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March 14. This day in history

14 березня. Цей день в історії

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Ukrainian military had 70 combat engagements with Russian forces near Tabayivka of Kharkiv region and Stelmakhivka of Luhansk...

Ukrainian military had 70 combat engagements with Russian forces near Tabayivka of Kharkiv region and Stelmakhivka of Luhansk region, Terny and Yampolivka of Donetsk region, Chasiv Yar, Bohdanivka and Klischiyivka of Donetsk region, Berdychi, Orlivka, Tonenke, Pervomayske of Donetsk region, Krasnohorivka, Heorhiyivka, Novomykhaylivka of Donetsk region, Staromayorske of Donetsk region, west to Verbove and Robotyne of Zaporizhzhia region, at the eastern bank of Dnipro river in Kherson region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

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Violent explosion was reported in Sloviansk

Violent explosion was reported in Sloviansk

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Volunteers became those who were not subject to mobilization: about the military traditions of Sich Sagittarius

The Ukrainian National Military Volunteer Movement originated 110 years ago during the First World War. At that time, the first Ukrainian volunteers of the modern day were the soldiers of the famous legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (USS).

The Candidate of Historical Sciences, an employee of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory Ivan Stichinsky, told about the Ukrainian Volunteer Legion of Sich Riflemen who had a tremendous influence on the creation of the Ukrainian militaristic tradition.

Ivan Stichinsky

Sich shooters are the first Ukrainian volunteers of the present

The Ukrainian Volunteer Legion of Sich Sagittarius was created at the peak of a military volunteer movement when such formations were created in many countries.

- Sich shooters are the first Ukrainian military volunteers of the Modern Age in the modern sense of the word, - says the scientist.

Card of Sich Sagittarius

Thus, the Legion of Sich Riflemen can be considered rightly the first Ukrainian national military formation in the twentieth century.

It is the volunteers who became the creators of the Ukrainian national militar tradition

-As volunteers, Sich Riflemen have become a good example of a combination of purely military armed struggle and cultural-educational and agitation-propaganda work,-the historian emphasizes.

This was what allowed Ukrainian volunteers to lay the foundations of the Ukrainian national military tradition, many of which have imitation in the modern Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The assault brigade of Ukrainian Sich Sagittarius

At that time, it was extremely relevant, because Ukrainians did not have their own modern military terminology, title, unicorn, etc. Having created all this, Ukrainian Sich Riflemen have determined the vector of development of the national militar tradition.

Volunteers of the USS is the customizers on the contrary

In the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, it was forbidden to serve those Ukrainians who were mobilized to the Austro-Hungarian army. Therefore, the first Ukrainian volunteers were those who sought to join the army, but could not do it in another way but to join the volunteer armed formation.

-In the Legion it was forbidden to serve those Ukrainians who were mobilized in the Austro-Hungarian army,-says Ivan Stichinsky. - Therefore, the Sich Riflemen were first and foremost those who had restrictions on military service, was unfit or who did not want to take the army.

The flag of Ukrainian Sich Sagittarius

Against this background, the first Ukrainian volunteers can be considered as evanners, because having the full right to avoid mobilization, they went to the army out of their own will.

Conscious choice to become volunteer made for the sake of Ukraine

- It should be understood that the legion of Ukrainian Sich shooters is a certain crown of the Ukrainian national movement of the late XIX - early XX century. Before that, the Falcon, Sich, Plast, Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, were created, - the historian emphasizes.

It was the leaders, members and pupils of these organizations who were the core of the Ukrainian Volunteer Legion. They deliberately announced the army, seeking to serve the Ukrainian national movement.

Lifetime of the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (brand of the series "Armed Forces of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921")

The purpose of Ukrainian volunteers was to create a national armed formation, which in the future should become the basis of the army of an independent Ukrainian state. Thus, in the ranks of a foreign army, the embryo of the Ukrainian national armed forces matured, which has shown itself in the days of the first liberation competitions.

The peculiarity of the Ukrainian Volunteer Movement - Women in the Army

- The Ukrainian volunteer movement has such an extremely bright page as women in the army. Recently, an exhibition of women in the War took place at the Military-Historical Museum in Vienna, and this topic was illustrated by the Ukrainians from the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Sagittarius,-says Ivan Stichinsky.

Elena Stepaniv

Elena Stepaniv, Sofia Galechko, Anna Dmitryko and other militarymen played an extremely significant role in the history of the legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. Since then, the active participation of women in the army has become a characteristic feature of the Ukrainian volunteer military movement, which has continued.

110 years the military society "Ukrainian Sich Riflemen" - embryos of modern Ukrainian army
110 років військовому товариству «Українські Січові Стрільці» — зародкові модерного українського війська

Therefore, the modern involvement of many Ukrainian women in the defense forces is also a continuation of the powerful tradition laid in the early twentieth century.

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As a journalist, programmer, geodesist and entrepreneur find enemy equipment, disguised as a pile of garbage. Photo report

The guys in the photo are one of the "oldest", in their words, and the most experienced crews of unmanned airlines from the battalion of unmanned the unarmed systems of the 3rd separate assault brigade of the Armed Forces.

Their technique is Lelek-100. The guys have been working on it since the beginning of the brigade's combat path.

The military says they received their "bird" thanks to the joint efforts of Ukrainians - through the collection of volunteer Igor Lachenko, who he declared on his social networks. Collection, recall the military, "closed at space rate".

Initially, the crew worked on Bakhmut, and now in another, no less important direction. Storks are intelligence and adjustment.

The fighter with the call sign "Yoyo" is one of the pilots of this crew. The brothers say that "his eye finds the enemy on the monitor screen."

Before Joyo's large -scale invasion, he worked as a programmer at SoftServe. From the first days of the Great War, he volunteered in the 98th Battalion of Territorial Defense (Dnipro). From there he went to the third assault.

The commander of this crew is "cream". According to the brothers, he is "the most experienced of all pilots in the Donbass steppes."

The large -scale invasion of Russians met in Kiev, took an active part in the defense of the capital. Until February 24, he worked as a journalist. He has combat experience because he started the path of the military since 2014, with the ranks of the Azov battalion.

Ditsik is a liaison. In civil life - a private entrepreneur, he was engaged in automotive business.

Originally from Bucha. At the beginning of a large -scale invasion of the guerrilla surrounded by the enemy. Immediately after the liberation of his hometown from the invaders went to the war.

Together with Datsik in the artillery of the 3rd assault serves his brother "Messer".

The youngest member of the crew is the Bucks decoder.

The man from Khmelnitsky went to the war in the fall of 2022. In civil life, it is a geodetic engineer, so his knowledge of cartography became more useful.

- He finds hostile equipment, even disguised as a pile of garbage! Bucks is the best decoder throughout the brigade! - says the brothers "Yoyo".

The military emphasizes that almost every flying flight is a unique story.

It takes a lot of time to tell everyone, the army says. But the most recent of them is the first confirmed destination of the goal that the artillery was found and adjusted. It was the hostile SAU 2C1 "Carnation".

Photo by Anton Shevelyova

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In the east and south - a difficult operational environment, 79 ammunition per day

During the last day, 79 combat clashes took place. In total, the enemy inflicted 2 missile and 64 aviation strikes, and made 93 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces, reports the Armyinform.

In Kupyansk directionOur defenders reflected 4 enemy attacks in the areas of Tabayivka of Kharkiv region and Stelmakhivka of Luhansk region.

In the estuary directionOur warriors repelled 11 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements of Bigorivka of Luhansk region; Torni, Yampolivka and Verkhnakamyansk Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut directionThe forces of defense repelled 3 enemy attacks in the areas of the Eastern Time Yar, Bogdanivka and Klischivka of Donetsk region.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders repelled 20 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdychi, Orlovka, Tonny, Pervomaisk and Nevelskoye Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the areas of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Novomikhailivka and south of the Golden Niva of Donetsk region, where the enemy tried 29 times to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Orikhiv directionThe enemy has attacked the positions of our defenders 7 times in the areas of Staromayorsky Donetsk region, west of the Verbov and Robzhny Zaporizhzhya region.

In the Kherson directionThe enemy does not give up the intention to knock out our units from the bridgeheads on the Dnieper Left Bank. So, during the last day, 2 unsuccessful storms of the positions of our troops have been carried out.

As reportedArmyinform, last day at the front of 70 fighting collisions: 14 attacks of the enemy were reflected in the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces.

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He was in the "Ilovay boiler" and to the last he kept defense - the story of Victor Kirgan's volunteer

March 14 in Ukraine celebrate Ukrainian Volunteer Day. It was on this day of 2014 that the first 500 volunteers of the Maidan self-defense arrived at the Novy Petrivka landfill to form the first volunteer battalion, from which 1 BOP NSU was formed. Kulchytsky.

- It all started in 2014, when my brother went to the Maidan (the Revolution of Dignity) and returned from there in bruising and in a bloody cured jacket. And by phone he said that all is well so we would not worry. Although we were worried and feared anyway, - says Victor's sister.

After that bloody “green corridor” we have not seen you for many years

Immediately after the Maidan, a young guy or, as his older brothers said, "almost a child" decided to join the volunteer movement and joined the battalion of the special purpose "Saint Maria"

- Victor was in hundreds of Jesus Christ. We turned out to be the only Vinnytsia fellow countrymen and quickly wrapped. Not everyone could hold such a high moral bar, combining military and religious discipline, and it was easy to do so ... Ilovaysk was ahead. We came from different positions. After that, the bloody "green corridor" we did not see him for many years, because during the rescue of the wounded brother flew into my neck. Later, we saw with him 131 OMBR when Vitya became an officer. I was very glad to see him in this role and rejoiced that we, old soldiers, had a worthy replacement. Then I learned that he died in the Kherson region ... such a devastation, Lord ..., - the former brother of the warrior recalls.

Found himself 15 meters before the enemy trench

"You know why I do not like sunflowers and can't look at them?" Victor once asked for his wife, during a traditional joint journey on a motorcycle.

Then the volunteer's wife joked that it was probably due to the fact that she would make her arrange a half -hour photo shoot under the scorching sun in the middle of the field, but Victor's gaze changed ...

-The man said that then in 2014, the battle line stretched through the sunflower field, which had already grown almost to human growth. Nothing was visible, and no one understood what was happening a few meters from the trench. During one of the outings, Vitya was 15 meters before the enemy trench, and he heard well as the invaders communicated with each other. So he had to sit in those sunflowers until late at night, and then quietly crawl to his own, hoping not to come across a stretch or under fire, - the wife of the volunteer shared.

According to the woman, Victor was reluctant to tell about hell in which he had to visit ... only sometimes, reflexively, as when meeting with the sunflower field, which caused a number of painful memories.

- He was in the boiler itself, where he held defense with his brothers until the last. In fact, they were simply thrown at the same time. There was a leadership, ammunition, and even a field kitchen ... Some units took responsibility and left the position on their own. At that time, the Muscovites began to give a "green corridor" and fire our soldiers, - the wife said.

Got to positions for several days and nights

Victor's unit also retreated through the famous sunflower field, moving exclusively at night. So they got to our positions for several days and nights ...

Later, the commander of the unit in which Victor fought was detained for betrayal and surrendering positions, but the boys defended him, they say, and then they were also necessary for arrest, because they were all together, and thank him to preserve his own lives.

- A lot of questions before they began to treat volunteers in society. It seems that only with the beginning of a full -scale war, society remembered who these people were, and evaluated their feat. After all, in fact, all volunteers - heroes. These are first and foremost people who went to defend us and understood all so much earlier than on February 24, - said the volunteer's wife.

When Victor became a student of the military institute and studied the history of wars more deeply, he often said that the full -scale war would not be missing, and it would be more likely to be in the near future. Such rhetoric guy has nominated constantly since 2018 and called on his former brothers not to relax and bribe the "projectile" ...

Could not fall asleep on the bed because it is too soft

In one of the warm summer nights of 2016, during his vacation, Victor came to visit his sister. Again a motorcycle ... Victor loved this type of transport, because when he was at the wheel of a two -wheeled "friend", he felt true freedom he was so lacking in his service.

- Then we were crushed until late at night, and did not want to disperse. But Vitya had important plans for the morning, so we decided to sleep a little. When I went to wake him up in the morning, I saw my brother on the floor in the bedroom. To my surprised look, he replied that he had a little wild in those fields, and could not fall asleep on the bed because it was too soft. I suggested that he still relax and postpone plans, but he firmly jumped from the floor, and said that we were going, - said the volunteer's sister.

Ilovaysk and sunflowers

The woman recalls that then they were silently arrived in a neighboring village, where a large sunflower field was spread before them. Then Victor asked her sister or remembered his story about Ilovaysk, and she nodded her head. At that time, the volunteer confessed to his sister that he had an acute reaction to the sunflower fields since then, and he could not respond adequately to them, corresponding to the real environment. The man set the sister's task: just to be near, not talk, and not distract, but if he is very "swim", then to do something.

-Then I tried to offer him to turn to a psychologist, already knowing the negative answer in advance, because my brother believed that a person could be a psychologist. But what was my surprise when he said that if there was nothing in the event today, he would turn ... I would have to betray, but on the contrary, it means that it means that it is very difficult for a morally brother if he is ready to cross even because of her prejudice, - said Victor's sister.

Then, despite the morning of Victor at the head, small drops of sweat sparkled, a vein fought on the temple, and his hands, then squeezed into a fist, then squeezed again. Brother and sister wandered between sunflowers in complete silence. It is unknown how long this "walk" lasted, but the sun had already risen above the horizon, and only then Victor first uttered the word.

- He asked me whether I saw the forest, and I nodded my head affirmatively. Then he smiled widely, he said that it was almost shot by the hunters at the age of 9. I then said that despite the strong love, I still want to stuff it with a broom, - the volunteer sister recalls with a smile.

At the same time, he was both a soldier who is at war and a physician

After a while, Victor still managed to cope with his own reactions that prevented him from living. He also managed to become a real combat officer, whom he sought to be. The volunteer did not want to sit in the rear, collecting awards and praise, and then 30 years later in the medals to head some council and tell the students about the exploits in which he did not participate.

