіс Генпрокурора
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Prosecutors of the Nikolaev Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the field of defense of the Southern Region were sent to court by an indictment against an entrepreneur who arbitrarily occupied more than 400 hectares of defense lands.

About thisinformsOffice of the Prosecutor General.

The investigation found that in September-October 2022 the entrepreneur, without the appropriate decision of the executive body, in the absence of a concluded and registered lease agreement, conducted agricultural activity on parts of three land plots in the Nikolaev area.

It is noted that these lands with a total area of more than 400 hectares are intended for the placement and permanent activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Thus, as a result of the unauthorized occupation of the lands of the military landfill, more than UAH 28.8 million of losses were caused to the state," the statement said.

As reported by the Armyinform, under courtwill goThe state registrar who illegally gave the land of the Ministry of Defense to the city council.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/pid-sud-pide-pidpryyemecz-yakyj-samovilno-zajnyav-ponad-400-ga-zemel-zsu-na-mykolayivshhyni/

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented certificates for housing to the heroes of Ukraine and families of fallen soldiers

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The office of the President of Ukraine informs about it. Today Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented 30 ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T14-19-99
Tags: Володимир Зеленський, Президент України, сертифікати на житло
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On March 7, President Volodymyr Zelensky presented certificates for apartments to defenders who were given the title Hero of Ukraine and members of the families of dead soldiers.

About thisinformsOffice of the President of Ukraine.

Today Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented 30 certificates for apartments.

Certificates from the hands of the Head of State received the Heroes of Ukraine from the Armed Forces:полковник Юрій Андрієнко, старший лейтенант Роман Гришак, підполковник Роман Дармограй, полковник Євгеній Кураш, майор Денис Макаровський, полковник Олексій Майстренко, майор Юрій Михайлюк, полковник Олександр Мостовий, підполковник Сергій Побережець, підполковник Володимир Соснін, молодший лейтенант Ігор Тимощук, майор Олег Олива та others.

The President also presented certificates for apartments to the members of the families of the fallen Heroes of Ukraine from the Armed Forces:Senior Sergeant Andrei Ivashko, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Litun, Senior Sergeant Sergey Vasich, Captain Dmitry Romanchenko, Lieutenant Mykola Makarevich, Sergeant Alexander Fedorchenko, Junior Sergeant Dmitry Shkurnov Lieutenant Vladimir Stelmakh.

Certificates also received families of servicemen from the National Guard of Ukraine,who were awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine posthumously: Senior Soldier Sergei Zerzhevsky, Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Chuprin, Senior Lieutenant Maxim Kagal.

As reportedArmyinform, On February 26, the Head of State also presented 30 certificates for receiving apartments to military and families of fallen defenders who were awarded the highest state title - Hero of Ukraine.

We will remind, recently President of Ukraine Volodymyr ZelenskyyHe assigned the titleHero of Ukraine 27 to the military, 20 of which are posthumously.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/volodymyr-zelenskyj-vruchyv-sertyfikaty-na-zhytlo-geroyam-ukrayiny-ta-rodynam-poleglyh-voyiniv/

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Norway provides 140 million euros for the Czech initiative to purchase ammunition for Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the defense department of Ukraine on Twitter. In addition, Norway ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T14-39-99
Tags: артснаряди, війна, Королівство Норвегія, міжнародна підтримка України
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Norway allocates 1.6 billion Norwegian crowns (€ 140 million) to the Czech side initiative to purchase ammunition for Ukraine in third countries.

About thisinformsUkraine's defense department on Twitter.

In addition, Norway joined the air defense coalition.

"This is an important step towards strengthening Ukraine's capabilities, since NASAMS NASAMS has already proven effective in protecting Ukrainian cities," the department said.

The Ministry of Defense thanked Norway for its adamant support.

As reported by the Armyinform, Latviajointo the Czech initiative for the purchase of ammunition for Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/norvegiya-nadaye-140-mln-yevro-na-inicziatyvu-chehiyi-shhodo-zakupivli-boyeprypasiv-dlya-ukrayiny/

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The military continues to build defensive borders: photo report from the Armyonform from Sumy Region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Репортаж
Description: The strongholds are built to protect the warriors in positions, to evacuate and move ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T14-50-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Сумщина, Фортифікація
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The construction of fortifications continues on the defensive boundaries. Active work continues, in particular, in the Sumy region.

Supporting points are built to protect the warriors in positions, to evacuate and move safer. The loopholes are equipped with armored.

The correspondent of the Armyinform visited the site and saw everything with his own eyes.

More - in our photo report.

Photo - Anton Shevelyov

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/vijskovi-prodovzhuyut-rozbudovuvaty-oboronni-rubezhi-fotoreportazh-vid-armiyainform-z-sumshhyny/

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Schurists who "traded" copter and cars for the Armed Forces were detained in Odessa region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the Cyber Police. According to the investigation, one of the suspects ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T15-04-99
Tags: кіберзлочини, Кіберполіція, шахрайство
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Cyber Police exposed two people who appropriated the funds of citizens under the pretext of selling quadcopters and the transfer of cars from abroad for the needs of the defenders of Ukraine.

About thisShe reported March 7Cyber Police.

According to the investigation, one of the suspects searched for bank cards of people who, for a remuneration, provide intruders with access to their bank cards and accounts, and sold them to his accomplice for cryptocurrency in the equivalent of $ 200.

The latter gave the victim the details of the purchased cards for making a subscription for a fictional product or transportation of cars.

For the purpose of conspiracy, the money was displayed illegally to the controlled persons of cryptocurrency wallets, and only then to their bank accounts.

Police conducted seven searches at the places of residence and registration of the persons involved. Computer equipment, smartphones, banking and seven cards, as well as almost 40 thousand UAH were seized. A request was sent to the court to seize the seized funds.

Two participants in the criminal scheme were detained. One of them was a pre -trial detention measure with the right to make a bail of UAH 19 million. The petition for placement of his accomplice was sent to the court.

The full circle of the victims and the total amount of losses are set.

Earlier in cyber policetoldHow to give defense forces, not fraud.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/na-odeshhyni-zatrymano-aferystiv-yaki-torguvaly-kopteramy-ta-avtivkamy-dlya-zsu/

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Montyan's propagandist and Putin's supporter threatens 8 years in prison

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Security Service of Ukraine informs about it. As the investigation has established, malefactors ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T15-38-98
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф
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The Security Service has neutralized another network of pro -Kremlin agitators operating in different regions of Ukraine.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

As the investigation established, the attackers justified the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, called for the capture of the whole territory of our country and discredited the defense forces.

A 52-year-old resident of Pervomaisk was detained in Mykolaiv region, who remotely worked on Tatiana Montyan's collaborator.

The department found that for her telegram channel with a total audience of more than half a million subscribers the persons involved in prepared pseudoscientific posts about the war in Ukraine. In his publications, the Antihivtchnik of Montyan tried to "bleach" a large -scale invasion of the Russian Federation, calling it "forced reaction of the Kremlin."

In Kharkiv, a subway official was detained, who spread Kremlin narratives on armed aggression against Ukraine among her colleagues.

It is documented how the enemy agitator assured others that since 2014 to this day, "civil conflict" is ongoing in our country.

In Kiev, the guard of the capital's parking lot was detained, who positioned himself as a supporter of Putin.

According to the investigation, the resident of Kiev distributed on his own page in "classmates" calls for supporting the Kremlin head and continuation of the war against Ukraine.

Also in the capital, a local beauty blogger was exposed, which on its channels on the social network Tiktok spread fakes about the war in Ukraine.

In particular, it denied a large -scale invasion of Russia and the presence of occupation groups of the Russian Federation in the territory of our country.

Investigations under criminal proceedings initiated under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

According to the SBU, the attackers are threatened with up to 8 years in prison with confiscation of property.

The complex measures were carried out by the SBU staff in Kyiv and Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv regions with the procedural guidance of regional prosecutors.

