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March 11th. This day in history

11 березня. Цей день в історії

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Russian air defense shot down a drone over Belgorod region

Russian air defense shot down a drone over Belgorod region

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President of Ukraine Zelensky held a telephone conversation with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron

President of Ukraine Zelensky held a telephone conversation with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron

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At Lyman direction Russian army shelled Bilohorivka of Luhansk region, Terny¸ Yampolivka, Spirne, Rozdolivka of Donetsk regio...

At Lyman direction Russian army shelled Bilohorivka of Luhansk region, Terny¸ Yampolivka, Spirne, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region. Russian aviation conducted airstrikes at Novoyehorivka, Serebryanske forestry of Luhansk region and Rozdolivka of Donetsk region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

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"The commander says he gave me to the chief" - the story

With the former Timur Timur Timur, the Armyinform correspondent is found in the city center. On the stairs to the journalistic hub, based on a crutch, the chunky rises - under 2 meters, a man.

The brothers call Timur Ball - not only because of height. During his stay on the front, this rich man repeatedly showed considerable agility in the organization of the work of a medical center, and the wise word supported the wounded comrades.

For the sake of them, the man sacrificed his health - today every step is given to him with difficulty: a untimely referral to doctors about knee injury has led to irreversible changes in the body ...

Before the Great War, Timur lived in the life of an average Ukrainian citizen: he raised two sons, had his own business - a computer equipment repair service. Since 2014 he has been engaged in volunteering for the Eastern Front.

On February 24, 2022, it began for a man from the sounds of artillery explosions - Ball lives in Saltovka, Kharkiv residential district, closest to borders with Russia.

- From those sounds I literally slipped out of bed. He called his wife - she is a doctor, works at the trauma center. She said that the first wounded came - that is, what we expected, but did not believe the last, - Timur recalls.

For the first few days, the man tried to "exist" in his neighborhood: he equipped the basement for shelter, searched for food and the ability to charge the Pelbank, then distributed them to neighbors and people who were just afraid to leave the bomb shelters or premises.

And Timur's wife was at work around the clock: the number of victims of Russian shellings grew, some of her colleagues refused to replace or just could not get.

The woman did not see the point of overcoming the path of almost 10 kilometers on foot, enduring her life. Subsequently, one of the sons of the couple joined her - he settled in a trauma center.

And Timur began to look for the opportunity to join the ranks of the Ukrainian army: he was corty to take his arms to kill those who came with the war in Slobozhanshchina.

-Somehow in one of the telegrams, I read the announcement that a new team of terroboron is being formed. Called for the specified number, arrived, took shape. It was March 9, 2022, - recalls the Army.

Due to the fact that the battalion of territorial defense, where the man was distributed, just formed, and in the first days, until the security was established except weapons, the personnel had nothing. Volunteers came to the rescue:

- They gave us the first "aid kits": a kind of file in which a bandage, a syringe, analgin ampoule, a few pills and a harness. When it turned out that others were understood even less than I was, I was sent to give them to people and explain what to do with this good, - the man smiles.

After this case, Ball was appointed to the post of sanitary, and subsequently sent for tactical medicine courses. Already, it turned out to be courses for military with medical education ...

During the week, the man mastered medical science, as they say, without raising his head. Graduation exams "Ball" passed perfectly ...

She shares that he has promoted success in teaching the experience of providing domedic assistance in hiking, which remained in the distant former life. In addition, his mother was also a physician - since childhood, Timur was very inquisitive and read a lot of profile literature.

The first "300th" in the career of the Balla Ballah was when the invaders were kissed at the point of permanent dislocation of the unit:

- That night I had to check the posts. I already went out, but at the last moment I came back to take something forgotten. And here I go a few steps away from the door, and at this moment he rejects me with a shock wave!

Most likely, the man got a contusion - for a while he came to his senses and tried to understand where he and what was going around.

The Terromorobronets from the screams - the wounds got him his brothers. Already in the basement of Timur and two more doctors provided a friend.

Ball recalls that the life of the affected guy was rescued by an occlusion lining, which was presented to him during the certificate of certificates for medical courses.

Medical brothers, Timur, struck the spirit: no panic, only a cold mind while assisting and a clear consistency in actions ... Although, he notes, he worried about himself that he would forget something, something would go wrong.

After the successful counter -offensive of the Ukrainian security and defense forces in Kharkiv region, the battalion, where the Ball Service was served, was ordered to move to the Donetsk region.

- One day the commander calls me with the words: collect things, I gave you to the beginning. I went to Bakhmut, where fierce fighting continued, where doctors were not catastrophically lacking, - the man recalls.

Already in the place-fortress Terrobronets, together with the new chief, equipped a stabilization point. He says that the Stabik was located in the basement.

They helped the arrangement of the brothers - they searched for some cabinets, clams, doors, mattresses.

This is how the Bakhmut Adventures of Balla began.

The man tells that thanks to excellent preparation with such, the Spaniard Combat paid special attention to this - the wounded was brought already dressed, with properly imposed turnstiles.

They only need to download them to a car and send them to a medical institution in Druzhkivka.

-The wounds were mostly mine-explosive. One of the most difficult was the extreme "300th": he had a fracture of his legs, a wound in the groin, plus he was very cut with his face and eyes-it was unclear whether he would see at all.

The situation was complicated by the fact that the fighter could not endure pain at all and in every way prevented him from providing help.

- We worked with him almost in the morning, reached the serious painkillers, because the other simply did not take it. He was constantly spinning, shouting, which was why the bleeding only increased. They exhaled when they were evacuated, - says "Ball".

But, the man remembers, among the wounded there were also those who impressed with their willpower:

- They brought our scout, who had no knee physically - he was simply pulled out by an explosion. He was all cut, heavily injured his hand, but the person abandoned the painkillers. He endured, joked while treating his wounds - apparently such a character ...

There were also atypical cases in Timur's practice where they had to provide medical care because of injuries.

- The brothers delivered the wounded on the wooden door. Apparently, then adrenaline played in the blood of the carriers, because I then tried to lift the door-they were not attorney, and the boys either carried or pulled them a kilometers one and a half or two.

One of the military already in the "stabbing" from the load was bad and he fainted - he took his heart. I had to reanimate urgently.

One day, when the next wounded to the pickup, the ball felt a sharp knee pain. He almost could not step on his foot - it was necessary to consult a specialist and find out the cause, but the man realized that he needed here on the front line.

Yes, about one and a half months have passed on painkillers.

Separate battalion of terroborons led by combat Oleg Cherkashinwent outFrom Bakhmut the last - they kept the defense of the city.

They left in the morning, barely engaged in the morning star. The "path of life" the enemy is mercilessly curved with shells. Along with the car in which Timur sat, a mine was a pickup. Part of the path had to overcome - with a sick limb and a full medical backpack: the man did not want to leave the invaders either pills or syringe. Fortunately, the exit has passed safely ...

After the fighting for the Fortress City, the Troy battalion was sent to Sumy region. Already there, "Balu" occupied the position of a mouthful physician. Together with their colleagues, they set up cooperation with the local outpatient clinic - many after fierce fighting had health problems that had to be solved here.

The pain in the knee, and later in the hip joint, were exacerbated: Timura no longer took even serious painkillers. When the man turned to experts, the verdict turned out to be disappointing-necrosis of the hip joint began, and endoprosthesis required.

A few months ago, the man was operated on. The Military Medical Commission found Timur unsuitable. Last October, he completed his military service.

Currently, the ball is undergoing rehabilitation and helps brothers on a volunteer basis - the war with the Russian aggressor continues, we will rest then…

Photo from the hero's archive

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The Armed Forces restrained the Russians in the Novopavlovsky direction - reflected 25 attacks

There were 64 combat clashes during the last day. In total, the enemy caused 4 missile and 88 aviation strikes, and carried out 96 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

  • In Kupyansk directionThe enemy of the offensive (assault) did not take action.
  • In the estuary directionOur warriors repelled 8 enemy attacks in areas of settlements of Bigorivka of Luhansk region; Tern, Yampolivka, controversial and Razdolivka of Donetsk region.
  • In the Bakhmut directionThe forces of defense reflected 5 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements of Klischivka, Andreevka and the east of the time ravine of Donetsk region.
  • In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders repelled 17 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdychi, Orlovka, Tonenko, Pervomaisk and Nevelskoye Donetsk region.
  • In the Novopavlovsky directionDefense forces continue to restrain the enemy in the districts of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Novomykhailivka, a harvest of Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, has tried to break through the defense of our troops 25 times.
  • In the Orikhiv direction3 attacks of the enemy in the south of Novodarivka and the northwestern willow Zaporizhzhya region are reflected.
  • In the Kherson directionDefense forces continue to keep positions. Over the past day, the enemy performed 4 unsuccessful assault actions.

As reportedArmyinform, last day, the forces of defense repelled 32 hostile attacks in Novopavlovsky and Avdiivsky directions.

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In March, aircraft forces were knocked down 151 out of 175 "Shahmed"

Since the beginning of March, the Russians sent 175 Shahanedov to Ukraine, 151 of them were shot down.

This was reported by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“Only one night they managed to knock down 35 Shahaneda. In total, from the beginning of March, Russian terrorists have used 175 such killing drones against Ukraine. Fortunately, 151 of them were knocked down by our warriors. And this is a very important result. Yes, not everyone. Yes, there is a hit. Unfortunately, there are losses. There are victims. But it is possible to save our people, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

He thanked "every warrior of our mobile firing groups in all regions of combat duty, every pilot and air forces engineer, all air defense soldiers. But he promised that Ukraine would continue to increase fire opportunities.

“I thank everyone in the world who helps us with this. There will be more air defense in Ukraine - we work very actively on it, ”the head of state summarized.

As reportedArmyinform, The President of Ukraine emphasized that Russian killers and torturers do not go Europe only because they are restrained by Ukrainians.

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Aviation has struck ten areas of enemy forces

During the last day, the Aviation of Defense forces has struck 10 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment and 1 anti -aircraft missile system of the enemy.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Divisions of rocket troops have led to:

  • 2 areas of concentration of personnel,
  • weapons and military equipment,
  • 1 ammunition composition,
  • 2 Eelectronic Wrestling Stations,
  • 2 enemy air defense.

As reportedArmyinform, The Armed Forces restrained the Russians in the Novopavlovsky direction - reflected 25 attacks.

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The Russians struck 225 beats in Zaporizhzhia, under fire were 9 cities and villages

During the day of the Russian Army, 225 beats in 9 cities and villages of Zaporozhye.

About thisreportedHead of Zaporizhzhya Regional Military Administration Ivan Fedorov.

From the aircraft Rashists Gatili on Orykhov, Novoandriivtsi, Robots and Pyatykhatki, made 3 RSSVs of the robot, as well as attacked 43 drones of Gulyaypole, Novodanylivka, small tokmachka, Malinivka and robone.

"175 Arudars came across the territory of Guliaypol, Novodanylivka, Small Tokmachka, Omelnik, Malynivka and Roboty," - said Ivan Fedorov.

According to him, there were 6 reports of destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure.

The civilians were not injured.

As reportedArmyinform, last day in the Zaporizhzhya region, the enemy struck 476 beats: 13 settlements were injured.

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More than 900 invaders and 33 artsystems over the past day. The loss of Russians on the front

The total fighting loss of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 11.03.24 is approximately:

  • personnel - -424980 (+920) persons liquidated
  • tanks -6739 (+8)
  • combat armored vehicles -12874 (+24)
  • Artillery systems -10499 (+33)
  • RSZV -1016 (+1)
  • air defense means -711 (+2)
  • aircraft -347 (0)
  • Helicopters -325 (0)
  • UAV of the operative-tactical level-8141 (+59)
  • Winged rockets -1919 (0)
  • ships / boats -26 (0)
  • submarines -1 (0)
  • Automobile equipment and tanks -13826 (+74)
  • Special technique -1686 (+14)

Data are clarified ...

Beat the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in truth!

Source:The General Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineAs of 11.03.24.

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In the Black Sea the negative presence of enemy ships

Illustrative photo

As of the morning of March 11, there are no enemy ships in the Black Sea.

