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March 10. This day in history

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Цей день в історії
Published Time: 2024-03-10T00-01-99
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10 березня. Цей день в історії

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/10-bereznya-czej-den-v-istoriyi-5/

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Strikes with aerial guided bombs, continue across frontline

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634445
(Longitude: 37.51299, Latitude: 48.01234)
Geographic Location: Donets'ka oblast
News Source: https://x.com/MKava0224/status/1766499751363526960
Published Time: 2024-03-10T00-22-00
Tags: Donets'ka oblast
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Strikes with aerial guided bombs, continue across frontline

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-strikes-with-aerial-guided-bombs-continue-across

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Airplanes launch a raid on the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza

Action: bomb-2
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Israel-Palestine
News ID: 22634505
(Longitude: 34.45742, Latitude: 31.50351)
Geographic Location: Gaza
News Source: https://t.me/ShehabTelegram/450885
Published Time: 2024-03-10T03-36-00
Tags: Gaza

Airplanes launch a raid on the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-airplanes-launch-a-raid-on-the-alzaytoun-neighborhood

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JSU Bakhmut Directio Rusian of the Army Shelled Mykolaivka, Vasyukivka, Bogdanivka, times of Yar, Ivanivske, Neo York of Donetsk Reggi ...

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634511
(Longitude: 37.92236, Latitude: 48.40605)
Geographic Location: Donetsk Oblast
News Source: https://t.me/lumsrc/7454
Published Time: 2024-03-10T04-21-00
Tags: Donetsk Oblast

At Bakhmut direction Russian army shelled Mykolayivka, Vasukivka, Bohdanivka, Chasiv Yar, Ivanivske, New York of Donetsk region. Russian aviation conducted airstrikes at Bohdanivka, Chasiv Yar, Druzhba of Donetsk region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/9-march-at-bakhmut-direction-russian-army-shelled-mykolayivka

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As the trucker, architect and metrologist fight: the hostile SUA "Pion", on which Arta worked in the stream.

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Репортаж
Description: Despite the loud canonade of artillery explosions, which are forced almost to the ground every now and then ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T06-37-99
Tags: артилерія, Збройні Сили України, САУ «Піон»
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Cool spring morning. The sun barely looked out of the horizon. On the grass is clearly noticeable hoarfrost - at night it froze.

Despite the high -profile canonade of artillery explosions, which are forced to bend almost to the ground every now and then, three soldiers begin their next day in the war.

Let's get acquainted: Vyacheslav - "Steve", Andrew - "Roy" and Sergei - "Yachta". It is a crew of an unmanned aviation complex, or as they call themselves: drone-"Lelek-100".

They are daily on the duty. They are the "eyes" of one of the crews that defend Ukraine in the hot Bakhmut direction. They are those who find the technique, focusing the enemy's infantry far from the front edge. They also capture the movement of enemy troops, adjust the fire of artillery on them, and still perform many other tasks.

Before the large -scale invasion of the Russians in Ukraine, none of these guys had no idea that he would serve in the army, but that they would be pilots - they did not even dream.

Yes, "Steve", the crew commander, worked ... a trucker at one of the companies in the United States. "Roy" - the soul of the team, was an architect and designer, "yacht" - "Technical thought", as it is called among the guys - a metrologist. Such is the fate of everyone - their own.

When asked how they became a crew, the first corresponds to "swarm":

- When, in the fall of last year, we, in a completely different unit, reflected the enemy near Avdiivka, as ordinary shooters, it became clear that the war was conducted by completely different methods - high -tech.

After all, you do without "eyes" on the battlefield, not knowing where the enemy, without observing his movement, and therefore, not knowing his intentions or designs in the future.

And it is simply impossible to sit in the trenches when the trenches and the new ones are circling them. Then we lost our brothers, suffered injuries, damage - as a result of discharges.

We were not the first of our unit through volunteers, acquaintances, our family and bought drones, at that time, quite primitive, amateur, as they say.

However, you know, we felt that it became much easier to counter - we saw the enemy, we tried to guess his further intentions and destroyed. After all, they had "eyes" that did not close and rescued us.

Many, of course, lost their "birds" due to lack of skills and knowledge, and over time knowledge and experience became more and more. But it was thanks to the "quadram" that we managed to save many lives of brothers, - says the soldier.

As it turned out in the conversation, the boys were already in this brigade with the combat experience of air intelligence. Therefore, during the distribution by staff, the question of where to appoint them did not even arise - to the company of shock unmanned aviation complexes.

"Steve", the commander, tells about the first acquaintance and start work with serious BPACs like "Storks":

- With the first flights, they realized that you can fly above and as far as possible, stay in the air longer. Such opportunities have opened us with military drones of aircraft type.

This is a completely different level that requires specific knowledge. Then we were not enough. But then a large bonus fell out - we were able to go and learn everything we do now.

- How is their plane different from other UAVs, what is unique?

-First,-the conversation is joined by "yacht"-from quadcopters and all kinds of civilian amateur drones, which we have previously adapted in battle, this device was created as a specialized.

After all, it is intelligated for brigade level, has several times a larger radius and is much more resistant to enemy electronic warfare (HRB).

There have been cases where, due to the powerful impact of the enemy, we lost their connection with our plane, but still returned it to the base. Others would no longer return.

According to the pilot, the control of this plane is more reminiscent of the programmer's work than the pilot "Mavica" or FPV. After all, according to the flight task, it sets the route, the height of the flight at its various points, if necessary, make adjustments.

- Therefore, the remote with manual control is used only during take -off and planting, - says "yacht" with irony.

It was very hard to ask how the stork showed himself in combat conditions, because for a long time the brigade performs combat missions in the Bakhmut direction. But every time the boys plunged into their work, reported endlessly on the radio station, they sent coordinates to someone, even quarreled that someone at the other end of the wire responded too slowly to their reports.

- From the "fresh", recently in our stream was a hostile "Monster" - 203 mm of SAU "Pion", - says "Steve". - After us, our arta worked successfully. And in January, we "shook" a few "hail" of the invaders, but the artillery of our brigade could not get them at that distance. Then a friendly unit came to the rescue.

Only now it became noticeable that there are four painted missiles on the fuselage of "Storks". Typically, such marks mean their little victories. But here - should be the opposite.

- What it is?

- These are four of ours with "stork" life. The first two appeared last year. On the August Day, on the outskirts of Bakhmut "Leleka", he noticed an enemy anti-aircraft missile complex "Arrow-10". The enemy also noticed us. And without hesitation he shot the rocket. Then - another. As it was possible to escape, the drones of God himself are known. Then Roy started such a tradition - to apply their missiles every time to our "bird", - smiles "yacht".

On the table with the guys next to the work computer was a book. On the cover - a white heron, the same as the one depicted on the patch "Roy". It turns out that "Roy" also joined the publication of a poetic collection about those with whom he had the honor to serve earlier. Many of them are not alive.

- But the memory of them - forever in my heart, - the man comments. - The idea of publishing this book came about my friend. Together with him we fought at the beginning of a large -scale invasion. They decided to honor the memory of the brothers. He writes poems well, and I illustrated the collection. So our "chords of war" were published. And the White Heron is our symbol of the Resurrection, our unit, with which I passed the hell of the war two years ago.

Time slowly floated while we talked. And "Stork" soon returned from a long distance.

Photo 22 Ombre

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/yak-voyuyut-dalekobijnyk-arhitektor-ta-metrolog-u-strim-potrapyla-vorozha-sau-pion-po-yakij-vidpraczyuvala-arta/

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More than 70 combatants occurred in a day, the enemy attacks in five directions

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the General Staff of the Armed Forces. In the area of responsibility, "Khortytsia" on ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T07-24-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Хроніка війни
Images: 000000.jpg

There were 73 combat clashes during the last day. In total, the enemy caused 5 missile and 95 aviation strikes, and made 136 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces.

In the area of responsibility, the "KhortytsiaIn Kupyansk directionThe enemy of the offensive (assault) did not take action.

In the estuary directionOur warriors repelled 7 enemy attacks in areas of Terny and disputed Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut directionThe forces of defense reflected 6 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Bogdanivka, Ivanivske, Klyshchiyivka and Andreevka of Donetsk region.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders repelled 16 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdychi, Orlovka, Tonenko, Pervomaisk.

In the Novopavlovsky directionDefense forces continue to restrain the enemy in the areas of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Novomikhailivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, has tried more than 30 times to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Orikhiv direction8 attacks of the enemy in the areas of the east of Levadny, Robino and West Verbov Zaporizhzhya region are reflected.

In the Kherson directionDefense forces continue to keep positions.

As reportedArmyinform, over the past day, the enemy tried to break the defense in the Novopavlovsky and Avdeevsky directions.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/za-dobu-vidbulosya-ponad-70-boyezitknen-protyvnyk-atakuye-na-pyaty-napryamkah/

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Shahheda Ukraine shelling: 35 out of 39 UAVs were destroyed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: This was reported by the Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Lieutenant General Nicholas ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T07-34-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Командувач ПС ЗСУ, Хроніка війни, Хроніка оборони
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On the night of March 10, 35 out of 39 UAVs were destroyed in the sky over Ukraine.

This was reportedTelegram.

“On the night of March 10, 2024, Russian invaders hit 4-aircraft guided missiles C-300 in Kharkiv and Donetsk region and 39 shaped UAVs (areas of lanes-Cape Chauda, Crimea, Primorsko-Akhtar-RF)," It is in the message.

As a result of combat work, 35 "Shahanedov" was shot within: Kirovograd, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkasy, Odessa, Kherson, Khmelnitsky, Vinnytsia, Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions.

“Most of the goals are destroyed by the forces and means of mobile fire groups of Ukraine's defense forces. Fighter aircraft, anti -aircraft missile units of the Air Force, remedies, and the Air Force Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said.

As reportedArmyinform, last day, aviation of defense forces struck 8 areas of concentration of Russian troops.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/obstril-ukrayiny-shahedamy-znyshheno-35-iz-39-bpla/

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Aviation of Defense Forces has struck the power and military equipment of the Russians

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the General Staff of the Armed Forces. At the same time, missile troops were caught ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T07-43-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, втрати ворога, ГШ ЗСУ, Хроніка війни, Хроніка оборони
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During the last day, the Aviation of Defense forces has struck 8 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and enemy military equipment.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces.

