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March 15. This day in history

15 березня. Цей день в історії

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Air defense is active against drones in Odesa region

Air defense is active against drones in Odesa region

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Emmanuel Macron: "Peace is not the capitulation of Ukraine"

Emmanuel Macron: "Peace is not the capitulation of Ukraine"

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Sending troops to Ukraine: Macron "takes responsibility" but affirms that France will "not carry out an offensive"

Sending troops to Ukraine: Macron "takes responsibility" but affirms that France will "not carry out an offensive"

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War in Ukraine: "If Russia were to win, we would no longer have security in Europe", assures Emmanuel Macron

War in Ukraine: "If Russia were to win, we would no longer have security in Europe", assures Emmanuel Macron

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Emmanuel Macron: Putin "made the choice to make the Russian Federation a destabilizing power"

Emmanuel Macron: Putin "made the choice to make the Russian Federation a destabilizing power"

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"To decide today to be weak – is already to be in defeat," says Emmanuel Macron

"To decide today to be weak – is already to be in defeat," says Emmanuel Macron

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Macron recognizes that "we do not have a defense industry adapted to a high-intensity territorial war"

Macron recognizes that "we do not have a defense industry adapted to a high-intensity territorial war"

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"If Russia wins this war, Europe's credibility will be reduced to zero," says Emmanuel Macron on the subject of Ukraine

"If Russia wins this war, Europe's credibility will be reduced to zero," says Emmanuel Macron on the subject of Ukraine

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"If Russia continues its escalation, we will be ready" assures @EmmanuelMacron

"If Russia continues its escalation, we will be ready" assures @EmmanuelMacron

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Emmanuel Macron: "We are not in a novel or a series. As we speak, there are men and women dying in Ukraine under the responsi...

Emmanuel Macron: "We are not in a novel or a series. As we speak, there are men and women dying in Ukraine under the responsibility of President Putin"

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Emmanuel Macron: "There is only one part responsible for the situation we are in: it is the Kremlin regime"

Emmanuel Macron: "There is only one part responsible for the situation we are in: it is the Kremlin regime"

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Emmanuel Macron judges that "the security of Europe and the French is at stake" in Ukraine

Emmanuel Macron judges that "the security of Europe and the French is at stake" in Ukraine

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"We will produce nearly 75 CAESAR cannons, they will all go to the Ukrainian front," announces Emmanuel Macron

"We will produce nearly 75 CAESAR cannons, they will all go to the Ukrainian front," announces Emmanuel Macron

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"Our responsibility is to be strong for peace. Our responsibility is to maintain this European unity": Emmanuel Macron speaks...

"Our responsibility is to be strong for peace. Our responsibility is to maintain this European unity": Emmanuel Macron speaks after his remarks on the possible sending of troops to Ukraine

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Air defense is active in Khmelnitsky region

Air defense is active in Khmelnitsky region

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Ukrainian military had 68 combat engagements with Russian forces near Terny, Yampolivka, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region and Bil...

Ukrainian military had 68 combat engagements with Russian forces near Terny, Yampolivka, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region and Bilohorivka of Luhansk region, Bohdanivka, Ivanivske and Klischiyivka of Donetsk region, Berdychi, Orlivka, Tonenke, Pervomayske and Vodyane of Donetsk region, Krasnohorivka, Heorhiyivka, Novomykhaylivka of Donetsk region, Staromayorske of Donetsk region, Robotyne and west to Verbove of Zaporizhzhia region, at the eastern bank of Dnipro river in Kherson region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

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1 person killed, 4 wounded as result of drones attack in Vinnytsia region

1 person killed, 4 wounded as result of drones attack in Vinnytsia region

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The Air Force forces at night destroyed all launched by the enemy "Shahda"

On the night of March 15, 27 shock UAVs were shot.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces.

“At night, Russian invaders attacked Ukraine by applying 27 shahamed UAVs. All shock drones were destroyed by the forces and means of air defense of Ukraine, ”the message reads.

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The Muscovites's military columns were stuck not only in 2022 in the Kyiv region: about multi-kilometer traffic jams in 1563 and 1941

"Amateurs are talking about strategy, professionals talk about logistics." This quote of the famous American General Omar Bradley briefly explains everything you need to know about any war.

This logic of Russia has always been managed by amateurs. Kings, Secretaries, presidents have always liked to talk about strategy, draw breaks, plan grand military operations and look for their place in history. At the same time they forgot about the elementary. And - the wars lost. Russian historians themselves claim this.

When called the causes of Russia's military defeats, the word "logistics" is not always in the first place. It was because of the inability to manage their huge armies that the empire regularly shakes military catastrophes.

In general, problems with logistics in Muscovy are solved from about the Middle Ages. Even in the old days, Moscow warlords have never worried themselves with the problems of the army, especially the delivery of weapons and food. It was started to think so - the soldier will find everything in place.

Article "On the Question of Kulikovo Field", M. Nesin:

“… At least by the end of the 1470s, Russian troops did not bring with them large supplies of the provision, even if the Grand Duke itself went with them, and habitually replenished their stocks by robbery of the population. … Before the Battle of the Hordes on the drunken river many soldiers disconnected at the expense of the surrounding population and were not ready to repel the Tatars. At the same time, the author of the Moscow chronicle about the battle on the drunken river complains solely on the negligence of the Muscovites, not the fact that they were poorly stocked by the provision before the campaign. "

It was because of the inability to organize the delivery of provisions and fusion that the Muscovites fought mainly in small armies and near rivers - it was easier to organize cargo transportation. Still loved winter - it was possible to carry the sled, not ordinary off -road. In 1563, the army of Ivan the Terrible in the infamous Polotsk campaign was completely disgraced. Stuck in a huge and multi -kilometer traffic jam. Due to the confusion with the train, the army could not not fight, but just to go.

Article "On the Question of Kulikovo Field", M. Nesin:

“… All this army demanded about 1500–1600 tons of provisions and fusion daily, and in two weeks of march from the Great Luke to Polotsk, the army would consume, respectively, more than 22.5 thousand tons of feed. The size of the train in this case became just horrible, and not surprised the multi -day traffic jams and traffic jams during the Polotsk campaign: tens of thousands of sleighs and horses tightly blocked narrow winter roads. "

Those who are a little familiar with the history of Russia know - the Kremlin generals at all times did not like boring production processes, relying on the ordinary Russian "Abos". Back in 1757, the future Russian Field Marshal Rumyantsev described the condition of his regiments: "Horses are completely exhausted, crews into nothing transformed and broken" (report by PO Rumyantsev Field Marshal Apraxin).

Remember 1812? The war with Napoleon, which Russian historians always describe with tears of firing in the eyes? Almost all movies about that time always end with a pathetic retreat of the French from Russia. Frost broken with miserable plays and Henry have always laughed at the Moscow audience. However, it is worth noting that heroic Russian troops had a little better look.

The book "Military Economy of the Russian Army in the Patriotic War of 1812", Veschikov PI:

Here is an example of Prince Kutuzov's conversations with soldiers: “… When he drove to the Izmailka Regiment, he asked,“ Is it bread? ” -“ No, your light. ” - "And the wine?" - "No, your luminosity." - "And beef ??" - "no". - Having gained a formidable appearance, Prince Kutuzov said: “I will command to hang provincial officials. Tomorrow they will bring us bread, wine, meat, and you will rest. "

Years and decades passed. Poor logistics continued to be the cause of global catastrophes of the imperial Russian army. For example, their historians are now in a hurry that the defeat in the Crimean War happened due to the lack of railways in Russia.