- In general, Vitya in this ... The military sense was quite modest. Even talking about Ilovaysk. At the same time, he was both a soldier who is fighting and a physician. I think it happened because of his presence, though he had a veterinary, but still medical education. He told little about it, but he often had to collect the remains of his fallen brothers from the shrubs. I remember, somehow Vitya came to me during a vacation and said: Imagine, there is a person with whom you communicate daily, shake dry, fight, and after a while you collect its remains to send your family, - said a friend of volunteer, Taras.

Pulled out the wounded brothers

The sense of duty, courage and military honor is evidenced by Victor's heroic act at the beginning of a large -scale invasion, just a week before his death. Then the officer, he pulled out the wounded brothers near Oleshok, which in the Kherson region, thus saving their lives.

On March 12, 2022, a volunteer, an officer, commander, a person who loved his business and the country more in his lifetime.

It probably happened near the settlement of Stepova Valley, which in Kherson region, where the man performed the task at that time ... To tell exactly where it happened and to be accurate in the date - it is impossible, because Victor's body rot in the so -called "gray zone" for over a year, for more than a year And for half a year the DNA procedure continued.

Victor Kirgan was buried on April 20, 2023 in a closed coffin in his native Vinnytsia region.

Nowadays, relatives and brothers are actively working to preserve the memory of a warrior who devoted to a continuous struggle against the enemy for 10 years, and gave the most valuable thing - his life.

Let us honor the warriors - volunteers!

Remember everyone!

Forever in order!

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Ukrainian aviation has hit seven areas of enemy forces

During the last day, the Aviation of Defense forces has struck 7 areas of concentration of the enemy's personnel.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces, reports the Armyinform.

Also, the forces and means of air defense of Ukraine have destroyed one rocket.

The missile troops have led to 2 areas of the enemy's personnel.

"At the same time, our warriors continue to be active in the occupation troops of losses in living strength and technology, depleting the enemy along the entire front line," the Armed Forces emphasized.

As reportedArmyinform, in the east and south - a complex operational situation, 79 combatants per day.

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Defense forces disrupted the landing of the Russian DRG in Kherson

Illustrative photo

On the night of March 13, the Defense Forces disrupted the reconnaissance mission of the Russians who tried to swim on the Dnieper boat and land on the right bank in the Antonovsky Bridge in Kherson.

About thisreportThe forces of the South Defense.

"Under the dense fire of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, the occupier boat fuel the fate of the Russian fleet - having lost a quarter of its capacity and filling, rehearsed to the left bank again," the statement said.

At the same time, Gaulayter of the temporarily occupied Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo ", as an example of Liarhun," cleaned "in his telegram-channel the bridgehead and was going to return there." The military promised the invaders "reception with the fire".

"Our units reliably keep the defense of the right bank, and the enemy in an attempt to get a pseudo -conduction to pseudo -elections is ready to lose, lie, disgrace and die to satisfy the ambitions of the dictator," the military forces of the South added.

As reportedArmyinform, recently in Sumy region, the Ukrainian military stopped the enemy DRG.

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The Russian Army is in Zaporozhye by airplaces: there is a destruction of residential buildings

290 beats in 7 cities and villages of Zaporizhzhya region caused the enemy during the day. The Russian servicemen were pushed with 4 airplaces in robots, a small toxmachka and Guliaypol.

About thisreportedHead of Zaporizhzhya Regional Military Administration Ivan Fedorov.

"The troops of the Russian Federation carried out 6 RSSVs of the robot, and also attacked 84 drones Gulyaypole, Novodanilovka, Levadne, robot, little Tokmachka and Malinivka," he said.

According to Ivan Fedorov, the enemy has inflicted 196 artudarpo territory of Gulyaypol, Robovy, Malynivka, Little Tokmachka, Novodanylivka Levadna and Bitter.

There were 9 reports of destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure.

"The civilians were not injured," said the head of Zaporizhzhya Ova.

As reportedArmyinform, the enemy fired at the border of Sumy region, is dead and wounded.

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On the 750th day of the Ukrainian resistance minus another 970 invaders, 5 tanks and 17 BBM

The total fighting loss of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 14.03.24 is approximately:

  • personnel - -427840 (+970) persons liquidated
  • tanks -6757 (+5)
  • combat armored vehicles -12938 (+17)
  • Artillery systems -10565 (+11)
  • RSZV -1017 (0)
  • air defense means -717 (+2)
  • aircraft -347 (0)
  • Helicopters -325 (0)
  • UAV of the operative-tactical level-8220 (+15)
  • Winged rockets -1920 (+1)
  • ships / boats -26 (0)
  • submarines -1 (0)
  • Automobile equipment and tanks -13959 (+27)
  • Special technique -1708 (+9)

Data are clarified ...

Beat the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in truth!

Source:The General Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineAs of 14.03.24.

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The Russians released on Kharkiv C-300 and Shahda missiles: what is known about the hit

On March 14, Russian troops attacked Kharkiv with the use of shock-free Shahamed and C-300 missiles.

Mayor Igor Terekhov and the head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov reported about it.

“The invaders struck the C-300 rocket on the Shevchenkivskyi district of Kharkiv. At this moment - without the victims. There are damage to non -residential civilians. The inspection of the place is the profile services, ” -wroteOleg Synigubov.

Earlier Igor Terekhovinformed,that the hostile "Shahaned" fell in the city center in the area of private homes. Fortunately, it was without the victims.

Subsequently the mayorspecifiedthat "the second in the morning" arrival "occurred in the forest belt of the city near non -residential premises", "minor damage to several buildings" was recorded.

As reported by the Armyinform, the army of the Russian FederationGetIn Zaporizhzhia, air buildings are destruction.

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Two hostile rocket launchers are on duty in the Mediterrane

As of March 14, there are three enemy ships in the Mediterranean on March 14, including two carriers of the Caliber, a total volley of up to 12 missiles.

About thisreportNavy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

There are no Russian ships in the Black and Azov Seas.

During the day in the interests of the Russian Federation the passage of the Kerch Strait was made:

  • 11 vessels to the Azov Sea, 2 of them moved from the Bosphorus Strait;
  • To the Black Sea - 10 vessels, 5 of them continued the movement in the direction of the Bosphorus.

The Russian Federation continues to violate the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of 1974 (SOLAS), switching off automatic identification systems (AIS).

As reported by the Armyinform, last day RussiaI startedAll ships to the bases in the Black and Azov Seas.

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The Russians did not take into account the spirit and will of the volunteers who rose to the defense of Ukraine - the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces

Oleksandr Syrskyi. Photo by Kharkiv Media Hub

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi, congratulated all those involved on the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer.

He is about itwroteIn his telegram channel.

According to the Colonel General, planning his attack on Ukraine, the Russians calculated all our forces and means of defense coldly. They clearly saw their advantage, but did not take into account one - the spirit and will of Ukrainian volunteers who rose to defend Ukraine.

“Exactly 10 years ago, on March 14, in the morning, from the Independence Square, hundreds of Maidan self -defense fighters went to a training in Novi Petrivka in Kyiv region. They became fighters of the first volunteer battalion of the National Guard of Ukraine. In a few days, volunteer battalions have already been organized in many cities of Ukraine. Yesterday's teachers, doctors, students, entrepreneurs, athletes, and the Avita made their choice - to defend Ukraine's independence, ”Alexander Sirsky emphasized.

He also noted that he remembers the faces in the volunteer battalions in the area of the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine, he remembers this courage and insane motivation. These are the fighters that every commander, every military leader dreams of. All over the world.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine noted that he would never forget the long queues at the territorial recruitment centers in Kyiv in February 2022. The influx was such that they did not have time to mobilize everyone.

“When commanding the defense of the capital, I ordered the mobilization of all volunteers directly through brigades and battalions, on the basis of territorial defense forces, because I understood that volunteers came to defend their families, their home streets and cities, their country. Looking at those queues, I finally realized that the Russians would not be able to pass a parade in Kiev. Neither three days nor in three months. Never. They calculated again, delaying themselves and the whole world into a terrible war, which will inevitably end the defeat of the aggressor, the defeat of Russia, ”the head said.

He was in the "Ilovaisk cauldron" and held the line to the last – the story of volunteer Viktor Kyrgan
Він був у самому «Іловайському котлі» та до останнього тримав оборону – історія добровольця Віктора Киргана

In addition, Oleksandr Syrskyi thanked all the volunteers.

"It is with a heavy heart that I bow to the fallen volunteers. We will not forgive the enemy for any death. And I also thank all the future volunteers. I am grateful to those who will join the army tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a month. Thank you for looking at vacancies in the army, for looking for a position for yourself, for worrying about how to join the defense of Ukraine. We will do our best to ensure that each and every one of you finds a place suitable for your skills, abilities and capabilities. Letʼs remember that Ukraine exists as long as there is someone to protect it," the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine summed up.

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As a result of the Shahheda night attack in four cities of Sumy region there is a clutch in civilian infrastructure

On the night of March 14, Russian invaders attacked Shahheda Civilian infrastructure of Sumy, Shostka, Trostyanets and Bilopillya.

About thisinformsSumy Regional Military Administration.

The enemy also struck rocket strikes on Shostka and Trostyanets.

Currently, emergency rescue services are operating on arrivals.

The RMA noted that the consequences of the strikes are being clarified.

As ArmyInform reported, at night the Russiansreleasedon Kharkivu S-300 tha "shahedi" missiles.

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GUR told what the election results "draw" Putin

Vladimir Putin during a straight line. Photo: EPA

In the enslaved Ukrainian territories, the Russian occupiers have already started early "voting" for their President Putin — intimidating the local population and actively involving collaborators. Although the results of the "elections" in the Kremlin are known in advance. Why is Moscow trying to play the "rule of law" in the eyes of the West and what results will it "draw" for Putin?

About thistoldRepresentative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Vadim Skybitsky.

According to him, the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has set the task of his detachment and local collaborators in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to "draw" the turnout of citizens 75% and as much percent of its support. However, as Vadim Skybitsky suggests, it is very likely that the servants can "draw" 85% and above to please their owner.

"These figures matter exclusively for Putin and Russian propaganda to try to show his support both in Russia and in the occupied territories. But it is obvious that these elections are another farce, the results of which are known in advance in the Kremlin," Vadym Skibitskyi explained.

As reported by the Armyinform, in military intelligence told aboutthe consequences of explosions on refinery in.

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In Ukraine a moment of silence

According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky No. 143/2022, a minute of silence is spent daily at 9:00, it is announced in all media.

“For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit, stability and heroic feat of warriors who died in the performance of combat missions to protect state sovereignty and territorial integrity , I make: start a daily at 9 o'clock 00 minutes of a nationwide minute of silence for compatriots, killed as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which to declare in all media, regardless of ownership, ”the document reads.

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Nataliya Humeniuk spoke about the enemy's unsuccessful raids on boats along the Dnipro

Illustrative photo

The spokeswoman for the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine, Colonel Natalia Humeniuk, said that the Russian occupation army is trying to conduct its raids on boats along the Dnipro, but is suffering heavy losses.

Natalia Humeniuk provided her comments during a live broadcast of the only news on March 14, 2024 on the morning of March 14, 2024.

“They try to maneuver on boats among the islands that are at the mouth of the Dnieper, where they are equipped with their observation points and try to bring to them ammunition. But that is why our daily reports feature destroyed enemy boats, from two to four. And over the past day, minus four boats from the invaders, ”said the spokeswoman for the Defense Forces of South of Ukraine.

According to her, the enemy has long promoted the narrative that he would return to the right bank of the Dnieper.

"And this has been especially intensified as they approach the date of quasi -Imaging, which they try to accompany the staging against the landing on the right bank," Natalia Humeniuk said.

She said that recently the enemy tried to land on the right bank of the Dnieper - a reconnaissance raid.

“Here they have succeeded in one such attempt. It was an attempt at a sabotage and intelligence group on a boat to approach the right shore in the area of the Antonovsky Bridge under our dense fire. Let me remind you that the right bank is higher than the left and because of this the artillery fire is more successful in this direction. They were forced to return, having virtually a quarter of their forces and means, ”said the spokeswoman for the South Defense forces.

As reportedArmyinformOn the night of March 13, the forces of defense disrupted the reconnaissance mission of the Russians who tried to swim on the Dnieper boat and land on the right bank in the Antonovsky Bridge in Kherson.

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First Mobile: US Army Tests AMPV armored vehicle with NEMO mortar system

Caterpillar AMPV armor with mortar system Patria NEMO. Photo: Bae Systems

The British Transnational Bae Systems PLC enterprise commissioned the US Army has implemented a project on equipping a track -proof AMPV armored personnel carrier with a FIFT self -propelled mortar.

AsThey boastThe authors of the portal of the manufacturer, American troops received the world's first mobile mortar prototype with remote control, reports the Armyinform.

The details of this project provided for the supplement of the AMPV caterpillar car chassis EXtern Mission Equipment Package, which allows you to quickly install different combat modules. The self -propelled installation was equipped with a remotely controlled mortar system Patria NEMO.

"This supply marks the debut of the first fully automated mortar system in the world installed on a tracked armored personnel carrier," the developers said.

NEMO is a remotely controlled 120 mm mortar system developed by the Finnish company Patria.

120-mm Patria NEMO mortar system is an advanced tower mortar system with remote control, designed for direct and indirect fire support. The only tower mortar in the world that can be installed on ground platforms, ships and stationary positions. NEMO offers exceptional versatility and fire power.

It is capable of firing up to 10 rounds per minute, and its high rate of fire, as well as its multi-projectile strike capability (MRSI), allow it to launch multiple projectiles that can hit the same target at the same time, maximizing the effect of hitting the target and minimizing the time it takes for the platform to be exposed to enemy fire. The system's automation provides fast aiming, firing and aiming, which significantly increases the efficiency and safety of the crew.

The NEMO system can use a wide range of types of ammunition, offering solutions for various tactical requirements, including smoke, lighting and high -precision ammunition, which makes it a key asset for modern military forces that need flexible and powerful fire support capabilities.

The 120-mm mortar system of Patria NEMO is distinguished by its impressive maximum firing range and the possibility of rapid deployment. It can affect targets up to 10 kilometers with conventional ammunition, and this range can be increased by using jet shells, increasing operational flexibility and efficiency in various combat scenarios.