As reported by the Armyinform, in KharkivTwo former officials were detainedthat helped the occupiers to fire gas networks.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/soratnyczi-propagandystky-montyan-ta-pryhylnyku-putina-zagrozhuye-8-rokiv-tyurmy/

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The Russian army hit the rocket in Sumy: Civil infrastructure objects were damaged

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports Sumy Regional Military Administration on Telegram. “Today, 7 ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T15-38-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли
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Illustrative photo

The Russian occupation troops hit the Sumy rocket in the afternoon on March 7.

About thisinformsSumy Regional Military Administration on Telegram.

“Today, March 7, the enemy struck the city of Sumy. Civil infrastructure objects were damaged. All the necessary services work in place, ”the message reads.

Ova added that the consequences of the attacks of the Russians were clarified.

As reported by the Armyinform, RussiaShe was firedZaporizhzhya region cassette ammunition, is the victim.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/armiya-rf-vdaryla-raketoyu-po-sumah-poshkodzheno-obyekty-czyvilnoyi-infrastruktury/

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A 500-pound bomb was removed from the attic of an apartment building

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported on March 7 by the State Emergency Service. According to...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T15-42-99
Tags: авіабомба, Донеччина, ДСНС
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Pyrotechnics destroyed the Fab-500 Air Bomb, which the occupier's aviation dropped into the residential sector of the city of Konstantinovka.

About thisreportedMarch 7, the State Emergency Service.

According to the department, the ammunition got into a private residential building, but miraculously did not break.

The Pyrotechnics of the SES removed a dangerous object and destroyed on a special subversive site.

BeforeIt was reportedthat the Russians attacked the village in Kharkiv.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/na-donechchyni-z-goryshha-zhytlovogo-budynku-znyaly-pyatysotkilogramovu-bombu/

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"Effective Financial Management System by NATO Standards - Among the Priorities of the Ministry of Defense" - Yuri Dzhigir

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine informs about it. During the visit to Brussels side ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T15-46-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Юрій Джигир
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The reform of the financial control and audit system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has become one of the key topics of the meeting of the Deputy Minister Yuri Dzigir with the head of the internal supervisory service of NATO Headquarters - a certified internal auditor of François Gattier.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defence Ukraine.

During the visit to Brussels, the parties discussed the working version of the concept of reforming the financial management system of the Ministry of Defense apparatus regarding its compliance with European standards.

According to Yuri Dzhigir, the risk management model, which is being implemented in the Ministry's apparatus, has confirmed its effectiveness in the state and commercial structures of NATO member states.

One of the components of the new model is the creation of an audit committee in the Ministry of Defense and the possibility of involving the representatives of the Alliance in this committee.

“We have already begun to change the internal financial control system of the Ministry of Defense, and the experience and assistance of our international partners in this areaVery valuable. Building a financial management system on three lines of protection by European approachThis is the necessary step that will not only bring us closer to NATO, but also make the armed forces stronger and the systemmore effective ”,The Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Dzhigir said.

The updated system of financial management of the Ministry of Defense involves the distribution of functions and tasks on three lines of protection:

The Ukrainian delegation also presented the key achievements and priorities of the Defense Ministry in the context of Euro -Atlantic integration during the visit.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/efektyvna-systema-finansovogo-upravlinnya-za-standartamy-nato-sered-priorytetiv-minoborony-yurij-dzhygyr/

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In the defense forces of southern Ukraine told about the success of enemy damage

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the defense forces of southern Ukraine. Over the past day, thanks to actions ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T15-58-99
Tags: війна, Сили оборони Півдня України
Images: 000000.jpg

In the south of Ukraine, the defense forces eliminated another 74 Russian invaders and 26 units of enemy equipment.

About thisreportDefense forces of South of Ukraine.

During the last day, the AFU's actions on the left bank have become less on the tank, 6 guns, a mortar, a complex of electronic wrestling and an UAV management station.

In addition, our warriors destroyed Zala reconnaissance UAVs, 16 units of autobroetechnics and boat.

As reported by the Armyinform, the total loss of the enemy in the past daymake up1160 invaders, 42 artillery systems and 17 tanks.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/u-sylah-oborony-pivdnya-ukrayiny-rozpovily-pro-uspihy-v-urazhenni-voroga/

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Security Service of Ukraine detained a woman in Odesa, spying on behalf of Russian Federation, revealing air defense position...

Action: arrested-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634008
(Longitude: 30.73906, Latitude: 46.45678)
Geographic Location: Odesa
News Source: https://t.me/SBUkr/11361
Published Time: 2024-03-07T16-00-00
Tags: Odesa
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Security Service of Ukraine detained a woman in Odesa, spying on behalf of Russian Federation, revealing air defense positions

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-security-service-of-ukraine-detained-a-woman-in-odesa

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"Dragon's teeth", concrete shelters and trench - in the Zaporozhye direction the erection of defense fortifications continues

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Supporting points are built to protect the warriors in positions and for the opportunity ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T16-02-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Запорізька область, Фортифікація
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The correspondent of the Armyinform recorded how the construction of fortifications in the Zaporozhye region continues on the defense borders.

Supporting points are built to protect the warriors in positions and in order to be able to make safe evacuation and movement.

Photo - Vitaliy Pavlenko

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/zuby-drakona-betonni-ukryttya-ta-transheyi-na-zaporizkomu-napryamku-tryvaye-zvedennya-oboronnyh-fortyfikaczij/

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Sweden officially became another NATO member

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The corresponding protocol was published on the US State Department website. Earlier in white ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T16-22-99
Tags: Королівство Швеція, НАТО
Images: 000000.jpg

Sweden officially joined NATO and became the 32nd Alliance Member States.

The corresponding protocolpublishedOn the US Department of the US Department.

Earlier in the White HouseThey saidthat Sweden will officially become the 32nd member of the North Atlantic Alliance.

“Sweden will officially join the NATO Alliance on March 7, 2024, becoming a 32nd ally. Sweden is a strong democracy with a highly capable army that shares our values and visions of the world, ”the message reads.

It is noted that the accession of Sweden to the Alliance will make the US and allies even more protected.

"NATO is the most powerful defense alliance in the history of the world, and today it is as important for ensuring the safety of our citizens as 75 years ago, when our Alliance was based on the wreckage of World War II," the White House said.

In the Ministry of Defense of UkrainegreetedSwedish partners with this historic day.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/shvecziya-oficzijno-stala-shhe-odnym-chlenom-nato/

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Our warriors near Kreminna were distinguished by hostile "hail"

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Our defenders were posted in the telegram channel. “Forces ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T16-26-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Хроніка оборони
Images: 000000.jpeg

Ukrainian servicemen destroyed the enemy RSV "Grad" near Kreminna in Luhansk region.

Appropriate video recording our defendersPostedIn telegrams.

"Forces of units of the 63rd brigade, predators from the patrol police and artillery of the 45th brigade in the vicinity of Kreminna were destroyed by the RSSU" Grad "," the message reads.

As reportedArmyinform, in the Kharkiv direction, Ukrainian defenders destroyed the Russian MSTA SAU.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/nashi-voyiny-poblyzu-kreminnoyi-vidminusuvaly-vorozhyj-grad/

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1 person wounded as result of shelling in Korabelny district of Kherson

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634013
(Longitude: 32.58339, Latitude: 46.61777)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://x.com/UKRINFORM/status/1765656024613052667
Published Time: 2024-03-07T16-29-00
Tags: Kherson

1 person wounded as result of shelling in Korabelny district of Kherson

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-1-person-wounded-as-result-of-shelling-in-korabelny

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Ukrainian border guards foiled Russian infiltration attempt at the border in Sumy region

Action: ak-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634014
(Longitude: 35.11506, Latitude: 51.20188)
Geographic Location: Sumy
News Source: https://t.me/lachentyt/39813
Published Time: 2024-03-07T16-35-00
Tags: Sumy

Ukrainian border guards foiled Russian infiltration attempt at the border in Sumy region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-ukrainian-border-guards-foiled-russian-infiltration

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Five traitors participated in Bakhmut's "meat" storms. They got 15 years in prison

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Security Service of Ukraine. The court appointed 15 years in prisons. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T16-46-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, засуджено, СБУ
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustrative photo

Five more traitors who fought against the Defense Forces in Donetsk were real. Ukrainian defenders took them in captivity during fierce battles near Bakhmut in July and December 2023.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

The court appointed 15 years in prisons.

