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March 9. This day in history

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Цей день в історії
Published Time: 2024-03-09T00-01-99
Images: 000000.jpg
9 березня. Цей день в історії

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/9-bereznya-czej-den-v-istoriyi-5/

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Explosions in Kakhovka district for an hour

Action: explode-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634295
(Longitude: 33.49525, Latitude: 46.79301)
Geographic Location: Nova Kakhovka, Khersons'ka oblast
News Source: https://t.me/hueviyherson/54049
Published Time: 2024-03-09T01-59-00
Tags: Nova Kakhovka, Khersons'ka oblast

Explosions in Kakhovka district for an hour

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/8-march-explosions-in-kakhovka-district-for-an-hour-

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Erdogan, Zelensky meeting has ended in Istanbul. Defense minister Guler, commerce minister Bolat, Turkish intel chief Kalin, ...

Action: speech-7
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Turkey
News ID: 22634298
(Longitude: 28.99996, Latitude: 41.039)
Geographic Location: İstanbul
News Source: https://x.com/ragipsoylu/status/1766165196295295435
Published Time: 2024-03-09T02-12-00
Tags: İstanbul

Erdogan, Zelensky meeting has ended in Istanbul. Defense minister Guler, commerce minister Bolat, Turkish intel chief Kalin, comms director Altun, and chief advisor Kilic are present

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/8-march-erdogan-zelensky-meeting-has-ended-in-istanbul-defense

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Explosions were reported in Pokrovsk district

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634296
(Longitude: 37.19421, Latitude: 48.3074)
Geographic Location: Pokrovsk
News Source: https://t.me/Donbas_Operativnyi/72450
Published Time: 2024-03-09T02-29-00
Tags: Pokrovsk

Explosions were reported in Pokrovsk district

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/8-march-explosions-were-reported-in-pokrovsk-district-

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The Turkish President: We are ready to host a peace summit between Ukraine and Russia

Action: speech-7
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Turkey, Russia
News ID: 22634304
(Longitude: 29.00146, Latitude: 41.03904)
Geographic Location: İstanbul
News Source: https://x.com/AsharqNewsBrk/status/1766172346153423211
Published Time: 2024-03-09T02-41-00
Tags: İstanbul

The Turkish President: We are ready to host a peace summit between Ukraine and Russia

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/8-march-the-turkish-president-we-are-ready-to-host-a-peace

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The Turkish President: We will contribute strongly to the reconstruction of Ukraine after the end of the war

Action: speech-7
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Turkey
News ID: 22634303
(Longitude: 28.99979, Latitude: 41.03878)
Geographic Location: İstanbul
News Source: https://x.com/AsharqNewsBrk/status/1766172248434512169
Published Time: 2024-03-09T02-53-01
Tags: İstanbul

The Turkish President: We will contribute strongly to the reconstruction of Ukraine after the end of the war

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/8-march-the-turkish-president-we-will-contribute-strongly

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At Bakhmut direction Russian army shelled Bohdanivka, Chasiv Yar, New York and Hryhorivka of Donetsk region. Russian aviation...

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634313
(Longitude: 38.05527, Latitude: 48.40575)
Geographic Location: Toretsk
News Source: https://t.me/lumsrc/7445
Published Time: 2024-03-09T03-04-00
Tags: Toretsk

At Bakhmut direction Russian army shelled Bohdanivka, Chasiv Yar, New York and Hryhorivka of Donetsk region. Russian aviation conducted airstrikes at Holmivskyy and Druzhba of Donetsk region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/8-march-at-bakhmut-direction-russian-army-shelled-bohdanivka

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Ukrainian military had 74 combat engagements with Russian forces near Synkivka and Kyslivka of Kharkiv region, Terny and Spir...

Action: ak-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634307
(Longitude: 35.90752, Latitude: 47.43793)
Geographic Location: Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia region
News Source: https://t.me/lumsrc/7450
Published Time: 2024-03-09T03-05-00
Tags: Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia region

Ukrainian military had 74 combat engagements with Russian forces near Synkivka and Kyslivka of Kharkiv region, Terny and Spirne of Donetsk region, Andriyivka and Klischiyivka of Donetsk region, Berdychi, Orlivka, Tonenke, Pervomayske, Nevelske of Donetsk region, Pobyeda, Krasnohorivka, Novomykhaylivka of Donetsk region, Robotyne and west to Verbove of Zaporizhzhia region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/8-march-ukrainian-military-had-74-combat-engagements-with

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Mobilization: what is issued and what you need to take with you in the army

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Соціальний захист
Description: The summons for sending is usually written that you need to take. But is everything there you need? ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T07-15-99
Tags: військове майно, мобілізація, речове забезпечення
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustration Armyinform. Part of the image Openai

Mobilization continues in Ukraine. If you have received a summons or have already passed the medical commission and have been informed of the date of departure to the troops, then you should start collecting the necessary things.

The summons for sending is usually written that you need to take. But is everything you need? From my personal experience, I was told (and not just me) in the shopping center that a lot of things do not need to be taken. Everything will be issued. In fact, there are quite a few things that will be needed. And they will not be issued. Or not in the amount you need.

That is issued

There is a basic set that is issued to servicemen - BEK (combat single set). It has 46 positions. We will not list absolutely all points. The full list of what should be published can be found inDefense Minister No. 232. During the martial law, we are interested in norm 1, category 5 (wearing time).

Personal protective equipment

Helmet, bulletproof vest and ballistic glasses. All this is issued for 2 years. There should also be 3 covers to the helmet.


Berzi is summer or demi -season, winter, slippers, shoe covers and rubber boots. One couple for 2 years.



The hat is common and winter, Kashket and Panama.


Karemate, sleeping bag, tactical gloves, belt, transport bag.


T -shirts, winter and summer socks, pants, 2 sets of thermal underwear - demi -season and winter.

If something is lost because of the fighting, then you have to give you new. But there is an important point. About the loss/destruction of the property immediately inform the commander so that it can be written off. The new form will be issued only after that.

That will not be given but better to have with you

Immediately I note that the above described is not an axiom, but only my own experience. Everyone should choose what they really need and what is financial capacity.


Passport, driver's license, duplicate of the individual tax number, military documents. And it is important to keep it all in a special waterproof package.

What is required for personal hygiene:

Electrical appliances:

Shoes are one of the most important aspects

In the shoes you will spend most of the day under completely different weather conditions. Therefore, it should be perfect in size, but not desirable, but already dispersed. Yes, shoes in the army appear. But there may be questions with the required size. In addition, sooner or later, it will become strongly contaminated or wet. And you will need something to replace. So it is better to have something extra.


If possible:

- demi -season Berzi;

- additional insoles (shoes wear out quickly and insoles even faster).


Here the situation is similar to shoes. The form is issued. But again, they may not be issued immediately. In addition, some things can wear out quite quickly due to load. For example, some of my form did not even survive before completing my studies. Although I know many people who at least have enough for what they were issued.

But if possible, it is better to have:

- set of form (pants and boiler);

- T -shirts, linen, socks;

- Flisk (personally, I was enough for a long time, which was issued, however, the conditions are different, so it is also advisable to have another one if possible);

- tactical gloves (an important thing in the army - hands constantly have to do something, so it is better to have protection);

- a set of civilian clothes.

Backpack or Baul

Baul or some big bag will be issued. But this is mostly used as a dresser that stores things. Therefore, it is better to have:

- backpack, at least 30 liters;

- Packages and bags that will not be superfluous.


The main equipment is issued. But you may need a lot. Initially, I would advise not to break my head about it. First, you need to see what they will give. Much depends on what part and what position you will be distributed.


Aid kit

The load on the body increases significantly. Therefore, without slaughter, back and joint pain is unlikely to go through this path. In addition, if people begin to get sick, then at the stage of training centers. In general, the necessary help should be provided at the health center. But in different training centers the situation with medical care is different. Somewhere better, somewhere worse. Therefore, you should collect the first aid kit at home. What to take:

And you should not worry if you have forgotten. Usually there are post offices. Therefore, relatives will be able to send what is missing.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/mobilizacziya-shho-vydayut-a-shho-potribno-dodatkovo-vzyaty-iz-soboyu-u-vijsko/

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The Russian Army 37 times tried to storm the Novopavlovsky and Avdiivsky directions

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. In the Kupyansk direction the enemy is 3 times ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T07-38-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ, Хроніка війни, Хроніка оборони
Images: 000000.jpg

During the last day, 63 combat clashes were recorded on the specified information. The enemy also struck 8 missile and 107 aviation strikes, and made 113 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In Kupyansk directionThe enemy attacked the positions of our defenders 3 times in the areas of Sinkivka and Kislivka of Kharkiv region, trying to improve their tactical position.