The system design involves rapid deployment and mobility, allowing you to move from motion mode to firing mode in minutes. This possibility of rapid deployment guarantees that forces can quickly respond to threats and use tactical capabilities when they occur.

The combination of extended range, quick setup and stacking makes the NEMO system an invaluable tool for providing immediate, powerful fire support over a wide area of operations, providing an advantage in firepower and making a significant contribution to the success of military battles.

Compared to existing mortar transporters, which feature a traditional 120mm mortar system, this new prototype represents a monumental leap in capability, offering increased operational flexibility and force protection while ensuring that soldiers remain protected by the vehicle's armor.

In the coming months, the prototype of the AMPV tower mortar will undergo a comprehensive field inspection by the United States Army to check its effectiveness in accordance with the strict requirements of the modern war.

Experts of the defense portal IKK Defense Expressstatedthat AMPV armored vehicles in the NEMO mortar tower have several advantages. In particular, a high level of automation allows you to open fire faster than ordinary armored vehicles with 120 mm mortars.

In addition, a significant level of process automation allows an armored vehicle with a NEMO turret to quickly switch fire from one target on the battlefield to another, which is also an undoubted advantage.

The fire control system can operate in the mode of "firing raid" when six artillery mines are sent to the target at the same time. In addition, this system allows you to fire on the move. But the most important detail that relates to the survivability on the battlefield is the level of automation of charging and fire conducting the crew in principle not to leave the car.

As beforedeclaredArmyInform, before that, BAE Systems also demonstrated a variant of the AMPV vehicle in the version of a short-range air defense system equipped with a combat moduleM-SHORADintended to fight air purposes.

Field tests of self -propelled mortar system Patria NEMO. Video: Patria Group

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2 drones attacked Prokhorovka village of Belgorod region

2 drones attacked Prokhorovka village of Belgorod region

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China and NATO representatives had a meeting in Beijing: among topics - Russian invasion of Ukraine

Representatives of the Ministry of Defense of China and the North Atlantic Alliance on March 13 held an eighth meeting in Beijing within the framework of military dialogue on security policy. One of the main topics at the meeting was the continuing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

About thisIt is saidon the NATO website.

“The NATO delegation headed by the director of the cooperative security department, Major General Dachian-Tiberi Sherban, met with Major General Yao Zin, Deputy Director of the Bureau of International Military Cooperation and his staff.

The topics discussed at the meeting included: global and regional security landscapes with an emphasis on Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine; maritime safety; and questions that are of common interest, ”the message reads.

It is noted that both parties have agreed with the value of the continuation of the interaction.

The NATO representative emphasized the importance of such negotiations that are a valuable forum to solve common problems and interests.

As reported by the Armyinform, presidents of Lithuania and FranceThey saidthat Ukraine needs to give the necessary support and stop the bloody Kremlin regime.

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The Defense Forces reported on the effect of the destruction of the enemy checkpoint on the Pogodin tanker

Colonel Natalia Humeniuk spoke to a significant reduction in the use of the FPV-Droons in the Nikolaev direction after the destruction of the enemy commanding point on the Tanker "Pogodin" in the Kinburn Spit area.

Natalia Humeniuk provided her comments during a live broadcast of the only news on March 14, 2024 on the morning of March 14, 2024.

"The destruction of the drone management point in the Kinburn Spit, which was located on a civilian vessel, would be reminded that it was a few days ago, led to the fact that in the Nikolaev direction the use of the FPV-punks decreased significantly,"-said the spokeswoman for the south of Ukraine.

In addition, according to Natalia Humeniuk, geography is again on the side of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

"The right shore, which is above the left, allows us to use more effectively, for example, radio electronic struggle than enemies," she said.

As reportedАрміяInform, in the Navy of the Armed Forces, the Russian Tanker "Pogodin" destroyed in the Kinburn Spit.

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Ukraine's victory depends on the strength and reliability of transatlantic connections - Josep Borrel

The high representative of the EU Josep Borrel noted that the victory of the Ukrainian state in the fight against Russian aggression depends on the strength and reliability of transatlantic ties.

Josep Borrel made such a statement in Washington during a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken,informsEuropean Foreign Action Service.

The EU Chief Diplomat also thanked the United States for providing a new military assistance package for Ukraine.

"The EU High Representative stressed the need for more, faster and more stable military assistance to Ukraine. He thanked the United States for its recent decision to provide additional military assistance, and stressed that victory in Ukraine is based on the continuation of our strong transatlantic ties," the statement reads.

The EU and the United States's main diplomats have also discussed coordination of efforts to find just and long peace in Ukraine, including global involvement in international initiatives, such as the Ukrainian Peace Formula.

"The EU High Representative has confirmed the EU's obligation to provide long -term assistance for Ukraine, which is now € 138 billion, and will increase and informed its American colleague about the latest development of events on the path of Ukraine to EU membership," the information said.

As reported by the Armyinform, Ambassadors of the EUThey agreedAbout additional 5 billion euros to assist weapons to Ukraine.

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Today the Diet of Latvia will vote for a statement about the illegitimacy of elections in

Today, March 14, the Latvian Parliament will consider the project of a statement about the recognition of illegal "elections" of the President of Russia.

About thisinformsSeiamu press service.

On the eve of the Seimas Foreign Affairs, it approved a statement in which it categorically rejects and does not recognize the legitimacy of the elections held by Russia in the temporarily occupied and annexed territories of Ukraine.

"Such actions of Russia on the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine are illegal and will not be recognized," said the chairman of the commission, Rihards Kols.

He strongly stated that in Russia there is an authoritarian regime, which is characterized by fictitious elections and imitation of democracy. And these presidential elections will be neither free nor fair, with widespread suppression of the opposition and independent media.

“They have no decent trust, political competition and lack independent international monitoring, soThe Russian President's elections do not have a democratic legitimacy», - said Richards Cols.

The statement states that the European Union, its Member States and allies around the world should continue to provide comprehensive support to Ukraine, including political, economic, financial and military assistance, as well as support for civil society and national restoration.

The Sejm agreed to include the consideration of the March 14 application prepared by the Foreign Affairs Committee on the illegitimacy of the Russian "elections" on the agenda of the meeting.

As reported byArmyinform, in GUR, they told what election results "draw" Putin.

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Several Shahed drone groups over several regions

Several Shahed drone groups over several regions

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Almost 300 explosions occurred at the Sumy and Chernihiv border and Chernihiv region

Russian invaders continue to fire the border areas of Chernihiv and Sumy regions. In total, 62 shelling (291 explosions) from different types of weapons were charged during the day.

About thisinformsOperational Command "North".

Three communities of Chernihiv oblast came under enemy fire.

Semeniv community:

  • Kostobobriv – 3 explosions, probably a 120 mm mortar.

Novgorod-Siversky community:

  • Buda Vorobyevskaya - 7 explosions, probably a mortar 120 mm.

Snovsk community:

  • Khrinivka – 19 explosions, probably MLRS.

The regional center and three districts of Sumy region fired the enemy for the past day.

  • Sumy – 2 explosions, probably a Shahed UAV.

Sumy District:

  • Ryzhivka - 2 explosions, probably become artillery; 6 explosions, probably RSZV.
  • Golishevsk - 4 explosions, probably a mortar 82 mm.
  • Konstantinovka - 4 explosions, probably become artillery.
  • Mogrits - 10 explosions, probably RSZV.
  • Basivka - 1 explosion, probably dropping the UAV; 1 explosion, probably shoab.
  • Old clips - 3 explosions, probably become artillery.
  • Pavlovka - 2 shelling: 16 explosions, probably become artillery.
  • Gardens - 6 explosions, probably become artillery.
  • Krasnopillya - 2 shelling: 15 explosions, probably barrel artillery.
  • Lock - 9 explosions, probably a mortar 120 mm.
  • Volphin - 4 shelling: 21 explosions, probably a mortar 82 mm; 2 explosions, probably become artillery.
  • Katerynivka-1 explosion, probably FPV-Dron.
  • Hawk - 3 explosions, probably become artillery.
  • Bilopillya - 2 shelling: 9 explosions, probably barrel artillery; 2 explosions, probably Shahhed UAV.
  • Divination - 3 shelling: 11 explosions, probably barrel artillery.
  • Iskrykivshchyna - 2 shelling: 7 explosions, probably a tank.

Okhtyr District:

  • Free - 2 shelling: 4 explosions, probably cab; 2 explosions, probably become artillery.
  • Pozhnya – 5 explosions, probably barrel artillery.
  • Trostyanets – 2 explosions, probably Shahed UAVs.
  • Great Pisarivka - 3 shelling: 8 explosions, probably room. As a result of the shelling, a dwelling house was destroyed.
  • Popivka - 2 shelling: 8 explosions, probably become artillery; 3 shelling: 13 explosions, probably at the helicopter; 6 shelling: 15 explosions, probably cab; 10 explosions, probably RSZV.
  • Yizdetske – 2 attacks: 40 explosions, probably MLRS; 3 explosions, probably barrel artillery.
  • Lugovka - 8 explosions, probably RSZV.
  • Oleksandrivka — 3 explosions, probably KAB.
  • Ponomarenka - 1 explosion, probably room.

Shostka district:

  • Shostka - 2 explosions, probably Shahaned UAV; 1 explosion, probably managed rocket.
  • Romashkove — 2 explosions, probably SHOAB.

Information on the destruction, dead or injured among the local population is specified.

As reported by the Armyonform, as a result of the shot of the Shahaneda's night attackIn four cities of Sumy regionThere is a clutch in civilian infrastructure.

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A man who worked on the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was detained. He is threatened with imprisonment

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has detained a russian agent who tried to blow up power lines on railways and rolling stock near a junction station in Kharkiv region.

About thisinformsSBU.

The attacker was a local resident who worked for the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia (known as the game).

“He planned to use a homemade explosive device to commit a series of explosions. The instruction for its manufacture in "home" conditions was remotely received from the military intelligence of the Russian Federation, ”the department said.

In the case of sabotage, the invaders hoped to violate the logistics of supply of fuel and ammunition for defense forces in the estuary direction. However, the aggressor failed.

The SBU documented the scout and subversive activity of the saboteur and detained him at the stage of preparing explosions.

The person performed another task of the game - he collected information about the places of base of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces in Kharkiv and Pavlograd, in Dnipropetrovsk. For this purpose, the attacker went around the area of both regions in the dark and hidden locations of Ukrainian troops.

According to the investigation, the person involved remotely coordinated his actions with a friend - a representative of the agent apparatus of the Russian GRU, which is in the Russian Federation.

Currently, investigators of the Security Service have informed him of the suspicion of unauthorized dissemination of information about the displacement or placement of the Armed Forces committed in martial law. He is threatened with imprisonment.

As reported by the Armyinform, the former Ukrainian SumystkaThey will be triedfor the support and financing of the army of the Russian Federation.

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Scouts destroyed the Russian "Mur-M" and a car with the occupiers

Military intelligence officers of Ukraine found and destroyed the Russian video surveillance complex "Murom-M" and cars of the occupiers in the Zaporizhzhia region.

About thisinformsMain Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

"The special unit of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine" Kabul 9 "continues to identify and destroy Russian invaders in the Zaporozhye region," the military said.

In the video-the results of one day of the special unit: the scouts found and burned 2 trucks and SUV Russian invaders, as well as the enemy complex of video surveillance "Mur-M".

As reportedArmyinform, IT army suspended the work of the Moscow Metro.

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US Secretary of State Communicated with the Czech Foreign Minister: it was about helping Ukraine

US Department of State Department Anthony Blinken and Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky held a telephone conversation and discussed Ukraine's support.

About thisinformsUS Department of US Department.

"The Secretary of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs confirmed the strong support of our countries, which is protected from Russian aggression and discussed coordination of efforts to modernize the Czech defense sphere," the statement reads.

The parties also discussed the humanitarian assistance to the residents of the Gaza Sector and the support of Taiwan's full participation in international forums.

As reported by the Armyinform, China and NATO representativesheld a meetingIn Beijing, among topics - Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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In Bukovina, the city council will go under court for "resolving the issue" for release from conscription

In Bukovina, an exiter of the City Council Department was exposed, which for $ 4,000 "resolved the issue" about the release of conscription. She "shines" up to 8 years in prison with confiscation of property.

About thisinformsSpecialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense of the Western region.

According to the investigation, the former 31-year-old official in January this year promised to help the military with a congenital heart defects with the design of group II disability. Using a power authority and allegedly friendly relations with members of medical institutions and military medical commissions, she pledged to influence their decision.

To "resolve the issue", she demanded 4 thousand US dollars for the production of a certificate that would exempt him from mobilization. She agreed to receive the money in installments.

During the transfer of a ready-made certificate of medical and social examination of one of the medical institutions from another area and receiving the second part of an undue benefit of $ 3,500, she was detained.

Currently, a measure of restraint in the form of detention with the right to bail has been chosen for her. The involvement of other persons in the crime is being checked.

Reference:The sanction of the article provides for 3 to 8 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property.

As reported byArmyinform, detained a man who worked on the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He is threatened with imprisonment.

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The Armed Forces in the Tavriysk direction were neutralized over 400 invaders per day, one was captured

In the Tavriya direction during the past day, the Ukrainian military killed 408 Russian invaders, and another was captured.

About thisinformsGeneral Alexander Tarnavsky, commander of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops.

In addition, the Defense Forces destroyed 32 units of Russian military equipment. In particular, a tank, 9 armored combat vehicles, 2 artillery systems, 2 SPG/AGS, 17 cars and a unit of special equipment neutralized 319 UAVs of various types.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine also destroyed an ammunition depot and 2 enemy dugouts.

“There have been 56 combat clashes over the past day. The Russian aggressor caused 26 air strikes, made 866 shelling and 80 beats of Kamikadze drones, ”the message reads.

As reported by ArmyInform, Russian troops in the Tavriya directionThey were struck17 Air Force (least in the last ten days).

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The army of the Russian Federation hit the radio technical sites of Sumy region: Ova was warned about mobile interruptions

Illustrative photo

Russian invaders have inflicted rocket and aviation strikes on radio technical facilities of Sumy region. Because of this, transmitters of broadcasting in Sumy, Shostka, Bilopillya and Trostyanka have been disrupted.