"Residents from the temporarily captured part of the territory of Luhansk region, who at the beginning of a large -scale invasion of the Russian Federation voluntarily entered the Russian army," - the message reads.

One of them was included in the occupation battalion "Storm", which was formed for "meat" attacks on the position of the Armed Forces in the area of the village of Kurdyumivka. Prior to that, the attacker participated in the capture of Popasna.

According to the SBU, the other four traitors "mobilized" to the 123rd Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Armed Forces of Russia.

In the positions of shooters and radio telephones, they stormed the defensive positions of Ukrainian troops in the area of the village of Spirne of Bakhmut district.

The attackers also built fortifications and duty on Russian checkpoints in temporarily occupied areas of the region.

In addition, during the investigation it was found that one of the fighters in 2015 was an artilleryman in the LNR terrorist group and fired at the ATO forces near Debaltsev.

Currently, the court has found traitors guilty under three articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

As reported by the Armyinform, the associates of Montyan propagandist and Putin's supporterthreatens8 years in prison.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/pyatero-zradnykiv-braly-uchast-u-myasnyh-shturmah-bahmuta-vony-otrymaly-15-rokiv-tyurmy/

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The Wolves Da Vinci Battalion launched a tradition of oath on the grave of Dmitry Kotsubayl

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the public relations service. “Today we restore ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T16-50-99
Tags: Да Вінчі, Дмитро Коцюбайло, нова традиція
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Today, March 7, on the day of the death of the Hero of Ukraine of the Lieutenant of the Armed Forces Dmitry Kotsubayl, the battalion "Wolves Da Vinci" on the grave of the fallen Combat launched a tradition of oath for volunteers.

About thisreportedPublic Relations Service of the brigade.

“Today, we restore the tradition of oath of volunteers so that this day is not filled with tears and mourning, but united the nation around the power of the spirit and the torture of the legendary Dmitry Kotsubayl. A person who has become a symbol of generation, putting all his youth on the altar of the struggle, ”the message reads.

From now on, every March 7 will be the day, which will certify the triumph of Ukrainian heroics, part of which became the valor of "da Vinci".

As reportedArmyinform, today the anniversary of Dmitry's death "da Vinci" Kotsubayl: his memory was honored at the Askold Tomb.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/bataljon-vovky-davinchi-zapochatkuvav-tradycziyu-prysyagy-na-mogyli-dmytra-koczyubajla/

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Bad Russian storming near Marinka, the work of drones of the 47th brigade: Star from the frontier city

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: In the Bakhmut direction, fighters from the 93rd OMB were able to move forward on one of the ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-03-99
Tags: Армія TV
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The enemy stormed the village of Novomikhailivka near Marinka from several directions. The fighters of the 79th Airborne Current Brigade successfully repelled the offensive and destroyed 12 units of armored vehicles, of which-four tanks.

In the Bakhmut direction, fighters from the 93rd OMB were able to move forward on one of the positions near Bogdanivka.

In the Avdeevsky direction, the Russians storm the positions of the Armed Forces in large groups and in several slaves, but immediately after planting from the armor they are greeted by fire warriors of the 47th separate mechanized brigade.

There is also an epic video in today's arrow, in which the car stuffed with a Russian landing is blown on an anti -tank mini in the Zaporozhye region.

These and other topics are discussed by our presenters - junior lieutenant Sergei Lipko and Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Misyura.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/provalnyj-rosijskyj-shturm-bilya-maryinky-robota-droniv-47-yi-brygady-strim-iz-pryfrontovogo-mista/

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Russian aviation launching guided bombs towards Kostiantynivka

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634019
(Longitude: 37.73804, Latitude: 48.51585)
Geographic Location: Kostyantynivka
News Source: https://x.com/vbhljvendjtve1/status/1765667183684706724
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-13-00
Tags: Kostyantynivka

Russian aviation launching guided bombs towards Kostiantynivka

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-russian-aviation-launching-guided-bombs-towards-kostiantynivka

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Lithuania will hand over to Ukraine part of purchased military trucks for mine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is stated on the website of the Lithuanian defense department. “Purchased trucks ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-17-99
Tags: війна, Коаліція розмінування, Литва, підтримка України
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Renault Trucks D220 trucks for the Armed Forces from the EU. Photo: EU Foreign Tools Services.

The Lithuanian National Defense Ministry purchases Renault D trucks from a French manufacturer. Some of them will be reached by Ukraine within the mine coalition.

About thisIt is saidon the site of the Lithuanian defense department.

“Purchased trucks will be assigned to perform the tasks of supply and training of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Some of these purchased cars will go to Ukraine as one of the constituent measures of the Lithuanian demining coalition, ”the message reads.

The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense said that Renault D is all -wheel drive trucks with a high traffic of 5 tons of load capacity, intended for transportation of various goods and equipment. The contract for the purchase of trucks costs about $ 16 million.

As reported by the Armyinform, to the Coalition for Demining Ukraineentered15 partner countries. Lithuanian coalition will assist Ukraine both in combat and humanitarian demining.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/lytva-peredast-ukrayini-chastynu-zakuplenyh-vijskovyh-vantazhivok-dlya-rozminuvannya/

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The plan of capture of the Anthoronov aerodrome with the landing there thousands of Russians provided a reliable informant - GUR

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: He told this in an interview with the German Zeit journalists. Then...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-21-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, аеродром «Антонов», Кирило Буданов
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Lieutenant General Kirill General Kirill Budanov said that the information about the plan of the Russians to seize information on February 24, 2022, the Antonov aerodrome and planted thousands of their soldiers there from a reliable informant.

He told about it in an interview with German journalistsTime.

Then the most experienced intelligence officers were sent for the defense of the airport.

"I saw (Russian helicopters. - Ed.), And thought they were very close. He felt fear, but then adrenaline escaped, ”one of the scouts recalls.

Kirill Budanov, Head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, reported to President Volodymyr Zelensky about the situation on the battlefield in Gurvena. The head of Ukrainian intelligence received data from his units involved in the defense of the aerodrome.

"It is clear that people who see dozens of helicopters that shoot in their direction are not quite happy",- said Cyril Budanov.

The desperate battle for the Gostomel airfield disrupted the Moscow Blitzkrig and broke the intentions of terrorist Russia to occupy Kiev "in three days".

In the second half of February 24, the units of the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine made a counterattack against the Russian group. And by the end of the night, almost 80 Russian paratroopers were eliminated.

In order to make it impossible to plant an aggressor state military aircraft, the runway of the aerodrome was damaged by Ukrainian artillery.

As reportedArmyinform, GUR began to advertise in Russia.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/plan-zahoplennya-aerodromu-antonov-z-vysadkoyu-tam-tysyachi-rosiyan-nadav-nadijnyj-informator-gur/

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In Kazan, the Higher Command Tank School is on fire

Action: fires-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634020
(Longitude: 49.1536, Latitude: 55.75608)
Geographic Location: Kazan
News Source: https://t.me/bazabazon/25687
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-32-00
Tags: Kazan
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In Kazan, the Higher Command Tank School is on fire

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-in-kazan-the-higher-command-tank-school-is-on-fire

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FSB killed a man in Olonets, accused him in preparing sabotage actions on behalf of Ukraine

Action: ak-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634023
(Longitude: 32.9719, Latitude: 60.97801)
Geographic Location: Olonets
News Source: https://t.me/zvezdanews/139322
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-33-00
Tags: Olonets

FSB killed a man in Olonets, accused him in preparing sabotage actions on behalf of Ukraine

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-fsb-killed-a-man-in-olonets-accused-him-in-preparing

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The State Security Service will block Russian broadcasting in border areas

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The press service of the State Secretariat of Communications reported. Such a system will operate in Volyn, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-36-99
Tags: Держспецзв’язку, російське мовлення
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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has allocated UAH 152 million from the State Budget Reserve Fund for the construction of a system of blocking the broadcasting programs of enemy television and radio channels in border territories.