The article "Logistics during the Great Patriotic War", Batyuk LI, Gadimova FK:

“During the Crimean War, one of the decisive factors in the defeat of our army was the lack of railways. England and France, unlike us, could carry goods to hostilities, cheaper and lifting. It was the defeat in the Crimean War that finally resolved the issue of large -scale construction of the railway network in Russia. "

Russia in the Crimean War is a separate history. At the final stage, she resembled beating - so backward and weak was the imperial army of Nicholas the first. Even delivering food to the front was a fantastic task for Russian generals.

The article "Logistics during the Great Patriotic War", Batyuk LI, Gadimova FK:

“By the saturation of the railways, by their specific length per unit area and per capita, our country was far behind the developed countries of the West. The uneven location of industrial industries, concentrated within the European part of the country ... is also uneven location of railways. Large millions of kilometers of Siberia, the Far East and Central Asia with their rich raw material resources were housed on only 17% of the railway network ... For every 100 square kilometers of Russia, 0.32 kilometers of public rail were used, in the USA, for example, 5.3 km, for example in Germany - 11.3 km, England - 15.4 km. The same situation has occurred with the density of the road network ... ”

"Bitter unexplored lesson". "Pill". "A big country, brought to a sad state for two years." "How many lives are donated for nothing." Here are just a few quotes of contemporaries who marked the end of the Crimean war. The defeat was really scary for the empire. And this, after all, forced the Russian generals to study the word "logistics".

Twenty years of defeat in the Crimean War carefully analyzed, concluded. Indeed, the battles with the Ottoman Empire in the next Great War ended with a victory. But very quickly the Moscow warlords were lowered from heaven to earth. The next war again showed - the shortcomings of the Russian army on the spot. In the war with Japan - to the Far East - the troops were actually translated.

If only the railways ...-all the logistics of the tsarist army in the Russo-Japanese War was a continuous horror. The critical level of planning, the discipline of the execution of orders and the incompetence of those who issued these orders. It was possible to depict what happened during the Russo-Japanese War, one word could be a disaster. At least that was the veterans of battles with the Japanese.

Mukden Battle in the Diary of V.P. Tailor:

“… Most of the carts rushed from the Mandarin road to the left… A lot of carts with all their contents overturned, their chops, ogols, wheels were breaking; People and horses crumbled. A lot of artillery parks have contributed to the joint weight and pogrom. I was not afraid of "Shimosa" and not Shrapnel, but this terrible element - panic of the human masses with all its terrible consequences. VAE, VICTIS! The path of our movement has turned into a "valley of death".

The defeat was then changed by another defeat. In fact, the roads hammered by the Russian army were stopped.

Mukden Battle in the Diary of V.P. Tailor:

“… There were continuous delays in the traffic and congestion, which were particularly detrimental to people and horses and carts at the entrances to the villages and ravines. Everyone was somehow fell, and everyone wanted on narrow roads, so as not to stand, slip as soon as possible. There were terrible landfills. The complete lack of general supervision of the receding masses was striking. Where did the General Staff officers go, which maybe now you need to be? At every step, our Russian, disorganization and negligence are visible ... ”

Ten years have passed. New War. New defeat. The causes of General Samsonov's catastrophe - the complete defeat of the Russian army in Eastern Prussia in 1914, are again called mistakes in logistics processes.

Then Russian troops were "unexpectedly found" - they cannot use the German railway network in East Prussia. After all, Russian trains could not drive a narrow gauge.

Article "Military Logistics as a Tourist Resource", I. Smirnov:

“… The ability of German troops to use their railway network effectively was their greatest advantage during this campaign. Thus, as the Russian armies crossed the border of East Prussia, the speed of their movement began to be practically equal to the speed of the infantry. Effective vehicles for the purpose of saving carts on the draft of the Russians also had no… The decline in promotion and the shortcomings in the organization of supply were exacerbated by the bad condition of Russian inverted stores (warehouses) near the front. ”

Not surprisingly, the defeat of the Russian army in Eastern Prussia - tens of thousands of killed, wounded and captives - became the logical finale of this logistics shame.

The USSR, incidentally, became a worthy successor in the Russian Empire. All the shortcomings of the imperial army were transferred to the Soviet. In the fall of 1941, the Soviet Union put ... a giant tube.

It was formed near Kuibyshev (this is modern Samara). There were two huge cargo flows. From the east to the west were echelons heading to the area of Moscow. From the west to the east - from Ukraine there were echelons with the property of evacuated plants and factories. In the same area, the water and iron mains of oil supply also led-there were unloaded tankers, which went from Baku to Astrakhane and climbed the Volga up.

All this at one point tightly blocked the railway connection. Hundreds of echelons actually rested each other. The huge Mahina of the Soviet Union stopped.

From September to December 1941, the Kuibyshev knot (which is a vast area from Penza to Ufa) was a grand tube of evacuation and sanitary trains and counter -military echelons. This collapse was "embroidered" for several months, and only the miracle was done. One can only imagine how many human lives paid the USSR for logistics idiocy. Although… When did it pay attention to such little things in Russia?

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In the Novopavlovsky direction the enemy tried to break through the defense of the Armed Forces 24 times

During the last day, 76 combat clashes took place.

About thisinformsThe General Staff of the Armed Forces.

In the Kupyansk direction, the enemy of the offensive (assault) did not take action.

In the Liman direction, our warriors reflects 16 enemy attacks in the areas of Ternya settlements, Yampolivka, Razdolivka of Donetsk region and Bigorivka of Luhansk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Bakhmut direction, 5 enemy attacks in the districts of Bogdanivka Ivanovsky and Klischiyivka of Donetsk region were reflected.

In the Avdeevsky direction, our defenders reflects 20 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdychi, Orlovka, Tonny, Pervomaisk Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky direction, the forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the districts of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Novomykhailivka and Vodyany Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried 24 times to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Orikhiv direction, the enemy attacked the positions of our defenders 7 times in the areas of Staromayorsky Donetsk region; Robots and western Verbov Zaporizhzhya region.

In the Kherson direction, the enemy does not give up the intention of knocking out our units from the bridgeheads on the Left Bank of the Dnieper. Yes, during the last day, one unsuccessful storm of the positions of our troops was carried out.

At the same time, our warriors continue to be active in the occupation troops of losses in living strength and technology, depleting the enemy along the entire front line.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Air Force at nightDestroyedAll launched by the Shahda enemy.

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Modern volunteers and UNR days: why it is important to take into account the historical experience of predecessors

The flag of the first Ukrainian Volunteer Infantry Regiment named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky

The Volunteer Movement formed the basis of the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic, and it was the military volunteers who most consistently defended the idea of creating Ukrainian statehood during the first liberation competitions.

However, the unwillingness of the vast majority of Ukrainian volunteers of that time to go further in semi -stiff armed formations and join the ranks of the regular armed forces of the Ukrainian state became fatal - the UNR lost the war of Bolshevik Russia.