In the estuary directionOur warriors reflect 5 enemy attacks in the areas of Terny and disputed Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut directionDefense forces reflect 9 attacks of the enemy in the areas of settlements Andreevka and Klyshchiyivka.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders reflect 15 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdichi, Orlovka, Tonenko, Pervomaisk and Nevel.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the areas of Victory, Krasnogorivka and Novomikhailivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops 22 times.

In the Orikhiv direction8 attacks of the enemy in the areas of the robot and west of the Verbov Zaporizhzhya region are reflected.

In the Kherson directionDefense forces continue to keep positions.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/armiya-rf-37-raziv-namagalasya-shturmuvaty-novopavlivskyj-ta-avdiyivskyj-napryamky/

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RF loss per day: minus 850 invaders, 85 units of auto engineering and 6 tanks

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: personnel - 420270 (+850) persons eliminated tanks - 6712 (+6) combat ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T08-02-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, втрати ворога, ГШ ЗСУ
Images: 000000.jpg

The total fighting loss of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 09.03.24 are approximately:

The data is specified ...

Beat the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in truth!

Source:The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 09.03.24.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/vtraty-rf-za-dobu-minus-850-okupantiv-85-odynycz-avtotehniky-i-6-tankiv/

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Our art has destroyed the management point, 3 Stations of the IP and the composition of the ammunition of the occupiers

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. As noted, the defense forces are destroyed ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T08-08-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ, Хроніка війни, Хроніка оборони
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustrative photo

During the last day, the Aviation of Defense forces has struck 10 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and enemy military equipment.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As it is noted, the defense forces destroyed 12 of the 15 launched by Russian occupants of the UAV type "Shahd".

"Divisions of missile troops were affected by 1 area of concentration of weapons and military equipment, 1 point of management, 3 stations of radio electronic struggle, in particular two R-330s" residents ", 1 heavy-duty flame-dumped system of the SOLNPENCEKECE and 1 composition of enemy ammunition" - The message says.

As reported by the Armyinform, the army of the Russian Federation37 times tried to stormNovopavlovsky and Avdiivsky directions.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/nasha-arta-znyshhyla-punkt-upravlinnya-3-stancziyi-reb-ta-sklad-boyeprypasiv-okupantiv/

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In Dnipropetrovsk, Rosarmia attacked an industrial enterprise with a shock drone

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak. “Five drones ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T08-23-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.png

At night in the Kryvyi Rih district, the enemy UAV hit the industrial enterprise, five more - the defenders of the sky were knocked down.

About thisreportedHead of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak.

“Five drones were knocked down by the sky defenders over the Kryvyi Rih district this night. But there was also a hit by an industrial enterprise. There was a fire there, ”he wrote.

In addition, the invaders and the Nikopol district were killed. Manganese and one of the villages of the community were fired. More than 10 heavy artillery shells were released.

There are no dead and victims.

As reported by the Armyinform, the army of the Russian Federation37 times tried to stormNovopavlovsky and Avdiivsky directions.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/na-dnipropetrovshhyni-rosarmiya-atakuvala-promyslove-pidpryyemstvo-udarnym-dronom/

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Ukrainian air defense eliminated 12 enemy Shahd

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As noted in the department, areas of launches ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T08-38-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, сили ппо
Images: 000000.jpg

On the night of March 9, 2024, the enemy attacked 15 shaped perch drones.

About thisreportedAir Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As noted in the department, the areas of Chuda-Crimea and Primorsko-Akhtarsk-the Russian Federation.

Air Force Air Force, Mobile Fire Groups of Defense Forces of Ukraine are involved in the reflection of the air attack.

"As a result of combat work with air defense, 12" Shahanedov "was destroyed within the Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Poltava regions," the Armed Forces emphasized in the Air Force.

We will remind, our arta destroyedControl item, 3 RBS stations and the composition of the invaders ammunition.

As reported by the Armyinform, the loss of the Russian Federation per day: minus 850 invaders,85 units of auto engineering and 6 tanks.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/ukrayinska-ppo-likviduvala-12-vorozhyh-shahed/

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There are no enemy ships in the Black Sea

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Navy of the Armed Forces. In the Sea of Azov - 1 enemy ship ....
Published Time: 2024-03-09T08-44-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ВМС ЗС України, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.png

In the Black Sea, there is no hostile ship on combat duty.

About thisreportThe Navy of the Armed Forces.

There is 1 enemy ship in the Sea of Azov. In the Mediterranean, there are three enemy ships in the combat duty, two of which are carriers of the Caliber winged missiles, a total volley of up to 12 rockets.

During the day, in the interests of the Russian Federation, the passage of the Kerch Strait was made:

The Russian Federation continues to violate the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of 1974 (Solas), switching off automatic identification systems (AIS).

As reported by the Armyinform, our arte destroyedControl item, 3 RBS stations and the composition of the invaders ammunition.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/u-chornomu-mori-vidsutni-vorozhi-korabli/

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Several drones were shot down over Taganrog, Rostov region

Action: aa-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634330
(Longitude: 38.87718, Latitude: 47.21234)
Geographic Location: Taganrog,Rostovskaya oblast'
News Source: https://t.me/rusbrief/207624
Published Time: 2024-03-09T08-45-00
Tags: Taganrog,Rostovskaya oblast'
Images: 000000.jpg

Several drones were shot down over Taganrog, Rostov region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-several-drones-were-shot-down-over-taganrog-rostov

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In Ukraine a moment of silence

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: “For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit of spirit, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T09-00-99
Tags: загальнонаціональна хвилина мовчання
Images: 000000.gif

According to Presidential Decree Volodymyr Zelensky No. 143/2022, a minute of silence is spent daily at 9:00, it is announced in all media.

“For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit, stability and heroic feat of warriors who died in the performance of combat missions to protect state sovereignty and territorial integrity , I make: start a daily at 9 o'clock 00 minutes of a nationwide minute of silence for compatriots, killed as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which to declare in all media, regardless of ownership, ”the document reads.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/v-ukrayini-hvylyna-movchannya-20/

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Detect and Destroy: British paratroopers will get computerized sights to fight UAVs

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Озброєння та техніка
Description: The UK Ministry of Defense has concluded a contract with the company at its initial value ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T09-11-99
Tags: Велика Британія, ОВТ, снайпер
Images: 000000.jpeg 000001.jpeg 000002.jpeg
Smart Shooter optical rifle system. Photo: IDF

The Israeli company Smartshooter will put the British Army of Smash X4 fire control system for C-Suas.

UK Defense MinistryIt madeWith the company, the initial cost of £ 4.6 million for the supply of 225 Smash (Smart Weapon Sight Fire Control System) as the first order from a 5-year contract totaling £ 20 million, reports Armyonform.

The British Ministry of Defense statement states that the Fire Management System for Counter-Suas will be set on the SA80 A3 assault rifles of the British Army, Fleet and Air Force menaworms to get preference in the fight against unmanned aircraft.

Last year, the British tested Smash 3000 and Smash X4 in the 2nd experimental battalion of the York Army and finally stopped at the X4 version.

Smash is a sighting system designed to capture and accompany goals, including UAVs and Life. The escort occurs at a distance of up to 250 meters. In this case, the Smartshooter system allows you to identify the target, track its movement and keep it on the sight, even when the target or infantry is moving.

“The importance of unmanned aerial vehicles on a modern battlefield is undeniable. Together with the purchase, development and deployment of this technology in different ways, we must also act on ahead of protection of our armed forces from their use by the enemy, ”said the UK Defense Procurement Minister, James Cardlideg.

The sight has three modes of operation: a day with a holographic sight, a nightlife with a displaying image on the screen, and a regular one that allows you to fire through mechanical equipment.

Smash X4 combines a 4-fold optical sight with unique Smartshooter Smash fire control capabilities, which provides the arrow with extended detection, recognition and identification ranges, as well as increased lesions.

Smash X4 also has a engraved grid that allows you to fire without a battery of the device.

Optical Smash X4 rifle system. Photo: Crown

An additional built -in laser rangefinder (LRF) allows you to measure the range both at the user's initiative and as a system input to increase accuracy. The night vision system is also available when using X4 with night vision thermal devices as a clip.

"When the soldier presses on the trigger, the IWOO system (Individual Weapon Overmatch Optic)" stifles "the shock mechanism (stops its action) until the rifle is directed to the desired trajectory that is needed for target. Data processing is carried out at the expense of a dual -core computer that can make complex ballistic calculations, ”explained the British portal expertsOf & amp; sThe principle of functioning of this equipment.