About thisinformsSumy Regional Military Administration.

“As a result of damage, part of the territory of the region (temporarily) cannot be taken by Ukrainian television and radio signal. Mobile interruptions are possible, ”the message reads.

Volodymyr Artyukh, the head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration, urged not to panic and trust only proven sources of information.

“The enemy is fought, destroying Ukrainian broadcasting. We will not allow it to win. The consequences are currently analyzed and restoration plans are already being formed. Do not succumb to panic and information provocations. Go to alternative communication tools, trust only proven sources of information, ”he said.

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On the Left Bank of the Dnieper Demanders destroyed the quad bike and reconnaissance UAV Supersam and Zala

In the area of responsibility of the Defense Forces of southern Ukraine on the left bank, Ukrainian defenders destroyed 42 occupiers and 2 reconnaissance UAVs of the Supercam and Zala types during the day.

About it in a telegraminformsPress Service of Defense Forces of South of Ukraine.

The command noted that the forces of defense continue to cause fire damage to the locations of the enemy, fire positions and rear.

In particular, the last day was confirmed that on the left bank, the enemy has become less than 4 boats, 1 unit of automobile equipment and an ATV.

In addition, our soldiers destroyed an observation post.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Armed Forces in the Tavriysk direction was neutralized in the dayMore than 400 invaders, one was captured.

We will remind, scouts destroyed Russian"Murom-M" and a car with the occupiers.

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Ukraine will increase the localization of its own production, in particular in the defensive industry

The increase in the growth of the Ukrainian economy will be an increase in the localization of production of defense products. This can be achieved in the short term.

Such an opinionShe expressedThe First Viceremier-Minister of Ukraine-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Sviridenko during a meeting with the Vice President of the US Peace Institute, William Taylor.

"Ukraine has several important tasks to stimulate economic development. Firstly, covering the budget deficit, and secondly, attracting investment in Ukrainian business. This balance can be achieved by localizing all production in Ukraine. At the same time, the government is focused on localizing the production of the defense industry," said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

According to her, the production of heavy machines for miners has recently started and Ukraine will continue to produce everything that the army needs.

The first Viceremier-Minister of Ukraine emphasized that Ukraine needs expert support and coordination of American colleagues in government initiatives, in particular, in the projects to support small and medium-sized enterprises, international assistance, etc.

As reported byАрміяInform, Passengers of Ukrzaliznytsya tea were focused on UAH 2.7 million for drones for the Armed Forces.

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Explosions were reported in Kharkiv

Explosions were reported in Kharkiv

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The enemy beat in Donetsk from aviation, "tornado" and "hailsters": under fire were 8 settlements

During the day, the army of the Russian Federation struck 15 beats in the residential sector of Donetsk region. Two people were injured.

About thisinformsNational Police of Ukraine.

It is noted that there were eight settlements under the fire: the city of the Yar, the village of New York, the villages of Acute, Maksimivka, Netaylovo, Novoselivka, Romanivka, Solovyovo. The enemy beat from aviation, RSSU "Smerch", "Grad" and artillery.

As a result of enemy shelling, 28 civilian objects were damaged — 27 residential buildings and an outbuilding.

“To the village of Maksimivka, Russia has dropped three managed aircraft, of which one Kab-1500. A person is injured, at least 10 homes were destroyed.

New York has damaged 14 private homes as a result of the airbaging. From artillery, the Russians covered the ravine, injured a civilian. In the village of Romanivka, the enemy beat from the Grads, shells were hit in two private homes, ”the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, the army of the Russian FederationStruckAccording to Sumy radio: Ova was warned about mobile interruptions.

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Guarded the door inside the camera while the Ukrainian was tortured to death - exposed the National Guard of the Russian Federation

The prosecutor's office reported the suspicion of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, involved in illegal imprisonment and murder of civilians during the occupation of Kherson.

About thisinformsOffice of the Prosecutor General.

“Under the procedural leadership of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office, the suspicion of the National Guard of the Russian Army was identified and in absentia. He was charged with the ill -treatment of civilian populations and other violations of the laws and customs of war, as well as aiding and absence in such actions, which are combined with premeditated murder, committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons (Part 2 of Article 28, Part 1 of Article 438, Part 1 2 Article 28, Part 5 of Article 27 of Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), ”the message reads.

According to the investigation, the suspect during the occupation of Kherson provided illegal imprisonment of civilians who were kept in a temporary detention center where the invaders were arranged one of the torture.

His duties included the imprisonment of prisoners for interrogations during which they were tortured.

"In June 2022, the suspect facilitated the murder of an illegally detained citizen of Ukraine. As an accomplice to the crime, he guarded the door inside the cell, while other Russian soldiers tortured the victim to death. Regarding two of them, the materials have been allocated to a separate proceeding and the indictment is under consideration by the court," the department said.

The pre-trial investigation is carried out by the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kherson region.

We will remind, in Bukovina the exponent of the city council will go under courtfor “resolving the question”From the release from the call.

As reportedАрміяInform, detained a man who worked on the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He is threatened with imprisonment.

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To help Ukraine to win means to produce enough weapons and to provide it in time - President of Lithuania

Lithuania President Hitanas Nauseda at the Paris Forum of Defense and Strategy Defense and Strategy has stated that helping Ukraine to win means to produce enough ammunition, weapons, equipment and provide them in time.

About thisIt is saidon his Twitter.

The Lithuanian leader stressed that the main priorities of Europe should now focus on helping Ukraine in achieving victory and increasing investments in its own security and defense.

“We need to produce ammunition and weapons in much larger quantities and at much higher speed, as well as priority to supplies to Ukraine and European allies. It is not only about helping Ukraine. It is investing in your own safety and its own future, ”he emphasized.

Speaking at the forum, the Lithuanian leader said that the war in Ukraine is not only a Russian war against Ukraine. After all, Putin's goal is to destroy Europe and make the United States move away from its positions of global leadership.

“Time is of great importance. Putin firmly put Russia on the path of war - expansion and aggression will not stop unless we stop them. We need to stop Russia outside our borders, ”Gitanas Nauseda said.

As reported by the Armyinform, presidents of Lithuania and France on the eveThey saidthat Ukraine needs to give the necessary support and stop the bloody Kremlin regime.

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In five months of UAV school, more than a hundred qualified drone operators have been prepared

At the Cherkasy Piloting School, instructors are training a new talent pool — military and civilian drone pilots. More than a hundred specialists have already been trained.

About thisinformTerritorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“In five months of UAV school instructorsSeparate Brigade of the Armed Forces forces of the Armed ForcesRegional Directorate of Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukrainetrained more than a hundred qualified drone operators," the military said.

As noted in the power of terroborons, training lasts for several weeks, after which the cadets take the exams and return to their units.

In addition to military personnel, UAV school instructors also teach civilian Cherkasy who want to master the profession of drone operators.

As reportedArmyinform, The Ministry of Defense will buy 20,000 drones for the first time through Prozorro.

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The Ministry of Defense told how a new recruitment algorithm for the Armed Forces works

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports a new recruiting algorithm to the Armed Forces.

About this defense agencyInformsTelegram.

What is "military recruiting" and how different is it from mobilization
Що таке «військовий рекрутинг» і чим він відрізняється від мобілізації

It is noted that the algorithm is intended to replace an outdated approaches to a clear mechanism of voluntary involvement in military service through recruiting centers and online.

As reported by the Armyinform, in KharkivOpenedThe recruiting center of the Sirkivtsi brigade.

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The day of those who made their choice in decisive time - the President congratulated the Ukrainians on Volunteer Day

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky congratulated the Ukrainians on Volunteer Day. The day of those who made their choice at a decisive time for Ukraine - the choice in favor of protecting our country and people.

The Head of State was about thiswroteon Facebook.

“Great honor to all Ukrainians and Ukrainians whose courage retains national independence! Let it be a light and eternal memory of all our people who gave their lives for the sake of Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine!" - said the President of Ukraine.

As reportedArmyinform, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Alexander Syrsky congratulated all Ukrainian volunteers involved on the Day, emphasizing that the Russians did not take into account the spirit and will of the volunteers who rose to defend Ukraine.

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In Kherson region, SCO soldiers prevented the attempts by the Russians to replace reservoirs

Ukrainian special forces thwarted the enemy's attempt to mine water bodies in the Kherson region, destroying Russian equipment.

Relevant VideoPostedForces of special operations of the Armed Forces.

“Operators of the SCO Maritime Center during the air intelligence in the southern direction found an enemy car with a carrier and two boats. Also on the spot was the personnel of the enemy. It was found that the Russians were planning a way out to replace reservoirs in one of the settlements, ”the message reads.

As a result of the accumulative operation of the OCC operators, the enemy's equipment was destroyed.

It is noted that for hostile purposes the military caused fire damage to the percussion unmanned systems.

As reported by ArmyInform, in the Kherson region, the Special Operations ForcesDestroyedenemy equipment.

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Rus strikes on Sumy on March 13: from under the rubble of the five-storey building got the third body

Sumy found another body during the analysis of the gaps of the residential five -storey buildings. Therefore, the number of dead as a result of the Russian attack on March 13 increased to three people.

About thisReportsMinistry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

“Rescuers have been deblock the body of a third dead man. The works are ongoing, ”the message reads.

As reported by the ArmyInform, on the night of March 13, Russian invaders attacked the Sharh's amounts. Russian Dron Kamikadze destroyed part of the apartment building. It was possible to save five people from under the rubble.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr ZelenskyreactedOn the night attack of Russian "Shahaneda" on Sumy and published a video of destruction.

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In three regions of Ukraine, deals were exposed that sold "trophy" Russian weapons of crime

The Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police prevented the sale of weapons and ammunition to representatives of criminal circles in three regions of Ukraine.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

As it is noted, among the attackers - more than 60 kg of explosives, sniper weapons, as well as large -caliber machine guns and the latest machines of Russian production.

In particular, in Kharkiv region"On the hot" detained a local diller, who tried to sell the criminality a whole arsenal of combat means of defeat. The attacker kept a weapon in an underground shrill, which he arranged in a forest plant in a deoocupy Izium district.

During the inspection of the hiding place revealed:

  • several boxes with TNT and plastids;
  • Dragunov sniper rifle;
  • ammunition to grenade launchers and anti -tank missile system "Fagot";
  • more than 13 thous. ammunition of various calibers.

According to the investigation, the samples of the armament of the person involved were taken to the holder from the places of the former base of Russian troops during the battles for Kharkiv.

Near KievSeveral more hidden arsenals of weapons left by the occupiers were discovered, escaping from the capital region. The first hiding place was found in an abandoned garage in one of the liberated villages of Buchan district.

During inspection, the Russian BRDM with a large caliber machine gun was discovered. In addition, there were more than 150 shots for grenade launchers and 15 Russian grenades in the underground shroud.

As the investigation established, the fashion was discovered by two residents, who then decided to sell the found armament of the criminal.

In DnipropetrovskA local resident was detained who tried to sell Kalashnikov's handmade machine gun underground. The person searched for potential clients among representatives of criminal circles with whom he maintained.

At the same time, the attacker was not going to limit himself to the sale of only one machine gun. During the search in his apartment and car was found:

  • 2 AK-74 machines;
  • 4 battle grenades and more than 1.3 thousand rounds of different caliber.

Currently, all defendants have been informed of suspicion under Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal handling of weapons, combat supplies or explosives). The attackers are threatened with up to 7 years in prison.

After the procedural actions, all seized weapons will be transferred to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The complex measures were carried out by the SBU staff in Kyiv and Kyiv, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions with the procedural guidance of prosecutors.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the prosecutor's officereported suspiciona russian national guardsman involved in the illegal imprisonment and murder of civilians during the occupation of Kherson.

We will remind, in Bukovina the exponent of the city council will go under courtfor “resolving the question”From the release from the call.

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Anti -aircraft missile units, including Patriot, continue their work in frontline areas - Mykola Oleshchuk

The Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, stressed that anti-aircraft missile units, including the Patriot, continue to perform tasks in certain areas of the frontline territories.

About this hewroteIn his Telegram channel.

"The enemy continues to attack Ukraine in various directions with guided aerial bombs and air missiles. The Air Force is using all available means and tools to counter enemy tactical aviation, keep it at a distance, restrain the actions of enemy "dryers" as much as possible, and, if possible, destroy the enemy," the message reads.

He added that our pilots also perform combat missions, heroically destroying the occupier every day.

“Remember, our defenders of the sky pay a high price to restrain the aggressor and destroy it in the air, on earth and at sea! I thank everyone who is in order, everyone who helps! ” - Mykola Oleshchuk wrote.

It is known that the day before the Russian media spread information about the destruction of two Patriots in Ukraine. The place of probable destruction was called Pokrovsk in Donetsk region.

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In Finland, persons were detained on suspicion of laundering ammunition purchases for the Armed Forces

Three persons were detained on the territory of Finland on suspicion of laundering funds for personal protective equipment in the amount of EUR 5.7 million.

About thisInformthere is a press service of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.

“On March 11, 2024, three persons were detained in the territory of the Finnish Republic on suspicion of laundering of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine during the purchase of personal protective equipment in the amount of 5.7 million euros. The real estate of one of the detainees, a citizen of Finland, was arrested, ”the message reads.

Among the detainees is a representative of a private company who did not receive 50% of the purchased and fully paid armor.

"The detained some of these funds were spent on the purchase of elite cars and real estate," NABU said.

The department noted that the evidence collected will be used by NABU detectives in its own criminal proceedings upon seizure of the Ministry of Defense during the purchase of bulletproof vests.

Measures are taken to ensure compensation for the damage caused.

As reportedArmyinform, The Ministry of Defense prevented the inefficient spending of UAH 11.7 million for the purchase of special headphones.

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"Well, crown, people are already on the panic" - the interception of the GUR about the situation in Belgorod

Ukrainian intelligence officers have published a conversation between the occupier's wife or girlfriend, in which she discusses with him in a telephone conversation the situation with the evacuation of civilians in certain regions of the Belgorod region.

Intercepted conversationPublishedMain Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

In particular, she told that they collect data on what regions of Russia they are going to move:

  • “There is a house survey of evacuation. They ask who is evacuated and where "
  • "I did not say anything, I did not open the door, they went further"
  • "Well, in short, people are already dumping in a panic."