The importance of the Ukrainian Volunteer Movement of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 and the benefits of modern volunteers over its historical precursors of the Armyinform was told by the candidate of historical sciences, the head of the department of general education disciplines "Zigmund Froid University of Ukraine", founder of the NGO "Expert Corps".

Tatiana Shvidchenko

Volunteer regiments called the names of the hetmans and the cat chieftains

The decisive for the Ukrainian voluntary movement of the first liberation competition was the appeal to the tradition of Ukrainian Cossacks of the XVII -XVIII centuries. It was in the Cossack era that the volunteers re -found the national military tradition, which can become the basis for the creation of modern Ukrainian armed forces.

Therefore, in April 1917, the first Ukrainian Volunteer Infantry Regiment named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky, which eventually grew up and became a structural part of the Ukrainian army.

Vsevolod Petrov

Soon, the second Ukrainian name of Hetman Pavel Polubotok, the Cossack Regiment, which enshrined the tradition of appealing to the Cossack past as a symbolic model for imitation by Ukrainian volunteer formations of the times of the Ukrainian National Democratic Revolution.

- An interesting example is with Vsevolod Petrov, who symbolically called his already Ukrainianized regiment with the name of Kostya Gordienko - the first cat chieftain of Zaporizhzhya Sich of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, who brought 8,000 Cossacks to Poltava to participate in the Poltava battle. - Likewise, Vsevolod Petrov brought him a regiment from Niman to the Dnieper, to Kiev, to the Central Rada in order to pour it into the Ukrainian army.

Without joining the regular army,
Free Cossacks made a fatal error

The striking phenomenon of the first liberation competitions was also the so -called free Cossacks, which formed the mass basis of the Ukrainian volunteer movement. He was mostly joined by peasants, who were ready to fight for free Ukraine at the call of their heart and their ideals, remembering the glorious times of Cossacks-Cossacks.

- Unfortunately, it was not possible to direct this powerful voluntary gust to the creation of regular Ukrainian armed forces. The peasants thought first of all about the protection of their home, about economic affairs - and as soon as their small homeland disappeared, then they returned to the homes, - explains Tatiana Vidchenko.

Delegates of the First Congress of Free Cossacks in Chigirin (October 1917)

Fatigue was also sustained from the long -term World War I and the propaganda of Bolshevik agitators who erected Ukrainian volunteers in Manivka, offering simple and at the same time deceptive decisions.

Subsequently, having encountered Bolshevik politics in practice, the peasants were aware of deception and created numerous rebel units such as the famous knights of the Cold Yar. However, it was too late - the scattered armed forces of the rebels were incapable of defeating the state with a regular army of a hostile state.

Modern volunteers trained by the mistakes of their predecessors of the UNR day

- We are now in a much better situation than our historical predecessors during the Ukrainian People's Republic. We have a state that has existed for several years and, thanks to the tragic historical experience, we know the price of false Russian propaganda well, - says the scientist.

This makes modern Ukrainian volunteers more conscious, motivated and visionary than historical predecessors. Unlike the soldiers of the free Cossacks, they are good to leave the weapon on the first occasion after the disappearance of direct danger, the fighters of volunteer armed formations are well understood that the state structure is able to defeat only another state structure.

- Now, unlike the situation of a century ago, state institutions work and there is an internal consolidation of society - there is a clear awareness that Russia is an enemy. This was sharply lacked during the UNR, and because of this she lost. However, the tragic experience has not passed in vain-his lessons served the Ukrainian national liberation movement in the future,-Tatiana Shvidchenko emphasizes.

Free Cossacks - Terroboron of the Ukrainian Revolution
Вільне козацтво – тероборона української революції

That is why modern Ukrainian volunteers have strongly followed their historical predecessors, whether by transforming volunteer armed forces into regular parts of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, or joining the ranks of existing units. Undoubtedly, it is an important component of the future victory.

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In Vinnytsia region, a person was killed in a dwelling into a dwelling house

On the night of March 15, Russian invaders attacked Shahheda Vinnytsia. The UAV has been hit in a dwelling house.

About it the head of the Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration Sergey Borzovreportedon Facebook.

“Four people were hospitalized as a result of an air hostile attack in Vinnytsia region. Unfortunately, one person was killed, ”the message said.

The respective services work on the spot. Work is underway to parse the rubble. Information on the effects of an enemy attack is clarified.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Air Force at nightDestroyedAll launched by the Shahda enemy.

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US condemn Russian elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine - State Department

The United States condemns the organization of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, threatening responsibility to all attached to this process, as well as those who agreed to speak international observers.

With a relevant statementHe spokeIn Washington, a spokesman for US State Department Matthew Miller.

"The United States condemns Russia's attempts to undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Ukraine by holding fictitious elections in the occupied Ukrainian territories," said a representative of the foreign policy department.

At the same time, Matthew Miller emphasized that the election results in the occupied Ukrainian regions will be the same as they say in Moscow. They cannot reflect the free will of the Ukrainian citizens who are forced to vote.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Ukrainian ParliamentcalledThe world is to strengthen sanctions against the Russian Federation against the backdrop of the "elections" of the President of the Russian Federation on Tot.

The Diet of Latviawill votefor a statement on the illegitimacy of elections in Russia.

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RF loss per day: minus 580 invaders, 11 BBM and 15 artistem

The total fighting loss of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 15.03.24 is approximately:

  • personnel - -428420 (+580) persons liquidated
  • tanks -6758 (+1)
  • combat armored vehicles -12949 (+11)
  • Artillery systems -10580 (+15)
  • RSZV -1017 (0)
  • air defense means -717 (0)
  • aircraft -347 (0)
  • Helicopters -325 (0)
  • UAV of the operative-tactical level-8254 (+34)
  • Winged rockets -1920 (0)
  • ships / boats -26 (0)
  • submarines -1 (0)
  • Automobile equipment and tanks -13993 (+34)
  • Special technique -1711 (+3)

The data is specified ...

Beat the occupier! Let's win together! Our strength is in truth!

Source:The General Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineAs of April 15, 24.

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Shahaneda attack in Kiev: at the approaches to the capital of air defense has destroyed nearly one and a half dozen drones

On March 15, the enemy made another air attack on the capital of Ukraine. This time, the occupiers launched shaped UAVs from the Kursk region.

About thisinformsKyiv City Military Administration.

“To Kiev, hostile drones came from the northern direction. Air anxiety in the capital lasted almost an hour. Forces and means of air defense, all the UAVS Shahd enemy who went to Kiev - about one and a half dozen - were struck on the approaches to the city! (The exact number of enemy drones will be published by air forces), ”the message reads.

According to preliminary data of the KMVA, there are no victims in the capital due to the attack of the Russian Federation and destruction.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Vinnytsia region becauseDiedman.

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Pentagon officially announced the visit of Lloyd Austin to Germany for Ramstin-20

On Monday, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the Chairman of the Joint Committee of Staff Chiefs, General Si K'braun will go to Germany to presidse the meeting of the contact group on Defense of Ukraine in Ramstein.

This was stated by the deputy spokesman of Pentagon Sabrina Singh,informsPentagon.

“The Secretary of State and Chairman will join the Ministers of Defense and high -ranking military officials from almost 50 countries to discuss the war in Ukraine and confirm that the United States and this coalition continue to support the people of Ukraine, and that we will not allow Ukraine to fail in Ukraine War to protect itself from Russian aggression, ”Sabrina Singh said.