About thisreportedThe State Security Service is pressing.

Such a system will operate in Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Vinnytsia and Odessa regions.

“The implementation of the project will allow to displace the" Russian measure "from the information space of Ukraine. The impact of Russian propaganda on the Ukrainian population will be reduced, and the level of information security of Ukraine will increase, ”the department said.

Recall that the acceptance of thisorderIt will help to execute the NSDC Decision of March 18, 2022 "On neutralization of threats to the information security of the state", which provides for the sustainable functioning of objects of digital broadcasting and uninterrupted broadcasting of television channels in multiplexes Mx -1, -2, -3, -5.

As reportedArmyinform, in the NSDC they made a statement that Ukraine will find answers to all challenges, and Russia will not be able to split us from the inside.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/derzhspeczzvyazku-zablokuye-rosijske-movlennya-na-prykordonnyh-terytoriyah/

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Russian aviation conducted airstrike with guided bomb at Vovchansk, 1 person killed, another wounded

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634021
(Longitude: 36.93655, Latitude: 50.28191)
Geographic Location: Kharkiv
News Source: https://t.me/ukrinform_news/125344
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-39-00
Tags: Kharkiv
Images: 000000.jpg

Russian aviation conducted airstrike with guided bomb at Vovchansk, 1 person killed, another wounded

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-russian-aviation-conducted-airstrike-with-guided

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The enemy attacked Kherson's center: a woman affected

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Kherson Ova informs about it. As it is noted, through the Russian shelling of the central ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-42-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф, Херсон
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The army of the Russian Federation fired at the central part of the city of Kherson, as a result of the attack was known about one victim.

About thisinformsKherson Ova.

As it is noted, a woman was injured through the Russian shelling of the central part of Kherson.

“46-year-old Khersonka came under a hostile blow near the house. The ambulance was taken to the hospital for medical care, ”the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, Russia fired at the Zaporozhye regioncassette ammunition: there is a victim.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/vorog-atakuvav-czentr-hersona-postrazhdala-zhinka/

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More than 400 developers have joined the community of innovators of the Defense Innovators

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Актуальна тема, Важливо, Новини
Description: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports about it. The defense department stated that for ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-45-99
Tags: Катерина Черногоренко, міноборони, Спільнота інноваторів
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The community of innovators of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has already collected more than 400 domestic developers working on the creation of drones, sustainable communication and tools of remote verification of goals.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defence Ukraine.

The defense department stated that in order to join the community, it is necessary to register in the form:https://forms.gle/i1C6FhNTFGR4YRDo9

Within the community you can get:

“Time is the most important resource, and we strive to use it for benefit. We have created a community of innovatives to combine developers, engineers, communications and military, and to provide effective communication between them, ”said Deputy Minister of Defense Kateryna Chernnoroenko.

Recently within a communityConductedThe fourth meeting, which was a guest of the Achilles Achilles Battalion Commander Yuriy Fedorenko and his deputies.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/do-spilnoty-innovatoriv-minoborony-doluchylysya-vzhe-ponad-400-rozrobnykiv/

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In Sumy due to the blow of the Russian Federation, the school, hospital and water utility, was injured

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is stated on the Telegram-page of Ova. “Previously, as a result of the attack is injured one ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T17-49-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, Суми
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The Sumy Regional Military Administration spoke about the consequences of a hostile rocket strike on Sumy on March 7.

About thisIt is saidOn the Telegram-page of Ova.

“Previously, one civilian person is injured as a result of the attack. The premises of the school, the central city hospital, the regional center of emergency medical care, the water utility were damaged, ”the administration reported.

Currently, all the necessary services are working. The Humanitarian Mission of Proliska joined the consequences and assistance.

As reported by the Armyinform, the army of the Russian FederationShe hit the rocketThe amounts of civil infrastructure were damaged by amounts.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/u-sumah-cherez-udar-rf-poshkodzhena-shkola-likarnya-ta-vodokanal-postrazhdala-lyudyna-ova/

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Several fires in Kherson as result of Russian shelling

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634044
(Longitude: 32.58236, Latitude: 46.61918)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/hueviyherson/53980
Published Time: 2024-03-07T18-06-00
Tags: Kherson
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Several fires in Kherson as result of Russian shelling

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-several-fires-in-kherson-as-result-of-russian-shelling

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Rustem Umerov thanked Norway for allocation of funds for shells for Ukraine on Czech initiative

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of Ukraine's defense department on Twitter. “Norway also joined ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T18-29-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, Офіційно, Рустем Умєров
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The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov thanked Norway for joining the Czech artillery initiative and allocates 140 million euros for the purchase of ammunition for Ukraine.

The head of Ukraine's defense department on Twitter.

“Norway also joined the air defense coalition within the framework. This decision is a significant contribution to strengthening the possibilities of Ukraine's air defense. I thank the Defense Minister Bjorn Arlled Gram and all the Norwegian people for your support, ”the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, Latviajointo the Czech initiative for the purchase of ammunition for Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/rustem-umyerov-podyakuvav-norvegiyi-za-vydilennya-koshtiv-na-snaryady-dlya-ukrayiny-za-cheskoyu-inicziatyvoyu/

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The Russian army attacked Nikopol from heavy artillery and shock drones, there is destruction

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak. “Long -suffering ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T18-39-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф
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During the day, the Russian army attacked Nikopol on heavy artillery and shock drones.

About thisreportedHead of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak.

“The long -suffering Nikopol. After a quiet night, there were again explosions again in the morning. The enemy fired at the city of heavy artillery. And then 5 drones-Kamikadze went there, ”he said.

According to the head of Ova, 8 private homes are damaged. One of them was engaged. Rescuers extinguished the fire.

«The mutilated administrative building. And - 5 outbuildings, car, transmission line. People survived, ”said Sergei Lisak.

As reported by the Armyinform, the enemy attacked the center of Kherson:The woman was injured.

We will remind, Russia fired at the Zaporozhye regioncassette ammunition: there is a victim.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/armiya-rf-atakuvala-nikopol-z-vazhkoyi-artyleriyi-ta-udarnymy-dronamy-ye-rujnuvannya/

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In Kupyansk, families with children of 18 settlements - Oleg Synigubov are forcibly evacuated

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov. «The Council of Defense of Kharkiv ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T18-44-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, примусова евакуація, Херсонщина
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The Defense Council of Kharkiv region supported the decision on forced and mandatory evacuation from some settlements in the Kupyansk direction.

About thisreportedKharkiv Ova Kharkiv Oleg Sinegubov.

"The Defense Council of Kharkiv region supported the compulsory evacuation in the forced way of children with their parents, or persons who replace them, or other legal representatives of 18 settlements of the Velikoburluky and Vilkhovatsky territorial communities," the statement reads.

It is noted that today there is information about the residence of 110 minors in the Velikoburlu community and 51 children in the Vilkowatian community.

The Council also decided to evacuate 57 settlements.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/na-kupyanskomu-napryamku-prymusovo-evakuyuyut-simyi-z-ditmy-z-18-naselenyh-punktiv-oleg-synyegubov/

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The invaders dropped the airbag on Konstantinovka: what are the consequences of an enemy attack

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office on Facebook. “As a result of a means of the tool ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-00-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, Донеччина
Images: 000000.png

The Russian occupation army on March 7 at about 15:10 was applied by the Kab-500 air strike in Konstantinovka in Donetsk region. Two people were injured because of the hostile attack.

About thisinformsDonetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office on Facebook.

"As a result of a means of defeat on private residential buildings, two locals were injured: a 43-year-old man with cut head wounds were assisted on the spot, and a woman of 76 years was taken to a hospital with a mine-explosive injury and a face injury," the statement said.