About thisinformThe Navy of the Armed Forces.

One enemy ship was recorded in the Sea of Azov.

There are 3 enemy ships in the Mediterranean, including 2 carriers of the Caliber Winged missiles, up to 12 rockets.

During the day in the interests of the Russian Federation the passage of the Kerch Strait was made:

  • 26 vessels to the Azov Sea, 2 of them moved from the Bosphorus Strait;
  • 18 vessels to the Black Sea, 6 of them continued the movement in the direction of the Bosphorus Strait.

The Russian Federation continues to violate the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of 1974 (SOLAS), switching off automatic identification systems (AIS).

As reportedArmyinform, last day, Russia kept 2 carriers of the Caliber winged missiles in the Mediterranean.

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For the first time in its history, Ukraine received Oscar: the director of the 20 -day tape in Mariupol told how the film was filmed

Ukraine received for the first time in its Oscar history. "20 days in Mariupol", recognized as the best in the "full -length documentary" category. The tape tells about the beginning of Russia's large -scale war against Ukraine in the capital of the Azov - bombing of residential quarters, maternity hospital, life of ordinary Mariupols in such conditions.

Receiving this award, the film director Mstislav Chernov emphasized:

- I will be the first director on this scene, who will say: I would like I never have to do this tape. I would like Russia to never attack Ukraine and never occupy our cities. I would give it (Oscar. - Avt.), So that Russia would not kill tens of thousands of my fellow citizens and released hostages, military and civilians.

He noted that he could not change the story, but we can all now make the story of the story and make the truth win that the dead of Mariupol and his defenders have never been forgotten. After all, cinema forms memories, and memories - history.

The correspondent of the Armyinform met with the director of the film Mstislav Chernov. They talked about heavy memories from the occupied Mariupol, dangerous work and world publicity about Russia's crimes against Ukrainians.

- I know that you are not a journalist by education. How did you happen that you became a media? Why did military journalism and conflict journalism choose?

- In fact, I often ask myself this question. I am an engineer of computer systems by education. When I graduated from the university, I realized that this is not what I needed at all, not what I want. I took the first steps in journalism at the Mediaport Agency. Then there was a break - I was engaged in documentary. When the Maidan began, he returned to journalism. I would like to say that, starting with the Maidan, continuing the occupation of Crimea, Donbass, all these events, the years of war, have grown generations of young journalists who are trusted in the world. I am one of them. If you look at the state of Ukrainian documentary and journalism until 2013, it was stagnation. And now heales. Unfortunately, there is a difficult reason for this ...

"We understood that the capital of the Azov would become the occupiers the main purpose"

- Mstislav, how did your team find themselves in Mariupol last year on February 24? Did it happen?

- Like other international teams, we worked in the Donbass at that time. They went along the front line, removed the Ukrainian military. On the eve of the Great War, the Russians began to increase the number of shelling, and already on the 23rd, it became clear, something else about it. And we decided to meet a new wave of escalation in Mariupol. It is a strategically important city. And symbolic - because here is the location of the Azov battalion, which plays a large role in Russian propaganda. We realized that the capital of the Azov would be the main purpose for the occupiers, so we decided to work there.

- While in a blocked city, did you expect such a scope of fighting, so many shelling? Did he still look forward to the recurrence of 2014?

-People who lived in Mariupol,-were just waiting for the repetition of 2014. I think this was one of the causes of the tragedy that happened to the city and its inhabitants. They did not fully understand how quickly Mariupol would be surrounded by how chaotic Russia would fire. I remember talking to the Red Cross, with doctors. Everyone asked us, the journalists, the question: “How will it be? You saw other wars there. " I then told them, "Listen, get ready that there will be something of a thunderstorm or aleppo." These two examples of cities that Russia tried to take and did not manage to do it. And everyone told me, "No, not to panic, it's not true, everything will be normal." Unfortunately, my forecasts have come true ...

“We see the best features of humanity - mutual assistance and hope”

- Tell us about staying in the blockade Mariupol. Where did you live, how did you survive?

- It's all shown in the movie. Our life was no different from what happened to the rest of people. They lived in the basements, in the hospital, slept on the floor with doctors and patients. They ate once a day - some kind of canned, died pate; They drowned the snow at the fire to get drunk. They helped carry the doctors with the wounded. But the movie is not about it. There is a journalistic perspective here - I wanted to show how the information field works: how our stories around the world are diverging, how Russian propaganda works, how it responds to certain events; As the lack of information affects people-catastrophically, destructively ... As it affects Ukraine, any modern society. We just became part of this society, and this is another such interesting effect. On the one hand, when panic is sown, we see the worst in society - looting, cynicism. But we also see the best features of humanity - mutual assistance and hope. It is she who goes through the whole movie.

- That is, such a quintessence of this movie is hope?

- Yes, I often hear from those who have not yet watched the movie: "I'm afraid to watch the movie because it's too heavy." But those who looked at the ribbon - go out after a session with hope in their hearts, because in the movie we see people who suffer, but these people are not themselves, they are surrounded by those who support them. Every minute.

As long as the city remains occupied, the evidence of the crimes of the Russians is getting smaller

- If you are asked to provide your staff for the Hague Court, will you share?

- It does not work so much with the Hague court. Video and photo materials, of course, are important for investigations are originals. And it is good that we have taken out the originals - they are combined with dozens of other options and points of view of the investigation: these are experts, witnesses, and satellite images. But the main thing is access to the crime scene and the bodies of people who were killed. If there are no bodies, then the investigation is impossible.

- No body - no business?

- Well, you can say so. And every day, as long as the city remains occupied, the evidence becomes less and less - it is the physical evidence of what happened. That is why de -occupation is so important as soon as possible.

- Your personal outlook has changed after being surrounded by Mariupol? Life values have shifted?

- No. For me, this war has been going on for the tenth year. 2014 is the moment when the Russian invasion has become part of our identity-personal and national. This is what has become a new course of life for us all.

- You have visited many ... Can you say that Mariupol has become the most terrible place for you?

- I do not think that this war is the most terrible in human history, and Mariupol is not the worst that happened during this war. But for me and for the people I worked with, and for the residents of the city it was definitely the worst and worst, the most dangerous, the most traumatic that only could happen. I hope nothing worse with us will be ...

But at the same time, Mariupol became a victim that we all brought for the sake of seeing the true face of the Russian invaders. Therefore, this is not a vain: now those who were not ready for war - already have an understanding of what evil we have faced.

Why? - It was the main question

- And what was the worst there for you?

- Yes. The horror that happened around. I will not talk about myself now. I made my choice when I came to Mariupol the day before. I had a goal in front of me - to capture everything I see, to pass to the editor, and then let it be. But the rest of the people did not choose this.

And the feeling of powerlessness and despair: how much do not remove the dead children, they will not be alive ...

- In these 20 days spent in Mariupol, what main emotion managed you?

- Anger, apparently… anger that this horror does not stop, that we, as journalists, are unable to stop it, even showing the world. Anger is just that you can't find the answer - why, why?

The movie has a moment when the family loses the baby. And the mother of this child asks the universe - why, why did it happen? It seems to me that this is the main question, what was there - why?

- You have found the answer for yourself - why? Or for what?

- Unfortunately, this question has no simple answer. But at the same time - precisely because there is no answer, it becomes clearer what to do next. We need to go and fight on ...

“After I saw, I don't believe in God. I believe in justice ”

- They say that there are no those who do not believe in God in the war. What are your relationship with him?

- After I saw, I do not believe in God. I believe in justice. At least hope for her. I believe in mutual assistance, humanity and that all of the above wins evil.

- How did you get out of Mariupol? It is a miracle that you were able to even carry equipment and records through checkpoints!

- It's really a miracle. There are different protocols to do in this case. There were options to leave the materials and leave, there were options to pass on the materials to someone, but we realized that we were threatening this person. Therefore, they decided to take everything on themselves - materials, equipment, hard drive, Tyra card, which at that time was already captured by the Russians. It was the second day of the Green Corridor, filtration as such at the time. So yes, we are really lucky.

Even after us, our colleague, the Lithuanian documentary Mantas Kvedararovichus, left us - the invaders were shot at the checkpoint ...

- Mstislav, why twenty days? Not fourteen, not twenty -one? ..

- We went because the Green Corridor opened. In addition, we simply could not work - the building of the Red Cross was bombed, a hospital where we worked with doctors, captured the Russians, there were neither generators, food, nor water. We also lost the car. And it was extremely necessary to take out the materials ...

- There is something known about the fate of the movie's characters?

- Yes, we know almost everyone. Someone died, someone survived ... families who have lost children scattered around the world. The military from the forces of special operations that rescued us from the environment - someone died in Azovstal, someone was captured. We were waiting for their return so that the movie could be released. Some have already returned to the front.

Police officer Vladimir, who helped us get out of Mariupol and remove the records, was recently wounded during the Pokrovskaya missile firing. He is now on rehab.

- I guess that it has been filmed for more than one hour of material. But still - how did you choose the frames for the movie? As a journalist I understand that you want to show as much as possible ...

- It was filmed for about 30 hours ... But not everything he wanted - something did not have time, he hid somewhere, pressed the button somewhere.

The style of the tape is unusual for Ukrainian documentary, because the first person story goes, and it helps to combine stories.

With regard to the selection of personnel - a large proportion of this work falls on our mountaineer Michel Master. Her fresh perspective, the fresh look helped me to choose moments, to understand that it would be possible to tell the history of the occupied city, to fully immerse the viewer into that atmosphere.

We mounted the movie to show that after the twentieth day it was even more scary. It seems to me that this was precisely because we use the principle of a diary in the movie - the day one, the second, the third. So it really was - we all counted the days. And then the viewer sees that the 20th day has passed worse than the previous ones, and probably nothing can be scary, and there was 86 days there-then you can already understand everything with extrapolation.

- Will you return to Mariupol after the victory?

- Of course, you need to show the movie in the Drama Theater. In addition, you need to remove a new tape - about return.

- Do you imagine meeting with the city?

- It will be another big battle for return. But it is necessary, because the love for the state is born in the struggle.

Photo by the author

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In Kherson region, five people were injured through Russian shelling

During the day of March 10 in Kherson region, five civilians were injured in hostile shelling, the enemy beat the residential quarters of the settlements of the region, in particular on high -rise buildings and private homes.

About thisinformsThe head of the Kherson Ova Alexander Proudin.

“Last day, the enemy fired Kizomis, Golden Beam, Stanislav, Mykolaivka, Antonovka, Dudchany, Mikhailovka, Wide Beam, Tomin Beam, Belozerka, Kachkarivka, Sadovo, Poniativka, Prydniprovsk and Kherson city. The enemy struck the new Alexander community of Beryslav district, ”the message reads.

The Russian military kissed the residential quarters of the settlements of the region, in particular 3 high -rise buildings and 12 private homes were damaged.

According to him, in Kherson the building of the theater and museum was damaged as a result of shelling. Gasogin, company, shop, garage and car were recorded.

As a result of hostile attacks, the settlements of the region were hit into the object of critical infrastructure, administrative building and outbuildings.

As reported by the Armyinform, RussiansThey were struck225 beats in Zaporizhzhia, under fire were 9 cities and villages.

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Russian troops attacked Nikopol from heavy artillery and drones: damaged houses and cars

Illustrative photo

On the evening of March 10, the Russian aggressor hit the drone-Kamikadze on Nikopol. And at night, he fired at the Chervonohrigor Community from heavy artillery.

About thisreportedHead of Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak.

“6 private homes, 3 outbuildings are damaged. Several greenhouses, cars and scooters are mutilated. The transmission lines and the gas pipeline were affected, ”the head of the region wrote.

According to him, there are no victims among people. In other areas of the region there was no hostile attacks.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Kherson region through Russian shellingThey were injuredfive people.

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Natalia Humeniuk: The enemy tried to hit Odessa as possible this night

On March 11, the enemy tried to make the most powerful blow to the Odessa region.

Colonel Natalia Humeniuk said this on the air of the Teleterna.

According to her, for more than an hour and a half attacked drones from the Black Sea for more than one and a half hours, trying to lay routes industrial and residential quarters. Many maneuvers were carried out in residential buildings.