The entire sight complex has a weight of 1185 grams, the charge of the batteries is enough for 72 hours.

Smash sighting complex is currently used by the US Army and the Netherlands.

Smart Shooter optical rifle system. Video: Smartshooter

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/vyyavyty-ta-znyshhyty-brytanski-desantnyky-otrymayut-kompyuteryzovani-pryczily-dlya-borotby-z-bpla/

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The enemy attacked Kherson by aviation: know about 2 dead

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The chief of Kherson Ova Alexander Proudin informs about it. “Last day enemy ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T09-34-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustrative photo.

At night, the enemy hit Kherson from aviation. Aircraft was hit in a high -rise building. Also, shelling in the regional center damaged the medical institution and port infrastructure.

About thisinformsHead of Kherson Ova Alexander Proudin.

“Last day, the enemy fired at Tyaginka, Solove, Kachkarivka, Belozerko, Tomarina, Mikhailivka, Olgivka, Gavrilovka, Kizomis, Antonovka, Merry, Cossack, Giant, Priozerne, Sofiyivka, Stanislav, Sadovo, Dnieper.

In addition, the Russian military kissed the residential quarters of the settlements of the region, in particular, 4 high -rise buildings and 30 private homes were damaged.

"As a result of hostile attacks in the settlements of the region, there were hits in two administrative buildings, a kindergarten, a gas pipeline, a garage and a car," Alexander Proudin added.

According to the head of the Ova, because of Russian aggression, 2 people were killed, 2 more were injured, one of them was a child.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Dnipropetrovsk Rosarmiaattacked an industrial enterprise with a shock drone.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/vorog-atakuvav-herson-aviacziyeyu-vidomo-pro-2-zagyblyh/

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Drone was shot down over Kursk

Action: aa-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634331
(Longitude: 36.21969, Latitude: 51.74244)
Geographic Location: Kursk,Kurskaya oblast'
News Source: https://t.me/rusbrief/207626
Published Time: 2024-03-09T09-38-00
Tags: Kursk,Kurskaya oblast'

Drone was shot down over Kursk

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-drone-was-shot-down-over-kursk-

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Air defense engaged drones over Morozovsk of Rostov region

Action: aa-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634332
(Longitude: 41.80161, Latitude: 48.35579)
Geographic Location: Morozovsk, Rostov
News Source: https://t.me/rusbrief/207627
Published Time: 2024-03-09T09-47-00
Tags: Morozovsk, Rostov

Air defense engaged drones over Morozovsk of Rostov region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-air-defense-engaged-drones-over-morozovsk-of-rostov

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More than 100 settlements of Ukraine last day were under enemy shelling

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports Military Media Center. “In general, from different types of weapons - mortars, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T10-07-99
Tags: Military Media Center, stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли
Images: 000000.jpeg

During the last day, on March 8, Russian troops fired at the territory of 125 settlements in nine regions of Ukraine.

About thisinformsMilitary Media Center.

"In general, from different types of weapons - mortars, tanks, artillery, RSSV, SDR, OTRC, UAV and tactical aviation - 101 settlements and 128 infrastructure sites were attacked," the statement said.

As a result of a hostile attack, they are killed and injured among civilians, the number of victims is clarified.

We will remind, the enemy attacked Kherson by aviation:is known about 2 dead.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Dnipropetrovsk Rosarmiaattacked an industrial enterprise with a shock drone.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/ponad-100-naselenyh-punktiv-ukrayiny-mynuloyi-doby-buly-pid-vorozhymy-obstrilamy/

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Almost 200 people were evacuated from the front line from the front line, including 21 children

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Donetsk Ova Vadim Filashkin. According to him, in Pokrovsky ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T10-25-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Вадим Філашкін, війна, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpeg

In just a day, the Russians fired 24 times the settlements of Donetsk region. 187 people were evacuated from the front line, including 21 children.

About thisreportedHead of Donetsk Ova Vadim Filashkin.

According to him, in the Pokrovsky district, the house, administrative building and a shop in Zhelanny were damaged in the Pertinsky community. In the Marinsk community, Krasnogorivka, St. George, Maximilyanivka and Victory were fired.

In addition, in the Kramatorsk district, the outskirts of Lyman and Konstantinovsk communities came under the fire.

«Bakhmut district. In the Southern Toretsky community, people were injured, 19 houses, administrative buildings and infrastructure. 5 private homes have been damaged in the temporary community. 2 people were injured in Siversk, 2 houses and a non -residential building were damaged. In the Soledar community, Razdolivka fired, in the name - the cross -traveling and Verkhnamyanskoye, ”Vadim Filashkin said.

As reported by the Armyinform,More than 100 settlements of Ukraine last daywere under enemy shelling.

We will remind, the enemy attacked Kherson by aviation:is known about 2 dead.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/na-donechchyni-z-liniyi-frontu-evakuyuvaly-majzhe-200-osib-sered-yakyh-21-dytyna/

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The invaders fired at 12 settlements of Zaporizhzhya region: a day more than 300 beats

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov. “The invaders were fired at the RSSU ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T10-39-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpeg 000001.jpeg

During the last day, on March 8, the Russian military fired 12 settlements of Zaporizhzhya region, taking 323 beats.

About thisreportedHead of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov.

"The invaders fired at the RSZV of the robot and Guliaypole, saved 5 aircraft on a small toct and a robot, as well as attacked 67 drones of Zaporozhye, Gulyaipole, Novodanilovka, Levadne, a robot, a small tokmachka and raspberry," he said.

In addition, 249 artudaries came across the territory of Guliaypol, Orikhov, Novopavlovka, Transfiguration, Levadny, Primorsky and other frontier cities and villages.

“There have been 15 reports on the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure. The civilians were not injured, ”the head of the Ova added.

We will remind, the enemy attacked Kherson by aviation:is known about 2 dead.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Dnipropetrovsk Rosarmiaattacked an industrial enterprise with a shock drone.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/okupanty-obstrilyaly-12-naselenyh-punktiv-zaporizkoyi-oblasti-za-dobu-ponad-300-udariv/

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Rosarmia wounded nine civilians in Donetsk region a day

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Vadim Filashkin. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T10-57-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Донеччина
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Russian troops have been injured in the last day by nine civilians of Donetsk region.

About thisreportedHead of Donetsk Regional Military Administration Vadim Filashkin.

"In March 8, the Russians wounded 9 inhabitants of Donetsk region: 2 in Mirnograd, Novogrodivtsi and Siversk, 1 in Shakhovo, Berdychi and North," the head of the region wrote.

As it is noted, the total number of victims of Russians in Donetsk is presented without Mariupol and Volnovakha.

Recall in Donetsk from the front linealmost 200 people evacuatedThere are 21 children.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/rosarmiya-za-dobu-poranyla-devyat-myrnyh-zhyteliv-doneczkoyi-oblasti/

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The enemy struck a rocket strike in Odesa region: people were not injured

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the defense forces of southern Ukraine. “From a tactical aviation aircraft that ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T11-06-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpg
Starting of the anti-ship missile P-800 "Onyx" of the Bastion Complex. Illustrative photo

This morning, the enemy made a rocket strike in Odessa.

About thisreportedDefense forces of South of Ukraine.

"From the tactical aviation aircraft, which came from the Black Sea, released the X-31 rocket, which hit the field outside the settlement," the statement said.

People and infrastructure were not injured.

As reported by the Armyinform,More than 100 settlements of Ukraine last daywere under enemy shelling.

We will remind, the enemy attacked Kherson by aviation:is known about 2 dead.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/vorog-nanis-raketnyj-udar-po-odeshhyni-lyudy-ne-postrazhdaly/

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As a result of the shelling of Nikopol region, a teenager was killed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak. According to him, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T11-23-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpg

This morning, Russia fired at Nikopol region from artillery, a 16-year-old guy was killed as a result of the attack. Another 22 years old, is in hospital, is difficult.

About thisreportedHead of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak.

According to him, these are the consequences of the morning strike of the Russians in the Chervonohrigor community in the Nikopol region. The invaders fired it from artillery.

«Damaged private house, outbuilding, transmission line and gas pipeline. Terrorists… They killed in no need for an innocent young man. The life of another family was crippled, ”Sergei Lisak emphasized.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Dnipropetrovsk Rosarmiaattacked an industrial enterprise with a shock drone.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/unaslidok-obstrilu-nikopolshhyny-zagynuv-pidlitok/

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The enemy continues to use his DRG in the north of Ukraine - DPSU

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was stated by the spokesman of the State Border Service Andriy Demchenko on the air of the telecast ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T11-27-99
Tags: Андрій Демченко, ворожа ДРГ, ДПСУ, ДРГ, Сумська область, Харківська область
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The threat of penetration of sabotage and intelligence groups from the north did not disappear, although some time there was a decrease in their activity.