IUU also emphasized that for every military crime committed against Ukraine, there will be a fair retribution.

We will remind, scouts destroyed Russian"Mur-m" and car with occupiers.

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The FSB reports the detention in St. Petersburg of four members of the organization "Russian Volunteer Corps" (RDK)

The FSB reports the detention in St. Petersburg of four members of the organization "Russian Volunteer Corps" (RDK)

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The enemy is fired in Nikopol in the morning for five victims

Russian troops from the morning of Thursday are fired at the city of Nikopol of Dnipropetrovsk region.

About thisReportedHead of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Sergey Lisak.

There are already five victims in the city. Among them is a 7-year-old boy, he will be treated on an outpatient basis.

A 43-year-old man and two 74-year-old women were also health care. One wounded 73 years has been hospitalized. Its condition is of moderate severity.

Multiple high -rise buildings and urban infrastructure have been damaged.

As reported by ArmyInform, in Sumy, during the dismantling of the rubble of a five-story residential buildingfoundAnother body. Therefore, the number of dead as a result of the Russian attack on March 13 increased to three people.

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Russian troops hit the drones on television and radio infrastructure of Kharkiv region

Illustrative photo

The invaders at night caused purposeful massive blows of hostile drones on television and radio infrastructure of Kharkiv region.

About thisreportedThe head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov.

According to him, there are now interruptions with TV and radio signal in several areas. Some of the objects have already been restored.

All communication services are working to restore and try to renew the work of objects as soon as possible.

“We do not exclude that the occupiers will strike repeated. We must be ready for prompt response. We turn to residents of Kharkiv region: trust official sources of information, ”Oleg Synigubov emphasized.

On the night of March 14 Russian troopsattacked KharkivWith the use of shock-free Shahheda and C-300 missiles.

As reported by the Armyinform, Russian invadersThey were struckrocket and aviation strikes on radio technical objects of Sumy region. Because of this, transmitters of broadcasting in Sumy, Shostka, Bilopillya and Trostyanka were displayed.

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"It was not so long ago": Tavriya was told about the pressure of the enemy

The spokesman of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Captain Dmitry Likhov said that the Russian occupation army began to press very much in the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhya directions since the beginning of March 14.

Dmitry Likhov's relevant comments were provided during live broadcastTelelorphoneUnited News, March 14, 2024.

"In the operational zone of the Tavriya operational-strategic group of troops, the Defense Forces continue to conduct a defensive operation. And if 57 combat clashes took place in our operational zone over the past day, then only as of 8:00 a.m. since the beginning of this day, 24 combat clashes have already taken place," said the spokesman of the Tavria Joint Task Force.

That is, according to him, the enemy resorted to assault operations 24 times in different areas of the front in the operational zone of the Tavria Joint Task Force.

“One digit testifies to the voltage that was at night and which in the morning. As of 8:00 am, 13 combat clashes took place at the same time. It has not been a long time ago. And this is an indicator of what load, what pressure creates the enemy, what load lies on our soldiers, ”Dmitry Likhov said.

According to him, the most, 12 assault actions, as of 8:00 were reflected by defenders in the Donetsk region. And one attempt at assault was in the Zaporozhye region.

As reported by the Armyinform, the enemyHe beat Donetsk regionFrom aviation, tornado and hailstones: there were 8 settlements under the fire.

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NATO Secretary General: Ukrainians are not lacking in courage, they are lacking in ammunition. Need to increase the assistance immediately

NATO member states have to detect political will and urgently increase the supply of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine.

This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg duringpress conferenceConcerning the results of 2023.

“NATO allies do not provide Ukraine with enough weapons. And this has the consequences on the battlefield every day. And this is one of the reasons why the Russians have been able to move on the battlefield in recent weeks, ”Jens Stoltenberg said.

He stressed that there is currently urgent need for the Allies to make the decisions necessary to give Ukraine more ammunition and weapons.

“And this is my call to all capitals. We carefully follow the US Congress, as the United States is the largest weapon supplier to Ukraine. At the same time, the EU and Canada also provide extraordinary support. But they have to make more and need long -term obligations, ”NATO Secretary General.

Jens Stoltenberg stressed that NATO countries have the economic capacity to provide Ukraine with what it needs.

"Ukrainians do not lack courage, they lack ammunition. Now is the time for the allies to mobilize all reserves and show the political will to provide Ukraine with everything it needs for this fight... It would be a big historical mistake to allow Putin to win... This is a matter of political will to make a decision and prioritize support for Ukraine," he said.

As reported by the Armyinform, Ambassadors of the European Unionsupportedan increase in 5 billion euros of the European Peace Fund, from which weapons supply for Ukraine are funded.

In addition, the United StatesannouncedAbout the military aid package of Ukraine for $ 300 million.

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Alexander Syrsky visited the Zaporozhye direction and told about the rotation of units at the front

The defense forces were able to start the process of rotation and replacement of parts and units that have been performing combat missions for a long time.

About thisreportedCommander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi.

"This will stabilize the situation and have a positive impact on the morale and psychological state of our soldiers. In the course of the work, I made all the necessary decisions to increase the combat capabilities of our brigades," the message reads.

Oleksandr Syrsky noted that he continued to work in the brigades that keep defense in the Zaporozhye direction. The operational situation in the area is controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The commander -in -chief reported that the enemy continues to attack our positions in the areas of the robot, verbove, but without much success. The fighting is characterized by numerous use of drones of all types in combination with artillery and mortar fire.

“In such circumstances, percussion unmanned systems gradually become the main shock weapon of land units in the general military battle. In these circumstances, only modern and powerful remedies of HRs can be provided with reliable protection of our servicemen, ”he said.

Oleksandr Syrskyi stressed that the confrontation between drones and electronic warfare has come to the fore, and only the one who will be the first to achieve a break from the enemy in this competition will have a chance to win.

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The Minister of Defense noted the military holding the front line

Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky noted the military personnel holding the front line.

The head of the Defense Office of Ukraine was about thisWritingon Facebook.

The Minister of Defense thanked everyone and everyone who demonstrates stability and unbreakable in nature.

“47 Separate Mechanized Brigade“ Magura ”, 53rd Separate Mechanized Brigade named after Prince Vladimir Monomakh, 58 Separate Motor Infantry Brigade named after Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky. To hand over the awards to you is an honor for me, ”Rustem Umerov said.

As reported byАрміяInform, Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky discussed preparation for Ramstin with Pentagon.

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In Nikolaev detained a spy who worked at home

The FSB informant arranged in his own apartment "Observation Point" behind the columns of the Armed Forces.

About thisMarch 14 reportedSBU.

According to the department, from the windows of the apartment, a man observed the intensity of the movement of units of the Armed Forces on one of the key highways in the direction of the front.

Also, during the movement of Ukrainian military equipment, the attacker tried to establish an indicative number and paid special attention to heavy weapons.

Despite the conspiracy of the Russian informant, the SBU staff still exposed him and documented the facts of intelligence and subversive activities.

In order to protect the ways of moving the Ukrainian troops, complex measures were carried out, and the person involved was detained "on hot".

During the detention, the attacker, along with his son, committed physical resistance to law enforcement officers to escape from the scene. However, he failed.

According to the investigation, the suspect was in touch with pro-kremlin blogger Serhiy Lebedev (known under the pseudonym 'shaggy'), who is hiding in Donetsk and works for the FSB.

He communicated with him through an anonymous chat in the messenger. There he posted intelligence "reports".

A mobile phone was removed with evidence of criminal activity during a search of the detainee.

Currently, investigators of the Security Service have informed him about suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (unauthorized dissemination of information about the direction, movement of weapons, movement, movement or placement of the Armed Forces, committed in the conditions of martial law).

The attacker is in custody. He is threatened with 12 years in prison.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat 12 years of prison received a Russian spy from Pokrovsk.

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Three more children were returned to the territory controlled by Ukraine

Ukraine has returned to the Kherson region under the control of Kherson region, in which three children aged 11 to 17 years are raised.

About thisreportedHead of the Kherson Regional Military Administration Alexander Proudin on Telegram.

“Three more children were taken out of the hell of the occupation. This was made possible by the Save Ukraine Charitable Organization, guardianship and custody bodies, as well as the children's service, ”the message reads.

These are two boys and a girl, aged 11 to 17 years.

It is noted that in the occupation the children were forced to attend the Russian school. The mother's refusal threatened that they would take the children. Due to the pressure and persecution of Russians, the family almost left home and lived in constant stress.

Nowadays, rehabilitation is waiting for a mother with children. They are in a safe place where they receive the necessary medical and psychological assistance.

Oleksandr Proudin added that since the beginning of 2024, 38 children from Kherson region were returned to Ukraine -controlled territory.

As reported by the Armyinform, another 10 childrenmanaged to returnUkraine from temporarily occupied territories.

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During the day, the Russians attacked 140 settlements of Ukraine

During the last day, March 13, Russian troops fired at the territory of 140 settlements in nine regions of Ukraine.

About thisinformsMilitary Media Center.

"In total, 140 settlements and 96 infrastructure facilities were attacked from various types of weapons — mortars, tanks, barrel artillery, MLRS, air defense systems, OTRK, UAVs and tactical aviation," the report says.

As a result of a hostile attack, they are killed and injured among civilians, the number of victims is clarified.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Sumy during the analysisfoundAnother body. Therefore, the number of dead as a result of the Russian attack on March 13 increased to three people.

We will remind, the enemy beat in Donetsk from aviation, "tornado" and "hailsters": under fire were8 settlements.

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A house damaged as result of Russian missile strike with S-300 missile at Schevchenkivsky district of Kharkiv

A house damaged as result of Russian missile strike with S-300 missile at Schevchenkivsky district of Kharkiv

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I am grateful to the defenders who voluntarily stood up for the defense of the state - Rustem Umerov congratulated Ukrainians on Volunteer Day

On the Day of Ukrainian Volunteer, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov thanked every defender and every defender who courageously decided to voluntarily defend their people and the state.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defense of Ukraine.

"10 years ago, the first hundreds of Ukrainian volunteers left Maidan Nezalezhnosti to repel the enemy. They voluntarily took responsibility for the safety of their relatives, for the stability of their state, for the will of their people," the head of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine said.

Rustem Umerov noted that on February 24, two years ago, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian volunteers came to the Tax Code to stand in the ranks of defense forces. Our compatriots showed heroism and stability, meeting the enemy near Kiev, in the Nikolaev area and Kharkiv and in other regions.

"Their willingness to voluntarily stand up for Ukraine was a decisive guarantee that we had restrained the enemy on the first days and weeks of a large -scale invasion," he added.

The Minister of Defense thanked those volunteers who today, with responsibility for the future of their loved ones and their country, go to recruitment centers and CCCs.

“It is the responsible actions of those who do not escape from the military duty, but take the responsibility - the guarantee that we will stand and win. Thank each of you! Glory to Ukraine!" - Rustem Umerov summarized.

As reportedАрміяInform, Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky noted the military personnel holding the front line.

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The Foreign Ministry called on foreign states not to send observers to Pseudin's pseudoranders on Tot

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine calls for foreign states and international organizations not to send international observers to participate in the "presidential elections" organized in the sovereign territory of Ukraine, and to refrain from recognizing their results.

About thisIt is saidin the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine regarding the "election" of the President of the Russian Federation.

"Conducting" elections "of the President of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, parts of Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions of Ukraine - is illegal and will not have any legal consequences," the department said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also called on citizens of Ukraine who reside in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine or are forced to be in the territory of the Russian Federation, not to participate in the "pseudo -election" of the President of the Russian Federation.

"For the sake of our own safety and taking into account the tendency of the Russian authorities to provocations, we urge to avoid places of mass gathering of people near" polling stations ", objects of military infrastructure of the occupation troops of the Russian Federation in the days of voting," the statement reads.

In addition, the Foreign Ministry calls on the international media and public figures not to call this farce an "election".

“While Vladimir Putin continues his personal power, we urge the democratic world to confirm our respect for human life, the rule of law and democratic values with the maximum support of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in the fight against Russian terror, as well as the maximum support of the goals and principles Russian occupation of the territory of our country, ”the ministry added.

As reported by the Armyinform, today the Latvia Seimaswill votefor declaring the illegitimacy of elections in Russia.

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Ukrainian air defense shot down 22 of 36 drones overnight

Ukrainian air defense shot down 22 of 36 drones overnight

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1 person wounded as result of shelling in Grayvoron

1 person wounded as result of shelling in Grayvoron

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The Defense Ministry delegation held a meeting in Romania to prevent corruption

The delegation of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, headed by Secretary of State Lyudmila Daragan on March 6-8, took part in the working meetings of the project to strengthen the proper government in the defense sector of Ukraine for 2024-2027.

About thisreported March 14Ministry of Defence Ukraine.

The meetings were organized at the invitation of the Center for Integrity in the Defense Sector at the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom of Norway (CIDS), and they took place on the basis of the Regional Department for Studying Defense Resources (Dresmara) in Brashov, Romania.

In addition to representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the head of the National Agency for Civil Service Natalia Alyushina, representatives of the Scientific Center of Problems of Integrity and Prevention of Corruption in the Security and Defense Sector of the National University of Defense of Ukraine, the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, as well as international experts joined the work meetings. on procurement and public administration.

In his welcome speech, the Secretary of State emphasized the importance of participation of the Ukrainian side in the project aimed at preventing corruption and strengthening of integrity in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, improving the efficiency of procurement, as well as the introduction of a transparent and virtuous personnel management system.

Ludmila Daragan also emphasized the importance of developing bilateral relations with the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom of Norway during the counteraction to Russian aggression, as well as on the way of our country to acquire full membership in NATO and the European Union.

During the event, directions of cooperation with the Norwegian side within the context of the defense department in the areas of prevention and detection of corruption, personnel management and state defense procurement in the legal regime of martial law were presented. In particular, regarding the compliance system in public procurement agencies, career management of servicemen, strengthening a culture of integrity and professional ethics in the Ministry of Defense.

CIDS Project experts highlighted the experience of rebuilding and restoring good governance in countries that were in the stage of military conflict.