At the same time, missile troops have led to:

As reportedArmyinformMore than 70 combatants occurred in a day, the enemy attacks five directions.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/aviacziya-syl-oborony-zavdala-udariv-po-zhyvij-syli-ta-vijskovij-tehniczi-rosiyan/

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During the Armed Forces, 900 Russian invaders, 19 tanks and 38 artisms were destroyed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: personnel - 424060 (+900) persons eliminated tanks - 6731 (+19) combat ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T07-50-99
Tags: stoprussia, війна, вторгнення рф, втрати ворога, ГШ ЗСУ
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The total fighting loss of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 10.03.24 is approximately:

The data is specified ...

Beat the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in truth!

Source:The General Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineAs of 10.03.24.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/za-dobu-zsu-znyshhyly-shhe-900-rosijskyh-okupantiv-19-tankiv-ta-38-artsystem/

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Missile blow to Dnipropetrovsk region: the Russian Federation kissed the enterprise, there is a wounded

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the head of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak. “The aggressor kissed ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T08-04-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Дніпропетровщина, Харківський трибунал
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Russian troops kissed a rocket on an enterprise in Dnipropetrovsk, a 58-year-old man was injured. At the same time, the enemy was directed by Dron Kamikadze in Nikopol region. Passed without casualties.

About thisinformsHead of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak.

“The aggressor kissed the enterprise in the Novomoskovsk district. A 58-year-old man was injured. He was provided with the necessary medical care, he will be treated at home, ”he said.

Sergey Lisak stressed that a fire had emerged because of the "arrival". Rescuers have already tamed fire.

“In the Nikopol region, Russian troops were in heavy artillery three times. Dron Kamikadze was also directed. It was loud in the district center and the Marganets community. There was no dead and wounded, ”he added.

According to the head of the Dnipropetrovsk OVA, damage to the infrastructure object was recorded. There was a fire, but the flame managed to extinguish promptly.

In the rest of the territory of Dnipropetrovsk there was without shelling.

As reportedArmyinform, last day, the invaders fired 14 times the Dnipropetrovsk region, damaged buildings and infrastructure.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/raketnyj-udar-po-dnipropetrovshhyni-rf-poczilyla-po-pidpryyemstvu-ye-poranenyj/

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In the Armed Forces of Canada, they showed how Ukrainian defenders are trained in mine security

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Новини світу та України
Description: This is stated on the page of the Canadian Unifier training mission. These mutual ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T08-23-99
Tags: stoprussia, UNIFIER, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Канада
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The Armed Forces of Canada showed how the military personnel of this country exchange experience with Ukrainian defenders in the field of demining and handling explosive devices.

About thisIt is saidOn the Unifier Canadian Training Mission.

These mutual training of Canada and Ukraine servicemen in the framework of UNIFIER is an important stage in cooperation to ensure the safety and efficiency on the battlefield.

“There is more than one way of combating hostile mines. Canada's Armed Forces soldiers stationed in Poland as part of the UNIFIER operation show a wide range of enemy explosive methods for the UNIFIER Armed Forces, so that they can adapt to different situations on the battlefield, taking care of the security of their brothers. , - the message says.

As reportedArmyinform, Canada will join a coalition of drones for Ukraine. Latvia and the United Kingdom are headed.

Earlier in Canada's Armed ForcesshowedAs military personnel of this country, the skills of modern battle of Ukrainian defenders improve.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/u-zbrojnyh-sylah-kanady-pokazaly-yak-navchayut-ukrayinskyh-zahysnykiv-minnij-bezpeczi/

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In the Zaporozhye region, the enemy struck 476: 13 settlements were injured

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Military Administration Ivan Fedorov. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T08-30-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, обстріл Запоріжжя, Харківський трибунал
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476 blows to 13 settlements were caused by Russian servicemen during the day.

About thisreportedHead of Zaporizhzhya Regional Military Administration Ivan Fedorov.

166 enemy UAV attacked Zaporizhzhia, Gulyaipole, Novodanilovka, Levadne, Robne, a small Tokmachka and Malynivka.

"The invaders were eating from Aviation on Orykhov, Novodanylivka and Robot, as well as 10 RSZV-laps of Gulyaypol, Railway, Little Tokmachka, Levadny, Robani and Kamiansky," Ivan Fedorov said.

According to the head of Zaporizhzhya Ova, 297 Artudari came in the territory of Guliaypol, Novodarivka, Novodanylivka, Levadny, Primorsky and other frontier cities and villages.

There were 19 reports on the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure.

As reportedArmyinform, Russian troops kissed a missile in the enterprise in Dnipropetrovsk, a 58-year-old man was injured.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/po-zaporizkij-oblasti-vorog-zavdav-476-udariv-postrazhdaly-13-naselenyh-punktiv/

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The United States has imposed sanctions against companies that contributed to Wagner PECs

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Новини світу та України
Description: This was reported by the US Department of Finance. “Companies are punished today ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T08-47-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, допомога партнерів, санкції, Світ підтримує Україну
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The United States imposed sanctions against the Russian company and a firm from the Central African Republic, which are associated with the activities of the Wagner PEC.

About thisinformsUS Ministry of Finance press service.

“The companies punished today have played an important role in promoting the activities of Wagner PEC and, accordingly, the actions of Russia. They tried to profit from illegal extraction of natural resources and provided financial and financial support to the Wagner group and other organizations related to Yevgeny Prigogin, who died in August 2023, ”the message reads.

Under the sanctions of the United States came a woodworking company registered in the capital of King Bangi since 2019. The company provided the Wagner PEC with funds received from industrial sale of wood from tropical forests in exchange for protection for the territories captured in the rebels.

In addition, US sanctions have been imposed against the Russian company Broker-Expert, which is registered in St. Petersburg and provides brokerage services with Wagner PEC companies in Africa, including Bois Rouge.

"Russia tries to use these related companies in its efforts both to obtain additional income from abroad and to promote their interests in Africa, often at the expense of the countries where they are located, their institutions and citizens" , - said US Deputy Minister of Finance Brian Nelson.

He added that "the United States is still focused on the destruction of networks that allow Russia's illegal and destabilizing activities in Africa."

As reportedArmyinform, in total, 17,000 individual and sectoral sanctions are already operating against the Russian Federation. Due to this, the enemy lost $ 400 billion.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/ssha-vvely-sankcziyi-proty-kompanij-yaki-spryyaly-diyalnosti-pvk-vagner/

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As a result of hostile firing of Kharkiv region, a peaceful resident was killed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleg Synigubov. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T08-57-99
Tags: вторгнення рф, Харківський трибунал, Харківщина
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During the last day, at least 20 settlements were located in the Kharkiv region under Russian fire.

About thisreportedHead of Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleg Synigubov.

“Today 00:05 in Bohodukhiv shells of the territory of the health camp were carried out. The shelling burned the minibus. 1 outbuilding was damaged. Without the victims, ”he said.

The enemy fired at the village of Liptsi of Kharkiv district. There are no victims. And in the village of Volokhivka of the Chuguev district, a 73-year-old man was killed as a result of shelling.

In the village of Odnorobivka, Bohodukhiv district, the fire of three private homes took place as a result of shelling. Without victims.

“A trading pavilion was burning as a result of the shelling of Vovchansk. Without the victims. The village of Nechalodivka of Kupyansk district also came under the shelling. Without the victims, ”Oleg Synigubov added.

As reportedArmyinform, in the Zaporozhye region, the enemy struck 476 beats: 13 settlements were injured.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/vnaslidok-vorozhogo-obstrilu-harkivshhyny-zagynuv-myrnyj-meshkanecz/

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In Ukraine a moment of silence

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: “For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit of spirit, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T09-00-99
Tags: загальнонаціональна хвилина мовчання
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According to Presidential Decree Volodymyr Zelensky No. 143/2022, a minute of silence is spent daily at 9:00, it is announced in all media.

“For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit, stability and heroic feat of warriors who died in the performance of combat missions to protect state sovereignty and territorial integrity , I make: start a daily at 9 o'clock 00 minutes of a nationwide minute of silence for compatriots, killed as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which to declare in all media, regardless of ownership, ”the document reads.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/v-ukrayini-hvylyna-movchannya-20/

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New Himars missiles: Pentagon agreed a $ 220 million contract for long -term ammunition supply

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Озброєння та техніка
Description: As stated in the appropriate release of the United States defense agency, direct ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T09-11-99
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. Container z Precision Strike Missile (PRSM) for Himars TA M270A2. Photo: Lockheed Martin

The US Department of Defense has announced that Lockheed Martin has received a modification (revision, ed.)

AsspecifiedIn the relevant release of the United States defense department, direct work will be carried out in the Grand Pryer, Texas, with an indicative date of completion of March 6, 2026, reports the ArmyInForm.

Meanwhile, the document emphasized that in the initial version of the shell, the purchase of shells was envisaged within 2023 and 2024 of the financial years.

According to the deputy editor of the Defense Blog Portal Colton Jones, PRSM is the progress of the US Army to the ability to strike high -exclusive blows, with the ability to neutralize targets at a distance of more than 400 kilometers. Designed with open system architecture for flexibility, modularity for future growth and compatibility with Himars and MLRS, it acts as a significant asset for further modernization.

In a good way, the expert recalled that in December 2023, Lockheed Martin reached a decisive milestone by putting the first PRSM for the US Army, increasing the possibilities of the Armed Forces to fire at a long distance.

PUCK PRSM Rockets. Photo: Lockheed Martin

As your timereportedThe ArmyInform, the concept of its most long -range PRSM missile, was presented by the American weapon firm Lockheed Martin at the US Army Association (AUSA 2022) in October 2022. At the same time, the developer then stated that their product would be able to overcome the distance of up to 650 km.