This was stated by a spokesman for the State Border Guard Service Andriy Demchenko on the broadcast of the only news.

“For some time we have seen a decrease in the activity of enemy DRGs both in the Sumy direction and in Kharkiv, but as we can see, this threat does not disappear. The enemy continues to use his DRG, who plan or want to enter our territory, ”Demchenko said.

Herecalledthat on the night against March 7, the border guards found the enemy DRG in Sumy and opened fire on it, whichreportedArmyinform. The saboteurs immediately opened the fire on the defeat, and they retreated.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/vorog-prodovzhuye-vykorystovuvaty-svoyi-drg-na-pivnochi-ukrayiny-dpsu/

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Our warriors showed how they destroyed the rapier guns, hangar with technique and the means

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: It is reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine. The video is shown ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T11-48-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Хроніка війни
Images: 000000.jpeg

The border guards of the Guard's offensive brigade "revenge" destroy Russian invaders in the estuary direction.

About thisinformsState Border Service of Ukraine.

The video shows how the troops of the Guard Brigade "Revenge" knock out the occupier from our region.

"The lesions of the infantry, the rapier guns, the hangar with the technique and the means of the EW is not all the work of the border guards of the Guard's offensive of the" revenge "brigade," the department said.

As it is noted, the slogan of one of the border commanders of the rapid response of the detachment, which are fighting in the estuary direction - "either we or no one".

As reported by the Armyinform, the enemycontinues to use its DRG in the north of Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/nashi-voyiny-pokazaly-yak-znyshhyly-garmaty-rapira-angar-z-tehnikoyu-ta-zasoby-reb-okupantiv/

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Russian troops fired at the time of the ravine from artillery, the man was killed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Donetsk Ova Vadim Filashkin. The shelling is also ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T12-19-99
Tags: ворожі обстріли, Донецька область, Часів Яр
Images: 000000.jpeg

On Saturday, the city of Yar in Donetsk region Russian troops fired from enemy artillery-a 46-year-old man was a deadly wound.

About thisreportedHead of Donetsk Ova Vadim Filashkin.

The shelling also damaged two high -rise buildings.

In the morning, there was a reeds under shelling - there is known about one wounded and damaged private homes.

The exact effects of shelling are established.

As reported by the Armyinform, on Sunday morning RussiaShe was firedNikopol region from artillery, a 16-year-old guy was killed as a result of the attack. Another 22 years old is in a hospital in serious condition.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/vijska-rf-obstrilyaly-chasiv-yar-z-artyleriyi-zagynuv-cholovik/

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Since the beginning of the year, counterintelligence has burned 8 tanks, 27 BBM and 3 Mur-M complexes

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Security Service of Ukraine informs about it. “Warriors from the Department of Military Counterintelligence ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T12-36-99
Tags: stoprussia, війна, вторгнення рф, втрати ворога, Хроніка війни
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustrative photo

The SBU's military counterintelligence struck 86 of military equipment and weapons.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

"Warriors from the Department of Military Counterintelligence of the Security Service destroy the enemy equipment with the help of shock UAVs and in coordination with the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the message reads.

As it is noted, since the beginning of the year, they have caused the enemy of the following losses:

In addition, the warriors destroyed 10 warehouses with ammunition and fuel and lubricants and more.

As reported by the Armyinform, our warriors showed how they destroyedRapira gun, hangar with technique and the means of Reb occupiers.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/z-pochatku-roku-kontrrozvidnyky-spalyly-8-tankiv-27-bbm-ta-3-kompleksy-murom-m-rosiyan/

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Navy special forces are accompanied by dolphins - the hero

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Life story, main, Новини
Description: Shortly after returning from the next dangerous task, he made up the newlyweds ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T12-53-99
Tags: Вишки Бойка, ВМС, Спецпідрозділ
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When the enemy fighter of the Su-30 fled from the fighter of the soldier of the Navy of the Navy, the enemy fighter of the SU-30 was waiting for him and praying on him.

Shortly after returning from the next dangerous task, he declared and the newlyweds got up, inviting all the brothers of the man to the wedding.

About the operations of special forces in the water area of the island of Snake, the return of Ukraine's so -called "tower of Boyko", the key to successful performance of the most complex combat tasks, meeting with a loved one, strong combat friendship, as well as seagull The sea of the Armyinform told the machine gunner on the call sign "Nick".

To the special unit followed after the older brother

After the beginning of a large -scale invasion of Nicholas - a private entrepreneur in a peaceful life - could not stay away from Ukraine's defense. At first, his older brother went to the army, and after him, Nick, also announced to serve in the Armed Forces, elected by the special unit of the Navy.

After the appropriate special training, he was involved in unique operations in the area of Snake Island, returning to the control of Ukraine of drilling gas platforms in the Black Sea and a number of others, which can not be mentioned at this time.

Photo by Vitaliy Pavlenko / Armyinform

- We were sent to the Head of Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and we have performed a number of tasks in the area of Snake Island and returned to Ukraine "Boyko's towers", - Nick recalls.

The enemy's towers were caught by surprise and captured the trophies

It was critical to restore control over Boyko's towers, as Russian invaders placed radar stations on them, which monitored the situation throughout the Black Sea.

- There were Russian "ereleski", - says the fighter, - we took some of them with us. From there, they took away ammunition for hostile helicopters - unmanaged aviation missiles.

The landing operation on drilling platforms was risky and bold. The enemy did not expect him to suddenly jump in the sea so far from the land controlled by Ukraine, but Ukrainian special forces were surprised by the occupiers.

Waited nights - and "on the gases" under fire

Recovering, the enemy threw against the Ukrainian military aircraft, whose fire forced the special forces for a long time to hide under the drilling platform, waiting for a successful moment to return to the base.

- Under the towers I had to stay long, because the enemy did not let us get out. However, we waited for the nights - and we "rushed under the gases" under the fire, shaking in response, - says "Nick".

Skillful maneuvering and apt fire on an enemy aircraft were allowed by fighters without loss to return to the base, successfully completing the combat mission.

Hostile drying was struck and forced to retreat

The fighter reminds his commander, whose skillful control not only removed the boat from under the enemy fire, but also allowed the machine gunner to open a good fire in response.

- He brought me to the drying and we showed that we were not easy to take! - The special forces smiles proudly. - At that time, the "Udrots" had to flee from us, not us from them.

Photo by Vitaliy Pavlenko / Armyinform

During the conversation, "Nick" several times calls the Russians "Uprots" - a definition, which is well visible to the attitude towards the occupiers who regularly fire Odessa - the hometown of the fighter.

Fate combined a young couple during the war

It was in Odessa that Nicholas met the love of his life - charming Olga. During our conversation, she is near - helps to remember the circumstances of dating and those three long days when she waited hard for her lover from the task on Boyko's towers.

Olya met with his future husband already during the war, when he was on a task in the Zaporozhye area. Before the couple, the Facebook algorithm was unexpectedly pushed.

- I wrote Ollie, asked where I could know her. Then they corresponded, agreed on the meeting and met for the first time in Odessa, - says Nicholas.

Love strengthened despite the war

- It was very romantic, the first date we had on July 14 in the park in Odessa, - Olya picks up.

Since then, the couple began to meet, and Olya made every effort to support her lover. Within a few months after dating, she came to him twice, despite the danger and obstacles, to see at least a few minutes to see Nicholas for a few minutes.

Photo by Vitaliy Pavlenko / Armyinform

- I saw that he needed support because I understood how difficult it was for fighters. When it was possible to come a second time, Nicholas was on the tasks almost all the time, there were heavy shelling. But even the short time we were able to spend together was invaluable to us, ”she says.

Three days of waiting: no connection but with faith

The most difficult test for loved ones was the separation during the Operation on Boyko's towers, when the fighters did not communicate for three days. The hostile propaganda media resources reported that Russian aviation was destroyed by a Ukrainian boat.

- I realized that it was the boat where my beloved was. These were probably some of the most difficult days in the whole war, - Olga recalls.

The soldiers warned that they could not be communicated for a long time, so there was no trust in Russian Telegram channels. However, the anxiety has increased, so the return of Nick from a successfully completed task brought extreme relief.