Upon completion of the discussions and on the results of bilateral agreements, the parties exchanged assurances in comprehensive support and exchange of experience with the purpose of further fruitful cooperation within the CIDS project.

Asreported by ArmyInform, today Defense Minister Rustem Umerov congratulated Ukrainians on Volunteer Day.

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Damage to civilian infrastructure in Velykyi Burluk and Lozova of Kharkiv region as result of drone strikes

Damage to civilian infrastructure in Velykyi Burluk and Lozova of Kharkiv region as result of drone strikes

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Lithuanian President: Hitler was little Czechoslovakia, so Putin will not be satisfied with Ukraine

Lithuania President Hitanas Nauseda called on the West to strengthen Ukraine's support, as the Kremlin dictator regime is threatened with all of Europe.

He is about itwroteIn the social network H.

“We are in the decisive stage of history. Let me explain - just as Hitler is not satisfied with Czechoslovakia, so Putin will not be satisfied only by Ukraine. Just like the Baltic States or Poland, ”Gitanas Nauseda said.

Live and Dead Dictators: Rating of Evil by Armyinform
Живі і мертві диктатори: рейтинг зла за версією АрміяInform

The Lithuanian President stressed that none of the European countries can now feel safe.

"The joint support of the event should stop Russia in Ukraine," Gitanas Nauseda added.

Earlier, NSDC Secretary Alexey Danilovstatedthat the President of the Russian Federation is a modern Russian Nazi and Hitler's follower.

As reported by the Armyinform, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltbergstatedthat the Alliance member countries have to reveal political will and urgently increase the supply of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine.

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The Ukrainian Parliament urged the world to strengthen sanctions against Russia against the backdrop of the "elections" of the President of the Russian Federation on Tot

During the plenary session, the Verkhovna Rada approved an appeal to foreign governments and parliaments, as well as international organizations through Russia's illegal elections of the President of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

About thisIt is saidon the site of the Ukrainian Parliament.

In the explanatorya noteThe document states that the Verkhovna Rada appeals to international partners calling on all types of sanction pressure on the Russian Federation, condemn the state-aggressor of illegal so-called presidential elections in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, counteract the attempts of the Russian Federation »And consolidate efforts to increase the assistance of the security and defense forces of Ukraine.

Parliamentarians also stressed that the results of these illegal elections will have no legal consequences and will give grounds for non -recognition of the Russian Federation presidential in this way, in particular, they will call into question his legal personality in international relations.

It is noted that to a common statementjoinedAlso, the heads of the Committees of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Iceland, Spain, USA, Great Britain, Israel, Canada, Poland, Luxembourg, Moldova, Romania.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the Foreign MinistrycalledForeign states do not send observers to Pseudin's pseudo -election to Tot.

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Clashes reported at the border in Glotovo, Spodaryushino, Zarechye-Pervoye of Belgorod region

Clashes reported at the border in Glotovo, Spodaryushino, Zarechye-Pervoye of Belgorod region

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Finland and Poland discussed further support of Ukraine

Finland President Alexander Stubb met with Polish Foreign Minister Radoslav Sikorsky in Helsinki. Among the main topics at the meeting is the help of Ukraine.

About thisIt is saidon the website of the Presidential Office of Finland.

"At the meeting, President Stubb and Foreign Minister Sikorsky discussed, among other things, bilateral relations between Finland and Poland, support of Ukraine, security in the Baltic Sea and the global geopolitical situation," the statement reads.

Radoslav Sikorsky added that neither Finland nor Poland wants to be a colony of Russia again.

“And Ukraine has the same right not to be a colony of Russia again. Together we will do a lot to prevent this from happening, ” -saidhe.

As reported by the Armyinform, US Secretary of StatetalkedThe Czech Foreign Minister was talking about assistance to Ukraine.

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In Sumy region, the villagers "cut off" by hostile blows were evacuated

Sixteen residents of the village of Lugovka in Sumy region were evacuated after the bridge to the settlement was destroyed by a Russian rocket.

About thisShe reported March 14National Police of Ukraine.

The evacuation took place on the remains of the bridge across the Vorskla River.

Earlier, the Armyinform reported that the Russian army hit the radio technical sites of Sumy region.

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Degradation and recognition: reaction to the announcement of the Russian Federation of war of military intelligence of Ukraine

The statement of Rostelecoma chairman about the declaration of war of military intelligence of Ukraine in the intelligence agency was called the degradation of the system of management of the Russian Federation and recognition of the efforts of Ukrainian cyberfactors.

About thisinformsMOV Intelligence Directorate.

"On the eve of Putin's Election" Kremlin propagandists to please their dictator, reached the peak of the absurdity of their statements. In particular, the head of Rostelecoma Mikhail Oseyevsky in a comment to the Federal news agency "TASS" stated that "Russia is cyberwar with the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine", - the message reads.

It is noticeable that it is Ukrainian military intelligence officers who considers the Kremlin propagandist a threat to the "freedom of the will of the Russians" during the elections. He, of course, "reassured" Putin that his company has taken action and "created a barrier system" to protect the "vote" for him.

However, as emphasized in military intelligence, such applications for ahead indicate that the propagandists do not please their dictator and fail a pre -designed scenario of the so -called "elections".

"In the end, the Kremlin has admitted that statements about the fight against NATO, global evil, Ukronacists and Bandera junta are in fact attempts to overcome only one of the Ukrainian special services and war with their own common sense," they summarized in Gur IU.

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense informs:Similar statements are another short -lived attempt by the Kremlin Possipak to legitimize the illegal elections in Russia, to show power and to justify the "right" to the reign of his dictator Putin.

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The Ministry of Defense showed how medical cars were equipped to evacuate wounded

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova demonstrated a medical evacuation train to reporters.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine informs about it.

According to the department, the demonstration was held with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ukrzaliznytsia, the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine and the command of the medical forces.

“Coordination and logistics play a key role in military medicine during the war. After all, time is extremely important at any stage of medical care for a wounded or injured soldier and plays a key role for further treatment. That is why evacuation medical and resuscitation wagons have become an important element for providing quality and timely assistance. I want to thank everyone who joined this extremely important case: railways, doctors, military, volunteers. Your joint actions have saved thousands of lives, ”said Natalia Kalmykova, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine.

At the same time, the chairman of the board of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" Yevhen Lyashchenko noted that the first medical wagon, which has no analogues in the world, was created in early March 2022.

“There were no drawings and technical documentation then, but there was a great need for such wagons. Railways and doctors converted the first such wagon in four days. Today, however, the total number of wagons involved in medical evacuation in Ukraine is 62. We thank all the partners with whom we implement this extremely important project. The unique experience of railways, doctors and military gives the opportunity to save lives - and this is what Ukrzaliznytsia has been doing and does from the beginning of a full -scale invasion, ”he said.

According to Yevgeny Lyashenko, the equipment of medical cars is identical to the equipment of a real hospital. This makes it possible to provide emergency medical care directly during movement, so these cars can transport seriously wounded servicemen who cannot be transported by other modes of transport.

The cars work in anesthesiologists, nurses, medical violets, orderly and evacuation crews of railways. Medical equipment on board the train makes it possible even surgery while traveling the train in the most critical cases.

For his part, Viceremier-Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov stressed that there are prospects for the number of medical cars not only from the front to the rear hospitals.

“We are technically ready to launch wagons before and across the border for the treatment and rehabilitation of our soldiers. We work with partners on implementation, ”he commented.

By the end of 2024, railways converted eight more evacuation wagons for the needs of medical evacuation and rescue of the lives of Ukrainian defenders.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Ministry of Defense was discussed with combat doctorsVolumes of domedic assistance on the battlefield.

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The Czech Foreign Minister discussed with the UN Secretary General Return of Ukrainian Children Cathedral Home

Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky held a meeting with the UN Secretary General Antonu Guterres. They discussed ways to return home illegally deported Ukrainian children.

About this the Czech Foreign MinisterreportedThe Twitter Twitter.

“Today I met with Anthony Guterres to see what can be done for a more efficient UN work. We also discussed ways of returning Ukrainian children, barbaric stolen Russian invaders, ”the message reads.

In February, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights Dmitry Lubinetsdeclaredthat is known about 19 546 cases of abduction of Ukrainian children by Russia.

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Ukrainian Volunteer Day - 10 years of indomitable

Ukrainian Volunteer Day is celebrated annually on March 14. Officially, the date is tied to the collection of the first 500 Midani volunteers in Novy Petrivtsi.

Subsequently, they formed the basis of the first official welfare of the National Guard, which now bears the name of the dead General Kulchytsky.

Today, a holiday for those who at a decisive time for Ukraine made their choice in favor of protecting our country and people. Who voluntarily went to the 2014 army and stood in line for the Tax Code and JV on February 24, 2022.

Now Ukrainians should honor all volunteers - goodwill soldiers. But to follow their example, taking responsibility for the country's fate in their own hands.

This is what they said today on the occasion of Volunteer Day in the Armyinform.

In our press center were met servicemen who joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the call of the heart: Sergey Vasilyuk, leader of the Rock band "Shadow of the Sun"; Andriy Kovalev, a spokesman for the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, Candidate of Political Science; Taras Kompanichenko, Kobzar, People's Artist of Ukraine, Laureate of the Shevchenko Prize; Dmitry Kulibaba, Presenter of the 114th Separate Brigade of Forces of Territorial Defense forces of the Armed Forces; Yevgeny Lunyak, Doctor of History.

Today, they inspire many fighters with their own example. And we learned about their motivation, who became an example for them personally and what moments from the service they were engaged in memory. Not only about it - in our following materials.

Photo by Vitaliy Pavlenko

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Veterans prosthetics: Ukraine announced the creation of a new center

The Polish-Ukrainian Center for Veterans Prosthetics will be created in Ukraine.

About thisinformsMinistry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine.

“Searching for a proper premises is currently in order to arrange the center. There people will be able to get prosthetics and undergo rehab, ”the message reads.

It is noted that the creation of a modern prosthetics and rehabilitation center in Ukraine is engaged in representatives of the Polish company Enforce Medical Technologies and the Funds of Poland, Siepomaga and Solidarity Fund.

Also in the future, the center considers the possibility of organizing prosthesis production. To do this, all the necessary technological processes will be transferred from Poland to Ukraine.

As reported by the Armyinform, this year the state is almost twiceincreasedProsthetics financing.

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In the Lviv region a very careful evasant sat under house arrest for bribery

The resident of Lviv region, who tried to bribe the border guard for $ 4000, was suspected.

About thisShe reported March 14Special Prosecutor's Office of the Western Region.

According to the investigation, the suspect, despite the existence of legitimate reasons for traveling abroad during the war, because he was married to a woman with disabilities, he decided to "be safe" and suggested the bribery inspector.

It is established that for $ 4,000, the official had not to carefully check his documents and pass to Poland. However, the employee reported this fact of law enforcement officers and continued to be under their control.

The 35-year-old suspect was detained in the order of Art. 208 of the CPC of Ukraine - when providing part of an undue benefit of $ 2,000.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlierin Lviv region will be tried by two border guards who drained information to the evil.

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Russian aviation conducted missile strikes at radio and TV infrastructure in Sumy region in Sumy, Shostka, Bilopilya and Tros...

Russian aviation conducted missile strikes at radio and TV infrastructure in Sumy region in Sumy, Shostka, Bilopilya and Trostyanets

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In Dnipropetrovsk, a Russian spy was sentenced to HIMARS

According to the SBU materials, the FSB agent, who was spying according to long -range artillery in the Dnipropetrovsk region, received 15 years in prison.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

“Thanks to the evidence base of the Security Service, another FSB agent, which operated in Dnipropetrovsk, received a real term of prison. The attacker tried to identify possible combat positions of the Armed Forces artillery in the frontline territory of the region, ”the message reads.

The investigation found that he was primarily interested in the placement of Himars reactive artisystems and high -precision howitzers M777.

The Russian agent also recorded the consequences of the air attacks of the aggressor on energy objects in the southern part of the region.

"Information about the hostile" Arrivals "was sent to the occupiers to prepare new and adjust the repeated rocket-aromic blows," the SBU told.

The SBU counterintelligence detained the attacker in October 2022 during counter -serving measures in Dnipropetrovsk region.

“On the basis of the evidence of the security service collected by investigators, the court found the attacker guilty under Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (treason, committed in martial law) and appointed him 15 years in prison with confiscation of property, ”the department said.

The investigation was conducted by SBU staff in Dnipropetrovsk region under the procedural guidance of the regional prosecutor's office.

As reported by the Armyinform, up to 12 years of age, a resident of Luhansk region was convicted of lattice, whoHe fought against Ukrainein the occupation troops of the Russian Federation.

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Explosion was reported in central Belgorod, smoke rising

Explosion was reported in central Belgorod, smoke rising

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Education: Ukrainians paid UAH 4 billion for repair of damaged housing

More than 43 thousand Ukrainians received UAH 4 billion in the framework of the program for repairing the homes damaged as a result of the war.

This is stated in a message onSitegovernment.

In total, more than 78.5 thousand people have sought help. Most of the statements - from Kharkiv, Kyiv, Donetsk, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions.

At the same time, state compensation for fully destroyed housing - housing certificates - received 4250 Ukrainians, 1260 of them - have already purchased new housing.

The average amount of one housing certificate is UAH 1.8 million.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Verkhovna Rada of UkraineApproved Law No. 10208According to which the Ukrainians who have lost their homes will be able to use a certificate for the purchase of homes under the Yoseel program.

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Defended the families of the defenders by UAH 3.6 million: in Odessa the attacker was suspected of fraud

In Odessa, a suspicion of a man who was misled by military personnel and their families was declared, promising to assist them in accelerating apartment registration, the allocation of free social housing and additional financial assistance from the state for its arrangement.

This is stated in a message onSiteNational Police of Ukraine.

The person involved in Odessa 32 inhabitants of Odessa for more than 3.6 million hryvnias.

The attacker spoke about the presence of "necessary people" in the authorities and specifically appointed them in the premises of one of the government agencies.

He took copies of documents and went with them on office offices, pretending to "solve" the issue.

The defendants returned to the victims with the "good news" that by paying a certain amount, they will be put on housing accounting on preferential terms and will receive free social housing first.