It is noted that this is the first international journey for Lloyd Austin after his recent hospitals.

As reported by the Armyinform, Rustem Umerov and Alexander SirskydiscussedWith the head of the Pentagon preparation for Ramstin.

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Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces in the Avdeevsky direction: we take all necessary measures to strengthen defense

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Lieutenant General Oleksandr Syrsky visited the Ukrainian military in the Avdeevsky direction and stated that together with the commanders, they considered the optimal options for our troops and took all necessary measures to strengthen the defense in this direction.

He reported this on his Telegram page.

According to him, the enemy has concentrated the main efforts in the Avdiivsky direction and has been trying to break through the defense of our troops in the strips of three brigades for several days in a row, throwing the assault units on equipment and walking daily.

“The offensive actions of the enemy are supported by the intense artillery fire and the active use of FPV-iots and drones with discharges. The enemy's aviation periodically strikes with a booth from a distance of 40-50 km, artillery positions and basic elements of combat order are covered by means of EWS, ”the message reads.

He said that in these conditions it is the most effective way of defense.

"It is the destruction of armored vehicles and assault groups of the enemy infantry with artillery fire, the actions of armored groups, the comprehensive use of percussion drones of different types, protection against hostile drones of their units by means Syrsky.

The Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces added that the organization and provision of these issues was devoted to his work.

“Together with the commanders, they considered the optimal options for our troops, reserves maneuver, ammunition and other material means. All necessary measures have been taken to strengthen the defense and organize constant interaction between all elements of operational construction in this direction, ”he said.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the Novopavlovsky direction the enemy 24 timestriedto break through the defense of the Armed Forces.

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Last day, the aggressor made almost 300 beats in the Zaporozhye region

During the day, the occupiers struck 274 beats on 8 settlements of Zaporizhzhya region.

About thisinformsHead of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov.

In particular, the Russian servicemen caused one aviation strike in the village of Malynivka, fired at Novodarivka and Temirivka three times, as well as attacked 63 drones of Novodanilovka, Gulyaipole, Novodarivka, Malinivka, robot and a small toct.

According to Ivan Fedorov, 207 Artudari was inflicted on the territory of Guliaypol, Robin, Novodarivka, Malynivka, Little Tokmachka, Novodanilovka, Temirovka and Omelnyk.

“There have been 18 reports on the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure. The civilians were not injured, ”said the head of Ova.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Vinnytsia region becauseA person was killed.

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There are no Russian warships in the Black and Azov Seas

Signi Kotov patrol ship with a "land" SCR on the helicopter platform. Archival Photo of the Navy of the Russian Federation

As of the morning of March 15, there is no Russian ship in the Black and Azov Seas.

About thisreportNavy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As it is noted, in the combat duty in the Mediterranean, 3 enemy ships, including 2 carriers of winged missiles "Caliber", a total volley of up to 12 missiles.

During the day, in the interests of the Russian Federation, the passage of the Kerch Strait was made:

  • 21 vessels to the Azov Sea, 2 of them moved from the Bosphorus Strait;
  • To the Black Sea - 21 ships, 5 of them continued the movement in the direction of the Bosphorus.

The Russian Federation continues to violate the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of 1974 (Solas), switching off automatic identification systems (AIS).

As reported by the Armyinform, the air defense forces destroyed at nightall run by the Shahda enemy.

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Urgently and significantly: in the Diet of Lithuania urged the international community to increase assistance to Ukraine

The Lithuanian Parliament approved the resolution "comprehensive support for the victory of Ukraine", in which, in particular, he called on the international community urgently and significantly to increase Ukraine's assistance.

About thisIt is saidon the site of the Lithuanian Seimas.

“Today we also urge the international community to urgently and significantly increase political, economic, financial, military, technical and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine; to find in Washington the will to invite Ukraine to NATO membership; Finally, negotiations on membership in the European Union and create a special international tribunal, ”said Parliament Chairman Victoria Chmilite-Nilsen.

According to her, this should be done, because every day of unrestrained aggression of the Russian Federation generates the loss of Ukraine.

This resolution repeats or updates the previously accepted positions of Lithuania on important issues. In particular, the new positions include the illegal and compulsory movement of Ukrainian children to Russia and Belarus, as well as the so -called election of the President of Russia on March 17, which will aim to legalize temporarily and illegally occupied and annexed territories of Ukraine.

As reported by the Armyinform, USAcondemnRussian elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

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Russia has broken the museum, a shop and a catering establishment in Kherson region

Last day, on March 14, the enemy fired at Kherson region again, as a result of the attack is the destruction of civilian infrastructure.

About thisinformsHead of Kherson Ova Alexander Proudin.

As it is noted, last day the enemy fired at Mikhailivka, Novoberislav, Dudchans, Red Lighthouse, Berislav, Relief, Kizomis, Novotyaginka, Tokarivka, Romashkovo, Antonovka, Poniativka and the city of Kherson.

"The Russian military kissed the residential quarters of the settlements of the region, in particular 6 high -rise buildings and 5 private homes were damaged," said Ova head.

According to Alexander Proudin, as a result of shelling, a museum, a shop and a catering establishment were recorded. The garage of the vehicle, buses, communal vehicles and cars were damaged.

Fortunately, there are no victims among civilians during this day.

In addition, he added that the forces of air defense in our area were able to destroy 1 ShahED.

We will remind, last day the aggressor struckAlmost 300 beatsin the Zaporozhye region.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Vinnytsia region becauseA person was killed.

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In Vinnytsia because of the Shahheda attack, the number of dead increased to two

As a result of the night attack in the Vinnytsia region, another person was killed on March 15 at night. Thus, the number of drones killed due to Russian attack increased to two people.

About it the head of the Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration Sergey BorzovreportedTelegram.

"At night, the occupiers struck residential buildings. Four people were hospitalized. One person died on the spot. It has just become known that a woman died in the hospital," the message reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Air Force at nightDestroyedAll Shahed drones launched by the enemy.

On the approaches to the capitalAir defensedestroyed almost a half dozen drones.

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In Ukraine a moment of silence

According to Presidential Decree Volodymyr Zelensky No. 143/2022, a minute of silence is spent daily at 9:00, it is announced in all media.

“For the purpose of honoring light memory, civic courage and dedication, spirit, stability and heroic feat of warriors who died in the performance of combat missions to protect state sovereignty and territorial integrity , I make: start a daily at 9 o'clock 00 minutes of a nationwide minute of silence for compatriots, killed as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which to declare in all media, regardless of ownership, ”the document reads.

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In Washington, Anthony Blinken and Josep Borrel discussed military assistance to Ukraine

EU High Representative Josep Borrell met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington. In particular, the leaders discussed assistance to Ukraine and stressed their unwavering support.

About this Anthony BlinkenreportedThe Twitter Twitter.

"I met with Josep Borrell. They discussed the situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip, in particular the plan to open a sea corridor for humanitarian aid. They also reaffirmed their unwavering support for Ukraine. Cooperation between the US and the EU is crucial to address global security challenges," the post reads.

EU diplomacy headStressedon the need for greater, faster and constant military assistance to Ukraine. He praised the latest US decision on additional military assistance.