Honey Week in the mountains to rest from the sea

Returning to Odessa after the next task in October, Nicholas declared Ollie and she gladly accepted his proposal. However, with the wedding, they decided to wait a few weeks for the Nick's battle brothers to return from study.

It was a fundamental decision - during the acquaintance, the soldiers of the unit became native people, without whom the newlyweds did not imagine the festive beginning of married life.

Photo by Vitaliy Pavlenko / Armyinform

- After the wedding, we had a honey week in the mountains, - says Olya. - We are Odessa and we love the sea very much, but the man who is fighting on the water wanted to relax.

Dolphins are accompanied by dolphins to the combat missions

Combat tasks at sea are truly depleted, recognizes Nick. However, he said, nothing compares with the feeling of rapid movement of the boat, next to which seagulls and dolphins are sure to appear.

"Dolphins are our friends," he says. -They accompany us to almost every combat mission, jumping out of water near the boat.

When a sweetheart is waiting on the shore, and dolphins are floating along with the Kater, it means that the fighters will definitely return, successfully completing the task.

Successful Success: good equipment and weapons, motivated fighters and prayer of a loved one

Among the key to successful completion of the tasks "Nick" calls the mutual support of the brothers, who every time go to the task, consciously making the decision. For all the time of service, he says, no one has never refused to complete the combat mission.

- You need to go "on the positive" - fun, with jokes, with friendly hosts. Then everything will go well, ”he says.

Be sure to care for equipment and weapons carefully. Whatever tired fighters returned after the task, the first thing they do - look after the catheter and clean the machine guns, because their life depends on their serviceability.

- And every time the fighters go to the task, I go to church every day. They all know that I will go to church and I will pray for everyone, I will write for everyone, - Olga supplemenes. - Therefore, they will all be back.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/na-bojovi-zavdannya-speczpryznachencziv-vms-suprovodzhuyut-delfiny-geroj-operacziyi-z-povernennya-vyshok-bojka/

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We build a fortress along the Zaporizhzhya Front line - the head of the ova

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of the Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov told about it on the air of the Tele scale "One News". ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T13-10-99
Tags: Запорізька область, фортифікаційні споруди
Images: 000000.jpg 000001.jpg

The construction of the defense line and fortifications with the involvement of civilian contractors and the relevant units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues in the Zaporozhye regions.

The head of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov told about it on airTelelorphoneThe only news.

"They consist of a large number of components: anti -tank moat, the so -called" teeth of the dragon ", stretches" Putana ", all that can stop the passage of enemy equipment," said Ivan Fedorov.

"Dragon's teeth", concrete shelters and trench - in the Zaporozhye direction the erection of defense fortifications continues
«Зуби дракона», бетонні укриття та траншеї — на Запорізькому напрямку триває зведення оборонних фортифікацій

The lines of defense are placed by the connections, fire positions and shelters for the Ukrainian military

“All this happens according to the updated typical project issued by the Ministry of Defense. Those tasks and terms that the military put will be fulfilled, ”Ivan Fedorov said.

The head of the Zaporozhye Ova also said that there is a multi -stage structure that conducts quality control.

“The Defense Ministry has a General Inspectorate that leaves and controls the quality of work. In addition, the brigades that will be directly accepted are also controlled by construction, ”he explained.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/uzdovzh-zaporizkoyi-liniyi-frontu-buduyemo-forteczyu-golova-ova/

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Fire reported at industrial enterprise in Kryvyi Rih as result of Shahed drone strike

Action: fires-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634337
(Longitude: 33.42384, Latitude: 47.86406)
Geographic Location: Kryvyi Rih
News Source: https://t.me/hyevuy_dnepr/67337
Published Time: 2024-03-09T13-31-00
Tags: Kryvyi Rih

Fire reported at industrial enterprise in Kryvyi Rih as result of Shahed drone strike

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-fire-reported-at-industrial-enterprise-in-kryvyi

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In the south, the occupiers for the first time in 10 days dared to apply tactical aviation to start the CA

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the defense forces of southern Ukraine. The Russian troops were hit by the Medium ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T13-37-99
Tags: КАБ, Сили оборони Півдня України, тактична авіація рф
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Illustrative photo

For the first time in ten days, the occupiers in the southern direction dared to direct a managed airbomb from a tactical aviation aircraft.

About thisreportedDefense forces of South of Ukraine.

Troops of the Russian FederationThey hitIn Western Kherson, a five -storey residential building. A 7-year-old child was injured.

The invaders did not use tactical aviation for a long time after the February "Aircraft".

Hot February: The Ukrainian air defense in the month knocked Russian aircraft a billion dollars
Гарячий лютий: українська ППО за місяць збила російських літаків на мільярд доларів

It is also reported that in the south the invaders are actively conducting aerotevity, continuing pressure with artillery, using a large number of shock drones of different types.

In the operating area of the South Defense Forces, the daily counter -breadth struggle does not stop. Although the enemy of assault actions did not conduct the enemy, however, he carried out artillery and mortar shelling in the Krynok area.

"Our warriors hold positions, take measures to strengthen and expand the bridgehead on the Left Bank of the Dnieper," the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, on March 2 the Air Force Command of the Armed ForcesconfirmedBelling of the Russian fighter-bomber Su-34. In total, 13 enemy aircraft were shot down during February.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/na-pivdni-okupanty-vpershe-za-10-dniv-navazhylysya-zastosuvaty-taktychnu-aviacziyu-dlya-pusku-kab/

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Two -thirds of the battles of the entire front occur in the Tavriya direction: the losses of the Russian Federation became known

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This was reported by the commander of Tavriya Brigadny General Alexander Tarnavsky. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T13-49-99
Tags: втрати ворога, втрати рф, Олександр Тарнавський, Таврійський напрямок, Хроніка війни
Images: 000000.jpeg

Over the past 24 hours, 45 combat clashes took place in the Tavriya responsibility area-2/3 of the fighting of the entire Russian-Ukrainian front.

About thisreportedThe commander of "Tavriya" Brigadny General Alexander Tarnavsky.

The enemy struck 29 aircraft, 4 rocket strokes, 98 kamikadze drones, and made 1056 shelling.

The total losses of the enemy per day were: 346 people (killed and wounded), in arms and military equipment - 61 units, not taking into account UAVs.

One tank, 16 combat armored vehicles, 15 artistem, two PTRCs, one LNG/AGS, 20 cars and 6 units of special equipment were destroyed. 238 UAVs of different types are neutralized by means of EWS.

The forces of Ukraine's defense have destroyed four more important enemy objects, including command post and dugouts.

Among the affected enemy equipment are the Stations of the Tenth, Resident and Leer-3. Also destroyed the mine for mines, a CCTV complex "Mur-M", three shock drones of Shahd-136, three "lancets", one UAV "Supercas" and more.

“The operational situation is complex but controlled. Our troops continue to destroy Russian invaders. Fire tasks are performed by artillery, aviation, percussion unmanned airlines, ”Alexander Tarnavsky stressed.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the south the occupiers for the first time in ten daysThey daredDirect a managed airline from a tactical aviation aircraft. The enemy did not use tactical aviation for a long time after the February "Aircraft".

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/na-tavrijskomu-napryamku-vidbvuvayutsya-dvi-tretyny-boyiv-usogo-frontu-staly-vidomi-vtraty-rf/

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Defense forces of South of Ukraine per day destroyed two enemy SAUs and 6 guns

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is stated in a message in a telegram. During the day confirmation about ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T14-22-99
Tags: втрати ворога, втрати рф, Сили оборони Півдня України, Хроніка війни
Images: 000000.jpeg

The forces of the South of Ukraine continue to inflict fire damage to the enemy, fire positions and rear.

This is said inmessagein the telegram channel.

During the day, there are 52 invaders and two self -propelled artillery units during the day.

Also destroyed 6 guns and 5 drones of different types, including two "lancets".

In addition, the enemy got less than 22 units of automotive equipment, one boat and two generators.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the last day in the area of responsibility, "Tavriya"happened45 combat clashes are 2/3 of the fighting of the entire Russian-Ukrainian front.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/syly-oborony-pivdnya-ukrayiny-za-dobu-znyshhyly-dvi-vorozhi-sau-i-6-garmat/

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Ukrainian air defense shot down 12 of 15 Shahed drones overnight

Action: aa-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634335
(Longitude: 33.39294, Latitude: 47.83459)
Geographic Location: Kryvyi Rih
News Source: https://t.me/kpszsu/11636
Published Time: 2024-03-09T14-26-00
Tags: Kryvyi Rih
Images: 000000.jpg

Ukrainian air defense shot down 12 of 15 Shahed drones overnight

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-ukrainian-air-defense-shot-down-12-of-15-shahed-drones

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In the Defense Ministry plan to replace canned food in dry -ups with full meals

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Актуальна тема, Важливо, Новини
Description: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine informs about it. As noted, the purpose of visits is —...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T14-43-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, міноборони
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Deputy Minister of Defense Vitaliy Polovenko conducted unscheduled warehouses in the eastern and central part of Ukraine.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defence Ukraine.