People either passed the money to the man or transferred to his bank card. The amounts reached 2 to 6 thousand dollars. After receiving the money, the suspect stopped communicating.

Without waiting for the promised, the deceived citizens went to the police. In the course of the pre -trial investigation, police gathered enough evidence that confirm the involvement of the person involved in the illegal activity.

The man was informed of suspicion of parts 1, 2 and 3 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

It is a seizure of someone else's property by deception, that is, fraud, which caused significant damage to the victim, in particular, repeatedly and in large sizes.

The offender is threatened with imprisonment for a term of 3 to 8 years.

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Volodymyr Zelensky discussed with German Chancellor Defense cooperation and presented the priority needs of the Armed Forces

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and German Chancellor Olaf Soltz had a telephone conversation and discussed further political, economic and defense cooperation.

This is stated inmessageHeads of State.

"They discussed the development of defense cooperation both at the level of states and at the level of representatives of the defense-industrial complex and the localization of defense production in Ukraine,"-the message reads.

The President noted that he has presented the priority needs of Ukrainian defenders in armored vehicles, artillery and air defense.

"I also thank Germany for joining the Czech Republic for the purchase of artillery shells for Ukraine," he added.

The leaders of the two countries exchanged views on the results of the Conference on the support of Ukraine in Paris on February 26 and coordinated the positions on the eve of the meeting of the leaders of the Weimar Triangle, which will take place on Friday in Berlin with the participation of Olaf Solz, Emmanuel Macron and Donald Tusk.

In addition, the Organization of the Conference on Reconnection of Ukraine (URC-2024) in Berlin was discussed in June.

As reported by the Armyinform, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltbergstatedthat the Alliance member countries have to reveal political will and urgently increase the supply of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine.

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"Administration of burning district!" - GUR interception about the situation in the Belgorod region

The conversation from the Grayvoronsky district of the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, in which civilians reports of arrival in the administration of the district, has been intercepted.

InterceptingShe laid out on March 14Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The local resident informs the acquaintance of a traveling in one of the offices, which causes the fire.

"There will be a fair payment for every military crime against Ukraine," Gur summed up.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedon the position of GUR on the seriousness of the Russian Volunteer Corps to the residents of Kursk and Belgorod region.

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2 person killed as result of shelling in Belgorod

2 person killed as result of shelling in Belgorod

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Battles 47 brigade near Avdiivka, Belgorod under fire, captives of Russians: Star from the frontier city

In the Avdeevsky direction 47 the brigade broke the storm of the Russians. The brigade fighters destroyed three APCs and 35 Russian paratroopers.

In the Belgorod region, 10 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, the fighters of the Russian volunteer corps destroyed the enemy hail. In Belgorod, explosions were heard, and cases of surrendering Russians were also recorded.

The 60 OMB sappers made a bold event in the enemy's rear and replaced the road. The result is two enemy BMPs.

The SBU detained the Russian agent who wanted to blow up the railway in Kharkiv region, and in the Kryni Marine infantry reflected another attack of the invaders.

The Russian drone Kamikadze Lanzet hit the Ukrainian BMP, but the armored vehicle driver almost did not respond to it and continued the movement.

These and other topics are discussed by our presenters - junior lieutenant Sergei Lipko and Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Misyura.

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Explosions were reported in Skadovsk

Explosions were reported in Skadovsk

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Germany handed Ukraine underwater drone for demining

The underwater drone was among the equipment and equipment, which on March 14, Germany handed over the explosion units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

About thisShe reported March 14National Police of Ukraine.

Among the transferred property also sets for the disposal of small and medium explosive devices, cutting charges, X-ray systems and materials for them, forensic suitcases, portable lighting systems, bulletproof vests, printers, explosion suits.

"The National Police Explosives have already surveyed more than 33 thousand hectares of our territory and seized more than 280 thousand different ammunition and more than nine tons of explosives," Ivan Vygivsky, Head of the National Police, said at the transfer ceremony.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat the Government has approved the requirements of mandatory certification of mechanized demining means.

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Military Russian Federation has launched DPRK missiles about 50 times in Ukraine

Oleksandr Filchakov demonstrates a fragment of a rocket production of DPRK

Since the beginning of a large-scale invasion, the aggressor country has released about 50 Hwasong 11 rockets (KN-23/24) of North Korea.

According to the correspondent of the Armyinform, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office Alexander Filchakov said.

“This is a very low quality rocket. It differs from Iskander rockets: has an imperfect control system, flight range up to 700 km, while Iskander beats up to 250 km. There are many cases when Hwasong explodes in the air, ”said Alexander Filchakov.

According to him, directly in Kharkiv region law enforcement officers officially recorded one case of use of Russian DPRK missiles.

“We have received appropriate conclusions of national and international experts. It was by this rocket that the occupiers hit the Shevchenkivsky district of Kharkiv on January 2 this year, ”the prosecutor's office said.

In addition, according to the chief prosecutor of the region, there were two more cases that say that the Russian Federation used this type of weapons on February 7 this year in the Slobid district.

This is evidenced by the remnants of marking found on the remains of rockets. Expertise results are currently expected.

We will remind, in January became knownThe first evidencePossible use of the RF Army of the rocket developed by the DPRK. Armyinform figured out whatThis threatens UkraineAnd what kind of DPRK missiles can transmit to Russia.

What is Kimskanders capable of Russia received from North Korea,Read in our article.

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On the Day of Ukrainian Volunteer, the President presented awards to the heroes of Ukraine and the families of the dead

On the occasion of Ukrainian Volunteer Day, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with military personnel and presented state awards, including the Order of the Golden Star Hero of Ukraine.

About it reportsplaceHeads of State.

The President presented the Order of the Golden Star to the Hero of Ukraine, the junior lieutenant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vitaliy Sukach, who voluntarily went to the ranks of the Armed Forces in 2014. Since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Russia, the company commander has been carrying out combat missions in Donetsk region, in particular, he successfully restrained the enemy and causes the occupiers of great losses in live power and equipment.

The President also passed the Order of the Golden Star to the family of the fallen Hero of Ukraine, the junior sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vasyl Polishchuk, who has defended Ukraine since 2014 and performed combat missions in the east of the country. In August 2022, during the advance of the enemy in Kharkiv region, he led the subordinate personnel from under the fire, but suffered injuries that were incompatible with life.

Volodymyr Zelensky presented the Order of the Golden Star to the family of a serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine, Chief Sergeant Vadim Zhukov, who was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine posthumously. He has defended the country since 2014, and since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Russia he has completed combat missions in Kharkiv and Luhansk region, repeatedly marked with a grenade launcher.

The highest state award was also given the family of the fallen Hero of Ukraine, the junior lieutenant Pavel Trukhan, who in February 2022 voluntarily joined the ranks of the defenders of the Motherland. The machine gun commander performed the task in the east of the country. In April 2023, during a hostile assault of positions and mortar shelling, the military evacuated his brothers and was injured by his life.

In addition, the Head of State awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky II degree of the senior lieutenant of National Guard Alexander Slyusar. The orders of Bohdan Khmelnitsky III degree were awarded the senior lieutenant Vladislav Roika and Major Dmitry Tarasenko of the Armed Forces, as well as the captain of the National Guard Alexander Malyarenko.

The President also presented the Order of Courage of the III degree and Danylo Halytsky.

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After the Russian oil dewdgery in Kharkiv, the level of pollution of rivers exceeded the norm by 820 times - Oleg Synigubov

Photo by Kharkiv Media Hub

About 3 thousand tons of petroleum products were entered the reservoirs of Kharkiv region due to the round after a rolling of Russian percussion UAVs on the oil depot in the Nemyshlyany district of Kharkiv on February 10.

According to an ArmyInform correspondent, this was stated at a briefing by the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov.

"The level of pollution of the Siversky Donets River exceeded the norm by 3.7 times, Lopan - 2 times, non -life - 260 times, Kharkiv - 820," - said Oleg Synigubov.

Thanks to the measures taken immediately, the pollution level has been reduced to the Siversky Donetsk back to normal, the rest of the rivers - on average 12 times higher than the permissible.

The head of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office Alexander Filchakov noted that criminal proceedings under Article 438 of the Criminal Code "Violation of the Laws and Customs of War" are ongoing.

According to him, the investigation of this crime is carried out by prosecutors of the special environmental prosecutor's office.

Depending on the conclusions of the forensic experts, additional re-qualification of the crime may be carried out in Art. 441 of the Criminal Code "Ecocid" and Art. 273 "Violation of safety rules at explosive enterprises".

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In Kharkiv, the forces of defense burned a hostile excavator

The Russians used the technique for the construction of fortifications, but they were not given a long time.

Relevant Videoposted on March 14State Border Service of Ukraine.

The excavator was spotted during aerial reconnaissance, after which its coordinates were received by fpv drone operators. Two hits turned enemy equipment into scrap metal.

PreviouslyThe Armyinform showedAs in the Kherson region enemy equipment burns.

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The Ministry of Defense and General Staff of the Armed Forces began a new stage of reform of the defense management system

Photo: Dmitry Yurchenko / Armyinform

The Ministry of Defence and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have launched a new stage of defence management reform.

This is stated in a message onSiteof the Ministry of Defense.

The aim of the reform is to increase the effectiveness of defence planning and resource management, and to achieve long-term interoperability with our partners in NATO member states.

The Defense Ministry explained that mutual mutuality creates the opportunity to act in conjunction with partners both during military operations and during planning to counteract future threats.

"We can talk about operational and functional interoperability. Interoperability allows for joint operations in crisis management operations, as part of the NATO Response Force and multinational exercises. Such operations require interoperability at the level of weapons, shells, communication systems, etc.," explained Deputy Defense Minister Stanislav Haider.

Functional interoperability concerns the areas of defense planning, management of defense resources, personnel management, administrative activity and is focused on perspective.

“Now we have started a new stage of reform in the field of functional mutuality. Because it depends on it, including how we will interact with partners. The Ministry of Defense system goes a long and difficult path of transformation from ineffective approaches to modern standards and best international practices, ”says Stanislav Hider.

The presence of a real threat requires the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of finding more effective methods of planning and managing resources to develop capabilities.

"How will this happen and what are capabilities? Let me give you an illustrative example with F-16 aircraft," says Stanislav Haider. — Aircraft alone are not enough to gain air superiority and conduct operations. In order to effectively plan their use, we need to ensure that we have all the necessary basic capability components, including the appropriate infrastructure, such as runways, hangars, trained pilots and technical personnel, and changes made to the work of air traffic controllers, navigators, and control systems. In addition, it is necessary to plan the proper maintenance of equipment during operation, from technical inspection to the availability of appropriate spare parts and fuels and lubricants. All this must be planned and executed in the shortest possible time."

In order to achieve the ability to develop capabilities quickly and effectively, the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched the project "Transformation of the Defence Management System". The project is being implemented under the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

The project involves representatives of the relevant structural units of the Ministry and procurement agencies, specialists from the planning and resource management departments of the General Staff, as well as experts from the SDA project teams of Great Britain and PROTECT2 Canada, consultants from Lithuania and the US IDA.

"We have set a goal in the first half of 2024 to form a target model and a roadmap for the transformation of the capacity development management system. This project is part of institutional changes and is part of the activities of the NATO-Ukraine Adapted Annual National Program," said Stanislav Haider.

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Explosion reported in Kharkiv

Explosion reported in Kharkiv

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We create a new and maximum effective military medicine system - Natalia Kalmykova

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova, at a meeting with members of the Kiev Association of Military Attache, spoke about changes in the system of military medicine.

This is stated in a message onSiteDefense Office.

“Today, a comprehensive system is being created that combines military medicine, rehabilitation and the issues of preservation and restoration of mental health. In this matter, we are at a new level of integration with the civilian health system, ”Natalia Kalmykova said.

The Deputy Minister of Defense also added that the agency in close cooperation with foreign partners, military doctors and public organizations is currently working to create the most effective model for comprehensive rehabilitation of servicemen.

"I am grateful to every state that helps Ukraine protect democracy in the world today," Natalia Kalmykova emphasized.

The event, during which the attendees were acquainted with the peculiarities of helping soldiers wounded in the war, was also attended by the Commander of the Medical Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Anatolii Kazmirchuk.

The participants of the meeting discussed the issue of improving the healthcare sector as part of the military medicine system.

In particular, it was about developing a comprehensive approach to the provision of medical care to servicemen: from the peculiarities of providing first emergency aid during the evacuation of the battlefield and work of advanced surgical groups - to issues of physical and psychological rehabilitation.

As reported by the Armyinform, representatives of state agenciesdemonstratedMedical evacuation train. The first medical wagon that has no analogues in the world was created in early March 2022.

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The Tyle State Operator has begun the process of creating a supervisory board

The Ministry of Defense Ministry of the State Operator of the rear (DOT) and the NGO "Expert Support Fund and Economic Development" (EDGE) signed a memorandum on cooperation for the search and selection of candidates for the Supervisory Board.

This is stated in a message onSiteDefense Office.

Currently, DOT has announced the collection of commercial proposals for recruiting companies that will be transferred to EDGE to select the winner and conclude a contract through the ProZorro system.

The deadline for submission of proposals is March 22, 2024.

The Supervisory Board will consist of five members: three independent and two representatives of the state.

“Starting the Supervisory Board is a step to ensure transparency and accountability. This is especially important for rear purchases, in particular for more efficient use of budget funds, ”said Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Dmitry Klimenkov.

"The creation of the Supervisory Board is an effective practice of implementing the principle of corporate governance in the public sector, the key to successful management and providing high standards of transparency and accountability, which is implemented by DOT," - said Arsen Zhumadilov, CEO of Agency Agency.

The procurement of a recruiting company will be carried out at the expense of the donor (the funds of the Special Defense Advisor Program on the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Kiev, funded by the British government).

In pursuance of the memorandum of cooperation between the State Home Front Operator and the public organization "Foundation for Expert Support of Governance and Economic Development", the procurement was announced exclusively in terms of announcement and submission of proposals.

The Expert Support Fund and Economic Development "will be the customer of these services, chose a recruiting company and conclude an agreement with it outside the electronic procurement system.