The parties also discussed global outreach initiatives, such as Ukraine's Peace Formula.

As reported by the Armyinform, high EU representative Josep BorrelNotedthat the victory of Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression depends on the strength and reliability of transatlantic.

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In support of support showed a mine car on the base of the M1 Abrams chassis

The Command of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine showed the M1150 (M1150 Assault Breacher Vehicle) military vehicle for mine disposal based on the M1 Abrams chassis, equipped with a mine plow and a charge of the demining line.

About thisIt is saidin the report of the AFCCC.

"See what the handsome engineering forces of support forces," the support of support emphasizes.

It is noted that the first large-scale use of the M1150 by the US Marine Corps took place in the joint operation of the International Security Assistance Force within the framework of Operation Moshtarak in southern Afghanistan during the war in Afghanistan in 2010 against the Taliban.

"These caterpillars were specially designed for clearing routes for troops and other vehicles through minefields, roadside bombs and homemade explosive devices," the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

The 72-ton machine 12 m long Abrams with an engine of 1500 horsepower, equipped with an front plow of 4.6 meters wide, supported by metal skis.

The M1150 is equipped with a linear blanket system (Linear Demolition Charge System (LDCS) - rockets carrying explosives up to several hundred meters ahead, undermining the explosives at a safe distance so that troops and vehicles can safely pass.

As ArmyInform reported, all sapper groups are in the Support Forcescompletenecessary equipment.

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We destroyed 11 enemy tanks with two attack drones — Code 9.2 attack UAV platoon commander

For almost two years now, the epic videos of the "birds" of the platoon of attack UAVs called Code 9.2 of the Separate Assault Brigade named after Ataman Ivan Sirko against the Russian occupiers have been forcing users of social networks and news Telegram channels to postpone all their business, and watch with a malicious smile how the ruscists live the last minutes of their worthless lives.

Recently, an ArmyInform correspondent met with the commander of the Code 9.2 attack UAV platoon, serviceman Andriy, pseudonym "Grandfather". They talked about the creation of the unit and its motivation, the development of UAV forces in the Ukrainian army.

— Andrii, why "Grandpa"? Obviously, this call sign is beyond its years...

"It's been since the days of reconnaissance to confuse the enemy. But seriously, probably because no one believes I'm 41... I just lead an active lifestyle and have no bad habits.

— How did you start your career as a military man?

— Like most UkrainiansFebruary 24, 2022. By that day, I was doing business, raising children. In early February he returned from rest ... And here Putin decided: you live very well. It is impossible to do so, because my slaves will also want it, so let's give you a little. So, I sent the family abroad, I went to the shopping center and TRO. But at that moment people without combat experience (and I did not have it) were not particularly taken. So it was necessary to wait until April - called the staffing center, invited ...

"What happened next?" Training or service right away?

- We were sent to the training center. There was a basic military training: tactical medicine, engineering, shooting. The control of the BTR-4E-we were prepared as drivers of armored vehicles, first on simulators, then there were real trips.

- Did you get into the team at will?

-All the time, as long as the study, my friend and I were looking for ways to get into the landing team. You see, we went into the army to liberate Ukrainian land. And the storms - they are always ahead! We needed just there! And when the distribution has already come, we were sent from the training center to a separate, at that time mechanized, the brigade of the name of the cat chieftain Ivan Sirko as the drivers of the APC. We then got into an engineering company, which is engaged in the evacuation of equipment from the battlefield. The moon we were pounding there, and then there was an opportunity to get to Code 9.2.

- Tell us about your unit ...

- Code 9.2 began as a reconnaissance platoon. It was launched by my commander Flint, who now plans and commands operations, and through which we have such results. Then, all of 2022, we were engaged in pedestrian intelligence and, often, with direct contact with the enemy. Daily 2-3 exits a day: defended Kharkiv region, then preparation for the operation to liberate the region, participate in this successful operation-intelligence is always ahead, then promotion further to Luhansk region-we conducted many successful operations, but without loss did not do ...

And since the end of 2022, we have switched to the sky, as we have been on the defensive. Foot reconnaissance was replaced by aerial reconnaissance, and we focused on performing certain sabotage tasks with fire damage to the enemy.

Subsequently, given the effectiveness of the drone bombers, we were agreed by the creation of a separate platoon of the UAV. At the time, there were companies of the UAVs that worked at the brigade level. But our Code 9.2 performed the task at the level of the battalion, and showed its effectiveness.

At the time of our active development of attack UAVs, the brigade was stationed near Bakhmut, holding the Chasiv Yar — Khromovo — Bakhmut road, the only one that remained then for the movement of our troops. The defense there began to "fail", so we were transferred there so that we could push back the Russians and "hold" this place. And we did it. Then they went further — to the Berkhiv reservoir. We managed to do this precisely at the expense of drones — the same "Mavics" with which we crushed the Wagnerites — more than five hundred individuals in two months. In 2023 alone, we destroyed more than two hundred units of enemy equipment. The number of destroyed occupiers is already in the thousands...

- And yet, what is the secret of success?

- The secret? Motivation. Discipline. Mutual respect. Mutual assistance. Dedication. Constant development. The desire to win and return to normal life as soon as possible. It is because of these simple rules that the unit is so effective.

We close the brothers from the sky day and night - the orcs simply do not have the opportunity to approach. We destroy their front edge where they can accumulate in order to get on the attack. We beat large armor up to 7-8 kilometers. Now, on the area of our responsibility, the Russians are simply hiding, moving. They no longer have large fortifications, so they can not go to the assaults.

Code 9.2 is a 24/7 air intelligence, land intelligence, which performs specific tasks, and in fact - percussion UAVs. In the daytime, we exterminate the enemy with the help of "Maviiki", FPV-oules, at night we start drones-bombers, which carry 10 kg of explosives and destroy shelters, armor, equipment or change the terrain. They fly up to fifteen kilometers from the collision line and "clean" everything there. Due to this, our battalion, from January - February 2023, did not lose its position.

- You spoke of mines with UAV ...

— Yes, with the help of heavy night "birds", we carry out remote mining of the logistics routes of the ruscists. And more than once, this mining saved the lives of our brothers.

Here, for example, is such a case... The Russians do not give up hope to drive through the mined roads and attack our infantry. So, the day before, we mined and updated mines in two probable directions of the enemy's advance. At night, there were weather conditions that did not allow aerial reconnaissance, so that night we were without "eyes" in the sky. Around 6:30 a.m., the infantry reports that they hear the sounds of equipment and explosions.

We were able to raise the birds in just a few hours. With difficulty we come to our positions, then a little further. And we see an epic picture: there are two blown up enemy APCs. On the other way, it is evident that the blast was, but the technique was dragged, whether it drove away ... That is, the Russians, using the weather conditions and realizing that we cannot fly, we cannot see them, we decided to storm them. On the one hand, two cars went, on the other - one. These two APTOs were blown up, they remained in place, the infantry fled. So, with the help of remote change drones, we stopped the assault that we have not even seen and prevented the losses on our part, because when our infantrymen would see the enemy in the absence of visibility, understand where to shoot - it would be late. And, most likely, we would have lost those positions.

— And what were the biggest losses you inflicted on the Russians in one exit?