As it is noted, the purpose of visits is to control the quality and delivery of a daily field set of dry products.

“I got a lot of complaints about soldering. In general, two rations are widespread in the Armed Forces. This is the 10th and 15th norm. These rations are very different. The fact is that the 10th norm is mostly composed of canned food and is issued for several days. And, here are the 15th-they are fully ready-made dishes for our military, ”Vitaliy Polovenko said.

The 15th field set includes 14 types of menu with full meals. For example: borscht, soups, various porridge with meat and vegetables, coffee, tea, honey, jam, rrium breadcrumbs and wheat. The energy value of one diet should be at least 3500 calories.

“That is, these two field kits have virtually different purpose. If the military goes on a business trip for several days, the 10th norm will be enough. However, if the military is performing the appropriate tasks and for several weeks outside the PPD, they definitely require the 15th norm. Unfortunately, there is a situation where some fighters are offered exclusively 10, ”Vitaliy Polovenko said.

In addition, the Deputy Minister of Defense emphasized that the last purchase of the 15th norm was held at the end of 2022. The whole party was removed because of the mismatch of laboratory requirements.

“It is important that the servicemen have both norms of field sets. Subsequently, it is planned to move away from canned and feed our defenders and defenders with full -fledged dishes. After all, we are clearly aware that quality and safe food of the military is also a guarantee of our safety! Therefore, the Logistics Forces Command should organize dry rations and as soon as possible to form the need for the purchase of the 15th ration. When the Ministry of Defense receives this need, the state operator will be purchased, ”the Deputy Minister of Defense said.

As reported by the Armyinform, to provide an Armed Forces with foodDOT will conclude contracts with supplierswithout a window.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/u-minoborony-planuyut-zaminyty-konservy-u-suhpajkah-na-povnoczinni-stravy/

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Destruction in Shakhove of Donetsk region as result of Russian shelling yesterday

Action: destroy-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634420
(Longitude: 37.3494, Latitude: 48.45575)
Geographic Location: Donetsk Oblast
News Source: https://t.me/Donbas_Operativnyi/72471
Published Time: 2024-03-09T14-50-00
Tags: Donetsk Oblast
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Destruction in Shakhove of Donetsk region as result of Russian shelling yesterday

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-destruction-in-shakhove-of-donetsk-region-as-result

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Russian Ministry of Defense says 3 drones were shot down over Volgograd region, 41 over Rostov region, 2 over Kursk region an...

Action: aa-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634336
(Longitude: 35.88135, Latitude: 51.56341)
Geographic Location: Volgograd
News Source: https://t.me/rusbrief/207645
Published Time: 2024-03-09T14-53-00
Tags: Volgograd

Russian Ministry of Defense says 3 drones were shot down over Volgograd region, 41 over Rostov region, 2 over Kursk region and 1 in Belgorod region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-russian-ministry-of-defense-says-3-drones-were-shot

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Increased the number of victims after Kherson's recent shelling

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Kherson Ova informs about it. “A 42-year-old man was diagnosed with explosives ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T14-53-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Херсонська ОВА
Images: 000000.jpg
Наслідки ворожого обстрілу Курахового
The consequences of hostile curable shelling. Photo Source: t.me/vadimfilashkin_donoda

After Kherson's shelling on March 7, three residents sought medical help.

About thisinformsKherson Ova.

"A 42-year-old man diagnosed with explosive trauma and cephalgic syndrome," the statement said.

The couple also affected the shelling. They have mine-explosive injuries and injuries.

“The victims were provided with the necessary help. In the future, they will undergo outpatient treatment, ”the administration added.

We will remind, the enemy attacked Kherson by aviation:is known about 2 dead.

As reported by the Armyinform, the enemy attacked the center of Kherson:The woman was injured.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/zbilshylas-kilkist-poterpilyh-pislya-nedavnogo-obstrilu-hersona/

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Ukrainian military and veterans already have the first medals in the US sports competitions

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. Gold and silver medals are Ukrainian ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T15-26-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, спортивні змагання
Images: 000000.jpg 000001.jpg 000002.jpg 000003.jpg

Six athletes representing Ukraine National Team in Veterans and Servicemen with Air Force Thorials 2024 in Las Vegas received the first prize places.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian team won the gold and silver medals in powerlifting competitions.

In particular, in the weight category up to 65 kg Vadim Gilchuk won gold; 65-72 kg of Alan Bolyev-gold; up to 80 kg Vadim Kirichenko - silver; 80-88 kg Ilya Denysenko-silver; 88-97 kg Artem Kotz-gold; 97-107 kg Igor Butenko-silver.

“In total, 30 Ukrainian veterans and servicemen are involved in Air Force 2024. Ahead of the competitions on such adaptive sports as swimming, cycling, basketball and rugby on carts, volleyball sitting, archery, jogging, pushing the kernel/throwing disk, rowing, ball shooting, ”the department said.

As reported by the Armyinform, Ukrainian military and veteranswent to US Air Force sports.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/ukrayinski-vijskovi-ta-veterany-vzhe-mayut-pershi-medali-na-sportyvnyh-zmagannyah-u-ssha/

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Defense forces destroyed the howitzer, the composition of the ammunition and the enemy car on the Left Bank of Kherson region

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The State Border Service of Ukraine informs about it. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T15-40-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpeg

On the Left Bank of Kherson region, border guards destroyed the howitzer, the ammunition composition and an enemy passenger car.

About thisinformsState Border Service of Ukraine.

The department emphasized that the Aevroxians of the State Border Guard Service constantly strengthen the units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine on the Left Bank of Kherson region from the air.

"During a few nights, pilots of percussion UAVs have inflicted fire damage to the positions of the invaders and destroyed the howitzer, the composition of the ammunition and the enemy's car," the statement said.

As reported by the Armyinform, the forces of the Southern Ukraine's defense for the day were destroyedtwo enemy sau and 6 guns.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/syly-oborony-znyshhyly-gaubyczyu-sklad-boyekomplektu-ta-avto-voroga-na-livoberezhzhi-hersonshhyny/

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In the Zaporozhye direction, defenders destroyed the masked positions of the enemy

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The video was posted on the YouTube channel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. On...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T15-51-99
Tags: втрати рф, Запорізький напрямок, Сили оборони, Хроніка війни
Images: 000000.jpeg

Border guards and National Guards destroyed the masked positions of the enemy with the help of drones in the Zaporozhye direction.

The video was posted on the YouTube channel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

In the published staff you can see the combat work of border guards-air intelligence and soldiers 23 brigade of the National Guard "Khortytsia".

Ukrainian defenders, with the help of drones, discovered and destroyed the masked positions of Russian invaders.

Earlier it was reported that the forces of southern Ukraine were destroyed per daytwo enemy sau and 6 guns.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the south the occupiers for the first time in ten daysThey daredDirect a managed airline from a tactical aviation aircraft.

The enemy did not use tactical aviation for a long time after the February "Aircraft".

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/na-zaporizkomu-napryamku-zahysnyky-znyshhyly-zamaskovani-pozycziyi-voroga/

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The Armed Forces servicemen were included in the Laureates of the Shevchenko Prize - 2024

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This was emphasized by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his speech on the occasion ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T16-12-99
Tags: Володимир Зеленський, Дмитро Лазуткін, Шевченківська премія, Ярина Чорногуз
Images: 000000.webp
Shevchenkivska Laureate Yarina Chornohuz. Photo: Facebook Yarina Chornohuz

This year's Shevchenko Prize was awarded with an emphasis on the path of the community, which "became national, which became the creator of its culture, its state, its own fate."

On thisHe stressedPresident of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in his speech on the occasion of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine in 2024.

It happened "thanks to the strength of our people, who in Mariupol in the worst days understand what they see, they have to take it, to preserve in order to tell the world then.

Whether a person who does not want human memory to lose what he has seen somewhere on Bakhmut, or is survived in Skadovsk is now temporarily occupied. Which feels that it should record it, rhyme this moment, rhyme this pain.