Thus, the state operator of the rear will not directly conclude a contract with a recruiting company. The simplified purchase will be completed after the expiration period is completed.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Defense Procurement Agency of the Ministry of Defense of UkraineannouncedThrough the mechanism of simplified purchase in the ProZorro system, the selection of a recruiting company that will help to select independent members of the Agency Supervisory Board.

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5 person wounded as result of Russian shelling in Nikopol

5 person wounded as result of Russian shelling in Nikopol

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The General Staff of the Armed Forces: The enemy is most attacked in the Avdeev and Novopavlovsky directions

During the day, 68 combat clashes were recorded on the front. The enemy struck 14 rocket launchers and 103 aircraft strikes, and made 45 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

This is stated in a message onFacebook pageThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In Kupyansk directionThe enemy of the offensive (assault) did not take action.

Towards LymanOur warriors repelled 16 enemy attacks in the areas of Ternya settlements, Yampolivka, Razdolivka of Donetsk region and Bigorivka of Luhansk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Bakhmut directionThe forces of defense repelled 5 enemy attacks in the districts of Bogdanivka Ivanovsky and Klischivka of Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to improve his tactical position.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders repelled 18 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdichi, Orlovka, Tonny, Pervomaisk and Vodyane Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the districts of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Novomikhailivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops 18 times.

In the Orikhiv directionThe enemy, with the support of aviation, attacked the positions of our defenders 6 times in the areas of Staromayorske, Donetsk oblast, Robotyne and west of Verbovo, Zaporizhzhia oblast.

In the area of ​​responsibility, "Odesa"in the Kherson directionDuring the day, the enemy made an unsuccessful attempt to storm the positions of our troops.

In Volyn and Polissya directionsOperational situation without significant changes. No signs of formation of offensive groups of the enemy were detected.

In the Siversky and Slobozhansky directionsThe enemy retains military presence in border areas, conducts sabotage and intelligence activities, fired settlements from the territory of the Russian Federation, increases the density of mine-explosive barriers along the state border of Ukraine.

As reported by the Armyinform, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Alexander SirskyVisited brigadesIn the Zaporizhzhya direction and stated that the defense forces managed to start the process of rotation and replacement of parts and units that have been performing combat missions for a long time.

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"Ukraine is not running out of courage," says NATO chief Stoltenberg, emphasizing the shortage rather of ammunition and other...

"Ukraine is not running out of courage," says NATO chief Stoltenberg, emphasizing the shortage rather of ammunition and other critical military supplies. He welcomes that some countries have sent Kyiv longer-range missiles and agreed to send F-16s

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Sweden will buy ammunition for Ukraine for 30 million euros

Sweden has become another country to join the Czech initiative to supply Ukraine with artillery ammunition.

About thisreported on March 14Sweden Embassy in the Czech Republic.

The post says, "Wonderful work, Czech!" And the hashtags "Myenato" and "Strong" have been added.

The video accompanying the post states that Swedish aid to Ukraine since the beginning of the large-scale invasion amounts to 3.2 billion euros.

Asreported the Armyinform,Six days ago, funds were raised to buy the first 300,000 shells for the Armed Forces.

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Rustem Umerov: We clearly understand the situation at the front and are ready to make decisions

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov conducted a working trip to the war zone.

About thisreported March 14Ministry of Defence Ukraine.

“He spent every day in brigades who are fighting in Donetsk and Luhansk region. We honestly discuss the front challenges with the commanders of the units. We help find the necessary solutions. We do not close our eyes to problems, ”the Minister of Defense said.

According to Rustem Umerov, each head of the military command and control body must be in constant contact with the units.

“To understand the situation on the front line and support the commanders, we and the commander -in -chief regularly visit combat crews. Obtaining information about opportunities, management problems and needs of units from the first mouth allows you to make a better and faster decision. This is the key to victory in a dynamic war. Our task is to create the ability and build a system that will provide us with an advantage over the enemy, ”the Minister of Defense added.

“I see how the Commander -in -Chief Sirsky regularly works with the units in the fields. He lives with war, he makes decisions, he cares for a soldier. I am grateful to the head for conscientious daily work. The units should see - we are with them. And we will be close to the victory, no matter how difficult it was on the way. We act like one team. United for the sake of victory! ” - Rustem Umerov emphasized.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat Minister Rustem Umerov and Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi presented state and departmental awards to servicemen who distinguished themselves in battles with the Russian aggressor.

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In Zhytomyr region, 2.5 times increased the traitor's term

The prosecutor's office on the appeal has increased the punishment for the State Council from 6 to 15 years behind bars.

About thisreported March 14Office of the Prosecutor General.

According to the investigation, a resident of Korosten during a full -scale Russian invasion cooperated with representatives of hostile intelligence. He reported the location of checkpoints, dislocations of the military unit and infrastructure in the area for a possible task.

The task was performed according to the conspiracy instructions, had a call sign.

In April 2022, the convicted person handed his curator screenshot with the location of an important special exhibition and reported shelling.

During the search, computer equipment, mobile phones, instructions for the transmission of the information obtained were removed from the enemy.

Initially, the traitor received 6 years in prison, but will now sit for 15 years.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat in Dnipropetrovsk the term received a Russian spy for Himars.

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Explosions were reported in Sumy

Explosions were reported in Sumy

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German weapon manufacturer Rheinmetall plans to build 4 factories in Ukraine

The company stated that factories in Ukraine will be intended for the production of shells, military vehicles, gunpowder and anti -aircraft weapons.

About thisreported March 14English edition of The Guardian.

"Ukraine is now an important partner for us, where we see a potential of 2-3 billion euros a year," said a possible sales volume of RheinMetall CEO, Armin Papperger, when presenting the results of the company for 2023.

Rheinmetall, Kyi is the largest German manufacturer of military equipment, has already announced in February the plans of construction of artillery shells in Ukraine.

The company already has a joint venture for military equipment repair.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedAbout the plans of Rheinmetall to build a plant for ammunition in Ukraine.

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Explosions were reported in Kharkiv

Explosions were reported in Kharkiv

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An An-12 military transport plane made an emergency landing in Borisoglebsk, local media reports. Cause: malfunction of the l...

An An-12 military transport plane made an emergency landing in Borisoglebsk, local media reports. Cause: malfunction of the landing gear

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During the Large War, Ukraine managed to release only 160 civilian prisoners of war

The Russian Federation illegally holds more than 7,000 civilians in the occupied territories and in the Russian Federation.

This was reported on March 14 at the presentation of the strategy of release of civilians and the search for missing missing as a result of Russian aggression at the Media Center Ukraine - Ukrinform Head of the Center for Civil Liberties Alexander Matviychuk (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate of 2022).

Some were detained for "resistance to a special military operation", but no accusations were made. Many civilians are cruelly behaved, tortured. The places of their maintenance are hidden.

“From the beginning of the full -scale war of Russia against Ukraine, only 160 civilians were released during the exchanges of prisoners (data as of January 4, 2024). Such a pace of release is extremely slow and indicate the need to implement a systematic strategy aimed at the release of all civilians, illegally withheld, without exchanges or conditions, ”Alexander Matviychuk said.

According to the Head of the Civil Liberty Center, some civilians were detained for resistance, but no accusations have been made, and they have no access to them.

"Many civilians are cruelly behaved, they are tortured, and their places are hidden," said Alexander Matviychuk.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat the suspicion of the Rosgvardia officer who tortured Ukrainians was declared.

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Ukraine has started negotiating with Latvia on the conclusion of a bilateral security agreement

Negotiations with Latvia on the conclusion of a bilateral security agreement have been initiated to implement the G7 joint declaration.

About thisreported March 14President's office.

Negotiations were held by the Deputy Head of Presidential Office Igor Zhovkva. The delegation also included representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Strategic Industry of Ukraine, etc.

The parties outlined the content of the transaction, its key elements and thematic blocks. The schedule of further negotiations was agreed.

Ukraine is now talking with eight countries: USA, Japan, Romania, Norway, Spain, Greece, Finland, Latvia and the EU.

Seven security agreements have already been signed with the following partners: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy and the Netherlands.

The task of Ukraine remains that each such agreement strengthens our country, approaches victory and adds forces of international law and law and order.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlier, the President called the security agreement with Germany one of the most powerful documents in Ukrainian history.

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Bulgaria sent a hundred armored personnel carriers to Ukraine

It is about APCs made in the 60-70s of the last century.

About completing the departure of armored vehiclesdeclared March 14Bulgaria Defense Minister Todor Tagarev.

He called the departure of the APC an important milestone in support of Bulgaria of Ukraine. The operation of transportation of armored vehicles began on January 29, and the first column of 30 cars went on March 7.

In order to pass the equipment, the Bulgarian Parliament had to overcome the veto of the President.

BeforeArmyInform reportedthat Ukraine and Bulgaria are working on expanding trade flows and the restoration of navigation.

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Death toll of Russian drone strike in Sumy yesterday rises to 3

Death toll of Russian drone strike in Sumy yesterday rises to 3

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Crossing the Gur Z Bilgorodshchini: “Everything, there is no one. We were left here again "

The interception contains a fragment of a conversation between russian servicemen from the Grayvoron district of the Belgorod region.

The corresponding audio recording was posted on March 14 by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The GUR comments states that the invaders discuss the indifference of the command, their own abandonment and the low moral and psychological state.

It will be recalled that on the territory of the Belgorod and Kursk regions of the Russian Federation, the Russian Volunteer Corps and other units are conducting an operation to liberate them from Putin's regime.

BeforeThe Armyinform has already reportedAbout fires, arrivals and other signs of the imminent end of the Russian Federation.

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President: "Every day we are accumulating more and more of such the right strength, a long -range force"

In the address of March 14, Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the employees of the Ukrainian Defense Complex and stated that Ukraine is accumulating a long -range force. .

The video appearedOn the Presidential Official Page.

“Today I had the opportunity to thank the employees of our defense complex - people who dedicated their lives to Ukrainian power. Which make our weapons, which manifests itself at the front, at sea, in blows from the air through the Russian system of war, ”said Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The President thanked the defense workers for helping our soldiers to fight and save the lives of Ukrainians. The Head of State promised that there would be even more weapons, shells, our drones, our systems of HPs.

Volodymyr Zelensky said he met with employees of one of the defense enterprises.

“These are people who have found a way to intensify our country. Significantly. Every day, we are accumulating more and more of such the necessary power, a long -range force, ”the President said.

With full text of the appealYou can see here.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlier, on the day of Ukrainian volunteer, the President presented awards to the heroes of Ukraine and the families of the dead.

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Shelling reported in Kherson

Shelling reported in Kherson

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President of Ukraine Zelensky had a telephone conversation with the Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz

President of Ukraine Zelensky had a telephone conversation with the Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz

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March 15. This day in history

15 березня. Цей день в історії

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Air defense is active against drones in Odesa region

Air defense is active against drones in Odesa region

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Emmanuel Macron: "What we thought was unthinkable is happening: the war is on European soil"

Emmanuel Macron: "What we thought was unthinkable is happening: the war is on European soil"

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Emmanuel Macron: "Peace is not the capitulation of Ukraine"

Emmanuel Macron: "Peace is not the capitulation of Ukraine"

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Sending troops to Ukraine: Macron "takes responsibility" but affirms that France will "not carry out an offensive"

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War in Ukraine: "If Russia were to win, we would no longer have security in Europe", assures Emmanuel Macron

War in Ukraine: "If Russia were to win, we would no longer have security in Europe", assures Emmanuel Macron

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Emmanuel Macron: Putin "made the choice to make the Russian Federation a destabilizing power"

Emmanuel Macron: Putin "made the choice to make the Russian Federation a destabilizing power"

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"To decide today to be weak – is already to be in defeat," says Emmanuel Macron

"To decide today to be weak – is already to be in defeat," says Emmanuel Macron

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Macron recognizes that "we do not have a defense industry adapted to a high-intensity territorial war"

Macron recognizes that "we do not have a defense industry adapted to a high-intensity territorial war"

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"If Russia wins this war, Europe's credibility will be reduced to zero," says Emmanuel Macron on the subject of Ukraine

"If Russia wins this war, Europe's credibility will be reduced to zero," says Emmanuel Macron on the subject of Ukraine

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"If Russia continues its escalation, we will be ready" assures @EmmanuelMacron

"If Russia continues its escalation, we will be ready" assures @EmmanuelMacron

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Emmanuel Macron: "We are not in a novel or a series. As we speak, there are men and women dying in Ukraine under the responsi...

Emmanuel Macron: "We are not in a novel or a series. As we speak, there are men and women dying in Ukraine under the responsibility of President Putin"

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Emmanuel Macron: "There is only one part responsible for the situation we are in: it is the Kremlin regime"

Emmanuel Macron: "There is only one part responsible for the situation we are in: it is the Kremlin regime"

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Emmanuel Macron judges that "the security of Europe and the French is at stake" in Ukraine

Emmanuel Macron judges that "the security of Europe and the French is at stake" in Ukraine

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"We will produce nearly 75 CAESAR cannons, they will all go to the Ukrainian front," announces Emmanuel Macron

"We will produce nearly 75 CAESAR cannons, they will all go to the Ukrainian front," announces Emmanuel Macron

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"Our responsibility is to be strong for peace. Our responsibility is to maintain this European unity": Emmanuel Macron speaks...

"Our responsibility is to be strong for peace. Our responsibility is to maintain this European unity": Emmanuel Macron speaks after his remarks on the possible sending of troops to Ukraine

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Air defense is active in Khmelnitsky region

Air defense is active in Khmelnitsky region

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Ukrainian military had 68 combat engagements with Russian forces near Terny, Yampolivka, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region and Bil...

Ukrainian military had 68 combat engagements with Russian forces near Terny, Yampolivka, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region and Bilohorivka of Luhansk region, Bohdanivka, Ivanivske and Klischiyivka of Donetsk region, Berdychi, Orlivka, Tonenke, Pervomayske and Vodyane of Donetsk region, Krasnohorivka, Heorhiyivka, Novomykhaylivka of Donetsk region, Staromayorske of Donetsk region, Robotyne and west to Verbove of Zaporizhzhia region, at the eastern bank of Dnipro river in Kherson region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

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1 person killed, 4 wounded as result of drones attack in Vinnytsia region

1 person killed, 4 wounded as result of drones attack in Vinnytsia region

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