At the same time analysts of Defense ExpressstatedThe peculiarity of PRSM is that it was designed as a "successor" of the MGM-140 ATCMS operative-tactical missile. Accordingly, the existing base - M142 Himars (2 on the starting unit) and M270 MLRS (4 on the starting unit) can be used to start. And even the PRSM itself should be placed in the same starting bags as ATACMS or GMLRS jet shells.

The open architecture mentioned above gives this rocket great modernization potential. The US Army is already considering its two advanced versions: PRSM Increment 2 with a multi -mode self -wearing system, which is also known as the LBASM Terrestrial Anti -Supervised Rocket, and PRSM Increment 3 with increased combat part while maintaining flight range.

Precision Strike Missile (PRSM) rocket for HIMARS and M270A2. Drawing Lockheed Martin

"Precision Strike Missile provides command of the United Forces around the clock, a wide range, which will counteract the enemy's ability to conduct combat maneuvers and air defense operations," said US Army Assistant Minister for Procurement, Logistics and Technology.

It should be noted that in 2023 Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies-Nrthrop Grumman began the development of PRSM Increment 4 missile projects with a distance of more than 1000 km.

Precision Strike Missile (PRSM) test launches for HIMARS. Video: Lockheed Martin

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/novi-rakety-dlya-himars-pentagon-uzgodyv-kontrakt-u-220-mln-na-postachannya-dalekobijnyh-boyeprypasiv/

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In the Mediterranean, the occupiers keep 2 carriers

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Navy of the Armed Forces informs about it. In the Sea of Azov 1 enemy ship; in...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T09-15-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, ВМС ЗС України, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpg

As of the morning of March 10, there are no enemy ships in the Black Sea.

About thisinformThe Navy of the Armed Forces.

In the Sea of Azov 1 enemy ship; In the Mediterranean, there are 3 enemy ships, including 2 carriers of the Caliber winged missiles, a total volley of up to 12 rockets.

During the day in the interests of the Russian Federation the passage of the Kerch Strait was made:

The Russian Federation continues to violate the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of 1974 (Solas) by turning off automatic identification systems (AIS)

As reportedArmyinformMore than 70 battles occurred per day, the enemy attacks five directions.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/u-seredzemnomu-mori-okupanty-utrymuyut-2-nosiyi-krylatyh-raket-kalibr/

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During the day, the Russian army fired at ten settlements of Kherson region: three people wounded

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration Alexander Proudin ....
Published Time: 2024-03-10T09-24-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Харківський трибунал, Херсонщина
Images: 000000.jpg

During the day in the Kherson region, three civilians were injured in hostile shelling, the enemy beat on residential quarters of settlements of the region, in particular on high -rise buildings and private homes.

About thisreportedHead of the Kherson Regional Military Administration Alexander Proudin.

“Last day, the enemy fired at Stanislav, Beryslav, Oleksandrivka, Osokorivka, Tomarin, Tomin Balka, Antonovka, Dnieper, Sadovov and Kherson. The Russian military kissed the residential quarters of the settlements of the region, in particular, 4 high -rise buildings and 9 private homes were damaged, ”the message reads.

Oleksandr Proudin noted that in Kherson the school, a medical institution and a Gasogin were damaged as a result of shelling. As a result of hostile attacks in the settlements of the region, hits in an economic structure and a car were recorded.

"Through Russian aggression, 3 people were injured," the head of the Kherson Ova emphasized.

As reportedArmyinform, as a result of hostile shelling of Kharkiv region, a peaceful resident was killed.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/za-dobu-rosijska-armiya-obstrilyala-desyat-naselenyh-punktiv-hersonshhyny-poraneni-troye-lyudej/

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Under the blows of Russian drones, two substations of Ukrenergo were found

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: Ukrenergo reported. “During the day, Russian UAVs attacked two substations ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T09-38-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Укренерго
Images: 000000.jpg

The Shahaneda attack was injured by two substations of Ukrenergo. In general, energy shortages are not forecast today.

About thisreportedUkrenergo.

“During the day, Russian UAVs attacked two substations of Ukrenergo in the southern and central regions. Without the victims, ”the message reads.

It is noted that consumers were not deactivated.

Emergency recovery work is ongoing at the site.

As reportedArmyinform, on the night of March 10, 35 out of 39 UAVs were destroyed in the sky over Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/pid-udaramy-rosijskyh-droniv-opynylysya-dvi-pidstancziyi-ukrenergo/

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Taurian direction: the Armed Forces destroyed 65 units of military equipment per day

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: About it reports on Facebook the United Prescriber of Defense Forces of Tavriysk. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T09-51-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, втрати ворога, Хроніка війни, Хроніка оборони
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In the area of responsibility, the "Tavriya" army of the Russian Federation has lost more than three hundred invaders and 65 units of military equipment over the past day.

About thisinformsFacebook has a united Press Center of Defense forces of Tavriya.

The loss of the enemy in the power of 310 people. Also, 65 units of Russian equipment were destroyed, in particular:

Our military destroyed 4 ammunition depots and 1 more important enemy object.

238 UAVs of different types were also neutralized or destroyed.

As reportedArmyinformMore than 70 battles occurred per day, the enemy attacks five directions.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/tavrijskyj-napryamok-zsu-znyshhyly-65-odynycz-vijskovoyi-tehniky-za-dobu/

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Drone attack on Odessa: Vlad showed the consequences of hitting an industrial object

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was stated by the chairman of Odessa Ova Oleg Kiper and showed the consequences of hitting an industrial ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T10-09-99
Tags: stoprussia, вторгнення рф, обстріл одещини, Харківський трибунал
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During the night attack on Odessa, the Russians directed percussion drones through residential quarters and industrial areas of settlements, which complicated the work of the Ukrainian Air Forces.

About thisstatedThe head of the Odessa Ova Oleg Kiper showed the consequences of hitting an industrial object.

“The hit of one of the drone at an industrial site in the Odessa district damaged the building. A fire broke out, which was promptly eliminated by rescuers, ”he said.

The head of the Odessa Ova stated that during the attack people were not injured.

In general, the forces of air defense this night destroy 11 drones over Odessa.

"Law enforcement officers record the next crime of the Russians," Oleg Kiper summarized.

As reportedArmyinform, on the night of March 10, 35 out of 39 UAVs were destroyed in the sky over Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/ataka-droniv-na-odesu-vlada-pokazala-naslidky-vluchannya-u-promyslovyj-obyekt/

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Initiative on the side of Ukraine: There are no warships of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea for the sixth day

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Актуальна тема, Новини
Description: A spokesman for the Navy of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the 3rd rank ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T10-26-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Дмитро Плетенчук, Хроніка оборони
Images: 000000.jpg 000001.jpg

Russian warships have been in the Black Sea for the sixth day.

A spokesman for the Navy of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Dmitry Pletenchuk told about it in the Ether.

So the invaders responded to the destruction of the patrol ship "Sergey Kotov".

"They tried in the information space to pretend that" victims of no. " But they still study the consequences of that attack. But they do not even go to the sea. But so it won't be constant. And at some point they will return to the tasks, ”Dmitry Pletenchuk said.

Replenishment in the "Underwater" of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation: experts told about the destroyed patrol ship "Sergey Kotov"
Поповнення у складі «підводного» чорноморського флоту рф: експерти розповіли про знищений патрульний корабель «сєрґєй котов»

Currently, according to a spokesman for the Navy of the Armed Forces, the situation is stable in the Black Sea, and the initiative is actually on the side of Ukraine. The invaders were also forced to relocate their main assets in Novorossiysk. First of all, the bearers of the winged rockets.

“The invaders minimized the ships in the ports of the occupied Crimea. There are units that did not find a place in the places of base in Novorossiysk, Sochi, Tuapse. In Crimea, there are not such valuable and useful assets for the Russian Federation, ”Dmitry Pletenchuk emphasized.

As reported by the Armyinform, on the night of March 4 to March 5, the special unit of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Group 13attackedThe Patrol Ship "Sergey Kotov". ShipExtendedDamage to feed, right and left sides. The fire damage took place in the territorial waters of Ukraine, near the Kerch Strait.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/inicziatyva-na-boczi-ukrayiny-u-chornomu-mori-vzhe-shostu-dobu-nemaye-vijskovyh-korabliv-rf/

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Ukrainian veteran Sergey Dubov won "gold" at sports competitions in the United States

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is stated on the official page of the Ukrainian team of Invictus Games. “They happened ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T10-36-99
Tags: Air Force Trials 2024, Invictus Games, змагання, Лас-Вегас, Сергій Дубов
Images: 000000.jpg 000001.jpg

A representative of the National Team of Ukraine at competitions for veterans and servicemen with injuries to Air Force Trials 2024 in Las Vegas, Sergei Dubov brought Ukrainians a "gold" medal in cycling competitions.

About thisIt is saidOn the official page of the Ukrainian team of Invictus Games.

“Cycling competitions took place in which our Sergey Dubov and Ilya Denysenko participated. The check -in was joint for 20 km. And in the C5 category (for participants with limb injuries) Sergey won "gold", - the message reads.

According to the organizers, in general, Sergei Dubov arrived five.

“We are rejoicing for Sergius, especially since he loves cycling. Everything came together, ”the Invictus Games added.

As reportedArmyinform, Ukrainian military and veterans already have the first medals in sports in the United States.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/ukrayinskyj-veteran-sergij-dubov-zdobuv-zoloto-na-sportyvnyh-zmagannyah-u-ssha/

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During the day, the army of the Russian Federation fired 14 regions of Ukraine: there are dead and injured

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports Military Media Center. “In general, from different types of weapons - mortars, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T10-46-99
Tags: Military Media Center, агресія рф, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpg

Over the past day, March 9. Russian troops fired the territory of 14 regions of Ukraine.

About thisinformsMilitary Media Center.

"In general, from different types of weapons - mortars, artillery, tanks, RSZV, UAV and tactical aviation - 146 settlements and 93 infrastructure sites were attacked," the statement said.

There are killed and injured among civilians, the number of victims is clarified.