“Unfortunately, there is an infrastructure object in the Odessa region: administrative buildings were damaged, but the information about the victims has not been received so far. The fire was promptly eliminated, in most cases it was a local lesion that does not pose a powerful threat to other people, ”Natalia Humeniuk said.

She recalled that the previous drone attack was about 40 units and was removed in different directions, and this time the enemy attacked not only the south but also the eastern direction, in particular on the Kharkiv region.

As reportedArmyinform, since the beginning of March, the Russians sent 175 Shahanedov to Ukraine, 151 of them were shot down.

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The Prime Minister of the Netherlands and Austria President discussed the war in Ukraine

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte and Austria President Alexander Van der Belllen, among other things, discussed a war resolved by Russia against Ukraine.

About that Mark RuttereportedThe Twitter Twitter.

“After the opening of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam tonight in Hague, I received Austria President Alexander Van der Belllen and President of Israel Izhak Duke. I spoke to Van der Belllen, among other things, about the war in Ukraine and various European documents, ”his post reads.

According to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, in conversation with the Duke discussed the current situation in Israel and in the Palestinian territories. The parties also expressed "serious concern about the humanitarian situation in the Gaza sector."

According to the Armyinform, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte on March 1 was visiting Ukraine.

Together with Vladimir Zelensky heVisitedKharkiv andmetwith experts investigating the crash of the MN17 flight.

The Netherlands is also a coalition of countries that transmit F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

Also the Netherlandsprovide Ukraine with military assistance for 2 billion euros in 2024and continue defensive support for 10 years.

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Shahaneda Night attack: Ova told about the effects of UAVs in Odessa

On the night of March 11, Russian occupation troops carried out another massive attack by "Shahaneda" in Odesa region. There are no dead people in the region.

On thatreportedThe head of the Odessa Ova Oleg Kiper.

According to him, our Air Force forces in the sky of Odesa region managed to knock down 10 unmanned devices of the Shahd-131/136.

“Another night massive drone attack of Russians in Odessa region. This time - at the second half of the night. The combat work lasted one and a half hours. The agricultural defense units reflected the abundant waves of the Shahanedov, which came from the Black Sea and complex maneuvers, between residential buildings and industrial quarters, complicated the work of air defense, ”the message reads.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to avoid the hits.

According to the head of the region, the infrastructure object was affected in the Odessa district, and administrative buildings were damaged. There was a fire on the site, which was promptly eliminated. Also, a shock wave was struck by the glazing of private homes around, the fragments were destroyed by economic buildings.

There are no dead and victims.

Earlier Natalia HumeniukShe saidthat this night the enemy tried to hit Odessa as strongly as possible.

As reported by the Armyinform, in March the PPO forcesknocked down151 out of 175 Shahmed.

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In Ukraine a moment of silence

According to Presidential Decree Volodymyr Zelensky No. 143/2022, a minute of silence is spent daily at 9:00, it is announced in all media.

“For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit, stability and heroic feat of warriors who died in the performance of combat missions to protect state sovereignty and territorial integrity , I make: start a daily at 9 o'clock 00 minutes of a nationwide minute of silence for compatriots, killed as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which to declare in all media, regardless of ownership, ”the document reads.

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The Navy of the Armed Forces pointed to a unique pause with the removal of enemy ships in the Black Sea

The spokesman for the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the captain of the 3rd rank Dmitry Pletenchuk, said that such a long pause with the removal of ships of the Russian occupation fleet into the Black Sea was not even after the destruction of Ukraine by Ukraine's Russian boat "Ivanovets".

Dmytro Pletenchuk gave relevant comments during the Line News TV in the morning of March 11, 2024, reports the Armyinform.

“The enemy does not bring ships to the Black Sea at all. There was no such pause of the long even after the destruction of the first of the three ships, when they destroyed the Ivanovets boat, ”he said.

At the same time, the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine predicted that the Russian Federation would still have to bring their ship to the Black Sea to complete the tasks.

“And at least one day they will still be forced to return to tasks. They have enough tasks. And so, any movements of the enemy ship composition should be taken into account. And, of course, we take it into account, ”Dmitry Pletenchuk said.

As reported by the Armyinform, earlier in the Navy of the Armed ForcespredictedA new goal for destruction in the Russian Navy.

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@TheAcademy Award for Documentary Feature Film goes to "20 Days in Mariupol”

@TheAcademy Award for Documentary Feature Film goes to "20 Days in Mariupol”

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For water and sushi: Iveco, which joined the Ukrainian Alliance of Defense Industry, presented a new version of the APC

The new version of the armored vehicle from Iveco defense vehicles with a wheel formula 8x8 Superav. Photo: IDV

Iveco Defense Vehicles (IDV) has introduced a new version of its armored car with a wheel formula 8x8 Superav, specially designed for ground operations.

As stated in the information of the Buildingtech portal, the version of this vehicle created by the IDV in cooperation with Bae Systems has chosen the US Marine Corps within the framework of the Affinity Combat Machine Program, the Army Informs reports.

Superav is an 8 × 8 wheel formula. The armored car is equipped with an Iveco Cursor 13 6L diesel engine with turbocharging in combination with the seven -stage ZF 7HP902 gearbox. Its maximum speed is 105 km/h on land and 10 km/h on the water. The car reserve is 800 km on land and 64 km on water.

The wheels have a central pumping system and Run-Flat tires. Superav is completely amphibians and is able to work in the sea in the case of waves of 3 points. It can be transported by air by C-130 Hercules or Airbus A400M aircraft.

The new version of the armored vehicle from Iveco defense vehicles with a wheel formula 8 × 8 Superav. Photo: IDV

Superav has the highest level of protection in its class. It has a holistic steel body of high hardness, capable of protecting the crew from fire of small arms, fragments of artillery shells, land mines and homemade explosive devices. It is available for armor kits. The machine is equipped with nuclear weapons protection and automatic fire extinguishing systems.

Superav can be equipped with caliber weapons up to 40 mm in remote combat modules or tourists. If a double tower is installed, the number of fighters that can accommodate a car is reduced from 12 to 8. If a removable Turel is installed, up to 10 soldiers is provided.

Superav is available as a armored personnel carrier, anti-tank machine, mortar media, engineering machine, evacuation machine, ambulance and command-staff machine.

Reference:Specifications 8x8 Superav:

  • Mass-15-24 tons
  • Length is 7.9 m
  • Width - 2.7 m
  • The height is 2.3 m
  • Crew-8-12 people
  • The engine-Iveco Cursor 13 6 liters, a turbocharged diesel with a capacity of 500-560 hp.

AsreportedThe Armyinform, last fall of five Italian companies, including Iveco Defense Vehicles, joined the Alliance of Defense Industries, established on the initiative of the Ministry of Strategic Industry of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Previously, the Army ReporterstoldAbout the Iveco specialists, which were transferred to the soldiers of the Defense Forces of Ukraine within the framework of international assistance.

The new version of the armored vehicle from Iveco defense vehicles with a wheel formula 8 × 8 Superav. Video: Iveco Defense Romania

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In Kharkiv as a result of the Russian Shamos attack, hotel and homes were damaged

On Monday night, Russian occupation troops fired Kharkiv and Vovchansk, damaged houses and infrastructure.

About thiswroteKharkiv Ova Kharkiv Oleg Sinegubov in Telegrams.

“01:00 The enemy fired at Kharkiv with Shahaneda. As a result of hostile shelling, 2 apartment buildings, a hotel building, infrastructure facility, and a utility building were damaged. 2 private cars are also damaged. Without the victims, ”the message reads.

About 15 settlements of Kharkiv region: Udi, Sagittari, Staritsa and others have experienced artillery and mortar strikes of the enemy. The enemy applied the enemy on N.P. Big Burluk, Vovchansk.

In addition, 2 private homes and 6 outbuildings were damaged in Vovchansk as a result of enemy shelling from the RSSV. Without the victims.

As a result of the recurrence of Volchansk, a private dwelling house was burned. There are no victims.

As reported by the Armyinform, in OvatoldAbout the effects of UAV strikes in Odessa.

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Arthur Arthur Falfner won the "gold" of the European Cup with throwing a spear

The Ukrainian athlete, Arthur Arthur Falfner won at his first international start from the beginning of the year. In the competitions of the European Cup, which took place in Lyria (Portugal), Arthur won "gold".

About thisinformsThe Central Sports Club of the Armed Forces.

"Our athlete Arthur Falfner won a gold award in a spear with a result of 81.89 meters," the message reads.

It should be noted that this year our athlete first declared an adult competition of the European Cup, but also convincingly won the debut medal at this level.

As reportedArmyinform, Mikhail Blyvin Army, with a personal record of the season, won the "silver" of the European Cup from throwing.

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Kirill Budanov told about the preparation of serious surgery in Crimea

The head of the Main Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Lieutenant General Kirill Budanov stated that the missions of combat units in the Black Sea testify to the preparation of a serious operation in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

He is about ittoldIn the documentary "The War for the Sea: from the Dnieper to the Crimea", the premiere of which took place on March 10 on the air of the TEMRAFON.

“It's all - preparatory measures for a serious surgery in Crimea. This is a test of the correctness of our statements about the ways of approach and departure from there. In addition, it is a good message for the population that has been occupied for 10 years. Many of them believe that they have been forgotten, ”Kirill Budanov said.

Gur IU warriors who participated in the planning and implementation of combat missions related to one strategic plan also told the details of the war for the sea in 2022-2023.

It is noted that in the summer of 2023 the fighters of the special unit "Shaman" took advantage of the inattention of the invaders and crossed to the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region.

“We realized that the enemy is not sufficiently aware of the environment. They made an event on the enemy's territory into the interposition space, landed, and several intense clashes with the enemy's observation posts occurred at once. Some observational posts were almost in full destroyed or captured, ”the commander of the special unit with the Chaman's call signaries described the first steps of creation of the left -bank bridgehead.

In July 2023, the soldiers of the special unit "Timura" returned under the control of the state oil and gas platform "Ukraine", and later participated in the Crimean operation "Awakening of force".

“The enemy will never have domination in the sea, whatever they come up with. This is our Black Sea, it is our "towers", our Crimea, our Snake Island, " - said the commander of the special forces of the GUR MOU.

In addition, it is noted that the destruction of enemy fleet ships is a area of responsibility of the special unit of Group 13. The commander of the unit with the thirteenth call sign stressed that each such mission requires careful training.

“We understand how we need to maneuver, at what angle to come, from which side. We evaluate a lot of factors before attacking. And after that the search search starts. After detection, when the boards come to a favorable position, a simultaneous attack is carried out by all sides, ”the military explained.

Earlier in GURreportedthat the plan of capture of the Antonov aerodrome with the landing there by thousands of Russians provided a reliable informant.

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During the day, the army of the Russian Federation fired at ten regions of Ukraine: there are killed and injured

During the day, March 11, Russian troops fired at the territory of ten regions of Ukraine.

About thisinformsMilitary Media Center.

Rosarmia troops attacked 12 settlements and 118 infrastructure sites from various weapons. In particular, mortars, tanks, artillery, RSZV, UAV, SCR and tactical aviation.

As a result of hostile shelling, they are dead and injured among civilians, the number of victims is clarified.

As reported by the ArmyInform, in Kharkiv as a result of Russian Shahheda attackinjuredHotel and houses.

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Delivery for the Armed Forces: DOT concluded the first contracts after the collection of commercial offers

The DOT (state of the rear operator) has concluded food supply contracts for the Armed Forces on the results of the first round of commercial offers.

About thisIt is saidOn Facebook-page DOT.

According to the terms of contracts, supply will be carried out in 12 regions: Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Khmelnitskaya, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Odesa, Kirovohrad.

“The contracts were concluded within the framework of the current legislation without the use of an electronic system with food companies. The average price per set was 109.35 UAH per unit, ”the message reads.

It is noted that the report on concluded contracts, including the names of the companies will be published in the ProZorro system by the end of the week.

Also today, DOT announced the 2nd round of commercial offers to supply to sectors that were not included in the list of last week or for which the winners were not determined.