During the attack, the victims were in their homes and were injured by the broken glass.

In addition, the explosive wave damaged at least 35 households, 2 apartment buildings, administrative buildings, electricity and 5 cars.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Sumy because of the blow of the Russian FederationdamagedThe school, hospital and water utility, the person was injured.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/okupanty-skynuly-aviabombu-na-kostyantynivku-yaki-naslidky-vorozhoyi-ataky/

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Destruction as result of shelling in Novoselivka Persha

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634058
(Longitude: 37.53651, Latitude: 48.19278)
Geographic Location: Ukraine
News Source: https://t.me/Donbas_Operativnyi/72294
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-07-00
Tags: Ukraine
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Destruction as result of shelling in Novoselivka Persha

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-destruction-as-result-of-shelling-in-novoselivka

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Russian troops intensified offensive attempts at Robotyne and Verbove

Action: ak-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634042
(Longitude: 35.80101, Latitude: 47.44625)
Geographic Location: Ukraine
News Source: https://t.me/UkraineNow/48770
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-09-00
Tags: Ukraine

Russian troops intensified offensive attempts at Robotyne and Verbove

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-russian-troops-intensified-offensive-attempts-at

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1 person wounded as Russian army shelled Bilenke village of Zaporizhzhia region with cluster ammunition

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634041
(Longitude: 35.033, Latitude: 47.62704)
Geographic Location: Zaporizhzhia, Zaporiz'ka oblast
News Source: https://t.me/UkraineNow/48772
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-10-00
Tags: Zaporizhzhia, Zaporiz'ka oblast

1 person wounded as Russian army shelled Bilenke village of Zaporizhzhia region with cluster ammunition

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-1-person-wounded-as-russian-army-shelled-bilenke

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Rather and more: Dmytro Kuleba urged allies to increase Ukraine's support pace

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is stated on the website of the foreign policy of Ukraine. The minister called ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-11-99
Tags: війна, Глава МЗС України, Дмитро Кулеба
Images: 000000.jpg

Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba participated in the video conference of foreign ministers and the defense of the Ukrainian countries to support Ukraine.

About thisIt is saidon the site of the foreign policy department of Ukraine.

The minister called on the participants to make a decision, guided by two rules: faster and more.

"The decisions should be urgent and aimed at supplying weapons for Ukraine much faster and more," he stressed.

Dmytro Kuleba called on the Ministers of the Union countries to have a sense of urgency when it comes to support of Ukraine.

“If Ukraine requires more artillery ammunition and larger missiles to reflect attacks and release the territory, you have the opportunity to produce and buy more of this weapon. If the damaged military equipment is faster to repair on bases in Ukraine and not abroad, then it is necessary to create appropriate opportunities in Ukraine. If more efficient and more Ukrainian servicemen can be trained in Ukraine, not abroad, then such decisions are needed, ”the Foreign Minister said.

The Minister also stressed the need for a speedy growing rate of weapons in Europe to meet the needs of Ukraine and European partners.

As reported by the Armyinform, Norwayprovides140 million euros to the Czech initiative to purchase ammunition for Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/shvydshe-i-bilshe-dmytro-kuleba-zaklykav-soyuznykiv-naroshhuvaty-tempy-pidtrymky-ukrayiny/

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The Russian Army storms the Novopavlovsky and Avdiivsky directions: in a day 39 unsuccessful attempts

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. In the Kupyansk direction the enemy is 2 times ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-20-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ, Хроніка війни
Images: 000000.jpg
Armed Forces. Photo Source: t.me/sjtf_odes

There were 70 combat clashes during the day. In total, the enemy caused 3 missile and 43 aircraft strikes, and made 46 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In Kupyansk directionThe enemy has attacked the positions of our defenders 2 times in the area of the settlement of Sinkivka of Kharkiv region.

In the estuary directionOur warriors reflect 7 enemy attacks in areas of settlements of Bigorivka of Luhansk region; Tern, Razdolivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy, tried to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Bakhmut directionDefense forces reflects 5 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements of Andreevka and Klischivka of Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to improve his tactical position.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders reflects 20 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdichi, Tonenke, Orlovka, Pervomaisk, Nevelskoye Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the districts of St. George, Victory, Krasnogorivka, Novomikhailivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops 19 times.

In the Kherson directionThe enemy does not give up the intention to knock out our units from the bridgeheads on the Dnieper Left Bank. Thus, during the day, the enemy performed 1 unsuccessful assault.

As reported by the Armyinform, our warriors near Kreminnaperformed the enemy "hail".

We will remind, in the Tavria direction our soldiers destroyedTwo Pion guns, Acacia Goubitsa and the Mur-M complex of Russians.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/armiya-rf-shturmuye-novopavlivskyj-ta-avdiyivskyj-napryamky-za-dobu-39-nevdalyh-sprob/

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Fighter jets shot down 2 drones over Leningrad region

Action: airplane-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634046
(Longitude: 29.43239, Latitude: 58.71787)
Geographic Location: Leningrad
News Source: https://t.me/rusbrief/207235
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-23-00
Tags: Leningrad

Fighter jets shot down 2 drones over Leningrad region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-fighter-jets-shot-down-2-drones-over-leningrad-region

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President agreed to Valery Zaluzhny's candidacy for the post of Ambassador of Ukraine to Britain

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is stated in the commentary of the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. "IN...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-25-99
Tags: Валерій Залужний, війна, посольство Великої Британії
Images: 000000.webp

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has agreed by Valery Zaluzhny's candidacy for the post of Ambassador of Ukraine to the UK.

About thisIt is saidin the commentary of the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

“On Thursday, March 7, 2024, the President of Ukraine agreed to Valery Zaluzhny's candidacy for the post of emergency and plenipotentiary of Ukraine in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine directed the British side with a corresponding request for Agraman, ”the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, President of UkraineappointedNew Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces instead of Valery Zaluzhny.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/prezydent-pogodyv-kandydaturu-valeriya-zaluzhnogo-na-posadu-posla-ukrayiny-u-brytaniyi/

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Rustem Umerov met with the management of the Hudson Institute: what was discussed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is stated on the website of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine. The parties discussed ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-30-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, Офіційно, Рустем Умєров
Images: 000000.jpeg

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov met with the President and CEO of Hudson Institute, John Walters.

About thisIt is saidon the website of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine.

The parties discussed the current situation at the front.

The Minister of Defense emphasized the importance of timely and complete military support to achieve significant results in the fight against Russian aggression.

“Together, we combine efforts to bring Ukraine closer to NATO membership and strengthen our defense capability. I am grateful for the adamant support, ”Rustem Umerov said.

As reported by the Armyinform, Rustem UmerovthankedNorway for allocation of funds for shells for Ukraine on Czech initiative.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/rustem-umyerov-proviv-zustrich-z-kerivnycztvom-instytutu-gudzonu-shho-obgovoryly/

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The President and Defense Minister of British in Kiev discussed the intensification of air defense and the joint production of weapons

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of state reported this in his Telegram. He said that the main attention ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-39-99
Tags: війна, Володимир Зеленський, міністр оборони Великої Британії, Президент України
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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, during a meeting with the Secretary of State of the United Kingdom on Defense Grant, discussed the continuation of defense cooperation between the countries.

The head of statereportedIn his Telegram.

He said that the parties on the meetings were paid to the strengthening of air defense, the long -range capabilities of the Armed Forces, to meet other urgent needs for weapons and ammunition, as well as the issue of joint production of weapons.

"I thank the government and the UK people for the leadership support of Ukraine and our people," the statement said.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/prezydent-ta-ministr-oborony-brytaniyi-u-kyyevi-obgovoryly-posylennya-ppo-ta-spilne-vyrobnycztvo-zbroyi/

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Ukrainian aviation has inflicted 11 blows on the enemy

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. “The missile troops were inflicted ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T19-46-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ, Хроніка війни
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustrative photo

During the day, the Aviation of Defense Forces struck 11 areas of focusing on the enemy's personnel.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Units of missile troops have led to 1 area of concentration of personnel, 2 air defense means, 1 station of electronic warfare and 1 composition of fuel and lubricants of the enemy," the statement reads.