As reportedArmyinform, during the day, the Russian army fired at ten settlements of Kherson region: three people were injured.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/za-dobu-armiya-rf-obstrilyala-14-oblastej-ukrayiny-ye-zagybli-ta-poraneni/

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US Ambassador: The Ukrainian Corridor in the Black Sea has already used more than a thousand ships

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink. “More than 1,000 vessels came out of ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T11-03-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Бриджіт Брінк, зерновий коридор, Посол Сполучених Штатів в Україні
Images: 000000.jpg

From the ports of the Black Sea of Ukraine, 1005 ships were sent to the humanitarian corridor, which delivered almost 30 million tons of cargo to the world markets, including grain.

About thisinformsUS Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink.

"More than 1,000 vessels have left Ukrainian Black Sea ports, delivering almost 30 million tons of cargo to the world markets, including grain," she wrote.

According to Bridget, Bridget, despite Russia's war, Ukraine continues to support jobs and businesses, develop its economy and supply the world's vital goods.

As reportedArmyinform, There are no warships of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/posol-ssha-ukrayinskym-korydorom-u-chornomu-mori-skorystalys-vzhe-ponad-tysyachu-korabliv/

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How many fewer Russians on the left bank of the Dnieper per day

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the forces of the South. Yes, there was a confirmation during the day that ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T11-22-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Сили оборони півдня, Хроніка оборони
Images: 000000.jpg

In the operating area of the south defense forces continues a powerful counter -battery. The Ukrainian military continues to inflict fire at the locations of the enemy, fire positions and rear.

About thisreportThe forces of the South Defense.

Yes, there was a confirmation during the day that on the left bank was less on:

The Ukrainian military also confirmed the destruction of the enemy.

As reportedArmyinform, in the area of responsibility, the "Tavriya" army of the Russian Federation has become more than three hundred invaders and 65 units of military equipment in the last day.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/na-skilky-stalo-menshe-rosiyan-na-livomu-berezi-dnipra-za-dobu/

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Since the beginning of the week, the DSST demining units have been disposed of almost 2800 explosive items

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the State Special Transport Service. At the same time exchanged and ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T11-34-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, ДССТ МО України, розмінування
Images: 000000.jpg

From the beginning of the week, from March 04 to March 10, the units for the demining of the State Special Transport Service found, seized and disposed of 2796 explosive items.

About thisinformsState Special Transport Service.

At the same time, 2563.61 ha was exchanged and checked.

“From the beginning of large -scale aggression of the Russian Federation, units of the State Summer Service have discovered, seized and disposed of 119 367 explosive items. The territory of 69170.60 hectares was exchanged (checked). Waters - 21.66 hectares of roads - 855.40 km of railway tracks - 2389.66 km of power lines - 435.87 km. Gases - 42.34 km. Residential territories - 274.48 hectares, ”the military said.

As reported by the Armyinform, today 30% of the territories of Ukraineremaincontaminated explosive objects, which is more than 174 thousand square kilometers.

We will remind, in the State Special Transport ServiceCreated9 units of humanitarian demining.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/vid-pochatku-tyzhnya-pidrozdily-z-rozminuvannya-dsst-zneshkodyly-majzhe-2800-vybuhonebezpechnyh-predmetiv/

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In Khmelnytskyi, another evacuation train from Kherson was met

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the SES of Ukraine. Rescuers helped people move things, and ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T11-48-99
Tags: stoprussia, вторгнення рф, ДСНС України, евакуаційний потяг
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On March 10, another evacuation train from Kherson arrived in the Khmelnytsky region.

About thisinformsSES of Ukraine.

Rescuers helped people move things, and SES psychologists provided everyone with support who needed it.

"We are always ready for any challenges, if it depends on the safety and life of a person,"-said in the department.

As reportedArmyinform, forced evacuation of children was introduced in four settlements of Donetsk region.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/na-hmelnychchyni-zustrily-chergovyj-evakuaczijnyj-potyag-iz-hersona/

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The Russians struck Mirnograd with new airbags

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: A spokesman of the operational-strategic group of troops ... about this was told about this by the etheri of the telecommunication ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T12-08-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Мирноград, УМПБ Д-30СН
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Illustrative photo

Tonight, Russian troops struck Mirnograd in Donetsk region. The initial information was that the enemy used the C-300 SPR. However, according to the information received from the National Police, the Russians used 3 units of planning aircraft.

A spokesman of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Captain Dmitry Likhov told about it.

«Planning Air Bomb of the UMPB D-30SN. This is already a new stage in the development of their cabins and fabes. It is an improved airbot that comes to replace the classic fabrics converted into bonds. And they have additional power plants, ”Dmitry Likhov said.

During the shelling of Mirnograd, 5 people were injured. Among them is a teenager. 17 apartment buildings and 27 vehicles were damaged.

“We need to prepare for new challenges and new tasks for air defense in the fight against these improved aviations. But they are also not sight. They affect residential buildings, civilians. Here, in the criminal tactics of war, Muscovites change nothing, ”Dmitry Likhov emphasized.

As reportedArmyinform, in the north of the Sumy region, the Russians used dangerous ammunition-ball fragmentary aviation bombs Shoab-0,5.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/rosiyany-zavdaly-udaru-po-myrnogradu-novymy-aviabombamy/

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Russian madness must lose this war. Let's do everything for that

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “What more from Moscow is heard ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T12-23-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, Володимир Зеленський, Президент України
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Only the power of Ukrainian protection can return Russia to "partial sobriety".

About thisstatedPresident of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“The more of Moscow is heard crazy statements, the greater our strength should be. Only the power of our protection of life, our ability to achieve our own goals can bring Russia to a state of at least partial sobriety, ”the head of state said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed that Russian madness should lose this war.

"Let's do everything for this," the President of Ukraine assured.

As reportedArmyinform, Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke about Russian firing of Baltic Studies during a meeting in Odessa with Prime Minister of Greece.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/volodymyr-zelenskyj-rosijske-bozhevillya-povynne-prograty-czyu-vijnu-zrobymo-vse-dlya-czogo/

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Defense forces performed over 7,000 invaders and 1321 units of military equipment per week

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Commander of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Lieutenant General ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T12-25-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ, Олександр Павлюк
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Illustrative photo

For a week from March 3 to March 10, 2024, about 7260 personnel of the enemy were destroyed by the Defense forces of Ukraine.

About thisreportedCommander of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Lieutenant General Alexander Pavlyuk.

In total, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed 7260 invaders and 1321 units of weapons and military equipment a week.

According to Alexander Pavlyuk, weapons and military equipment of Russian troops suffered significant losses:

"In addition, our defenders destroyed 4 hostile missiles and 239 UAVs," he added.

As reported by the Armyinform, a day of the Armed Forces destroyed yet900 Russian invaders, 19 tanks and 38 artisms.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/syly-oborony-vidminusuvaly-ponad-7-tysyach-okupantiv-ta-1321-odynyczyu-vijskovoyi-tehniky-za-tyzhden/

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The consequences of rocket stroke on Mirnograd: 11 people were injured, 17 multi -storey buildings were damaged

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Press Center of the Prosecutor General's Office. According to the investigation, March 10, 2024 ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T12-45-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Мирноград, Офіс Генерального прокурора, Харківський трибунал
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11 people were injured, including a teenager, as a result of another attack of the invaders on Myrnohrad of Donetsk region.

About thisinformsProsecutor General's Office Press Center.

According to the investigation, on March 10, 2024, about 03:00 Russian occupation troops hit Mirnograd. They kissed the city residential district.

As a result of hostile shelling of injuries, 11 people-a 16-year-old boy, five women and as many men aged 34 to 95 years.

“All the victims were provided with urgent medical care. They were diagnosed with mine-explosive injuries, cut wounds, multiple gardening, closed traumatic brain injury and concussion, ”the statement said.

At least 17 multi -storey buildings and 27 cars are damaged.

As reportedArmyinform, The Russians struck the Mirnograd with new airbags.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/naslidky-raketnogo-udaru-po-myrnogradu-poraneno-11-osib-poshkodzheno-17-bagatopoverhivok/

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More than 127 thousand military crimes of Russia have been documented in Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Office of the Prosecutor General. In addition, according to juvenile ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T13-11-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Офіс Генерального прокурора України
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Since the beginning of a large -scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the Office of the Prosecutor General has documented 16,694 crimes against national security. 127 226 Russia's crime was also registered.

About thisinformsOffice of the Prosecutor General.

In addition, according to juvenile prosecutors, 1774 children were injured as a result of aggression of the Russian Federation, 534 children were killed, 1240 were injured in varying severity.

The department emphasizes that these figures are not final, since work continues to be installed in places of active fighting, in temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

As reported by the Armyinform, the judge who is exposed"Drained" the enemy information about their colleagues and the Armed Forces.

Recall the exVIEVSK from Crimea withAsuda up to 15 years in prisons for the State Council.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/v-ukrayini-zadokumentovano-ponad-127-tysyach-voyennyh-zlochyniv-rosiyi/

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Ukrainian air defense shot down 35 of 39 Shahed drones across several regions overnight

Action: aa-2
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634524
(Longitude: 27.55371, Latitude: 49.52521)
Geographic Location: Khmelnitsky
News Source: https://t.me/kpszsu/11672
Published Time: 2024-03-10T13-18-00
Tags: Khmelnitsky
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Ukrainian air defense shot down 35 of 39 Shahed drones across several regions overnight

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-ukrainian-air-defense-shot-down-35-of-39-shahed

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Russia attacks the civilian population of Donetsk region: three dead, 12 wounded in a day

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Donetsk Ova Vadim Filashkin. According to him, at night the Russians ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T13-21-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Вадим Філашкін, війна, вторгнення рф
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As a result of today's shelling of Donetsk region, three people were killed in the army of the Russian Federation, 12 more were injured.

About thisreportedHead of Donetsk Ova Vadim Filashkin.

According to him, at night the Russians attacked Dobropillya "Shahaneda"-in the morning rescuers got from the rubble of the body of the body of two people.

In addition, in the morning the enemy fired at the artillery of the Yar-a 66-year-old man was killed.