As reported by the Armyinform, to ensure a DTA for foodwill laycontracts with providers without Prozorro.

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In Chernihiv and Sumy region 36 enemy shelling of border areas were recorded per day

In the Chernihiv and Sumy regions, 36 enemy shelling of border areas from different types of weapons were recorded per day.

About thisinformsOperational Command "North".

“Russian invaders continue to fire the border areas of Chernihiv and Sumy regions. In total, 36 shelling (198 explosions) from different types of weapons were charged during the day, ”the message reads.

Thus, 4 explosions were recorded in the Semeniv community of Chernihiv region, probably a mortar 120 mm, in the village. Kostobok. Also in the Snovsky community in the villages of Klusi and Guta-Studnetska there were 3 and 7 explosions respectively.

In the Sumy district of Sumy region recorded: Grabovske - 1 explosion, probably a mortar 120 mm. Katerynivka - 3 explosions, probably barrel artillery. Slavgorod - 2 explosions, probably a mortar 120 mm. Volodymyrivka - 4 explosions, probably mortar 82 mm. Pennies - 4 explosions, probably become artillery; 3 explosions, probably cab; 7 explosions, probably RSZV.

"As a result of the shelling, 2 private homes were damaged," - said in OK North.

There were 2 explosions in Zapillia a day, probably a barrel artillery. In the village of Sinne, there was a 1 explosion, probably the cabin, and in the Tolphine occurred, probably discharge from UAV, 2 shelling: 4 explosions, probably a mortar 82 mm; 15 explosions, probably AGS-17; 6 explosions, probably become artillery. Pavlovka-2 shelling: 2 explosions, probably FPV-Dron. Mohrits - 2 explosions, probably a mortar 120 mm; 1 explosion, probably dropping the UAV; 1 explosion, probably FPV-Dron. Steppes - 38 explosions, probably RSZV. Miropillya - 10 explosions, probably RSZV.

In the Okhtyrsky district, the enemy fired at three villages, in Shostkinsky-the blows came to five villages, and in Konotopsky-in the village of Boyar-Lying, 12 explosions.

There was no information about the dead or wounded.

As reportedArmyinform, on the night of March 11, Russian occupation troops carried out another massive attack by "Shahaneda" in Odesa region. There are no dead people in the region.

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Putin praised and spied on military airfields and medical institutions: detained FSB agent

In Vinnytsia region, the SBU detained his wife "Exregional", who gathered information about the defense forces and justified the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

At the instructions of the Russian intelligence service, she tried to detect aerodromes with combat aircraft and helicopters of the Armed Forces, as well as to find out the availability of air defense near aviation facilities. In addition, the malefactor was interested in the geolocation of medical institutions, where Ukrainian defenders were treated and explored the routes of military echelons.

In the case of information, the aggressor planned to use it to prepare rocket-arable blows in the region. The SBU staff exposed the Russian agent in a timely manner, and then "step -by -step" documented its criminal activity and detained.

The wife of the former functionary of the Party of Regions, who, until 2015, headed the local district council.

Thanks to the prompt response of the Security Service, it was possible to prevent enemy strategic infrastructure in the region.

Also during the investigation it was found that the figure from anonymous account in "Classmates" called for the support of Putin and justified the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine.

According to the investigation, it was because of its anti -Ukrainian activity in the forbidden social network that it got into the field of view of the FSB and was published.

The malefactor is currently in custody. She is threatened with life imprisonment with the confiscation of property.

As reported by the Armyinform,StoppedJudge who "drained" the enemy information about his colleagues and the Armed Forces.

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The Navy of the Armed Forces told about the absurdity of building new ships of the Russian Federation

The spokesman of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the captain of the 3rd rank Dmitry Pletenchuk, stated that there is no point in the construction of new warships in the Russian Federation, because they cannot now give advice with those ships that are left in stock.

Dmytro Pletenchuk gave relevant comments during the Line News TV in the morning of March 11, 2024, reports the Armyinform.

According to him, the Russian Federation has the opportunity to replenish its fleet.

“As for the replenishment of the composition of the ship, in principle, they have this opportunity. Of course, a limited number of ships, in the sense of their size. There is a connection with the Azov-Black Sea region in the Russian Federation. It is also the Volga-Don Channel from Caspia, where there are also ships, where the inner waters of the Russian Federation of the so-called, which allow from Kazan to lower the ships in the Azov, which in Zelenoidolsk, for example, are being built-small missile ships, ”Dmytro Pletenchuk said.

However, he pointed to the absurdity of building new Russian ships.

“There is a different question here. Is this meaning? Because they are now limited in the use of even available ships, available units. What is the point of adding more targets to Ukraine's defense forces in the Black Sea? ” - asked the spokesman of the Navy of the Armed Forces.

He also noted that if Russia had removed its ships from the Black Sea, it would have already been capitulation.

“As for the passage through the Turkish ducts, which are also called Bosphorus and Dardanelles, according to Montrere, they cannot go, as we are. They cannot go out theoretically, but still to the decision of the Turkish Republic, which is actually the owner of these ducts. Not even this is a problem. And that they can not, of course, afford to get out of the Black Sea waters. Because they have the coasts there in the Black and Azov Sea. And they cannot afford to not fulfill their own territorial waters, because it will be a frank surrender, ”Dmitry Pletenchuk said.

As reportedArmyinform, the Navy of the Armed Forces indicated a unique pause with the enemy of ships into the Black Sea.

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Military doctors conducted two unique operations

Under the leadership of the chief surgeon of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Colonel of Medical Service Konstantin Humeniuk, our defenders, for the first time, have performed two modern laparoscopic operations for the first time.

About thisreportin the command of the medical forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It is a unique surgery: resection of the stomach (due to cancer) and right -sided adrenlectomy.

The military medical department stated that thanks to low -invasiveness operated servicemen "activated for the next day after surgery."

The body is barely noticeable small cuts from laparoscopic tools.

"The postoperative period for patients is easily without complications - rehabilitation is waiting in front of them," the Armed Forces Medical University reported.

As reportedArmyinform,Military doctors got a part of the explosive element from the Grand-17 grenade from the body of the wounded warrior.

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The Armed Forces have destroyed nearly 6,000 Russian invaders in the past week

The forces of Ukraine's defense last week, from March 4 to March 10, destroyed 5 960 Russian invaders (conditionally 12 battalions).

About thisinformsMilitary Media Center у Telegram.

Also, Ukrainian defenders were eliminated for a week:

  • tanks - 82 (conditionally 3 tank battalions*);
  • combat armored vehicles - 186 (conditionally 5 motorized rifle battalions*);
  • Artillery installations - 241 (conditionally 13 artillery divisions*);
  • rockets - 2.

As reported by the Armyinform, the loss of Russians at the front over the past daymake upMore than 900 invaders and 33 artsystems.

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In Novomikhailivka paratroopers stop the assault attempts of the occupiers

In Novomykhailivka, a separate landing-assault team continues to disrupt the assault attempts of Russian invaders.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces with reference to the channel of the Airborne Taurus Brigade in a telegram.

“In the area of Novomykhailivka, the enemy continues continuous attacks of positions of the Tavriya Brigade of the Tavriya Brigade. Yesterday, the invaders were once again thrown into the infantry with the support of armored vehicles, ”the message reads.

This attempt ended for them with a full fiasco - armored vehicles remained in the field, infantry - destroyed.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces noted that the enemy was constantly storming the positions of the Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, which paratroopers are successfully destroying.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Armed Forces in the past weekDestroyedAlmost 6,000 Russian invaders.

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The Ukrainian national team has already won 34 medals in US Air Force sports competitions

In the American city of Las Vegas, international sports competitions are held among wounded military personnel and war veterans-United States Air Force Trials 2024. In the early days, the Ukrainian national national team won 34 medals, 20 of them-gold.

About thisinformsMinistry of Veterans.

As of today, our warriors have received the most awards in the following competitions:

  • Swimming - 26 medals (15 - "gold", 8 - "silver", 3 - "bronze"),
  • Volleyball competitions sitting - "gold",
  • cycling - "gold",
  • Powerlifting - 6 gold and silver medals.

У United States Air Force Trials 2024In total, 30 Ukrainian veterans and military personnel are involved in the invitation of the US Air Force (Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2). They will compete in 11 adaptive sports: swimming; bicycle; onion; powerlifting; running; punching of nucleus/throwing disk; rowing; cultivated shooting.

As reportedArmyinform, 30 veterans will present Ukraine at international sports competitions in Las Vegas.

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Ministry of Defense about the movie "20 days in Mariupol": The world must know the truth about war crimes

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine noted that the movie "20 days in Mariupol" should tell the whole world the truth about Russia's war crimes.

About thisIt is saidIn the Twiiter of the Defense Office.

“The documentary director Mstislav Chernov describes terrible events in the city: the death of children and adults, mass burials, destroyed by the Russian air strike of the maternity ward and other military crimes of Russia. The world must know the truth about Russia's war crimes. Democratic countries should provide Ukraine with military assistance to defeat Russian aggression, ”the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, director of the 20 days in MariupoltoldHow the movie was shot.

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282 demining groups of the Ministry of Defense units work on cleaning the deocal territories of Ukraine

282 demining groups of units of the Ministry of Defense continue to clean the liberated regions of Ukraine from explosive residues of war.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defence Ukraine.

Over the last week (from 1 to March 8, 2024) has been examined and cleared:

  • 7 152.2 ha of terrain;
  • 7 025.5 hectares of agricultural land;
  • 8.8 km of highways;
  • 70.74 km of railways.

We will remind, in the State Security ServicetoldAbout UAVs that help in demining.

As reported by the Armyinform, today 30% of the territories of Ukraineremaincontaminated explosive objects, which is more than 174 thousand square kilometers.

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Ukrainian law enforcement officers in the Hague presented the results of investigation of war crimes

Ukrainian law enforcement officers have formed more than 2,400 suspicion of military crimes in Ukraine, half of which have already been transferred to court, using advanced technologies, such as face recognition, satellite communication and DNA-proofing, for investigation and documentation of Russian military crimes.

About thisstatedThe first deputy chairman of the National Police is the head of the Chief Investigative Directorate Maxim Tsuziridze, who participated in the annual meeting of experts in the Hague.

Investigators of more than 30 European countries, the United States and Canada, which specialize in investigations into crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes, took part in the Hague meeting.

Representatives of the Ukrainian delegation spoke about measures taken to identify military criminals:

  • recognition of criminals using systems that include a network of more than 30 billion faces derived from open sources on the Internet;
  • verification of military criminals on social networks, in particular - with the help of search tools for social networks in the photo of Clearview and tools of identification on social networks of Artelners;
  • use of satellite communication capabilities and video photo analysis of materials obtained from mobile terminals removed, CCTV cameras, CCTV cameras for the safe city, etc.;
  • OSINT research (photo and video materials obtained on the global network);
  • The use of an interagency database "Military Crime", which contains information about 550,000 military criminals, facts of commission of war crimes and evidence revealed during military aggression of the Russian Federation.

It is reported that significant results were achieved through the technical equipment and profile training of criminalists in the US, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands and other leading countries of the world.

Thanks to the help of international partners today, criminal specialists are involved as operators of modern UAVs, which is one of the priority areas for fixing the residences destroyed as a result of Russian rocket attacks and critical infrastructure.

In addition, they create detailed 3D models of objects and circumstances as a result of the Russian Federation of Military Crimes with the help of a modern Z+F Imager 5016 scanner. Also set a person's DNA profile for one and a half hours with the help of mobile devices "Ande Rapid DNA 6C", often--often- With one hundred percent efficiency.

As reported by the Armyinform, Prosecutor General of Ukraine and PolandThey turnedto the victims of the military crimes of the Russians.

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The Armed Forces burned another Russian "soolnpan"

The warriors of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the heavy-duty flame-dumped system of the Sun-1A of the occupiers.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Recall that the cost of one toss-1A "SolnPyok" is about $ 15 million. Russia positions it as a super -spray that does not exist analogues.

Video of the enchanting destruction of the Russian heavy flame -et system of the voluntary fire of the Tos-1A "SolnPyok" was provided by the public relations service with a separate airmobile brigade of the DSSV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

EarliershowedAs his units were destroyed by Russian "Solnpians", a tank and a BMP with a landing.