- Once we worked at night with two "copters" - one flies, the other in the stock stands, in case the first is lost. It was a joint operation with one of the friendly units, our friends. Pre -found goals - a technique. They worked one, the second unit. Then they penetrated deeper-and there, as we call, "Zoo": parking tanks, pieces of thirteen to four. We lift the second board - and in one night eleven cars were destroyed. And in the morning, our arts threw, gave ammunition ...

- In your opinion, do the Russians prevail in the amount of shock drones?

— I can't say that they prevail. Judging by what is happening in our direction, the ratio of FPV drones is about one to one, no more. In other directions, it may be different... The Russians are not working as actively with drops from Mavics as we are — probably one to five, and they donʼt have heavy bombers yet. But I think it's a matter of time, they will launch them too.

But in the lancet type drones, the advantage on their side. Just like in the night FPV-zero.

However, in Ukraine the production of shock UAVs is actively increasing. And he pleases that they are made in small industries, which are able to quickly adapt the product to today's needs of the army.

- You have the opportunity to turn to our readers ... There is something to say?

- To stop afraid of representatives of the shopping center and go to destroy the enemy. Currently, the most favorable conditions have been created - the same recruitment, or you can choose a unit and a position by looking, for example, to "Lobby X”. You just need to change your approach and thinking: you do not go to the state. Just look around now: if you see at least two people who need to be protected, you have to take a weapon in order not to meet the enemy on the doorstep of your home when it is late. Because when this horde comes to you with great strength, you will do nothing.

Photo from the hero's archive

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Shahaneda Night Attack: There was a fire in a private home in Kharkiv region

A fire broke out in the Kharkiv region due to the attack of Dronov-Kamikadze at night. The victims have not been recorded.

About thisreportedKharkiv Ova Kharkiv Oleg Sinegubov.

“Today, at 2:14, in the village. Kozacha Lopan of the Kharkiv district as a result of shelling of the Shahheda UAV burned the roof of the house, a garage. Without the victims, ”the message reads.

In just a day, the Russian army fired at mortars and artillery 15 settlements.

Thus, in Konstantivka of the Chuguev district arrives in the territory. In Volchansk, the house and outbuildings were damaged as a result of shelling. Without the victims.

In Kupyansk, a 43-year-old man exploded on an unknown explosive device (pre-mines of petals "). Died on the way to the hospital.

An abandoned building was burning in the village of Lipka. In the village of Korotich, Kharkiv district, the enemy struck one of the institutions. Damaged garage boxes and two vehicles. Without the victims.

The enemy was also fired at the village of Slobozhanskoe, Kharkiv district, which resulted in a private house. A 50-year-old woman was injured.

In Lozova, the structural elements of the destroyed outbuilding were burning. Without the victims.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Vinnytsia because of the Shahaneda attack the number of deadhas grownup to two.

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Ukraine's Defence Intelligence discloses data on Armata tanks from Russians

Russian T-14 "Armata", December 2022, photo from open sources

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported data on Russian tanks T-14 "Armata".

This is stated in the GUR answer to the request of the Armyinform.

According to GUR, the number of armature tanks made is about 20 units. And this is a experimental party.

As of the end of 2023, according to Ukrainian intelligence, the Armata tank has not passed state tests in Russia and has not been adopted by the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, according to the Chief Intelligence Directorate, in 2024 it is planned to produce 29 Armata tanks in the Russian Federation.

"But it is most likely that this plan will not be implemented. Thus, in 2023, not a single tank was produced out of the planned 29 units," the Main Directorate of Intelligence said in its response to ArmyInform's request.

The GUR also reported that information on the participation of Armata tanks in hostilities in Ukraine is absent.

As reported by the Armyinform, two unique trophy Russian tanks T-90MThey were registeredArmed Forces. GurI learnedRussia's plans and capabilities for modernization and production of tanks.

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“At the intersection, near the brick, they put“ grades ”, I did not sleep today” - cross -country gor

Ukrainian intelligence officers published an intercepted conversation between civilians from the Belgorod direction.

Intercepted conversationPublished byMain Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The local population of Belgorod region discusses dissatisfaction with the actions of the Russian military, which place military equipment in residential quarters and accordingly open fire:

  • “We thought of, on the intersection, near the brick, they put“ grades ”, as it bangs with this“ hail ”there. And in general, too, I did not sleep today, all night, all night, horror alone "
  • “I say that there is in Gorky? Chi it defeated Gorky there half, seem to be "

IUU also emphasized that for every military crime committed against Ukraine, there will be a fair retribution.

We will remind, the GUR MOU released the conversation of the wife or girlfriend of the occupier in which she discusses with himthe situation with the evacuation of civilians of individual regions of Belgorod region.

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Poland President on the Delivery

Polish President Andrzej Duda hopes that the supply of ammunition to Ukraine, which will buy in the near future, should help to stop Russia from another attempt on offensive.

That's what he isHe stressedduring a joint press address with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels.

“Poland has made such a decision and got involved in the process of purchasing ammunition for Ukraine. I hope that these significant supplies of ammunition will help to prepare defense against possible regular attempts on the side of the Russians, ”Andrzej Duda said.

The President repeated his recent demand for all Member States to increase his defense expenditures from 2 to 3% of GDP.

"I appeal to all allies calling this level to a minimum of 3 percent of GDP so that our security policy will become effective so that we can meet our own needs and support our neighbors in Ukraine," he said.

Якreported the Armyinform,Six days ago, funds were raised to buy the first 300,000 shells for the Armed Forces.

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During the day, the army of the Russian Federation fired at 12 regions of Ukraine: there are killed and injured

Over the past day, on March 14, Russian troops fired at the territory of 12 regions of Ukraine.

About thisinformsMilitary Media Center.

Rosarmia troops attacked 103 settlements and 116 infrastructure sites from different types of weapons. In particular, mortars, tanks, artillery, RSZV, UAV, SCR and tactical aviation.

As a result of enemy shelling, there are dead and wounded among civilians, the number of victims is being clarified.

As reported by the ArmyInform, because of the Shahaneda night attack in Kharkiv regionIt has arisenfire in a private home.

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NATO is recognized as a key contribution of Poland to support Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, at a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda, thanked him for his strong support for Ukraine.

This was stated by the NATO Secretary Generalreportedby Twitter.

“A good meeting with President Duda. I thanked him for the key contribution of Poland to the strong support of Ukraine. Together, we have the opportunity to provide Ukraine with what it needs. Now all members of the Alliance need to demonstrate true political will, to dig deeper and quickly achieve results, ”he wrote.

As reported by the Armyinform, President of Polandhopesthat the supply of ammunition to Ukraine will break the attempts of the Russian Federation.

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In Zaporozhye detained a Russian who was spying on the ships of the Armed Forces, pretending to be a trucker

Counterintelligence of the Security Service disrupted the plans of the aggressor to receive up -to -date information about the defense forces in the Black Sea.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

As noted in the department, as a result of special operation in Zaporozhye detained the agent of military intelligence of the Russian Federation, who explored the places of deployment and movement of Ukrainian warships.

“In the area of his special attention were the points of base and the routes to enter the open sea of armored artillery boats of the Armed Forces. To collect the intelligence defendants acted under the cover of a driver-dalecobian, who carries out interregional freight transportation, ”the message reads.