"In Mirnograd, the number of rocket strike victims has increased to 12 wounded - all the victims received the necessary medical care," said the head of the Ova.

Vadim Filashkin also stressed that it is dangerous to stay in Donetsk region. In addition, he called people to evacuate.

Recall the consequences of rocket strike on Mirnograd:11 people were injured, 17 high -rise buildings were damaged.

As reportedArmyinform, The Russians struck the Mirnograd with new airbags.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/rosiya-atakuye-myrne-naselennya-donechchyny-za-dobu-troye-zagyblyh-12-poranenyh/

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Fire at oil depot in Kursk region after drone strike

Action: fires-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634529
(Longitude: 36.27411, Latitude: 51.71625)
Geographic Location: Kursk
News Source: https://t.me/ak46_kursk/8455
Published Time: 2024-03-10T13-27-00
Tags: Kursk

Fire at oil depot in Kursk region after drone strike

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-fire-at-oil-depot-in-kursk-region-after-drone-strike

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For the first time, official military teams were recorded in Ukrainian 175 years ago: what to know about the battalion of Russian mountain shooters

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини, Публікації
Description: The initiator of creating a battalion of Russian mountain shooters as part of the time ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T13-31-99
Tags: батальйон, воєнна історія, команди українською, руські гірські стрільці
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Russian mountain shooters

At the origins of the Ukrainian modern military tradition, there was a battalion of Russian mountain shooters - the oldest predecessor of the notorious Sich Riflemen, the Ukrainian Galician Army, the UNR Army, the UPA and other newest Ukrainian armed formations, including the modern armed forces of Ukraine.

The initiator of the creation of a battalion of Russian mountain shooters in the then Austrian army was the Main Russian Council - the first official political organization of Galicia Ukrainians.

Created on the wave of the famous "spring of peoples" in Europe, the Main Russian Council for the first time in history raised the national yellow-blue flag and formed the first detachments of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of Modern Age.

For over 175 years, blue and yellow flags have been dreaming over Ukraine-Andrei Grechilo
Вже понад 175 років над Україною майорять синьо-жовті прапори — Андрій Гречило

- The formation of the National Guard was the general tendency of revolutionary events of the time. People who felt themselves by citizens of the state, not just the Cesarean subjects, demanded not only the freedom of gathering, printing, religion, but also the freedom of wearing weapons and the right to self -defense -toldArmyinform specialist in the history of the Main Russian Council, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Church History and Vice -Rector for External Relations of the Ukrainian Catholic University Oleg Turiy.

Participants of revolutionary events were aware that, under the conditions of powerful socio-political disturbance, forceful clashes are possible, so it is necessary to create an organized armed force, able to defend Ukrainian interests and maintain law and order.

For peoples who did not have their own statehood, such armed formations were perceived as a certain transitional link for the creation of national armed forces in the future. "It was an attempt to create the embryo of its national statehood in the bosom of the existing state," Oleg Turiy emphasizes.

Meeting of the Main Russian Council, May 1848

The battalion of Russian mountain shooters was created as a volunteer (hunting) Ukrainian (Ukrainians of Galicia were then called Ruthenians) military formation within the Austrian army. Its official purpose was to support the public law and order and the protection of the Carpathian passes to Hungary, where the uprising against the Austrian monarchy raged.

The Main Russian Council hoped later to turn the battalion into a purely national Ukrainian armed formation, designed to defend the interests of Austrian Ukrainians. To this end, they created a special commission that took care of the needs of the battalion and planned its further development.

The desire to join the ranks of volunteer armed formation revealed 3460 "hunters", from which 1410 soldiers were selected. Initially, the battalion consisted of 6 companies (mouth or hundred), and then the seventh hundred was also formed. The officers' (officers) consisted of not only the Germans but also the Ukrainians, who made up the majority, although they were mostly lower positions.

The sergeant and shooter of the Russian Guard, 1849

The battalion had unicorn with elements of folk clothing. The uniforms included a felt hat of Hutsul Krysan, a short mountain gray with blue and yellow clamps, red or blue pants.

Subsequently, the form was changed - instead of Krisani, they introduced a blue folding hat with a yellow embroidery and a large board, the gray was replaced with a red uniform with a standing collar, the pants were left blue, with yellow lamps.

For the battalion, military symbols were developed, which was to show Ukrainian national character of armed formation. In particular, Sofia Bavarskaya, the mother of Emperor Franz Joseph I, sacrificed for the battalion banner of a dark blue silk ribbon. And the rules of military service were taught in Ukrainian,

The main Russian council stood near the sources of modern Ukrainian military tradition - Oleg Turiy
Головна Руська Рада стояла біля джерел модерної української військової традиції — Олег Турій

- It is possible to interpret the creation of units of self -defense and the Russian National Guard not only as an example of self -organization, the exercise of the right to protection and self -defense, but also in the future as an integral element of future statehood. At that time, no one has declared it loudly, but it was implied, - Oleg Turiy emphasizes.

The scientist draws attention to the fact that despite the dissolution of the battalion in early 1850, the modern Ukrainian military tradition managed to put strong roots and in the future had an impact on the creation of later Ukrainian military formations.

- It is interesting, - says Oleg Turiy, - that in addition to the Dawn of Halytska, a small brochure was issued, where military teams were first officially submitted in Ukrainian. In this sense, it was the beginning of the Ukrainian modern military tradition.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/vpershe-oficzijni-vijskovi-komandy-ukrayinskoyu-zafiksuvaly-175-rokiv-tomu-shho-slid-znaty-pro-bataljon-ruskyh-girskyh-strilcziv/

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Enemy shelling of the border of Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv region: 343 explosions per day

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the operational command "North". Three communities of Chernihiv region ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T13-49-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф, Хроніка оборони
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Russian invaders continue to fire the border areas of Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions. In total, 64 shelling (343 explosions) from different types of weapons were charged during the day.

About thisinformsOperational Command "North".

Three communities of Chernihiv region were under enemy shelling.

Semeniv community:

Snovsk community:

Novgorod-Siversky community:

Three districts of Sumy region fired the enemy for the past day.

Sumy District:

Okhtyr District:

Shostka district:

One settlement of Kharkiv region was attacked by the enemy.

Bohodukhiv District:

As reported by the ArmyInform, in the day the army of the Russian Federation fired at14 regions of Ukraine: are killed and injured.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/vorozhi-obstrily-prykordonnya-chernigivshhyny-sumshhyny-ta-harkivshhyny-za-dobu-343-vybuhy/

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Russia has increased the use of drones-Kamikadze in the Tavriya direction

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the commander of Tavriya Brigadny General Alexander Tarnavsky. By...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T13-55-99
Tags: дрони-камікадзе, Олександр Тарнавський, ОСУВ «Таврія», Таврійський напрямок
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In the Tavriysk direction, the army of the Russian Federation gradually increases the number of use of drones-Kamikadze: in the last day the enemy made 153 such strikes.

About thisreportedThe commander of "Tavriya" Brigadny General Alexander Tarnavsky.

According to him, 54 combat clashes took place over the past day. The enemy was struck by 27 air strikes, 153 beats with drones-Kamikadze, 1252 shelling.

"Our defenders and defenders carry out a defense operation and cause significant losses to the Russian invaders," the commander said.

According to the confirmed information, among the destroyed and damaged enemy equipment-1 self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and harmonious complex "Arcre-C1", 1 SAU "Hyacint", 1 RSZV BM-21 "Grad", 2 complexes of video surveillance "Mur-M".

We will remind, for the same period of the last day in the operating area of the operative-strategic group of Tavriya troops enemymade98 blows to Kamikadze drones, made 1056 shelling.

As reportedArmyinform, 65 units of military equipment per day were destroyed in the Tavriya direction.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/rosiya-zbilshyla-zastosuvannya-droniv-kamikadze-na-tavrijskomu-napryamku/

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Special Forces Strofeyl Zala drone

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it informs the command of the Special Operations forces of the Armed Forces. “On one of the operating rooms ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T14-05-99
Tags: stoprussia, БПЛА ZALA, війна, вторгнення рф, ССО
Images: 000000.jpg 000001.jpg

In one of the operating areas, SCO operators were Zala's Russian drone. Further, specialists will be studied in detail.

About thisinformsCommand of Special Operations forces of the Armed Forces.

"In one of the operating areas, the SCO operators found an enemy UAV in the air, which carried out the exploration of the terrain," the message reads.

The military department stated that they knocked down Zala Ulas.

"The UAV became a trophy of the SCO and will go for further study by specialists," the special forces summarized.

As reportedArmyinform, Russia has increased the use of drones-Kamikadze in the Tavriya direction.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/speczpryznachenczi-zatrofeyily-bezpilotnyk-zala/

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A truck caught fire as result of the drone attack at Stroitel district of Belgorod region

Action: fires-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia, Energy
News ID: 22634619
(Longitude: 36.44942, Latitude: 50.79297)
Geographic Location: Belgorod
News Source: https://t.me/zhest_belgorod/40007
Published Time: 2024-03-10T14-31-00
Tags: Belgorod

A truck caught fire as result of the drone attack at Stroitel district of Belgorod region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-a-truck-caught-fire-as-result-of-the-drone-attack

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Shahed drone damaged industrial enterprise in Odesa region

Action: drone-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634526
(Longitude: 30.67589, Latitude: 46.50619)
Geographic Location: Odesa
News Source: https://t.me/hromadske_ua/43570
Published Time: 2024-03-10T14-39-00
Tags: Odesa
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Shahed drone damaged industrial enterprise in Odesa region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-shahed-drone-damaged-industrial-enterprise-in-odesa

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1 person wounded as result of a missile strike at industrial enterprise in Novomoskovsk district

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634527
(Longitude: 35.24174, Latitude: 48.62962)
Geographic Location: Novomoskovsk
News Source: https://t.me/espresotb/90650
Published Time: 2024-03-10T14-40-00
Tags: Novomoskovsk

1 person wounded as result of a missile strike at industrial enterprise in Novomoskovsk district

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-1-person-wounded-as-result-of-a-missile-strike-at

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Damage in Myrnohrad as result of shelling

Action: destroy-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634532
(Longitude: 37.26597, Latitude: 48.30435)
Geographic Location: Dymytrov,Donetsk Oblast
News Source: https://t.me/itsdonetsk/142405
Published Time: 2024-03-10T14-42-00
Tags: Dymytrov,Donetsk Oblast
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Damage in Myrnohrad as result of shelling

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-damage-in-myrnohrad-as-result-of-shelling

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Another failure befalded the bias on the border: Another illegal scheme was eliminated

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The State Border Service of Ukraine informs about it. As noted, during ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T14-43-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ухилянти
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The border guards of the Chop detachment were detained near the village of Novoselytsya of Uzhgorod district of three citizens of Ukraine who made their way to Slovakia.