As reportedArmyinform, Almost 6,000 Russian invaders were destroyed last week.

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The Ministry of Justice requires sanctions to the Russian Federation that produces rocket complexes

Illustrative photo

The minius has filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court on the application of sanctions to the Russian enterprise, which develops and manufactures military equipment-JSC "Scientific and Production Corporation" Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering ".

About thisinformsMinistry press service.

“On March 8, 2024, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine filed a claim to the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court on the application of the sanction provided for in paragraph 1-1 persons who do not claim independent requirements: joint-stock company "High-precision complexes", the State Corporation for the Promotion of Development, Production and Exports .

The Ministry notes that the joint-stock company "Scientific and Production Corporation" Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering "(JSC" NVK "KBM") is an enterprise in Russia, which develops and manufactures military equipment, including high-precision tactical missile systems, operational and tactical missile systems, anti-aircraft missile systems -missile complexes, anti -tank missile systems at the request of the Ministry of Defense, which strengthens the military potential of the Russian Federation, which involves the said military equipment in the implementation of armed aggression against Ukraine.

As reported by the Armyinform, USASanctions were imposedAgainst companies that contributed to the activities of Wagner PEC.

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In the defense forces, they told about the "weapon of the last hope" of the Russians in the Zaporozhye direction

Illustrative photo

The spokesman of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Captain Dmitry Likhov told about increasing the use of the Russian occupation army of ammunition with poisonous substances in the Zaporozhye direction.

Dmitry Likhov made the relevant statement live on March 11, 2024 on March 11, 2024.

"As for the Zaporizhzhya direction, I can say more information that is worried: Russians are increasingly used ammunition with a poisonous substance," he said.

According to the spokeswoman, "Tavriya", if you calculate the statistics for the entire previous week, from March 4 to March 2024, about 60 discharges of grenades with a poisonous substance suffocated-and-and-sparkles were recorded.

“It is mainly chloropicrin or something like that. And for yesterday's day, only a day, there were 9 such discharges. Almost all of them are in the Zaporozhye direction, ”Dmitry Likhov said.

He emphasized that such a practice of using an enemy ammunition with poison is a testimony to their inability to achieve their goals in other ways.

“When the enemy cannot achieve his tasks in the usual way, ordinary artillery, aviation, FPV-Dron, they resort to the weapons of the last hope. These are chemicals, poisonous substances, when they want to smoke our military from the trenches, ”Tavriya said.

At the same time, he emphasized that the forces of Ukraine's defense find ways to withstand the enemy's actions.

“You have to use personal protective equipment. And, of course, we have to fight the Russian drones that are involved in these discharges, ”Dmitry Likhov said.

As reportedArmyinform, in the day from March 9 to March 10, 2024, 15 cases were recorded by Russian -chief troops with a poisonous substance.

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Russian Crimes against National Security of Ukraine: More than 16 thousand cases have been recorded

Since the beginning of a large -scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the Office of the Prosecutor General has documented 16,697 crimes against national security. 127 327 military crimes of Russia were also registered.

About thisinformsOffice of the Prosecutor General.

In addition, according to juvenile prosecutors, 1770 children were injured as a result of aggression of the Russian Federation, 535 of them were killed, 1242 were injured in varying severity.

The department emphasizes that these figures are not final, since work continues to be installed in places of active fighting, in temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

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A resident of Odessa will go to court - passed the enemy because of Telegram location

An indictment was sent to the court regarding a resident of Odessa for the "drain" data on the locations of the units of terroboron and marine infantry.

About thisinformsOffice of the Prosecutor General.

The investigation found that the accused cooperated with representatives of the special services of the Russian Federation. She passed through Telegram coordinates of the locations of personnel and fire positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, located in the territory of Odessa and Chernomorsk, Odessa region.

It is noted that in the "special attention" of the enemy there was information about the location of the personnel of the units of the forces of terroboron and marine infantry in separate administrative buildings in the territory of the region.

In November 2023, law enforcement officers detained a woman. During the searches, a mobile phone was removed from her apartment with evidence of cooperation with the staff member of the intelligence center

The accused is currently in custody.

As reported by the Armyinform, the FSB agent who was detained, whichvirtuePutin and spied on military airfields and medical facilities.

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Industrial enterprise and administrative building were damaged as result of Shahed drones attack in Odesa

Industrial enterprise and administrative building were damaged as result of Shahed drones attack in Odesa

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During the night, 4 drones were destroyed over the territory of the Bryansk region and 2 over the territory of the Oryol regi...

During the night, 4 drones were destroyed over the territory of the Bryansk region and 2 over the territory of the Oryol region, - Russian Ministry of Defense

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Ukrainian air defense shot down 15 of 25 Shahed drones overnight

Ukrainian air defense shot down 15 of 25 Shahed drones overnight

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The Russians made two blows in the Zaporozhye district - Ova

On March 11, Russian occupation troops hit the Zaporizhzhya district twice.

About thisreportedOva Ivan Fedorov.

“As soon as the Russians were struck in the Zaporizhzhya district. The explosions were heard in Zaporozhye itself, ”he wrote.

According to him, information about the victims and destruction is clarified.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Chernihiv and Sumy region in the dayrecorded36 enemy shelling of border areas.

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In Izium, a local resident was detained that corrected rocket strokes around the city

The malefactor also tracked the routes of the military columns of the Armed Forces in the direction of the front.

About thisShe reported March 11SBU.

According to the investigation, the woman tried to establish the greatest concentration of Ukrainian defenders with heavy weapons.

In addition, the malefactor "reported" to the occupiers about the consequences of air attacks of the Russian Federation in the territory of the region.

The invaders were used to prepare new and adjust re -shelling of the Eastern Region, including the city of Izium.

According to the investigation, a local resident was the involvement, who has cooperated with March 2022 with the military intelligence of the aggressor country.

In order to involve it in cooperation, the Russian intelligence service attracted its agent - a fighter of the occupying group of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation.

It was he who got acquainted with the woman through communication in the forbidden "classmates", and then worked out for her the task of intelligence and subversive activities.

To collect data, the hostile informant bypassed the terrain, as well as "dark" asked about "recent news" in friends.

She transmitted the information received by the messenger, and he had already "reported" the staff of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.

During the searches, a mobile phone was found in the place of the detainee with evidence of criminal acts.

Currently, the involvement has been reported suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (unauthorized dissemination of information on the movement or placement of the Armed Forces or other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, committed in the conditions of martial law).

The malefactor is in custody. She faces up to 12 years in prison.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat the resident of Odessa will go under court for the transfer of information about the location of the units of terroboron and Marines.

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President: "20 days in Mariupol" - a movie that shows the truth about Russian terrorism

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a statement about the Oscar award to the Ukrainian documentary "20 days in Mariupol".

About thisbecame known on March 11.

“I thank the team that worked on this film and won such an important Oscar award that allows you to say loudly about the Russian war against Ukraine. I thank all the journalists in the world who understand the importance of covering the truth about our struggle and tell it, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

He also assured that we remember everyone who fought for the sake of the city.

"We remember and have to release all Mariupol defenders and Azovstali from Russian, which are still being held in inhumane conditions," the President said.

According to him, we must defeat Russian evil to restore a normal life for all our people, for every city of our city.

“I thank everyone and everyone who spreads the truth about this war, about our people's courage and the pain of our people. The truth overcomes everything, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

He also thanked everyone in the world who supports our country, our people from the first days of this war.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat Ukraine received Oscar for the first time in its history.

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Paratroopers showed how to clean the enemy positions by artillery

The guns of the 148th Separate Artillery Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces destroyed the enemy armored vehicles, mortars, ammunition and live power.

Appropriate videoPosted on March 11DShV of the Armed Forces.

Artillerymen worked as a caliber of 155 millimeters.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat the paratroopers burned another Russian "Solnpian".

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Shahed drones damaged residential houses in Slobidsky district of Kharkiv

Shahed drones damaged residential houses in Slobidsky district of Kharkiv

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In Kharkiv region, 8 more children with families were evacuated from shelling

The head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov said that in Kharkiv region 8 children with families were evacuated in Kharkiv.

About thisIt is saidIn his telegram channel.

Currently, 50 children with families have been evacuated from two communities: Vilchuvatskaya - 19; Velikburlutskaya - 31.

"The vast majority of evacuees do not leave the borders of the region," he said.

Oleg Synigubov also said that the Russian army daily causes about 10 aircraft on frontline and border settlements. In particular, they continue to terrorize Kupyansk and Vovchansk.

"Due to the mass shelling of settlements in the Kupyansk direction, we conduct daily explanatory work with the local population on traveling to safer places," the head of the region added.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Kupyansk direction forciblyevacuateFamilies with children of 18 settlements.

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The Armed Forces hold positions and expand the bridgehead on the Dnieper Left Bank

In the operating area of the South Defense Forces, the Ukrainian military holds positions, carrying out measures to strengthen and expand the bridgehead on the Left Bank of the Dnieper.

About thisreportDefense forces of South of Ukraine.

The military emphasizes that the counter -battery is not stopped. After a two -day silence without storms, gathering minimal forces, managed to 4 assault attacks. Having suffered irreversible and sanitary losses, he went to his starting positions.

"The enemy remains the main goal - to knock out our units from the employed positions on the Left Bank of the Dnieper," - the message reads.

In the defense forces of southern Ukraine, they say that the invaders keep the pace of active aerial reconnaissance, press artillery shelling, use a large number of shock drones of various modifications with the affected elements.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Novomykhailivka paratroopersstopThe assault attempts of the invaders.

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Ukrainian defenders have destroyed the rare Russian complex of the Reb "Palatin"

In Zaporizhzhya, our servicemen destroyed the rare Russian complex of electronic struggle "Palatin-K".

The head of the public relations department of Tavriya, Captain Dmitry Likhov, announced this in the Telelorphone.

"Yes, on March 10, a rare Russian complex of" Palatin-K "and the station of RB-341V" Leyer "was amazed-this is the work of missile troops" Tavriya "in the Zaporozhye direction," he said.

Dmitry Likhov recalled that earlier in the operating area, Tavriya was affected by the Station of the IEP P330-DUM “resident” and RB-341B “Leer-3”.

"Last day, our warriors also destroyed the Buk-M2 ZRC and BM-21 RSZV," the officer summarized.

As reportedArmyinform, the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the heavy flame-dumped system of the TS-1A "SolnPyok" of the invaders.

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One and a half dozen Russian soldiers were convicted of cruelty in the village of Yardy

During the occupation of the village of Yaidny, Chernihiv district, the Russians were deprived of freedom and forcibly kept 368 hostages in the basement of the local school, of which 69 minors.

About the sentence of the courtreported March 11Office of the Prosecutor General.

Special trial was found guilty of violating the laws and customs of war committed by a group of persons, 15 Russian servicemen.

Each of them was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Local residents were used to cover the command post from possible offensive actions by the Armed Forces.

Due to inhuman conditions for the maintenance and failure to provide the necessary medical care, 10 civilians died in the basement.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat the Exbesk from Crimea was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the State Council.

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On Bukovina, a multi -lobe was detained

The twenty -year -old resident of Chernivtsi district for one thousand dollars and a thousand euros wanted to "buy" the assistance of the border guard in the illegal crossing of the state border.

About thisShe reported March 11Special Prosecutor's Office of the Western Region.

According to the investigation, for this money, the border guard, despite the prohibition of departure of men of conscription during the war, had to pass Bukovinia without interruption through the checkpoint to Romania.

The employee agreed, however, reported this fact of law enforcement officers who documented the unlawful activity of the suspect.

Now he was detained, he was chosen by a preventive measure.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat in Transcarpathia another illegal scheme of evasion was eliminated.

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By the end of this year, more than 2000 veterans will receive their own housing at the expense of the state budget

Illustrative photo

Among the main directions of the state action plan for 2024 in the field of veterans policy for 2024 is the provision of housing of veterans of war and families of fallen soldiers. More than 2000 people are expected to receive monetary compensation this year.