The investigation found that while at the wheel of the truck, he entered the territory of ports to obtain commercial cargoes, but at the same time tried to hide the geolocation of the Armed Forces.

According to the available data, the invaders hoped to obtain a reconnaissance for planning combat operations in the maritime water area of Ukraine.

In order to prevent this, the Security Service exposed the Russian agent in advance and gradually documented his criminal activity.

This made it possible to take timely comprehensive measures to protect Ukrainian military vessels.

"The attacker was detained" on hot "when he followed the ships of the Armed Forces near the Odessa Mort of Odessa and tried to report the aggressor. Also during the investigation, it became known about the additional task of the Russian agent - to spy on the land units of the Armed Forces on the Black Sea coast, ”the SBU said.

Currently, investigators of the Security Service have informed him about suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (State betrayal committed in martial law).

The attacker is in custody. He is threatened with life imprisonment.

The special operation was conducted by SBU staff in Zaporizhzhia region for procedural guidance of the regional prosecutor's office.

As reported by ArmyInform, in the Dnipropetrovsk region convictedRussian spy for HIMARS.

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GUR ABOUT THE ELECTION IN THE RF: The occupiers attract "Dead Souls" and allow to vote without the presence and documents

The General Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports that the management of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has allowed servicemen who take up their so -called vote for Putin, without even appearing at "polling stations".

About thisSaysOn the website of GUR MOU.

"This makes it much easier for the 'election commissions' to falsify the results," the statement said.

According to the latest instructions of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the MoD of the Russian Federation, the criteria for identification of voters from among servicemen are simplified so much that there is no need for their physical participation in voting. And to confirm the person does not require a passport or a military ticket - even photocopies of documents are enough.

In intelligence, they emphasize that in this way the Russian "election commissions" will try to increase the number of Putin's voters by attracting the so -called dead souls in the "vote".

In particular, the people who "voted", along with the available servicemen, also plan to add those who have recently died, disappeared or captured.

Considering that Ukrainian defenders, according to official data, daily cause numerous losses to Russian invaders in the territory of Ukraine, the number of those who in this way will "support" Putin may be quite significant.

“The Kremlin carries out a whole set of measures for the fictitious holding of the so -called“ election of the President of the Russian Federation ”. Although it is obvious that neither the very fact of this election nor their results is a means of legitimizing the Putin rule either in Russia or beyond, ”the message reads.

As reported by ArmyInform, the United StatescondemnRussian elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

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Almost 800 people were evacuated from the front line from the front line per day, including 124 children

In just a day, the Russians fired at the settlements of Donetsk region 19 times. 764 people were evacuated from the front line, including 124 children.

About thisreportedHead of Donetsk Ova Vadim Filashkin.

As it is noted, the house in the Mary community of the Pokrovsky district damaged a house in Krasnogorivka. In Kurakhiv community, the outskirts of the Girnyk are fired. In the middle of the night, the Russians released 6 missiles on Mirnograd - damaged 2 administrative buildings, 9 high -rise buildings and 3 infrastructure.

According to Vadim Filashkin, in the Kramatorsk district near the hostile fire the outskirts of the Konstantinov and Lyman communities.

«Bakhmut district. New York has damaged 3 homes and an infrastructure. 10 private homes are damaged in the time community, ”said the head of Ova.

He also added that there was no information about the victims during the day.

We will remind, during the day the army of the Russian Federation fired at 12 regions of Ukraine:are dead and wounded.

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Exclusive test drive: the first Ukrainian buggy in action

Maneuvered, high -yielding, Ukrainian production. This is how the first Bagi can be characterized, which in a month one and a half months made the team of the Alla Martyniuk Charity Foundation.

The correspondent of the Armyinform to her own eyes saw how the testing of Bagi off -road was going on and learned all the details about the benefits of Ukrainian production.

… Together with the developer and his son we go to the inaccessible terrain and begin to test Bagi.

First, we go around the hills and marsh areas, places with deep water, and we see that Bagi is doing well.

After a series of trials of Bagi with sand, swamp and hills, the team member Alexander tells about all the benefits of Ukrainian development:

- Our Bagi will be used to evacuate the wounded, transportation of ammunition and personnel to places where it is difficult to drive. The first in Ukraine Bagi was developed by the team from Alla Martyniuk Charitable Foundation. Its advantage is that it is much more affordable in price than those that buy abroad and are equipped with greater functionality.

Ukrainian Bagi can develop speeds of up to 90 kilometers per hour, has a clearance of 40 cm and can enter the water to a depth of up to 79 cm. In addition, Bagi has five sitting places and can export two lying wounded.

- In general, Bagi is considered a novelty on the front, as they appeared a little more than half a year ago. They were purchased abroad, and, of course, when there was a mass need for them, we decided to create our own Ukrainian production. For the most part, my father did it, it was a daily hard work, - says Alexander.

He adds that their Bagi is designed for loading, which is found during the fighting, so that the defenders are convenient to perform the tasks.

- The second modification of Bagi will have combined cold and hot pipes. The functionality will also be enhanced, the diesel motors and the engine with the motor will be removed so that the fighters in the event of breakdown can quickly change it in place. In the new "upgrade" of our Bagi will be splashes, because you have seen that during the passage of off -road Bagi will throw a swamp, - Alexander added.

The founder of the Charitable Foundation Alla Martyniuk stressed that the first Bagi is already going to the Bakhmut direction and will help those who defend our land from the occupiers.

Photo by the author

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In Vinnytsia region found fragments of the Russian winged rocket X-101

In Zhmeryn district, in Vinnytsia region, on March 14 found fragments of a Russian winged rocket X-101.

About thisreportedState Police in Vinnytsia region.

Information on the found fragments of the object, from the outside of the rocket -like rocket, was received from the residents of Zhmeryn district.

Police explosives inspected the found fragments and identified them. The remnants of the Russian winged rocket X-101, which were not dangerous, were removed.

According to the report, the combat part of the rocket will be deprived of Pyrotechnics of the SES.

As reported by the Armyinform, at night Russian invaders attacked Ukraine by applying 27 UAVs like Shahd. The forces of air defense at nightDestroyedAll launched by the Shahda enemy.

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The Ministry of Defense thanked Sweden for joining the initiative for the purchase of shells for Ukraine

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine thanked Sweden for joining the Czech initiative for the purchase of artillery shells for Ukraine.

About thisIt is saidon the Twitter Defense Office.

"Thank you, Sweden. Ammunition is one of Ukraine's key needs, and we thank the Swedish Ministry of Defense for the important decision to join the Czech initiative. Together we are stronger!" the post reads.

As ArmyInform reported, SwedentableAnother country that joins the Czech initiative to supply artillery ammunition to Ukraine. It buys ammunition for Ukraine for 30 million euros.

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4 drones were shot down over Kaluga region

4 drones were shot down over Kaluga region

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As a result of the morning shelling of the village in Zaporozhye, an elderly woman was killed

Illustrative photo

This morning, the enemy fired from the artillery village of Dolinka of Pologovsky district of Zaporizhzhya region, as a result of the attack, an elderly woman was killed.

About thisinformsHead of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov.

“The Russians killed a 76-year-old woman. The wreckage of the Russian projectile wounded a peaceful resident who was in the courtyard of his own house, ”he said.

According to the head of Ova, the woman was killed on the spot from injuries.