We will remind, the army of the Russian Federation storms the Novopavlovsky and Avdiivsky directions:per day 39 unsuccessful attempts.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the Tavriysk direction our soldiers destroyedTwo Pion guns, Acacia Goubitsa and the Mur-M complex of Russians.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/ukrayinska-aviacziya-zavdala-11-udariv-po-vorogu/

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The Ministry of Defense discussed with combat doctors volumes of domedic assistance on the battlefield

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the website of the defense department. At a meeting dedicated to the volume of domedic ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-10-99
Tags: агресія рф, бойові медики, війна, Міністерство оборони України, Наталія Калмикова
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Deputy Minister of Defense Natalia Kalmykova met with combat physicians organized by the Department of Health together with Razom for Ukraine.

About thisinformsThe website of the defense department.

At the meeting dedicated to domedic assistance during hostilities, they considered the question:

“We gathered today to discuss domedic assistance during hostilities with those who provide it at different links. I think they should be based on Ukrainian experience and standards of NATO countries. The basis of decision making should be data and evidence. Your experience is invaluable, and we will take it into account as much as possible to create an effective policy, ”Natalia Kalmykova emphasized.

As reported by the Armyinform, Natalia KalmykovadiscussedWith NATO representatives, gender equality in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/u-minoborony-obgovoryly-z-bojovymy-medykamy-obsyagy-domedychnoyi-dopomogy-na-poli-boyu/

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Dismissal in the reserve of sections: the President has signed the appropriate decree

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The relevant decree №149/2024 was published at the Presidential Office of Ukraine. According to the decree ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-11-99
Tags: Володимир Зеленський, демобілізація, Президент України, Указ
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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree on the dismissal of conscripts in stock of military personnel.

AppropriateDecree No. 149/2024Presidential at the Presidential Office.

According to the decree, the President has decidedReleased in April - May 2024In stock from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the State Special Transport Service, other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, servicemen of conscripts whose service expire Pursuant to part nine of Article 23 of the Law on Military Duty and Military Service.

Volodymyr Zelensky also instructed the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine to provide at the requests of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine transportation of persons in compliance with the requirements of safety and payments for these transportation in accordance with the current tariffs.

The document states that nowThe following decrees are losing validity:

"This decree comes into force on the date of its publication," the document stated.

As reportedArmyinform, The Council adopted a law on the demobilization of the term.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/zvilnennya-v-zapas-strokovykiv-prezydent-pidpysav-vidpovidnyj-ukaz/

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Rustem Umerov at a meeting with a grant of Shapps told about the needs of the Armed Forces and the situation at the front

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports about it. The parties discussed the priority needs ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-18-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, Міністерство оборони України, Офіційно, Рустем Умєров
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The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov, together with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Alexander Syrsky met with the Minister of Defense of the United Kingdom Grant Shapps and the Chief of Defense Staff Admiral Tony Radakin.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defence Ukraine.

The parties discussed the primary needs of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. The Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Alexander Sirsky informed about the situation at the front and the last actions of the enemy.

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine expressed gratitude to the British partners for comprehensive support, in particular for the supply of Storm Shadow missiles, which are changing the situation on the battlefield.

“The United Kingdom is constantly convincing the free world to do the right things. Together, we argue that democracy can defeat autocracy, ”Rustem Umerov emphasized.

As reported by the Armyinform, the President and the Minister of Defense of Britain in KievdiscussedStrengthening air defense and joint production of weapons.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/rustem-umyerov-na-zustrichi-z-grantom-shappsom-rozpoviv-pro-potreby-zsu-ta-sytuacziyu-na-fronti/

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Arrested by the LNR fighter who fought in the Storm battalion

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it informs the office of the Attorney General. The prosecutor in court proved that a resident ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-21-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Офіс Генерального прокурора
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The LNR fighter, who fought on the side of the enemy in the battalion "Storm", was sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.

About thisinformsOffice of the Prosecutor General.

The prosecutor in court proved that the resident of Luhansk region in 2022 voluntarily moved to the side of the enemy. He joined the illegal armed formation of the People's Police of the Terrorist Organization of the so -called "LNR". The man served in the 6th separate motorized rifle Cossack regiment, which is part of the 2nd Army Corps of Russian troops, as an arrow.

"The convicted person performed the duties of a guard service for the protection of the territory and monitoring the military and military equipment of the Armed Forces," - said in the department.

As the investigation was established, since April 2023 he was transferred to the Storm battalion of the same regiment, where he equipped and strengthened the fire positions of the Russian army for combat, trenches, built armor, guardianship and directly participated in hostilities.

“The man fought in the settlements of Lugansk and Donetsk regions. He was detained forces of defense of Ukraine in the territory of Bakhmut district of Donetsk region, ”the prosecutor's office told.

As reported by the Armyinform, five traitorsparticipated in Bakhmut's "meat" storms.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/zaareshtovano-bojovyka-lnr-yakyj-voyuvav-u-bataljoni-shtorm/

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Russian army shelled Toretsk

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634054
(Longitude: 37.84807, Latitude: 48.39456)
Geographic Location: Toretsk, Donetsk Oblast
News Source: https://t.me/novosti_donbass24/65178
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-31-00
Tags: Toretsk, Donetsk Oblast
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Russian army shelled Toretsk

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-russian-army-shelled-toretsk-

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“They took Avdeevka, sang, as if they had taken the floor of Ukraine” - Gur Perekholnnya

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The intercepted conversation was published by GUR, reports the army. As noted, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-35-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГУР перехоплення
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Ukrainian intelligence officers have released a conversation in which the Russian military is incapable of constant losses among personnel, inaction of management and false information, which is published on Russian TV channels.

Intercepted conversationPublishedGur, reports the army.

As it is noted, the Russian serviceman tells about the constant loss and misery of the army of the Russian Federation:

In addition, the occupier suggests that the Wagnets went to Moscow due to the reduction of the supply of ammunition.

IUU also emphasized that for every military crime committed against Ukraine, there will be a fair payment.

As reported by the Armyinform, the plan of capture of the Antonov airfield with landing thereThousands of Russians provided a reliable informant.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/avdeevku-vzyaly-raspely-kak-budto-pol-ukrayn%d1%8b-vzyaly-gur-perehoplennya/

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Another party of artillery shells from Lithuania arrived in Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This was announced by the Minister of National Defense of Lithuania Arvidas Anushauskas. "Ministry...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-37-99
Tags: артилерійські снаряди, війна, військова підтримка, допомога партнерів, Литва, Світ підтримує Україну
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Another party of 155 mm of artillery shells came to Ukraine today.

About thisreportedMinister of National Defense of Lithuania Arvidas Anushauskas.

“The Ministry of National Defense and the Lithuanian Armed Forces continue to provide military support to Ukraine. Today, the Ukrainian army was handed over another party of support - the Lithuanian army transported 155 mm artillery shells to Ukraine, ”the message reads.

Arvidas Anushauskas stressed that Lithuania sends what Ukraine now needs.

According to him, in addition to military equipment, Lithuania also actively teaches Ukrainian soldiers, provides treatment and rehabilitation of Ukrainians, organizes expert consultations, allocates funds to international funds in support of Ukraine.

As reported by the Armyinform, Lithuaniawill passUkraine is part of the purchased military trucks for demining.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/v-ukrayinu-prybula-shhe-odna-partiya-artylerijskyh-snaryadiv-vid-lytvy/

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Rustem Umerov and Dmytro Kuleba took part in the Paris Conference on Ukraine support

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Ministry of Defense in the telegram. At the meeting, the parties discussed the paths ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-40-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Дмитро Кулеба, міністерська сесія, Паризька конференція, Рустем Умєров
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The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov, together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmitry Kuleba, participated in a ministerial session that completed the Paris Conference on Ukraine support.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defense in Telegram.