About thisinformsThe press service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

“In 2024, the program for providing housing for veterans and families of fallen soldiers continues. UAH 5.75 billion has been allocated from the state budget for these needs. In particular, it is about persons with disabilities 1 and 2 as a result of ATO, OOS, hostilities and families of the dead. This category provides UAH 3 billion, ”MP Irina Borzova informed.

Also, according to her, internally displaced persons from among the combatants and a person with disabilities 3 of the group - a separate category, which provides UAH 2.3 billion. Another 400 million UAH is allocated for persons with disabilities 1 and 2 of groups from the participants of the fighting.

Therefore, Irina Borzova stressed, by April 15, the regions should form and submit the need for veterans. And approximately in June, the allocation of funds by regions will begin, according to needs.

Eosel has expanded the possibility of buying housing for servicemen: what has changed
єОселя розширила можливості купівлі житла для військовослужбовців: що змінилось

“It is important that state compensation can only be obtained by the person who has put on housing account at the place of residence. To date, the total turn is 35 thousand veterans of war. At the same time, housing can be provided not only under state programs, but can also be done by local governments, ”the parliamentarian informed.

As reportedArmyinform, in Lviv region, the military will be able to get a loan for the purchase of housing at 0%.

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In the Tavriysk direction the anti-aircraft missile complex "Buk-M2" was destroyed

A total of 47 pieces of equipment were destroyed, including: 1 tank, 10 combat armored vehicles, 8 artistem, 1 RSZV, 1 PTRC, 2 air defense, 21 cars, 3 units of special equipment.

About thisreported March 11Commander of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Brigadny General Alexander Tarnavsky.

According to him, 45 combat clashes took place in the operating area of Tavriya. The enemy was hit by 25 air strikes, 3 rocket strokes, 1053 shelling and 90 shocks in Kamikadze drones.

The total losses of the enemy per day were: 392 people (killed and wounded). 352 UAVs of different types were neutralized or destroyed.

Defense forces also destroyed 4 ammunition depots and 3 more important objects - command post and armor.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat Russia has increased the use of drones-Kamikadze in the Tavriya direction.

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The "packed" collaborator that helped the Russian Federation in conducting subversive activities against Ukraine

The 47-year-old resident of Kherson region has repeatedly voluntarily assisted Russia's representatives in conducting subversive activities against Ukraine.

About thisinformsSpecialized Prosecutor's Office in the Southern Region Defense.

Thus, in 2023, the collaborator regularly sent the administrator of the pro-Russian Telegram-channel photo and video images with the consequences of shelling of objects of critical and civil infrastructure of Kherson of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

On October 10, 2023, the traitor was detained by law enforcement.

"Under the procedural leadership of the prosecutors of the Kherson Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the field of defense of the Southern Region, an indictment was sent to the court on the citizen of Ukraine upon state betrayal," - the message reads.

She chose a pre -trial detention measure without bail.

Note: According to Art. 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine a person is considered innocent in the commission of a crime and cannot be criminally punished until his guilt is proved legally and established by the conviction of the court.

As reportedArmyinform, one and a half dozen Russian soldiers were convicted of cruelty in the village of Yaidny.

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On the left bank of the Dnieper, the forces of defense destroyed 2 UAVs like "Lancet" and 2 boats

In the area of responsibility of the Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine on the Left Bank, Ukrainian defenders destroyed 34 invaders and Russian equipment per day.

About it in a telegraminformsPress Service of Defense Forces of South of Ukraine.

The command noted that the forces of defense continue to cause fire damage to the locations of the enemy, fire positions and rear.

In particular, the last day was confirmed that on the left bank the enemy has become less than 9 guns, a tank, 2 shock UAVs of Lacet type, 2 boats, 2 antennas, 4 units of autobroenetechnics.

In addition, it is noted that the feldshot is destroyed.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the Tavriya directiondestroyedBuk-M2 anti-aircraft missile complex.

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Front, fortifications and production of shells: President held a rate meeting

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held a meeting of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief. He heard reports on the situation on the battlefield, the provision of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces and the erection of defense borders.

The head of statereportedIn his Telegram.

Volodymyr Zelensky heard detailed summaries from the command of the situation on the battlefield, in particular from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky, the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Anatoly Bargilevich, commander on the ground.

"Kupyansky, Liman, Bakhmut, Avdiivsky, Marinski, southern directions, marine infantry operations," the statement reads.

In addition, he heard the reports of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov and the head of the minestrugor Alexander Kamyshin to provide the front with everything necessary.

“The actual and future receipt of shells, missiles and other weapons. Production itself, ”the head of state wrote.

Another important topic is fortification.

The President got acquainted with the report of Prime Minister Denis Shmigal about the pace of new defense borders.

“Three strips of 2000 kilometers are a large -scale task, but now the pace is good. I count on timely completion, ”he stressed.

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Front, fortifications and production of shells: President held a rate meeting

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held a meeting of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief. He heard reports on the situation on the battlefield, the provision of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces and the erection of defense borders.

The head of statereportedIn his Telegram.

Volodymyr Zelensky heard detailed summaries from the command of the situation on the battlefield, in particular from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky, the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Anatoly Bargilevich, commander on the ground.

"Kupyansky, Liman, Bakhmut, Avdiivsky, Marinski, southern directions, marine infantry operations," the statement reads.

In addition, he heard the reports of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov and the head of the minestrugor Alexander Kamyshin to provide the front with everything necessary.

“The actual and future receipt of shells, missiles and other weapons. Production itself, ”the head of state wrote.

Another important topic is fortification.

The President got acquainted with the report of Prime Minister Denis Shmigal about the pace of new defense borders.

“Three strips of 2000 kilometers are a large -scale task, but now the pace is good. I count on timely completion, ”he stressed.

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Explosions were reported in Skadovsk

Explosions were reported in Skadovsk

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The Russians hit C-300 rockets in Kharkiv region

Today, on March 11, Russia fired at the anti-aircraft managed missiles of the C-300 S-300 missiles Kutuzivka in Kharkiv district.

About thisreportedHead of Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleg Synigubov.

Also at about 1:30 pm, Vovchansk found himself under a hostile shelling.

“A 70-year-old woman was injured. 8 private homes were damaged, ”said the head of Kharkiv Ova.

According to Oleg Sinogubova, after 13:00, the village of Glushkovka of Kupyansk district was under a hostile shelling. Previously, three wounded civilian men were hospitalized to a medical facility.

As reportedArmyinform, in Kharkiv, a hotel and homes have been damaged as a result of the Russian Shahmed attack.

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The EU was called the condition for which the assets of the Russian Federation will be used to purchase weapons for Ukraine

Frozen Russian assets can be used not only for the reconstruction of Ukraine, but also to strengthen its defense capability by purchasing weapons, subject to the consent of all EU members.

About thisstatedEU EU Supreme Representative and Security Policy Josep Borrel.

"If Member States agree (it should be a unanimous decision on the proposal of a high representative), we can use the surpluses from frozen Russian assets to purchase weapons for Ukraine and/or assist in strengthening its defense industry," said Josep Borrel.

According to him, earlier in the EU considered the possibility of using these assets to rebuild Ukraine, now - to prevent new destruction.

“So far, we have considered the possibility of using these profits to support Ukraine's restoration. However, the main thing in Ukraine is not so much reconstruction as avoiding further destruction. If Member States agree, it would be advisable to use these resources to provide additional military support for Ukraine through the European Peace Fund, ”the EU Chief Diplomat said.

"In the long run, we could also use these funds to support the Ukrainian defense-industrial base," he added.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the EUdiscussThe possibility of using frozen assets of the Russian Federation in favor of Ukraine.

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In Chernihiv, Russians use drones with an inflammatory mixture

In the border of the Chernihiv region, Russian troops began to use drones with a fire mixture that causes fires.

About thisinformsSSSU press service.

“We are seeing a new level of responsibility from the Russians. The manifestations of Russia's aggression daily reflect the absurdity and danger of its actions. The invaders seemingly exhausted all possible ways to harm Ukraine, but now they have decided to try even drones with a ignition mixture, ”the message reads.

The SPSU told that in one of the border communities in Chernihiv, border guards recorded the fact of discharge from the enemy UAV of an unknown object, which after the impact on the ground caught fire.

"The border guards responded in time to the insidious actions of the aggressor, and did not give fire to spread and damage the nature, which is now blooming in the spring," - added in the department.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Chernihiv and Sumy region in the dayrecorded36 enemy shelling of border areas.

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14 years in prison got the "head" of occupied balaclia

The court found a resident of Kharkiv region guilty of collaborative activity for the fact that he headed the pseudopolitan during the capture of Balaklia, and later the occupation administration.

About thisreported March 11Office of the Prosecutor General.

According to the investigation, during the occupation of Balakliya the former law enforcement officer voluntarily cooperated with representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

On the earnings of the worm 2022 Roku Cholovik, by the Posad "Acting Head of the Balakleysky Police Department of the Izyumsky District of the Interior of the Provisional Civil Administration of the Kharkov Region".

His powers included: hiring new employees, approval of internal documents, organization of official activity and logistical support of subordinates. The convicted person also participated in meetings held by representatives of the occupying authorities.

He also suggested that his former colleagues work in pseudopolitan, arguing with high wages in Russian rubles and comfortable working conditions.

The PROPPANTI was renewed Cholovik to the Posad "Acting Head of the Balaklai Territorial Administration of the Izumsky VGA of the Kharkov region."

After the Armed Forces began a counter -offensive in Kharkiv region, the pseudo -official tried to escape to the LNR, but in Kupyansk he was detained by staff of the State Bureau of Investigation.

He has been sentenced to 14 years in prison with deprivation of the right to occupy positions in state authorities, local self -government and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine for a term of 11 years with confiscation of all his property.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat was detained a collaborator that assisted the Russian Federation in conducting subversive activities against Ukraine.

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Research by the SIPRI Institute: Imports of weapons to Europe increases, exports from Russia - falls

Patriot of American production is very popular in European countries. Photo: Petras Malukas/AFP

With the onset of the large -scale war of Russia against Ukraine in Europe, the volume of weapons imports significantly increased, and researchers (SIPRIs) were calculated.

According to the DW portal, Russia's war against Ukraine has a significant impact on world trade in weapons. Stockholm International Institute for Peace Problems Research (Sipri) in his annual report compared the last period of 2019-2023 from 2014-2018 and revealed a number of dramatic changes, according to the Armyinform.

Although the global volume of international weapons deliveries over the last five years has decreased slightly - by 3.3% - European countries have almost doubled the import of major weapons (+94%). Much larger weapons came to Asia and Oceania, as well as the Middle East, where nine of ten major importers are located.

Source: Stockholm International Institute database
Research of Peace Problems (SIPRI). March 2024. Infographic

US and France's exports are growing

Compared to last year's report, one change has taken place in the three arms export leaders. As before, the first position is confidently held by the United States, whose exports have increased by 17%over the last five years. This, in particular, led to an increase from 34% to 42% of their share in the total volume of world weapons exports.

In 2019-2023, the United States supplied the main weapons in 107 states, which is more than all previous P & amp;#39; Yatty-year periods, and much more than any other weapon exporter.

"At a time when the economic and geopolitical domination of the United States is challenging, America has strengthened its global role in a weapon supplier-an important aspect of its foreign policy-exporting more weapons to more countries than ever in the past,"-said Matthew George, SIPRI Weapons Director.

Source: Stockholm International Institute database
Research of Peace Problems (SIPRI). March 2024. Infographic

It is important, according to analysts, that it is in the United States that accounts for about 55% of imports of weapons imported by European countries in 2019-2023, which is 20% more than in the previous P & amp;#39; The decisions of NATO European countries to import weapons from the United States are determined by many factors - technological, military, financial - and, in particular, necessity
Maintain transatlantic relations, the document is said.

"If transatlantic relations are changing in the coming years, the policy of European states in the field of arms procurement may also change," Sipri Dan Smith said.

In the second place among the exporters, in the squeezing of Russia, France came, whose exports of weapons increased by 47%, and the share in worldwide deliveries increased to 11%(in 2014-2018 - 7.2%). The growth of French weapons exports occurred mainly as a result of the supply of combat aircraft to India, Qatar and Egypt. The largest importer of French weapons was India, which accounted for almost 30% of military deliveries from France.