About thisinformsState Border Service of Ukraine.

As it is noted, during the patrol the border outfit of the Novoselytsya department found two men who tried to overcome the barrier fence. The offenders did not respond to the legitimate requirements of servicemen, so it was possible to stop them only after a warning shot.

The detainees confessed that another man came with them, but he was behind them. To find it, law enforcement officers raised a drone into the sky. The man was found a kilometer from his predecessors.

“All three had with them passport documents of Ukrainian citizens and were residents of Ivano-Frankivsk region. They were taken to the border unit for the purpose of holding under Part 2 of Article 204-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Illegal Crossing or attempting to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine", "the statement reads.

The department said that the two detainees also made administrative and procedural documents under Article 185-10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "An evil disobedience to the legal order or request of a serviceman or employee of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine or a member of public formation on public order and state border protection."

Later, the operative staff of the Chop detachment and managed to identify the person who delivered offenders to the border in order to further transfer them to the territory of Slovakia.

“The permit was a 23-year-old resident of Uzhgorod district. At the place of residence of the man, sanctioned searches were conducted, the results of which were seized by the vehicle, his mobile phone and the draft records. The Transcarpathian was detained in the order of Article 208 of the CPC of Ukraine. He was informed of suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 3 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code "Illegal Transportation of Persons Against the State Border of Ukraine", - the State Border Service said.

The measures were conducted with the National Police staff, with the power support of the KORD special unit and with the procedural leadership of the Uzhgorod District Prosecutor's Office.

As reported by the Armyinform, outside the embryodid not help the evil in Odessa.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/chergova-nevdacha-spitkala-uhylyantiv-na-kordoni-likvidovana-shhe-odna-nezakonna-shema/

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At the meeting with the US Congressman, the Prosecutor General has exposed the strengthening of Ukraine's defense capability

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: About it reports the Office of the Prosecutor General. With Congressman Mike Turner Andrew ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T14-47-99
Tags: stoprussia, вторгнення рф, конгресмени сша, Офіс Генерального прокурора, Світ підтримує Україну, сенатори США
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During his trip to Washington, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine discussed with Washington, Tom Kinom, Michael McCol, Mike Turner, and Senator Sheldon Wytgaus steps, to hold the Russian Federation for international crimes.

About thisinformsOffice of the Prosecutor General.

With Congressman Mike Turner Andriy Kostin spoke about strengthening Ukraine's defense capability, which is critical today.

At the same time, during a meeting with US officials, Andriy Kostin noted that the adoption of the HR 815 bill, which provides for financial assistance to Ukraine, is a vital step for the termination of barbarism.

“Ukraine fights for freedom and democracy despite the unprecedented cruelty on the part of the enemy who has already committedMore than 123,000 military crimes. Every day of delay costs people's lives. We should not allow the impunity and right of power to become the basis of the world order of the 21st century, ”said Andrei Kostin during a meeting with Congressman Tom Kin.

During a meeting with Senator Sheldon Waithaus, representatives of Ukraine spoke about the development of a network of comprehensive responsibility for Russia's international crimes.

"Andriy Kostin noted that the development of the draft law of the Repo (about the restoration of economic prosperity and opportunities for Ukrainians) is a decisive step towards making the Russian Federation to pay for the crimes committed and ensure the restoration of Ukraine," the Prosecutor General's Office noted.

As reportedArmyinform, Prosecutor General of Ukraine and the United States discussed cooperation in the investigation of military crimes of the Russian Federation.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/genprokuror-na-zustrichi-z-kongresmenom-ssha-ogovoryv-zmicznennya-oboronozdatnosti-ukrayiny/

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In the Zaporozhye direction, the occupiers again used chemical weapons

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Важливо, Новини
Description: A spokesman of the operational-strategic group of troops ... about it told this in the Etheri of the Telelorphone ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T15-07-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, вторгнення рф, Запорізький напрямок, хімічна атака, Хроніка оборони
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Illustrative photo

For the previous day, 15 cases of use of the Russian chief with a poisonous substance were recorded.

A spokesman of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Captain Dmitry Likhov told about it in the telelorphone.

According to him, almost all cases were recorded in the defense strip in the Zaporozhye direction.

“The Russians are increasingly using ammunition with poisonous substance. In total, in the last week, almost 50 times have been dumped from the drone with a poisonous substance chloropicrin. When the enemy cannot take our trenches with a classic artillery blow, or a drone from drone, he uses such tear gas, ”Dmitry Likhov said.

As reported by the Armyinform, RussiaincreasesThe use of chemical weapons and uses a new type of grenades.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/na-zaporizkomu-napryamku-okupanty-znovu-zastosuvaly-himichnu-zbroyu/

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Rosarmia fired from the drone of Kherson's suburbs: there is a wounded

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of Kherson MVA Roman Mrochko has informed about it. “To doctors with help ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T15-18-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.png

The Russians fired at Antonivka village - Kherson's suburbs, a local resident was injured.

About thisreportedKherson MVA Head Roman Mrochko.

“A 54-year-old man turned to doctors. He has a mine-explosive injury and a fragile wound of the leg, ”the message reads.

According to preliminary information, the enemy at about 11:00 attacked Antonivka of the Kherson City Territorial Community from Dron.

It is noted that the injured will undergo an outpatient treatment.

As reported by the ArmyInform, in the day the army of the Russian Federation fired at14 regions of Ukraine: are killed and injured.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/rosarmiya-obstrilyala-z-drona-peredmistya-hersona-ye-poranenyj/

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Our warriors showed how the enemy howitzers D-20 were destroyed

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported and published by the appropriate video press service of the 45th OBR. As...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T15-38-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustrative photo

Artillerymen of the 45th Separate Artillery Brigade were destroyed by the D-20 howitzers and the enemy's staff.

About thisreportedBut the relevant video was published by the press service of the 45th Oabr.

As it is noted, the destruction of enemy howitzers took place in the joint work with the aerial intelligence of the 63rd separate mechanized brigade.

The aerial intelligence unit successfully identified the enemy howitzers, which were masked and transferred to the artillerymen.

The press service also added that the archer wheelchair was involved in the counter -battery fire produced by the Swedish company Bae Systems AB to keep the counter -battery fire.

As reported by the Armyinform, special forcesStrofeylsZala drone.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/nashi-voyiny-pokazaly-yak-znyshhyly-vorozhi-gaubyczi-d-20/

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March 11 in Vinnitsa will start work municipal recruiting centers

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This is stated on the site of Vinnytsia City Council. This project is implemented in common ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T15-42-99
Tags: Вінниця, центр рекрутингу
Images: 000000.jpeg 000001.jpg

On March 11, municipal recruiting centers will begin in Vinnitsa, which will consult citizens who want to start a career in the military field.

About thisIt is saidon the site of Vinnytsia City Council.

This project is implemented by the joint efforts of the Vinnytsia City Council and the Vinnytsia Separate Brigade of TRO.

According to the city council, the purpose of the project is to provide consultations and information services to those citizens of Ukraine who decided to associate their lives with the protection of the Motherland or choose a military career.

What is "military recruiting" and how different is it from mobilization
Що таке «військовий рекрутинг» і чим він відрізняється від мобілізації

“We emphasize that at the Municipal Center for Recruitment, the Labor Center and the Center and employees of the Center will not be issued. Instead, visitors expect complete information about the availability of vacant places in the units of a separate TRO and other military units, addresses of higher and secondary military educational institutions with a list of specialties, terms of contract and mobilization, step -by -step recruitment Soldier Roman Kovalsky.

Municipal Recruitment Centers in Vinnytsia can be found behind thisby reference.

As reportedArmyinform, The Minister of Defense and the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine visited the first recruitment center of the Ukrainian army.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/11-bereznya-u-vinnyczi-rozpochnut-robotu-municzypalni-rekrutyngovi-czentry/

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The Head of State thanked France for the support of Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The head of state wrote about it in Fakeuka. “We recently signed a security agreement ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T15-54-99
Tags: stoprussia, Володимир Зеленський, вторгнення рф, допомога партнерів, Світ підтримує Україну
Images: 000000.jpeg

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the people of France and personally President Emmanuel Macron for the support of Ukraine.

The head of statewroteinFabuzi.

“Recently, we have signed a security agreement with France for long -term support - for the sake of greater security and joint force. Cooperation in the field of security, finance and defense, common political steps. Quite specific things that help Ukraine to protect their independence, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.

The President thanked the teams from Ukraine and France, who prepared agreements and recorded exactly what our people need.

Recall Ukraine and FrancesignedSecurity Cooperation Agreement.

According to the Armyinform, 7 countries have joined a bilateral security agreement: it is the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy and the Netherlands.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/glava-derzhavy-podyakuvav-francziyi-za-pidtrymku-ukrayiny/

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Army Mikhail Brunin with a personal record of the season won the "silver" European Cup with throwing

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The Central Sports Club of the Armed Forces informs about it. “Our athlete won silver in ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T16-10-99
Tags: армійський спортсмен, Михайло Брудін
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In the competitions of the European Cup in the metal track and field disciplines in Liuri (Portugal), "silver" of the youth championship was won by 19-year-old metal metal metal metal metal.

About thisinformsThe Central Sports Club of the Armed Forces.

"Our athlete won silver in the throwing of a disc in the age category up to 23 years with a result of 59.95 meters,"-the message reads.

It should be noted that Mikhail Brunin set a personal record of the European Cup season with juniors.