At the meeting, the parties discussed ways to strengthen assistance to Ukraine in several important areas:

“We are grateful that our partners understand our direct priorities and long -term needs. It is clear to everyone that our joint safety depends on the cessation of Russian aggression, ”Rustem Umerov emphasized.

The Minister of Defense also informed his colleagues about the situation at the front: “He pointed to existing problems, such as pollution of mines. I am glad to hear that the most needed capacity for ammunition is increasing. And our unity is too. "

Rustem Umerov also congratulated Sweden on NATO joining.

As reportedArmyinform, Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov discussed the needs of the Armed Forces and the situation at the front at a meeting with a grant of Shapps.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/rustem-umyerov-ta-dmytro-kuleba-vzyaly-uchast-u-paryzkij-konferencziyi-z-pidtrymky-ukrayiny/

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Explosion was audible in Sumy

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634059
(Longitude: 34.85722, Latitude: 50.92264)
Geographic Location: Sumy,Sums'ka oblast
News Source: https://t.me/channel24_ua/123803
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-41-00
Tags: Sumy,Sums'ka oblast

Explosion was audible in Sumy

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-explosion-was-audible-in-sumy

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For the military opened a rehabilitation center in Khmelnitsky

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: As part of the project, a major repair of part of the first floor of one of the key ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T20-55-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, реабілітація
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The Recovery Innovative Rehabilitation Center, which provides free services to the military after injuries, began work in Khmelnitsky. This is the 10th National Network Center.

As part of the project, the part of the first floor of one of the key medical institutions of Khmelnytsky region was overhauled.

The rehabilitation center is equipped with innovative simulators and apparatus. This allows patients at high technological levels to restore the course, the lost function of the upper and lower extremities, including the resulting minibular injuries.

The new center contains two rooms of individual physical therapy and ergotherapy hall, as well as two physical therapy halls, which are equipped with virtual reality equipment that provides feedback from the patient. Also, there were outlines of training skills, neurorehabilitation, hardware treatment, laser therapy, assimilate technologies, horde, medical staff and other office rooms.

The whole space is equipped with the world standards of inclusiveness: wide doorways, lack of thresholds and anti -skid coating on the floor, handrails in the corridors. The ward is designed for 22 people. The rooms are equipped with multifunctional beds with electric drive, functional furniture for comfortable stay, as well as inclusive bathrooms and showers.

“There is a wonderful team in Khmelnitsky, everyone's eyes burned. Of course, doctors like the fact that they contribute to our victory here. They are burning with all their hearts and soul for this case. I communicated in our rehabilitation centers with guys, some of them visited foreign hospitals - they say that we have super -speeches, ”says the founder of the Recovery Project.

The center employs three multidisciplinary medical rehabilitation teams. Depending on the needs of each wounded here, he will be restored by an individual program - physical rehabilitation medicine, physical therapists, ergotherapists, psychologists, language therapists and speech and other specialists.

"All our team is making every effort to recover, return to the society of our soldiers, as well as for a common victory," - said Oksana Bochkaryova, a hospital director, on the basis of which the Center in Khmelnitsky started operating.

Currently, Khmelnitsky Center will be able to receive quality and free assistance of more than 2,000 military.

In total, more than 7,000 patients have received rehabilitation assistance from the national network centers, a large number of who have returned to the front. Today, the National Rehabilitation Centers of Recovery have 10 centers, which, in addition to Khmelnitsky, operate in Kyiv, Lviv, Rivne, Vinnitsa, Cherkasy, Odessa (two establishments) and in the Dnieper (two institutions). It is planned that by the end of 2024 the network will expand to at least 16 centers. This will help more than 20,000 patients a year.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/dlya-vijskovyh-vidkryly-reabilitaczijnyj-czentr-u-hmelnyczkomu/

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Oleksandr Pavlyuk showed how his units were destroyed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: He wrote about it and published the appropriate video on the Telegram. According to ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T21-01-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Олександр Павлюк
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The commander of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Lieutenant General Alexander Pavlyuk showed how his units destroy enemy equipment.

He is about itwroteand published the appropriate video on the Telegram.

According to Alexander Pavlyuk, the Land Forces units impress the enemy from the Dana SAU, FPV-the boxes and discharges from the UAV.

"The hostile infantry was destroyed, the Sun-1, Tank, tank, BMP with a landing," added Lieutenant General.

As reported by the Armyinform, the total loss of the enemy in the past daymake up1160 invaders, 42 artillery systems and 17 tanks.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/oleksandr-pavlyuk-pokazav-yak-jogo-pidrozdily-znyshhyly-rosijski-solnczepok-tank-ta-bmp-z-desantom/

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Ukraine and Lithuania discussed the mechanisms of directing the seized assets of Russia in favor of Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: During the meeting, the parties discussed the current economic situation in Ukraine, needs ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T21-19-99
Tags: війна, заморожені активи, Литва, Україна
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Today, on March 7, the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Serhiy Marchenko held a working meeting with the Lithuanian Gintare Skishste ministerial during her visit to Ukraine.

During the meeting partydiscussedThe current economic situation in Ukraine, the needs of the state budget in 2024 and the mechanisms of direction in favor of Ukraine withdrawn assets of Russia.

Serhiy Marchenko thanked the Lithuanian government and the people for their help and expressed his hope for further active cooperation between the countries.

“Lithuania was one of the first countries to support Ukraine at the beginning of a full -scale invasion, including providing military and humanitarian assistance, as well as imposing a number of sanctions against the Russian Federation. We are grateful to the Lithuanian Government for comprehensive support, which continues to promote the stability of our country in the face of constant challenges, ”the Minister of Finance of Ukraine said.

Since the beginning of a large -scale war, the Lithuanian government has directed Ukraine about 20 million euros of direct budget support.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the EUdiscussThe possibility of using frozen assets of the Russian Federation in favor of Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/ukrayina-ta-lytva-obgovoryly-mehanizmy-spryamuvannya-vyluchenyh-aktyviv-rosiyi-na-koryst-ukrayiny/

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The Movie "20 days in Mariupol" is of critical importance for counteracting Russian lies - Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of state wrote about it in his telegram. “I am grateful to the team that created this ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T21-23-99
Tags: 20 днів у Маріуполі, stoprussia, Володимир Зеленський, вторгнення рф
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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky communicated with the director of the documentary nominated on "20 days in Mariupol" by Mstislav Chernov.

The head of statewroteIn his telegram.

“I am grateful to the team that has created this very important movie for exposing Russia's atrocity against our people for the whole world. This terrible and truthful story is critical for counteracting Russian lies, keeping Ukraine in the spotlight and understanding that our state should win this war, and Russia should be held accountable, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed.

The head of state wished the team that worked on the tape, success in the nomination for Oscar.

As reportedArmyinform, The President agreed to Valery Zaluzhny's candidacy for the post of Ambassador of Ukraine to Britain.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/film-20-dniv-u-mariupoli-maye-krytychno-vazhlyve-znachennya-dlya-protydiyi-rosijskij-brehni-volodymyr-zelenskyj/

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The forced evacuation of children was introduced in four settlements of Donetsk region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Government Portal. In total, it is planned to evacuate 28 children with parents ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T21-33-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Донеччина, примусова евакуація
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Due to the security situation, forced evacuation of children was introduced in the four settlements of Donetsk region.

About thisinformsGovernment portal.

In total, 28 children with parents or other legal representatives are planned to be evacuated.

"In safer regions, evacuated children, along with accompanying persons, will be provided with free reflection, financial and humanitarian assistance, psychological support, etc.," the statement said.

It should be noted that the evacuation is free of charge, but for the preliminary recording it is necessary to call the hotline of the Donetsk ova on the evacuation issues by number: 0 800 408 911.

You can also report to evacuated on the hotline of the Ministry of Reintegration 15-48 or write in the messengers of WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber to the number: (096) 078-84-33.