Or an artist who believes that people of Ukraine, killed in this war, will be preserved in the emotions of those who are alive and who speaks about it with their music. That everyone in Ukraine remembers what this land is about, what its people are about, what the thoughts of the mother who awaits her son or daughter in Ukraine, ”the President said.

“During the war, even more than in peace, we all have to remember that culture matters. And people of culture are important, ”he emphasized.

According to the decree, the premiumawarded:

It should be noted that most of these works are dedicated to the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the laureates-Dmitry Lazutkin and Yaryna Chornoguz are servicemen of the Armed Forces.

“In order for the human community to become a nation and the state, the best characters in the country should have such hearts that have to live only for themselves. Such hearts speak to those nearby. Care. Teach - learn to understand. Unite. Protect. When necessary, they save.

And as a result, we all recognize each other, hear each other, feel that we are Ukrainian, Ukrainian. And so it will always. There will always be Ukraine.

I thank everyone and everyone who lives not only for themselves, who care about people and our whole state. I thank everyone who is now at the front and with those who are at the front, who and Ukraine and develops it, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/vijskovosluzhbovczi-zsu-uvijshly-do-spysku-laureativ-shevchenkivskoyi-premiyi-2024/

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Aircraft in Russia attacked drones, inclusion from combat units: Star from the frontline city

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: A large number of unmanned aviation complexes with bargage ammunition hit ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T16-45-99
Tags: Армія TV
Images: 000000.jpeg

Unknown drones attacked a airline in the Russian city of Taganrog.

A large number of unmanned aircraft complexes with bargage ammunition hit the factory shops, a fire began, it is known that the plant at this time was at the repair of the A-50 aircraft, which was previously damaged by drones.

Two fighters 25 OSHB 47 Ombre reflected the offensive of the Russian branch near Avdiivka. At least 7 Russians were killed.

In the Zaporizhzhya direction, the soldiers of the 79th separate battalion of the 102nd Brigade destroyed a tank, 5 armored personnel carriers, a self-propelled artillery installation, several cars and a considerable amount of infantry of the enemy.

These and other topics are discussed by our presenters - junior lieutenant Sergei Lipko and Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Misyura.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/aviazavod-u-rosiyi-atakuvaly-drony-vklyuchennya-z-bojovyh-pidrozdiliv-strim-iz-pryfrontovogo-mista/

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Russian troops fired Chernihiv, a man wounded

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration Vyacheslav Chaus. “Today is about 12:07 ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T16-53-99
Tags: ворожі обстріли, Чернігівська область
Images: 000000.png

The enemy troops fired on Saturday afternoon the border territory of Chernihiv region.

About thisreportedChairman of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration Vyacheslav Chaus.

"Today, around 12:07, the Russians kissed one of the households in the Semeniv community," the message reads.

The explosion collapsed with a cellar ceiling, where a 51-year-old man was. He injured his legs. The victim was taken to the hospital.

The SPSU reported that the border guards were taken from the rubble and provided first aid to the victim to the resident of the border of Chernihiv.

Border guards and police helped the man get out of the danger zone and evacuated him to the hospital.

As reported by the Armyinform, the enemy attacked Kherson by aviation:is known about 2 dead.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/vijska-rf-obstrilyaly-chernigivshhynu-poraneno-cholovika/

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Destruction in Kherson as result of bombardment overnight

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634417
(Longitude: 32.61772, Latitude: 46.63379)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/itsdonetsk/142216
Published Time: 2024-03-09T17-04-00
Tags: Kherson
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Destruction in Kherson as result of bombardment overnight

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-destruction-in-kherson-as-result-of-bombardment-overnight

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The United Kingdom offered Germany a variant of supplies to Ukraine long -range missiles

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was stated by the UK Foreign Minister James Cameron in an interview ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T17-12-99
Tags: Велика Британія, допомога партнерів, Німеччина
Images: 000000.jpg
Mbda Taurus am Eurofighter, in Manching

The United Kingdom proposed a solution that will increase the supply of long -range cruise missiles to Ukraine.

This was statedSouthgerman newspaper.

The minister suggested that Germany could put Taurus missiles in Britain, and London would instead provide Ukraine with additional Storm Shadow missiles that are actuallyAnalogues of German rockets.

"We are determined to work closely with our German partners on this and all other issues to help Ukraine," David Cameron said.

The British Foreign Minister also rejected the fears that the supply of long -range missiles can lead to escalation of war in Ukraine.

"It is quite possible to impose restrictions on the use of these weapons to ensure that it will in no way promote escalation," he explained.

In February, the German Bundestag voted for a recommendation to give Ukraine a long -range weapon. However, German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz opposes the transfer of these missiles. In his opinion, such a step can draw Germany in direct conflict with Russia.

As reported by the Armyinform, the German GovernmentannouncedAbout the departure of the next military assistance party to Ukraine, which contains, among other things, 14,000 artillery shells of the caliber 155 mm.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/velyka-brytaniya-zaproponuvala-nimechchyni-variant-postavok-ukrayini-dalekobijnyh-raket/

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One person killed, another wounded as result of shelling in Chervona Hryhorivka community this morning

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634416
(Longitude: 34.53003, Latitude: 47.61787)
Geographic Location: Zaporizhia
News Source: https://t.me/hyevuy_dnepr/67346
Published Time: 2024-03-09T17-26-00
Tags: Zaporizhia
Images: 000000.jpg

One person killed, another wounded as result of shelling in Chervona Hryhorivka community this morning

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-one-person-killed-another-wounded-as-result-of-shelling

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In Kharkiv region, defenders destroyed two enemy "Rapira" and D-20 guns

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: It is reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine. Defenders destroyed FPV-Drones ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T17-49-99
Tags: бойові втрати рф, втрати рф, ДПСУ, Харківська область, Хроніка війни
Images: 000000.jpg

The border guards of the Guard Brigade of the offensive of the steel border destroyed occupant artillery in Kharkiv region.

It is reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine.

Defenders destroyed the FPV-Drons two enemy guns MT-12 Rapir and the D-20 Gubitsa Gubitsa.

Earlier the border guards of the Guard's offensive brigade "revenge"EliminatedRussian invaders in the estuary direction.

The rapier guns, the hangar with the technique and the remedies of the HPs were also destroyed.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/na-harkivshhyni-zahysnyky-znyshhyly-dvi-vorozhi-rapiry-ta-garmatu-d-20/

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Explosion was reported in Kryvyi Rih, no sirens sounded

Action: explode-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634427
(Longitude: 33.36308, Latitude: 47.79639)
Geographic Location: Kryvyi Rih
News Source: https://t.me/dneproperatyv/90643
Published Time: 2024-03-09T17-55-00
Tags: Kryvyi Rih
Images: 000000.jpg

Explosion was reported in Kryvyi Rih, no sirens sounded

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-explosion-was-reported-in-kryvyi-rih-no-sirens-sounded

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Ilya Kovtun Army won gold at the World Gymnastics Cup stage

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Armyinform. Ilya Kovtun received the same amount for his performance ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T18-25-99
Tags: армійський спорт, Ілля Ковтун
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Army Ilya Kovtun took first place in the world of the World Gymnastics Cup on parallel bars in the capital of Azerbaijan Baku.

About it reports the Armyinform.

Ilya Kovtun received the same number of points with the Olympic champion-2020 in this form of Chinese CZO (14,900), however, he received more than performance.

Another Army Oleg Vernyaev took 5th place at the World Cup stage, scoring 14.566 points.

Ilya Kovtun performed in the 11th stages of the World Cup for three years, where he won 10 gold awards and 1 silver on parallel bars, and all three years are the leader of this type of competition.

Ilya Kovtun and Oleg VernyaevTwo medals were obtainedAt the World Cup in Cotbus and at Cairo Stage.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/armiyecz-illya-kovtun-zdobuv-zoloto-na-etapi-kubka-svitu-zi-sportyvnoyi-gimnastyky/

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Russian army shelling the outskirts of Kherson

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634428
(Longitude: 32.68021, Latitude: 46.67064)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/hueviyherson/54083
Published Time: 2024-03-09T18-28-00
Tags: Kherson

Russian army shelling the outskirts of Kherson

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-russian-army-shelling-the-outskirts-of-kherson-

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The occupiers were fired 14 times a day by Dnipropetrovsk, damaged buildings and infrastructure

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak. The invaders beat ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T18-48-99
Tags: ворожі обстріли, Дніпропетровська область
Images: 000000.png

The Russian troops were fired on Saturday by Nikopol and the Mirovsky community of Dnipropetrovsk.

About thisreportedHead of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak.

The invaders were beaten by Kamikadze drones and artillery. In general - 14 times.