As reportedArmyinform, Army Ilya Kovtun won gold at the stage of the World Gymnastics Cup.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/armiyecz-myhajlo-brudin-z-osobystym-rekordom-sezonu-vyborov-sriblo-kubka-yevropy-z-metannya/

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In Crimea, students are agitating to sign contracts with the army of the Russian Federation

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the National Resistance Center. «Agitators from the military enlistment office are carried out ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T16-33-99
Tags: АР Крим, вторгнення рф, центр національного спротиву
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In the temporarily occupied Crimea, on the eve of the end of the academic year, the campaigning of the invaders on joining the ranks of Rosarmia increased.

About thisinformsCenter for National Resistance.

"The agitators from the military enlistment office bypass the educational institutions and propose to conclude a contract instead of the conscript service to be able to recruit" volunteers "and send them to the front," the message reads.

Agitation is also carried out during excursions and driven young people for mass events with propaganda concerts.

"The National Resistance Center urges to ignore the enemy's initiatives and not become hostage to the Kremlin's crazy policy," the message said.

As reportedArmyinform, in Crimea, the occupiers conducted searches in 10 homes of Crimean Tatars.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/u-krymu-studentiv-agituyut-pidpysuvaty-kontrakty-z-armiyeyu-rf/

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9 person wounded as result of S-300 missile strikes in Myrnohrad of Donetsk region

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634561
(Longitude: 37.26219, Latitude: 48.30618)
Geographic Location: Dymytrov,Donetsk Oblast
News Source: https://t.me/Novoeizdanie/75613
Published Time: 2024-03-10T17-07-00
Tags: Dymytrov,Donetsk Oblast
Images: 000000.jpg

9 person wounded as result of S-300 missile strikes in Myrnohrad of Donetsk region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-9-person-wounded-as-result-of-s300-missile-strikes

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Ambassador of Ukraine visited Canada for the production of armored vehicles and medicines

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Canada Julia Kovaliv ....
Published Time: 2024-03-10T17-12-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, посол
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Ukraine is working on the implementation of a security agreement with Canada, as well as increasing military assistance.

About thisreportedAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Canada Julia Kovaliv. In particular, she visited the production of GDLS, which produces armored cars and medicines, some of which have already been sent to Ukraine last year.

“The OPC has not been traditionally not too" female "sector, but today the number of women who work worldwide is growing in the sector. The council was to communicate with women who work in one of the largest companies in the defense sector of Canada and thank them for their work on strengthening our defensive capabilities, ”Yulia Kovaliv wrote.

As reported by the Armyinform, on February 24, 2024 Ukraine and CanadasignedSecurity Cooperation Agreement.

From the beginning of a large -scale Russian invasion of CanadagaveUkraine has a variety of military assistance for almost $ 2.4 billion.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/posol-ukrayiny-vidvidala-u-kanadi-zavod-iz-vyrobnycztva-broneavtomobiliv-ta-medyvakiv/

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Defense forces stopped two columns of Russian equipment in the south

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine Oleksandr Pivnenko. According to him, ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T17-35-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Нацгвардія
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The warriors of the Spartan National Guard Brigade were stopped in the southern direction with the help of drones and artillery, two columns of enemy equipment moving in the direction of positions of Ukrainian troops were stopped.

About thisreportedCommander of the National Guard of Ukraine Oleksandr Pivnenko.

According to him, again the Russians tried to break through the defense of positions in the southern direction, where the defense of the National Guards.

Air Intelligence of the Spartan NSU Brigade noticed two columns of enemy equipment moving in the direction of Ukrainian positions.

First of all, the invaders met the artillery with accurate shots, forcing almost to reduce the rate of attack almost completely. At this time, pilots of shock drones raised drones into the air.

“Successful interaction of units of the 3rd Brigade of Operational Appointment" Spartan "gives full control over the situation. As a result, 2 units of hostile equipment were amazed by pilots of shock aviation complexes, 2 units were destroyed by artillery, ”the commander said.

According to Pivnenko, the entire personnel of the enemy was liquidated, the attack was stopped.

We will remind, in the Zaporozhye direction the occupiers againThey used chemical weapons.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/syly-oborony-zupynyly-dvi-kolony-rosijskoyi-tehniky-na-pivdni/

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The occupiers are looking for those who do not want to go to pseudo -election

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the National Resistance Center. It is noted that on the occupied ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T17-47-99
Tags: stoprussia, вторгнення рф, незаконні вибори, ТОТ, центр національного спротиву
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In the temporarily occupied territories, the Russians conduct surveys to identify those who do not go to "elections".

About thisinformsCenter for National Resistance.

It is noted that in the occupied territories the program "Inophrmuik" continues, within which the Russians bypass the dwellings of Ukrainians and convey "the importance of visiting precincts".

Whenpassing, agitators are interested in whether people plan to go to "elections" at all and a census of such persons. Anyone who does not plans openly is recorded in a special list of disloyal residents.

"The National Resistance Center calls not to provide information to agitators and boycott the" elections ", because the enemy needs a picture of high turnout to" legalize "the occupation in the information field," the department called.

At the same time, you can report agitators forby referenceto make their responsibility for their actions.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/okupanty-shukayut-tyh-hto-ne-hoche-jty-na-psevdovybory/

[Previous Article]#[Next]

Kamaz burned, pickup and car: a failed escape of the invaders from our drones

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The State Border Service of Ukraine informs about it. “In the Zaporizhzhya direction" steel "...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T18-21-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpeg

Airborne SPSU has discovered masked observation posts of the enemy and destroyed enemy cars.

About thisinformsState Border Service of Ukraine.

"In the Zaporizhzhya direction" steel "birds of the border guards found masked observation posts of the enemy and, enlisting the support of brothers from the 23 brigade of NSU" Khortyts ", the capacity of the FPV-punks caused a crushing blow , - the message said.

The video shows that the invaders did not escape from the fire of justice.

"Let's destroy all the enemy invasion that will populate the Ukrainian land!" - they emphasized in the State Tax Service.

As reported by the Armyinform, our warriors showed howDestroyedenemy howitzers D-20.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/goriv-kamaz-pikap-i-avtivka-nevdala-vtecha-okupantiv-vid-nashyh-droniv/

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In Kharkiv, a man who threw a grenade under a military car was detained

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by police of Kharkiv region on Facebook. A 25-year-old resident ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T18-36-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, Нацполіція
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In the Kharkiv region, law enforcement officers detained a man who threw a grenade under the car of a military personnel.

About thisreportedPolice of Kharkiv region on Facebook.

The 25-year-old resident of the village of Mala Rogan of Kharkiv district, while intoxicated, took the RGD-5 grenade on the balcony and went outside. He found the ammunition in the winter of 2024 in the territory of the Bohodukhiv district.

On the street, he approached the car Kia Sorento, which was parked near the house, and in the presence of witnesses got a grenade, took out a check and threw under the car. The car belonged to the Ukrainian military service, which also lives in this settlement. At the time of the explosion, the woman was at home.

According to law enforcement officers, because of "decided to take revenge on long hostile relationships." The man was declared suspicion of hooliganism committed with the use of a subject specially adapted for injury (Part 4 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

He faces up to 7 years in prison. The issue of election of a suspect in a pre -trial detention is resolved for 60 days with the possibility of bail.

The procedural leadership is carried out by the Kharkiv District Prosecutor's Office.

As reported by the Armyinform, another failure was beaten by evaders on the border:Another illegal scheme has been eliminated.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/na-harkivshhyni-zatrymaly-cholovika-yakyj-kynuv-granatu-pid-avtomobil-vijskovoyi/

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The army of the Russian Federation was attacked by Nikopol region with heavy artillery and shock drones 13 times

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the head of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak. “Throughout the day ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T18-51-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, ворожі обстріли, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpg 000001.jpg 000002.jpeg

During the day, the Russian army attacked Nikopol region with heavy artillery and shock drones 13 times.

About thisreportedHead of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak.

“Throughout the day, the aggressor did not leave Nikopol region. Attacked 11 Kamikadze drones. And yet - he hit the heavy artillery twice, ”he said.

According to the head of Ova, the enemy released almost one and a half dozen shells. The explosions were heard in Nikopol and the Mirovsky community.

“Two multi -storey buildings, infrastructure and energy equipment have been damaged. Due to the shelling, almost 2,000 subscribers were left without water, ”said Sergei Lisak.

Fortunately, people were not injured.

"In the evening, the defenders of the sky were knocked down by a drone in the Dnieper district," he added.

As reported by the Armyinform, rocket strike in Dnipropetrovsk:The Russian Federation kissed the enterprise, there is a wounded.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/armiya-rf-13-raziv-atakuvala-nikopolshhynu-z-vazhkoyi-artyleriyi-ta-udarnymy-dronamy/

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2 person were killed as result of Russian Shahed drones attack in Dobropillia town of Donetsk region

Action: drone-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634614
(Longitude: 37.0895, Latitude: 48.46692)
Geographic Location: Donetsk
News Source: https://t.me/UkraineNow/48958
Published Time: 2024-03-10T19-21-00
Tags: Donetsk

2 person were killed as result of Russian Shahed drones attack in Dobropillia town of Donetsk region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-2-person-were-killed-as-result-of-russian-shahed

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Defense forces repelled 32 hostile attacks in Novopavlovsky and Avdiivsky directions

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. In the estuary direction by our warriors ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T19-33-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ, оперативна інформація, Хроніка війни, Хроніка оборони
Images: 000000.jpg

There were 53 fighting collisions during the day. In total, the enemy caused 3 missile and 74 aircraft strikes, making 69 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the estuary directionOur warriors reflect 5 enemy attacks in areas of Ternya settlements, Yampolivka, controversial and Razdolivka of Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Bakhmut directionDefense forces reflect 3 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements of Klischivka, Andreevka and the east of the time ravine of Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to improve his tactical position.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders reflect 14 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdychi, Orlovka, Tonenko, Pervomaisk and Nevelskoye Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the districts of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Novomikhailivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops 18 times.