Russian exports have fallen almost twice

Russia has moved to the third place in the ranking of world suppliers of weapons. In 2019-2023, exports of weapons from the Russian Federation decreased almost twice - by 53%. In the global supply, the share of Russia decreased by 10% and equalized with French.

Russian SCK C-400 and "shell-C1" by 2022 actively bought
in foreign markets. Photo: Vadim Savitsky/Russian Defense Ministry Press
Service via AP

Experts noted that over the last five years of the fall of Russian military exports has been rapid, the report said. Another sign of reducing the role of Russia as a global weapons supplier is that if in 2019 Moscow supplied weapons to 31 states, then in 2022 only 14, and in 2023 - at 12.

In 2019-2023, a little less than two -thirds of Russian exports of arms occurred in three countries: India (34%), China (21%) and Egypt (7.5%). India in the past five years was the largest recipient of Russian weapons, but how to compare from 2014–2018, exports to India decreased by 34%, China - by 39%, and in Egypt - by 54%. Experts believe that in the short term, Russian arms exports are likely to remain much lower than the level reached in 2014-2018.

Germany closes the first five

Germany retained the fifth place in the ranking of major weapons exporters. Over the considered period, its exports decreased by 14%, and the share of the country in world deliveries decreased slightly - 5.6%against 6.3%. At the same time, Berlin, together with Paris, is in the top three weapons suppliers to European countries. The share of Germany and France was 6.4% and 4.6% respectively.

2023 was especially successful for the German defense industry.

"Of course, this is due to the military assistance of Ukraine, but also, for example, the supply of submarines to Singapore, frigates and corvettes to Israel and Egypt," said Senior Sipri Sipri Veseman.

German tanks Leopard 2. Photo: Fabian Bimmer/Reuters

Ukraine is the largest importer of weapons in Europe

Meanwhile, Ukraine has become the largest European importer of weapons in 2019-2023 and the fourth largest in the world after at least 30 states have been supplied to Ukraine since February 2022.

The country's share in the global weapons import market is 4.9% compared to 0.1% for the previous five years. At the same time, the total growth of military imports against 2014–2018 was a record 6633%. The main suppliers of weapons of Kiev were the United States (39%), Germany and Poland, respectively 14%and 13%.

According to the conclusions of Swedish analysts, the large -scale aggressive war of Russia against Ukraine, part of which became massive air strikes on infrastructure objects, influenced not only the growth of weapons import for Kiev, but also the structure of orders. The reaction of Western and Central Europe that fears the expansion of Russian aggression has become
Increase in imports of air defense systems.

For example, in 2023, Poland ordered 48 Patriot launchers, 644 missiles to them, as well as various sensors, auxiliary equipment and spare parts. The total amount of the agreement was estimated at $ 15 billion (€ 13.7 billion).

At the same time, Germany intends to pay Israel nearly four billion euros for the latest ARRW 3 missile defense system, capable of hitting targets at an altitude of more than 100 kilometers. And German air defense systems will be placed in Austria, Estonia, Latvia and Slovenia.

"In the last two years, we have been seeing a significantly increased demand for air defense systems in Europe, which has pushed Russia's missile campaign against Ukraine," said Senior Sipri Sipri Sipri Veseman.

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In Kharkiv, the recruiting center of the Sirkivtsi brigade opened

In Kharkiv since today the recruiting center of a separate assault brigade named after them. Kosian chieftain Ivan Sirko. The Armyinform correspondent was informed about this in the press service of the brigade.

Representatives of the military unit were present at the opening of the institution. The Achilz Downtown Battalion Commander Fedorenko Yuri, who joined Sirkivtsi a year ago, told that he and his brothers, who from the first days were fighting in territorial defense ranks, were pleasantly impressed with the preparation of the team personnel:

- Colonel Pavel Fedosenko, our commander, Hero of Ukraine, always appears in critical situations on the front line of the front. This was the case when the Oskol is forced during the Kharkiv counter -offensive operation, and near the settlement Kurilovka, when there was a pause between the storms. He always has the right word, skill and knowledge to motivate personnel and adjust the right work. He is always interested in what we need, the soldiers to complete the assignment.

The Armye said that a separate storm team. The cat chieftain Ivan Sirko is one of the most experienced units in the Armed Forces.

- From the beginning of the great invasion of the Russians, we have never been brought to recovery. However, our losses are relatively small. This indicates that in the brigade of the life and health of every serviceman is in the first place.

He noted that in these two years, Sirkivts have gained extraordinary experience in martial arts and assured that both their own instructors and combat brothers are ready to share the skills with those who just arrived in the army.

- Only after passing the training center and combat coordination at the landfill with our instructors, as part of an experienced group or stormtroopers, tankers, UAV operators, the fighter is sent for combat task.

Yuri Fedorenko also emphasized that a separate storm team. The cat chieftain Ivan Sirko is one of the best in Ukraine. It has modern equipment, weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles.

- This is achieved through centralized supply from the state, as well as by supporting us by a Ukrainian nation, which we undoubtedly believe in us.

The serviceman sincerely invited everyone to join the ranks of Sirkivtsi:

- Everyone will have to fight. So join the best!

In her turn, a spokeswoman for a separate assault brigade named after Ivan Sirko Tatiana Rud said that the recruitment center was opened for those who want to join the Ukrainian army, can communicate with existing servicemen and make their choice.

According to her, every inhabitant of Kharkiv region knows the brigade, which is located in the Kharkiv region and since 2014 has defended Ukraine from Russian invaders in Luhansk and Donetsk region, and in 2022 repelled the occupiers who went great. But now Sirkivtsi need help - new brothers, because two years of continuous participation in the battles have been depleted.

- We want to hear every person - who she was in a civilian life, and to offer in our brigade or a position to which a person is aimed at, or a position that is close to the specialty that he or she made a living. And this will not necessarily be a assault unit - we are waiting for chefs, drivers, accountants. After all, the service of each fighter on the front is provided by at least four people in the rear, - says the head of the community service department.

Tatiana Rud says that unlike social support and staffing centers, which only draw up the necessary documents and send mobilized to the training centers of the Armed Forces, and there is already a distribution by units, the recruiting center of the brigade accompanies a person from filing documents to the shopping center before graduation and arrival and arrival In the unit of the brigade.

- Recently, there are few motivated people. They come and fear, fear everything. People believe that they will immediately be thrown into the front. It's not, - the representative of the brigade emphasizes.

According to her, each mobilized awaits training from basic military training, which lasts 40 days. Then - preparation with the leading instructors of Sirkivtsi, then with the unit. Only then do combat missions begin. In total, it takes about three months to prepare the army.

You can contact the recruiting center or fill out a questionnaire for the introduction into the team: 0996809365, 0969292922 or filling out the questionnaire forby reference.

Photo by the author

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Odessa was detained with a ladder

Two residents of Zaporizhzhya region were equipped with a telescopic ladder to overcome the ditches on the border with Transnistria.

About thisShe reported March 11State Border Service of Ukraine.

According to her, the evil people were detained on the state border in the Razdelnya district of Odessa region. Seeing the border guards, the men rushed to flee and stopped only after warning shots into the air.

For malicious disobedience to the legitimate disposal of border guards and an attempt to illegally cross the border against men, protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedwho detained a multi -alien evicker in Bukovina.

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Ministry of Defense of Belarus: a comprehensive check of the combat readiness of formations and military units has begun in t...

Ministry of Defense of Belarus: a comprehensive check of the combat readiness of formations and military units has begun in the Armed Forces. The personnel will have to move to designated areas and conduct a series of exercises and training, including live fire. During the inspection, the movement of military equipment is planned, and it is possible to temporarily restrict the movement of civilian transport on public roads and areas.

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Air Force destroyed the enemy control point on the ship

Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, thanked the pilots for his successful combat work at a hostile control point.

Video of Mykola Oleshukplaced on the evening of March 11.

The video shows how the ammunition enters the ship's felling and causes great damage.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat Mykola Oleshchuk provided sabotage in Russian aviation.

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The occupiers conduct early "vote" in Mariupol in Putin's Elections

From March 10 to March 14 in the temporarily occupied Mariupol, there is a farce called "early voting in the Presidential elections of the Russian Federation".

About thisinformsMariupol City Council in its telegram channel, reports the Armyinform.

Mobile groups of district commissions go to residents of residents and directly in the yards arrange "polling stations".

The invaders say that this form of voting "will avoid accumulation of people at polling stations and reduce the risk of their shelling." In fact, under such narratives there is an opportunity for falsification and forcing people to participate in pseudo -elections.

The turnout in the first day of early voting in the so -called "DNR" is only 22%. Residents do not want to participate in this propaganda "demonstration".

“Everyone understands that the results have been resolved in advance. The true thought of the inhabitants is not interested in anyone. The Russians just need a "picture" about the support of Putin in the residents of the occupied territories, ”the message reads.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat 14 years of prison received the "head" of the occupied Balakliya.

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Ukraine invited Portugal to join the drones coalition

The invitation was given by the Deputy Minister of Defense Kateryna Chernoroenko during a conversation with the Secretary of State for Defense of Portugal Carlos Pres.

About thisreported March 11Ministry of Defence Ukraine.

“I told you in detail about our initiatives and needs. They discussed priorities for cooperation within the IT coalition, ”Kateryna Chernnoroenko said.

The Deputy Minister paid special attention to the critical need for drones and unique software for them.

"We have agreed to continue the dialogue on cooperation in the field of cybersecurity - in particular, on the exchange of knowledge and experience between our experts," - added Kateryna Chernoroenko.

She also expressed his gratitude to Portugal and Person Perseus for the unchanging support of Ukraine and expanding our interaction in the defense sector.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat Canada will become the ninth country-participating country of the drone coalition, which works within the framework of the contact group on Defense of Ukraine.

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Explosion was reported in Kharkiv

Explosion was reported in Kharkiv

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Explosion was reported in Zaporizhzhia

Explosion was reported in Zaporizhzhia

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Situation near Avdiivka, burned -in Russian technique, SBU detained a traitor: a stream from the frontline city

Six units of enemy armored vehicles were destroyed by paratroopers of 46 separate airmobile brigade in the Donetsk direction. Among the burned equipment was a charged heavy-dated flame-paraded system of volley fire "Sun-1a".

The Sniper of the Armed Forces worked on the Russian rifle Barrett at a distance of more than a kilometer.

47 Brigade showed the footage of destruction of Russian equipment, including a tank, 4 BMPs and 4 APC.

The SBU detained the informant of the Russian intelligence, which corrected rocket strokes on the raisins, and the drone of the Armed Forces was hidden by an orka, which came up with an unusual camouflage.

These and other topics are discussed by our presenters - junior lieutenant Sergey Lipko and Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Misyura.

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SCOs showed how destroyed by HIMARS Russian Reb "Palatin"

During the conduct of intelligence in the Zaporizhzhya direction, the mobile complex of the operational-tactical level of the HIN "Palatin" was revealed by the operators of the reconnaissance UAV of the 3rd SCO regiment.

About thisreported March 11Forces of special operations of the Armed Forces.

According to the SCO, the complex led radio -electronic intelligence, suppressing the existing systems for communication of defense forces in this direction.

The SCO operators accompanied the target and provided information for the missile and artillery unit of defense forces for further damage.

As a result of fire damage, the enemy target was destroyed.

The HRB "Palatin" allows to "blind" in the short -wave and ultra -short -wave range, and to create obstacles for cellular and trenching.

Palatine can combine different complexes of EWS and radio electronic intelligence into a single combat network, which significantly increases the efficiency of their use as needed. The complex completed the military tests and arrived in 2019.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedAbout the destruction of the HRS "Palatin".

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During the day at the front 54 Municipalities: In the Audiyevsky direction of the Armed Forces, 11 enemy attacks were reflected

During the seven hundred and forty -seventh days of large -scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, there were 54 fighting collisions at the front. In total, the enemy caused 6 missile and 87 aircraft strikes, and made 32 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces, reports the Armyinform.