As reportedArmyinformIn Kupyansk, families with children of 18 settlements are forcibly evacuated.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/prymusovu-evakuacziyu-ditej-zaprovadzheno-u-chotyroh-naselenyh-punktah-donechchyny/

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Not for the weak -minded: our drors forced the occupiers to give up aggression

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The State Border Service of Ukraine informs about it. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T21-53-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Держприкордонслужба
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Aeroterane border guards with the help of an FPV-aroma convinced two invaders to give up aggression.

About thisinformsState Border Service of Ukraine.

As it is noted, the border guards of the Guard Brigade of the offensive "Steel Border" continue to clean Ukrainian land from the invaders.

“In the Kharkiv direction, the State Border Guard Aeravists found two invaders among the Russian aggression destroyed by Russian aggression. Drones-Kamikadze border guards transferred the occupiers to the status of "300",-the message reads.

The department also warned that participation in the invading war against Ukraine is harmful to the health of the invaders and not only.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the forces of defense of southern UkrainetoldAbout success in the enemy's defeat.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/nashi-dronshhyky-pokazaly-yak-zmushuyut-okupantiv-vidmovytys-vid-agresiyi/

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Britain funds over 10,000 drones for Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This was stated by the Minister of Defense Grant Chapsa during a visit to Kiev, quoted ...
Published Time: 2024-03-07T21-57-99
Tags: stoprussia, БПЛА, Британія, допомога партнерів, Світ підтримує Україну
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The United Kingdom will allocate £ 325 million for the purchase of 10,000 most modern drones for Ukraine.

This was statedpress serviceBritish government

"Investments that will transfer more than 10,000 drones for the Armed Forces of Ukraine will allow the use of the leading world defense industry of Great Britain to provide Ukraine with advanced capabilities of new drones during 2024," said Shappps Grant.

He also urged international partners to follow the example of the United Kingdom in this matter.

“I increase our obligation to equip Ukraine with advanced new drones coming from the leading world defense industry of Great Britain - directly from the factory to the front line. I urge international partners to join the UK in these efforts, ”the British minister said.

Britain will supply more than 10,000 drones, most of which are FPV drones, 1000 percussion drones that have been developed in Britain, as well as reconnaissance and marine drones.

The Shappal Grant added that the Armed Forces use this weapons "with an unprecedented effect to destroy almost 30% of the Russian Black Sea Fleet."

As reportedArmyinform, The President and the Minister of Defense of Britain in Kiev discussed the intensification of air defense and joint production of weapons.

Also Rustem Umerov at meeting with a grant of Shappstoldon the needs of the Armed Forces and the situation on the front.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/07/brytaniya-profinansuye-ponad-10-tysyach-droniv-dlya-ukrayiny/

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Sweden becomes NATO’s 32nd member

Action: speech-2
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Baltics, North Europe
News ID: 22634065
(Longitude: 4.4244, Latitude: 50.8804)
Geographic Location: Brussel, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
News Source: https://x.com/Natsecjeff/status/1765741299586809911
Published Time: 2024-03-07T22-08-00
Tags: Brussel, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
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Sweden becomes NATO’s 32nd member

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-sweden-becomes-natos-32nd-member

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Drone targeted metallurgical plant in Cherepovets

Action: drone-2
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634068
(Longitude: 37.87716, Latitude: 59.13772)
Geographic Location: Cherepovets,Vologodskaya oblast'
News Source: https://t.me/rusnews/50033
Published Time: 2024-03-07T22-49-00
Tags: Cherepovets,Vologodskaya oblast'

Drone targeted metallurgical plant in Cherepovets

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-drone-targeted-metallurgical-plant-in-cherepovets

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There are "no limits" and "no red lines" to France's support for Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron said this afternoon

Action: speech-2
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: France
News ID: 22634074
(Longitude: 2.31661, Latitude: 48.86985)
Geographic Location: Paris, Île-de-France
News Source: https://x.com/L_ThinkTank/status/1765753972239823265
Published Time: 2024-03-07T22-58-00
Tags: Paris, Île-de-France

There are "no limits" and "no red lines" to France's support for Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron said this afternoon

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-there-are-no-limits-and-no-red-lines-to-frances-support

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1 person wounded, hospital damaged as result of Russian missile strike in Sumy

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634075
(Longitude: 34.77443, Latitude: 50.89541)
Geographic Location: Sumy, Sums'ka oblast
News Source: https://t.me/hromadske_ua/43500
Published Time: 2024-03-07T23-46-00
Tags: Sumy, Sums'ka oblast
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1 person wounded, hospital damaged as result of Russian missile strike in Sumy

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-1-person-wounded-hospital-damaged-as-result-of-russian

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President Zelensky has appointed Valery Zaluzhny as Ambassador of Ukraine to UK

Action: speech-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634081
(Longitude: 30.52914, Latitude: 50.44426)
Geographic Location: Kyiv, Kyiv city
News Source: https://t.me/lachentyt/39824
Published Time: 2024-03-08T01-13-00
Tags: Kyiv, Kyiv city
Images: 000000.jpg

President Zelensky has appointed Valery Zaluzhny as Ambassador of Ukraine to UK

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-president-zelensky-has-appointed-valeriy-zaluzhniy

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Britain will fund more than 10,000 drones for Ukraine for a total amount of more than 325 million pounds, - said the British ...

Action: speech-2
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: UK, Weapons
News ID: 22634117
(Longitude: 30.52936, Latitude: 50.44419)
Geographic Location: Kyiv, Kyiv city
News Source: https://t.me/lachentyt/39828
Published Time: 2024-03-08T02-28-00
Tags: Kyiv, Kyiv city

Britain will fund more than 10,000 drones for Ukraine for a total amount of more than 325 million pounds, - said the British Defense Secretary in Kyiv

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-britain-will-fund-more-than-10000-drones-for-ukraine

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Ukrainian military had 70 combat engagements with Russian forces near Synkivka of Kharkiv region, Bilohorivka of Luhansk regi...

Action: ak-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634129
(Longitude: 37.49909, Latitude: 47.85492)
Geographic Location: Donetsk
News Source: https://t.me/lumsrc/7441
Published Time: 2024-03-08T03-34-00
Tags: Donetsk

Ukrainian military had 70 combat engagements with Russian forces near Synkivka of Kharkiv region, Bilohorivka of Luhansk region, Terny, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region, Andriyivka and Klischiyivka of Donetsk region, Berdychi, Tonenke, Orlivka, Pervomayske, Nevelske of Donetsk region, Heorhiyivka, Pobyeda, Krasnohorivka, Novomykhaylivka, at the eastern bank of Dnipro river in Kherson region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-ukrainian-military-had-70-combat-engagements-with

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Ukraine’s Zelensky to visit Turkey on Friday, Turkish Presidency announces

Action: speech-7
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Turkey
News ID: 22634150
(Longitude: 32.79831, Latitude: 39.93014)
Geographic Location: Ankara
News Source: https://x.com/ragipsoylu/status/1765826881775906963
Published Time: 2024-03-08T03-48-00
Tags: Ankara

Ukraine’s Zelensky to visit Turkey on Friday, Turkish Presidency announces

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-ukraines-zelensky-to-visit-turkey-on-friday-turkish

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Odesa is under Shahed drones attack, air defense is active, several explosions were audible

Action: aa-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634151
(Longitude: 30.75434, Latitude: 46.49154)
Geographic Location: Odesa
News Source: https://t.me/OdessaDumskayaNet/73770
Published Time: 2024-03-08T05-13-00
Tags: Odesa

Odesa is under Shahed drones attack, air defense is active, several explosions were audible

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-odesa-is-under-shahed-drones-attack-air-defense-is

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2 person killed as result of MLRS shelling in Kupiansk

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634152
(Longitude: 37.61015, Latitude: 49.71094)
Geographic Location: Kupyansk, Kharkiv
News Source: https://t.me/UkraineNow/48819
Published Time: 2024-03-08T05-17-00
Tags: Kupyansk, Kharkiv

2 person killed as result of MLRS shelling in Kupiansk

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/7-march-2-person-killed-as-result-of-mlrs-shelling-in-kupiansk

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