In the Orikhiv directionThe enemy attacked the positions of our defenders 3 times in the areas of the south of Novodarivka and the northwestern Verbov Zaporizhzhya region.

In the Kherson directionThe enemy does not give up the intention to knock out our units from the bridgeheads on the Dnieper Left Bank. Thus, during the day 1 attempt to storm the positions of our troops. More than 30 settlements, including Kherson, Tyaginka, Ivanivka, Krynka, Kherson region, have experienced artillery and mortar shelling.

As reported by the Armyinform, Defense Forcesperformed over 7,000 occupiers and 1321 units of military equipmentin a week.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/syly-oborony-vidbyly-32-vorozhi-ataky-na-novopavlivskomu-ta-avdiyivskomu-napryamkah/

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Ukrainian aviation has made 10 beats in the occupying troops

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. “The missile troops were inflicted ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T19-44-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ
Images: 000000.jpg
Illustrative photo

During the day, the Aviation of Defense Forces struck 10 areas of personnel concentration, weapons and enemy military equipment.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The departments of missile troops have affected 2 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment, 1 radio -electronic struggle station and 2 enemy air defense means," the message reads.

We will remind, the forces of defense were repelled32 enemy attacks in Novopavlovsky and Avdeevsky directions.

As reported by the Armyinform, Defense Forcesperformed over 7,000 occupiers and 1321 units of military equipmentin a week.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/ukrayinska-aviacziya-zavdala-10-udariv-po-okupaczijnyh-vijskah/

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Two Georgian soldiers were killed on the front to defend Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was reported by the Georgian National Legion. It is noted that Nasirov Nodar ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T20-12-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф
Images: 000000.jpg

Two more Georgian Legion fighters were killed in Ukraine at the front, fighting against Russian invaders.

About thisreportedGeorgian National Legion.

It is noted that Nasar Nasirov and Georgy Gogiashvili were killed in the course of combat missions on the front line.

The Georgian National Legion expressed their condolences to the families of dead soldiers.

As reported by the Armyinform, thirty years ago Ukrainian military helicoptersrescued nearly 8,000 Georgian refugees.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/na-fronti-zagynuly-dvoye-gruzynskyh-voyiniv-yaki-zahyshhaly-ukrayinu/

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Russian troops used grenades with chloropicrin about 50 times last week, including 15 yesterday

Action: gas-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634622
(Longitude: 35.95551, Latitude: 47.43198)
Geographic Location: Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia region
News Source: https://t.me/huyovy_kharkiv/142422
Published Time: 2024-03-10T20-31-00
Tags: Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia region

Russian troops used grenades with chloropicrin about 50 times last week, including 15 yesterday

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-russian-troops-used-grenades-with-chloropicrin-about

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1 person wounded as result of Russian attack in Antonivka

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634620
(Longitude: 32.72913, Latitude: 46.67891)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/UkraineNow/48960
Published Time: 2024-03-10T20-40-00
Tags: Kherson

1 person wounded as result of Russian attack in Antonivka

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-1-person-wounded-as-result-of-russian-attack-in

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The Armed Forces showed how our warriors study under the guidance of the Kudu Operation Instructors

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about it. As it is noted, the workout happened ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T20-42-99
Tags: агресія рф, війна, вторгнення рф, ГШ ЗСУ
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Within the framework of the multinational Interflex educational operation under the guidance of Australian instructors of the Kudu operation, the Australian Defense Forces of the Australian Defense Forces continue to train the Defense Forces forces of Ukraine to work assault on terrain with suburban buildings, including assaults.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As it is noted, the training took place at one of the British landfills, where the urbanized area was realistically recreated: several storey private homes, mini-hotels, gardens and gardens, outbuildings, fences and fences.

"Under the leadership of the British, the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine learned to move forward, the house behind the house, to choose the right positions for fire control, to use grenades and smokes, to save and evacuate the wounded, to act in groups," - the message reads.

In addition, special attention was paid to the analysis of the situation on the front area. They determined the order of the commanders to always have up -to -date information and control the situation on the site.

"In addition to the United Kingdom of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, the Ukrainian Armies are prepared by the best instructors and instructors from Australia, Denmark, Canada, Lithuania, Estonia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Finland and Sweden," he said.

The training was started in the UK after the ORBITAL operation, a long -term British Army training program in Ukraine, had to be suspended when Russia began a full -scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

As recalled in the General Staff, the Interflex operation was started in June 2022. This leading curriculum in the world, which is implemented throughout the UK, attracts recruiting recruits who have joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine, having virtually no military experience, and teaches them skills necessary for survival and efficiency in combat.

As reported by the Armyinform, Defense Forcesstopped two columns of Russian equipmentin the south.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/u-zsu-pokazaly-yak-navchayutsya-nashi-voyiny-pid-kerivnycztvom-instruktoriv-operacziyi-kudu/

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A drone was shot down over Novgorod region

Action: aa-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634625
(Longitude: 32.95352, Latitude: 57.89479)
Geographic Location: Novgorod
News Source: https://t.me/rian_ru/234669
Published Time: 2024-03-10T20-53-00
Tags: Novgorod

A drone was shot down over Novgorod region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-a-drone-was-shot-down-over-novgorod-region-

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Explosions were reported in Kherson

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634632
(Longitude: 32.63661, Latitude: 46.64313)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/hueviyherson/54108
Published Time: 2024-03-10T20-58-00
Tags: Kherson

Explosions were reported in Kherson

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-explosions-were-reported-in-kherson

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Russian killers and torturers do not go to Europe just because they are restrained by Ukrainians - President of Ukraine

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Новини
Description: This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy during an evening address. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-10T21-53-99
Tags: stoprussia, агресія рф, Володимир Зеленський, вторгнення рф, Президент України
Images: 000000.jpg

Our defense forces consist of many elements. Many crews and units. And everyone who operates on the front is everyone who protects the state from Russian sabots and terror, everyone who performs combat missions deserves gratitude and respect.

About thisstatedPresident of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during an evening address.

According to him, Russian killers and torture do not go further Europe because they are restrained by Ukrainians and Ukrainians with weapons in their hands and under the blue and yellow flag. There were many white walls of houses and churches that were now burned and broken by Russian shells in Ukraine.

“And it says very eloquently who should stop so that the war will stop. Everyone who protects life and people fulfills the most honorable mission that can only be in such an anti -human invasion. And we must fully protect life, protect in our home. And I thank everyone who supports our protection, Ukrainian defenders and defenders, ”the Head of State said.

According to the President of Ukraine, when the Russian evil began on February 24, all Ukrainians began to defend. Christians, Muslims, Jews - all.

In addition, he thanked every Ukrainian chaplain who - with the army, in the defense. There, on the front line. Protect life and humanity. They support both prayer, conversation, and business. That's what the church is with people. And not for two and a half thousand kilometers - somewhere there is a virtual mediation between those who want to live and those who want to destroy you.

"I thank everyone who is doing everything in Ukraine and Ukraine to save their lives, thank everyone who helps and who really is around - actions and prayers," Volodymyr Zelenskyy summarized.

As reported by the Armyinform, Head of StatethankedFrance for the support of Ukraine.

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/10/rosijski-vbyvczi-ta-kativni-ne-jdut-yevropoyu-lyshe-tomu-shho-yih-strymuyut-ukrayinczi-prezydent-ukrayiny/

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A drone was shot down in Tosno district of Leningrad region, flight from Pulkovo airport were temporarily suspended

Action: aa-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634631
(Longitude: 30.87159, Latitude: 59.51084)
Geographic Location: Moskva, Moscow
News Source: https://t.me/interfaxonline/41854
Published Time: 2024-03-10T23-43-00
Tags: Moskva, Moscow

A drone was shot down in Tosno district of Leningrad region, flight from Pulkovo airport were temporarily suspended

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-a-drone-was-shot-down-in-tosno-district-of-leningrad

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March 11th. This day in history

Author: Army Inform
Categories: Цей день в історії
Published Time: 2024-03-11T00-01-99
Images: 000000.jpg
11 березня. Цей день в історії

Source: https://armyinform.com.ua/2024/03/11/11-bereznya-czej-den-v-istoriyi-5/

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Russian air defense shot down a drone over Belgorod region

Action: aa-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634641
(Longitude: 36.58636, Latitude: 50.58174)
Geographic Location: Belgorod, Belgorodskaya oblast'
News Source: https://t.me/informburo_sfd/225840
Published Time: 2024-03-11T00-10-00
Tags: Belgorod, Belgorodskaya oblast'

Russian air defense shot down a drone over Belgorod region

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-russian-air-defense-shot-down-a-drone-over-belgorod

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President of Ukraine Zelensky held a telephone conversation with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron

Action: phone-2
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: France
News ID: 22634691
(Longitude: 30.52914000, Latitude: 50.44426000)
Geographic Location: Kyiv, Kyiv city
News Source: https://t.me/OP_UA/11692
Published Time: 2024-03-11T03-53-00
Tags: Kyiv, Kyiv city
Images: 000000.jpg

President of Ukraine Zelensky held a telephone conversation with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-president-of-ukraine-zelensky-held-a-telephone-conversation

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Explosions were reported in Kherson

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
News ID: 22634699
(Longitude: 32.63472, Latitude: 46.64015)
Geographic Location: Kherson
News Source: https://t.me/suspilnenews/30011
Published Time: 2024-03-11T04-10-00
Tags: Kherson

Explosions were reported in Kherson

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-explosions-were-reported-in-kherson-9223

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At Kupiansk direction Russian army shelled Synkivka, Petropavlivka, Berestove of Kharkiv region, - General Staff of Armed For...

Action: bomb-1
Author: Live UA Map
Categories: Russia
News ID: 22634686
(Longitude: 37.92395, Latitude: 49.5484)
Geographic Location: Svatove
News Source: https://t.me/lumsrc/7461
Published Time: 2024-03-11T04-45-00
Tags: Svatove

At Kupiansk direction Russian army shelled Synkivka, Petropavlivka, Berestove of Kharkiv region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

Source: https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/10-march-at-kupiansk-direction-russian-army-shelled-synkivka

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