In Volyn and Polissya directionsOperational situation without significant changes. No signs of formation of offensive groups were detected.

In the Siversky and Slobozhansky directionsThe enemy retains military presence in the border areas, conducts sabotage and intelligence activities, carries out shelling of settlements from the territory of the Russian Federation, increases the density of mine-explosive barriers along the state border of Ukraine. The enemy struck the area of the settlement of the Progress of Chernihiv region. The enemy artillery and mortar shelling has been suffered by more than 30 settlements, among them Keris, Kostobor, Guta-Studenetsky Chernihiv region; Katerynivka, Miropillya, the middle-building of Sumy region; Uda, Sagittarius, Older Kharkiv region.

In Kupyansk directionThe enemy of the offensive (assault) did not take action. He struck aviation strikes in the areas of settlements of Petropavlivka of Kharkiv region and Krivoshivka of Luhansk region. Under artillery and mortar fire, more than 15 settlements, including Sinkivka, Petropavlivka, Berestovo, Kharkiv region, were found.

In the estuary directionOur warriors reflect 7 enemy attacks in the areas of Ternya, Donetsk region and Bigorivka, Luhansk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops. The enemy also struck in the areas of Yampolivka and Fedorivka of Donetsk region. About 15 settlements were injured from artillery and mortar shelling, including Bigorivka of Luhansk region; Ternya Yampolivka, controversial, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut direction, 5 attacks of the enemy in the areas of settlements of Kigshchiyivka, Andreevka, Stupochka and the east of the time ravine of Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to improve his tactical position were reflected. The enemy struck aviation in the area of the settlement of the Yar of Donetsk region. Also under artillery and mortar fire were about 10 settlements, including Grigorivka, Kalynivka, Klischivka of Donetsk region.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders reflect 11 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdichi, Orlovka, Tonenko, Pervomaisk and Nevelskoye Donetsk region. The enemy struck in the areas of settlements Novokalinovo, Novobakhmutivka, Zotyne and Oleksandropol of Donetsk region. About 15 settlements, including Berdychi, Semenivka, Pervomaisk, Donetsk region, have experienced artillery and mortar shelling.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the areas of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Novomikhailivka and Victory of Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops 18 times. Also, the enemy struck in the areas of settlements of Novomykhailivka and Vodyane Donetsk region. Under the artillery and mortar fire of the invaders were about 20 settlements, including Krasnogorivka, St. George, Paraskovivka, Village of Donetsk region.

In the Orikhiv directionThe enemy attacked the positions of our defenders 5 times in the areas of the robot, Staromayorsky and northwestern Verbov Zaporizhzhya region. The enemy struck aviation in areas of settlements of Staromayorsk Donetsk region; Novodanylivka and the robot of the Zaporizhzhya region. About 20 settlements, among them Poltava, red, robot, Novodanilovka, Zaporizhzhya region, have been held artillery and mortar shelling.

In the area of ​​responsibility, "Odesa", in the Kherson direction, the enemy during the day (assault) did not take action. More than 25 settlements, Kherson, Tyaginka, Ivanivka, Krynka, Kherson region, have experienced artillery and mortar shelling.

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Aviation of Defense Forces struck 8 areas of enemy forces

During the day, the Aviation of Defense Forces struck 8 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment and the enemy management point.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces, reports the Armyinform.

The departments of rocket troops were affected by two areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment, the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system and the 1L219 zoo radar.

Earlier the Armyinformreported54 fighting collisions occurred on the front during the day.

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Detained criminals who were threatened with a third assault

The suspicion of four participants in the criminal group, who, under the guise of employees of the Tax Code and DBR, demanded money.

About thisreported March 11Office of the Prosecutor General.

According to the investigation, one of the suspects was familiar with the entrepreneur and in January 2024 suggested that he assist in the registration of a "white" military ticket in connection with a blood disease so that the man avoided a possible conscription for military service.

He estimated the cost of his services at 388 thousand UAH. Upon receipt of this amount, the dealers attracted three other accomplices in the fraudulent scheme, who distributed roles for further illegal earnings.

During January-March 2024, the members of the group threatened the victim "sending to the front", calling, sending "fake" screenshots seemingly from the employees of the Tax Code, waiting for the victim near the house and work, dressing in military uniform for convincing.

So they made the man pay them again and again.

Men, under the guise of military and DBR staff, organized a fake detention of the victim and received from him 600 thousand UAH for "closing the issue" for a fake ticket.

Subsequently, the suspects played the performance, as if they were being taken to one of the district shopping center and after passing the commission he will be sent to serve in the third separate assault team in the area of the most fierce fighting.

And again, in order to settle everything, the man demanded money. In general, under various reasons, the participants of the criminal group received about UAH 1.7 million of the victim from the victim.

During the control of the crime, at the time of transfer of $ 4,000, the persons involved were detained.

Currently, men have been informed about suspicion and pre -trial detention.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedThe prisoner who was blown up by the relatives of prisoners of war and missing was revealed.

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Russian army conducted 2 strikes at Derhachi of Kharkiv region

Russian army conducted 2 strikes at Derhachi of Kharkiv region

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Defense forces showed how to hunt the FPV-Dron occupiers

The border guards of the Guard Brigade of the offensive "revenge" in a week made more than 200 beats on the enemy.

About thisShe reported March 11State Border Service of Ukraine.

According to her, eight invaders were eliminated, 63 were seriously injured, and ammunition, equipment and weapons were destroyed.

Destroyed: 1 gun, 2 mortars, 2 HR stations, 7 warehouses of ammunition, 5 units of other enemy military equipment.

BeforeThe Armyinform posted a videoThe Russian Reb "Palatin" was destroyed with Himars.

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The judge who issued a warrant for Putin's arrest became the chairman of the International Criminal Court

On March 11, the judge of the International Criminal Court (ICS) at the plenary session elected Judge Tomoko Akana by the chairman of the court.

About thisreportedThe Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets.

He recalled that Tomoko Akana issued in March 2023 the warrants for the arrest of President of Russian Putin and the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in Russia Maria Lviv-Belova for the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children. After that, Tomoko Akane was wanted by Russia, because the Russian Investigative Committee started a case on her under an unnamed criminal article.

In addition to Tomoko Akane, Judge Rosario Salvatore Aital-the first vice-resident, as well as Judge Raine Alapini-Gangus, the second vice-resident, entered the Presidium of the ISS.

The ISS Presidium consists of three people and is elected for three years, the mandate begins to act immediately after election.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for the arrest of two Russian generals.

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Madrid presented the documentary "Tank Soldiers 27"

In Madrid, a presentation of the documentary "Soldiers of the Tank 27" was made by the Spanish edition of El País, which is based on the history of the warriors of the tank battalion of a separate tank of the Siverskaya Sivers Brigade.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces, reports the Armyinform.

The event was held with the participation of the EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy-Vice President of the European Commission Josepa Borrel, the Ministry of Defense of Spain Margarita Robles, the Second Viceremier and the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy of the Government of Jolanda Dias Perez and Power Kingdom of Spain Sergei Pogoreltsev. Also present at the show was one of the main characters of the film - Vladimir Leadchak with his wife.

The tape tells about three tankers, their motivation, experiences before the first combat departure, joy from a regular telephone conversation with their relatives, their present life in combat.

According to Vladimir Leadchak, the film crew recorded everything, as it was, without any productions. The journalists spent some time with the tankers, so they were able to fully reflect the circumstances and details of the life.

“The Avilleryton has been very pierced by our history. For us, such a reality has long been a daily basis, each of us is now focused on the protection of our families, our homes, our country. But it is also important to tell the world about what is happening here. My brothers and I am grateful to the project team for work, ”Vladimir says.

One of the authors of the film, the Spanish journalist Christian Segura says that the audience even shocked the fact that ordinary civilian citizens, the same as many Spaniards, left their normal lives and became military.

In his speech, Josep Borrel noted the heroism of our steel during his presentation and stressed that "Russia has not yet won this war but has not lost" and that the development would depend on the world support for Ukraine.

Volodymyr Leadchak, in turn, handed Josep Borrel and Margarita Robles the flags of our brigade. A steady horse for each of us is of particular value and this gift is emphasizing our gratitude to the international community with the support of Ukraine.

Within his visit to Spain, Volodymyr Leadchak also participated in commemoration of the fallen Ukrainian soldiers and visited a military base where Ukrainian servicemen were trained.

The movie "Tank Soldiers 27" will be shown at a number of international film festivals and competitions.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat Ukraine invited Portugal to join the drone coalition.

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In the south, the enemy began to attack the Wremiv performance

The territory on the border of Zaporizhzhya and Donetsk regions began to storm the last days.

He stated itMarch 11thOn the broadcast of the "Unified News", the head of the public relations department of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Captain Dmitry Likhov.

"Earlier there was a calmer situation, and now it is noticeable that this is another point where the enemy tries to advance," Dmitry Likhov said.

He specified that the assaults occur in a walk, near the villages of Urozhayne and Staromayorsk. Dmitry Likhova linked these attacks as the so -called "elections" in Russia.

"The occupying troops need to be shown some result, and they fundamentally return those territories that were de -bonded during our offensive last year," Dmitry Likhov said.

He also reported that the enemy continues to press in the area of the robot, but the intensity of assaults has decreased there.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat in the south Ukrainian defenders destroyed the rare Russian complex of the Reb "Palatin".

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy: The common task of the world now is to knock down a sick Putin imagination that he has time to continue the war

A separate report of the head of the GUR MOU, Lieutenant General Kiril Kiril Budanov, the President of Ukraine, discussed military plans for the aggressor country.

About thissaidIn the evening address the head of state, reports the Armyinform.

According to him, Putin may increase the mobilization of Russians after imitation of "elections". However, the mobilization of resources and finances, residues of Russian relations with the world should be limited even more and stiffer.

“This period is our maximum concentration. Our maximum initiative is that Ukraine itself determines the just end of this war. We can stand. We must win, ”the President of Ukraine proclaimed.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedthat Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a rate meeting.

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Explosion was reported in Sloviansk

Explosion was reported in Sloviansk

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In the Tavriysk direction, rotation is ongoing

The brigades, which have been on the first line for a long time, participated in the most difficult operations, first of the offensive last year, and now defense, now have the opportunity to go one by one for one another.

About thisdeclared March 11On the broadcast of the "Unified News", the head of the public relations department of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Captain Dmitry Likhov.

“The brigades for rotation and recovery are ongoing. It happens as much as the operational situation allows. But it allows. And this is a positive moment, ”Dmitry Likhov said.

At the same time, he noted that about two -thirds of enemy attacks falls on the operating area of Tavriya.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat in the south the enemy began to attack the Wremovsky performance.

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1 person wounded as result of shelling in Zmiivka village of Kherson region

1 person wounded as result of shelling in Zmiivka village of Kherson region

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Damage in Makiivka as result of shelling

Damage in Makiivka as result of shelling

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Ukrainian Air Forces have targeted Russian command post

Ukrainian Air Forces have targeted Russian command post

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At Lyman direction Russian army shelled Bilohorivka of Luhansk region, Terny¸ Yampolivka, Spirne, Rozdolivka of Donetsk regio...

At Lyman direction Russian army shelled Bilohorivka of Luhansk region, Terny¸ Yampolivka, Spirne, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region. Russian aviation conducted airstrikes at Yampolivka and Fedorivka of Donetsk region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

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Ukrainian military had 54 combat engagements with Russian forces near Terny of Donetsk region and Bilohorivka of Luhansk regi...

Ukrainian military had 54 combat engagements with Russian forces near Terny of Donetsk region and Bilohorivka of Luhansk region, Klischiyivka, Andriyivka, Stupochky and south to Chasiv Yar of Donetsk region, Berdychi, Orlivka, Tonenke, Pervomayske and Nevelske of Donetsk region, Krasnohorivka, Heorhiyivka, Novomykhaylivka and Pobyeda of Donetsk region, Robotyne, Staromayorske and nort-west Verbove of Zaporizhzhia region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

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Explosions were reported in Kherson

Explosions were reported in Kherson

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A missile was reportedly shot down in Odesa district

A missile was reportedly shot down in Odesa district

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