The shelling has damaged two administrative buildings, a utility company, a boiler room.

Four floors, two private homes, outbuildings, garage were also damaged. Mutilated energy equipment, transmission lines and gas pipelines.

The 22-year-old boy, who suffered during the shelling of the Chervonohrigoriv community, was transferred to the Dnieper hospital. He has a traumatic brain injury, slaughter, multiple fractures. He is still in intensive care, steadily heavy.

“Unfortunately, the wounding of his 16-year-old brotherwere incompatible with life. Sincere condolences to loved ones, ”said Sergei Lisak.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/okupanty-14-raziv-za-den-obstrilyaly-dnipropetrovshhynu-poshkodzheni-budivli-ta-infrastruktura/

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The General Staff of the Armed Forces: The enemy tried to break through the defense in Novopavlovsky and Avdiivsky directions

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on its Facebook page. On...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T19-18-99
Tags: Генштаб ЗС України, Ситуація на фронті
Images: 000000.jpg

During the day, there were 58 combat clashes at the front. In total, the enemy caused 3 rocket launchers and 61 aircraft strike, making 70 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisreportedThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on its Facebook page.

In the Siversky and Slobozhansky directionsThe enemy retains military presence in the border areas, conducts sabotage and intelligence activities, carries out shelling of settlements from the territory of the Russian Federation, increases the density of mine-explosive barriers along the state border of Ukraine.

In Kupyansk directionThe enemy of the offensive (assault) did not take action.

In the estuary directionOur warriors repelled 6 enemy attacks in the areas of Terny and disputed Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Bakhmut directionThe forces of defense repelled 5 attacks of the enemy in the areas of settlements Bogdanivka, Klischivka, Andreevka, Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to improve his tactical position.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders repelled 11 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdichi, Orlovka, Tonenke, Pervomaisk Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the districts of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Novomikhailivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried 21 times to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Orikhiv directionThe enemy attacked the positions of our defenders 6 times in the areas of the settlements of the robot and west of the Verbov Zaporizhzhya region.

In the area of ​​responsibility, "Odesa"in the Kherson directionThe enemy made artillery and mortar shelling in the districts of more than 20 settlements, including the city of Kherson and Osokorivka, Berislav, Odradokamyanka, Tokarivka, Antonovka, Stanislav Kherson region.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/genshtab-zsu-vorog-namagavsya-prorvaty-oboronu-na-novopavlivskomu-ta-avdiyivskomu-napryamkah/

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Aviation of Defense Forces struck 8 areas of concentration of Russian troops

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on its Facebook page. In addition,...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T19-38-99
Tags: авіація ЗСУ, Ситуація на фронті
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustrative photo

During the day, the Aviation of Defense forces struck 8 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment of the enemy.

About thisreportedThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on its Facebook page.

In addition, missile troops have led to one area of concentration of personnel warehouse

One radio electronic struggle and one enemy air defense agent was also affected.

As reported by the Armyinform, during the day at the fronthappened58 combat clashes.

In total, the enemy caused 3 rocket launchers and 61 aircraft strike, making 70 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/aviacziya-syl-oborony-zavdala-udariv-po-8-rajonah-zoseredzhennya-vijsk-rf/

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The Prosecutor General of Ukraine and the USA discussed cooperation in the investigation of military crimes of the Russian Federation

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Office of the Prosecutor General. Among the main topics of the meeting: continuation and ...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T20-12-99
Tags: Андрій Костін, воєнні злочини рф
Images: 000000.jpeg

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin met with US Attorney General Merrick Garland during a working trip to Washington.

About thisreportedThe Prosecutor General's Office.

Among the main topics of the meeting are the continuation and development of cooperation in the investigation of war crimes, strengthening the institutional capacity of the Ukrainian prosecutor's office and law and order, as well as progress in the fight against corruption and transnational organized crime.

"Our strategic partnership with the US Department of Justice is important for Ukraine's efforts in the field of justice," Andrei Kostin said.

The Prosecutor General noted that much has been done jointly. In December, the US Department of Justice released historical charges of war crimes against 4 pro -Russian militants.

The work with the Disruptive Technology Strike Force group has also been intensified - to terminate the illegal export of technologies to the Russian Federation and Task Force Kleptocapture - regarding the search, arrest and confiscation of Russian assets related to warfare.

“And there is a lot of work ahead. Unity, professionalism and dedication bring impressive results. We work together for the sake of victory of justice, ”Andrei Kostin stressed.

Earlier, Prosecutor General Andrew KostincommentedIssuing the International Criminal Court of Orders for the Arrest of Russian Generals.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/genprokurory-ukrayiny-ta-ssha-obgovoryly-spivpraczyu-u-rozsliduvanni-voyennyh-zlochyniv-rf/

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The defense forces explained why the Russians storm the robot on Bagi and Golf Cars

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The spokesman of Tavriya Dmitry Likhov said about it on the air of the Telvarathon. Spokesman...
Published Time: 2024-03-09T20-47-99
Tags: Ситуація на фронті, Таврійський напрямок
Images: 000000.jpeg

Defense forces are actively destroying Russian military equipment, so the occupiers are forced to use Bagi, Golf Kara and ATVs.

The spokesman of Tavriya Dmitry Likhov said about it on the airTelelorphone.

The spokesman noted that the enemy tries to bypass mine fields and barriers and deliver his personnel in the direction of the robot in the Zaporozhye region.

“On the other hand, it indicates that we knock out their armored vehicles, their tanks, armored vehicles, armored vehicles, and they are forced to move to the hicks. And we say that they haveCrave meat storms”, - said Dmitry Likhov.

He added that the liquid of such a lined technique of invaders-ATVs, Bagi and Golf cars-had already gone for dozens.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the Tavriysk direction in the past dayhappened45 combat clashes are 2/3 of the fighting of the entire Russian-Ukrainian front.

In the south the occupiers for the first time in ten daysThey daredDirect a managed airline from a tactical aviation aircraft. The enemy did not use tactical aviation for a long time after the February "Aircraft".

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/09/u-sylah-oborony-poyasnyly-chomu-rosiyany-shturmuyut-robotyne-na-bagi-ta-golf-karah/

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1 person wounded as result of Russian bombardment in Semenivka community of Chernihiv region

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634452
(Longitude: 32.57137, Latitude: 52.17754)
Geographic Location: Chernihiv
News Source: https://x.com/HromadskeUA/status/1766478135653019903
Published Time: 2024-03-09T22-56-00
Tags: Chernihiv

1 person wounded as result of Russian bombardment in Semenivka community of Chernihiv region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-1-person-wounded-as-result-of-russian-bombardment

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March 10. This day in history

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Цей день в історії
Published Time: 2024-03-10T00-01-99
Images: 000000.jpg
10 березня. Цей день в історії

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/10-bereznya-czej-den-v-istoriyi-5/

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Strikes with aerial guided bombs, continue across frontline

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634445
(Longitude: 37.51299, Latitude: 48.01234)
Geographic Location: Donets'ka oblast
News Source: https://x.com/MKava0224/status/1766499751363526960
Published Time: 2024-03-10T00-22-00
Tags: Donets'ka oblast
Images: 000000.jpeg 000001.jpeg 000002.jpeg 000003.jpeg 000004.jpeg

Strikes with aerial guided bombs, continue across frontline

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-strikes-with-aerial-guided-bombs-continue-across

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Airplanes launch a raid on the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza

Action: bomb-2
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Israel-Palestine
News ID: 22634505
(Longitude: 34.45742, Latitude: 31.50351)
Geographic Location: Gaza
News Source: https://t.me/ShehabTelegram/450885
Published Time: 2024-03-10T03-36-00
Tags: Gaza

Airplanes launch a raid on the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-airplanes-launch-a-raid-on-the-alzaytoun-neighborhood

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Ukrainian military had 58 combat engagements with Russian forces near Terny and Spirne of Donetsk region, Bohdanivka, Klischi...

Action: ak-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634506
(Longitude: 35.92787, Latitude: 47.43334)
Geographic Location: Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia region
News Source: https://t.me/lumsrc/7459
Published Time: 2024-03-10T04-21-00
Tags: Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia region

Ukrainian military had 58 combat engagements with Russian forces near Terny and Spirne of Donetsk region, Bohdanivka, Klischiyivka, Andriyivka of Donetsk region, Berdychi, Orlivka, Tonenke, Pervomayske of Donetsk region, Krasnohorivka, Heorhiyivka, Novomykhaylivka of Donetsk region, Robotyne and west to Verbove of Zaporizhzhia region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-ukrainian-military-had-58-combat-engagements-with

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