We will remind, last day the aggressor caused almost300 beats in the Zaporozhye region.

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The "election" of the President of the Russian Federation in the occupied territories is an exam for world democracy - Alexander Musienko

Alexander Musienko

Today, a three -day voting begins in Russia in the so -called presidential election. The permanent President Putin is running for the fifth term. Opposition candidates were not allowed to vote.

The so -called polling stations were also opened in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine - in the territory of Zaporizhzhya, Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as in the Crimea. According to local residents, they are forced to participate in the vote.

However, is it possible to call the phenomenon that takes place in the Russian Federation, elections? Ukraine and the West declare that illegal elections in the occupied Ukrainian territories violate international law and their results will not be recognized. What should be the reaction of the world at all and is it possible to punish the Russian dictator?

The Armyonform appealed to the Head of the Center for Military Legal Research, Analytics and Expert Oleksandr Musienko.

- Mr. Alexander, can it be called what Russia is now in elections?

— For some reason, this phenomenon that is currently taking place in Russia is called "elections". However, I would like to remind you that Putin's press secretary, Peskov, said in a comment for The New York Times that there are no elections in Russia, because it is a bureaucracy. I would not call this action "elections" because it has absolutely nothing to do with democratic elections — neither on the territory of Russia, and even more so in the temporarily occupied territories. This is a crime in the sense of Ukrainian legislation, first of all, it is a crime in the understanding of international law, it is a crime against democracy.

- A question that is probably interested in everyone now is the legitimacy of such "elections". After all, the day before the chairmanÎñòîðîâîA joint statement of committees from 20 countries, in which he rejected the legitimacy of the "elections" of the President of the Russian Federation held at the Tot. What is your opinion on this?

- It should be understood that what is happening now is not a crime against democracy in Ukraine or against Russian democracy, where it is not a priori, which is a crime against democracy in the world. Therefore, the question arises as states that call themselves democratic will observe and give it an assessment. Now it is the most induced moment. Because world democracy should take exams, but the exams are not only about elections in Britain, the US, France, Germany or other countries ... The exam is a matter of support of values ... international, democratic, legal, which were established after the Second World War, and and and Even before that, if we talk about liberal democracy.

- In your opinion, what is the reaction of the international community?

- Do people who are on the tot have a chance not to vote?

"The most important thing is that people who find themselves in the TOT should understand, regardless of what box they are told to put and where, it has no legitimacy. If there is a question of whether you will be deported to the Arctic Circle or vote, then it is probably better to go and save your own life, because for us people are the most valuable.

As it was reported earlier, today the UN Security Council will be going to discuss Russia's attempts to organize elections in temporarily occupied territories.

The meeting was initiated by the Ukrainian delegation. It will begin at 15:00 in Eastern American time (at 21:00 in Kiev).

The UN has already stressed that the plans of the Russian Federation to organize voting in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine for the election of the President of the Russian Federation are contrary to international law.

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The Ministry of Defense spoke about progress in the implementation of the Register

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Kateryna Chernororenko told how currently the Ministry of Defense continues to improve the register of servicemen.

Her comments Kateryna ChernororenkogaveLive during the Telernahon "One News".

“We now want to exchange with several large registers. To make the process of passing the Military Medical Commission, ”she said.

According to the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, the functionality that will receive the results of the Military Medical Commission has already been developed on the side of the "Over".

“We will be able to receive real -time data on the suitability or unfitness of the military. This is an important step to run data, not to run people, so that the conscripts do not come with a decision on their suitability or unusable. And the data was sent in real time, at the moment when there is already such a decision on the side of the Military Medical Commission, ”-said Kateryna Chernnoroenko.

She also reported that the ministry had already completed the functionality in the "amulet" about whether the audience was presented or not, and when it was handed.

"To prevent cases where the summons is sent to a person twice, or three times, or even a person who is already in military service," Kateryna Chernnoroenko said.

"We will do everything to make the" charm "more convenient to accumulate the really necessary information. And so that we can prevent corruption risks and have great data on the passage of the whole process of military duty. And this is the updating of the data of the Tax Code and the JV, it is the passage of the Military Medical Commission, it is the process of handing the stories. Here it should be as comfortable as possible for a person, service-oriented, ”she added.

As reported by the Armyinform, Kateryna ChernnoroenkoShe saidthat the register of conscripts "Oberig" is already exchanging information with the registers of the State Migration Service and the State Border Service.

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Ukraine returned the bodies of 100 dead defenders

Another repatriation event took place, which resulted in Ukraine repatriated another 100 bodies of the dead.

About thisreportedat the Coordination Headquarters on the Defense of Prisoners of Pursuing.

It is noted that the bodies of our defenders will be transferred to families for a decent burial after identification.

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine ensure the transportation of repatrified bodies and remains to certain state institutions for transfer to law enforcement agencies and forensic experts for the establishment of dead persons," the statement reads.

The fallen defenders were returned due to the interaction of the coordination staff on the management of prisoners of war with the United Center at the SBU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Secretariat of the Commissioner for Persons of missing persons in special circumstances), Armed Forces of Ukraine (CVS), State Emergency Situations The Sector of Security and Defense of Ukraine.

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The Ministry of Defense commented on the development of an e -office of a military service

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Kateryna Chernororenko spoke about the situation with the creation of an electronic office of the military.

Kateryna Chernohorenko provided her comments live during the United News telethon.

"The electronic office of the military - as a backing, as part of where the information will come, already unfolded on the basis of the" amulet "," she said.

“As for the implementation, the fronttage, the realization of the part with which citizens and citizens will interact directly - are now in the process of solving and implementing. As soon as the law signed, we will be able to announce the work and launch of this Function on the electronic office of the military personnel, ”the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine added.

According to her, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is now ready to register conscripts, conscripts and reservists.

"We are ready to provide information and data. As soon as the part that directly relates to work for a citizen is implemented, a citizen will have the opportunity to go to his account or update the data either through a mobile application or through a web portal," said Kateryna Chernohorenko.

As ArmyInform reported, on March 1, 2024, Kateryna ChernohorenkoSaidthat the register of conscripts "Oberig" is already exchanging information with the registers of the State Migration Service and the State Border Service.

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Promised money and good life: captured mercenaries from the countries of the global south were told about military service in the Russian Federation

After enormous losses, the Russian conscript campaign for forced mobilization and concluding contracts with prisoners will exhaust its capabilities.

The front requires fighters whose service life is not measured in days but in hours. Therefore, the aggressor country intensified the flow of citizens with countries with a difficult economic situation. Therefore, in addition to prisoners of war, Ukraine faced captive mercenaries from the countries of the Global South. During the press conference: “captured mercenaries from the countries of the Global South. What should governments do so that their citizens do not die in foreign war? ” Prisoners of war said that they prompted them to come to fight for another's army against Ukraine.

“Told me that I could fulfill my dream here”

- My name is Adil Muhammed. I'm 20 years old. I came to Russia for a dream: I wanted to improve my family's life and get a job. They (the Russians. - Ed.) Told me that I would be able to fulfill my dream here and transport my family to Russia. So I did not know that I would find myself on the front, without knowledge of language, and for me the only problem that was language. I just didn't understand where I got, - said a prisoner of war.

When he arrived in Moscow - sent to war

- My name is Dario, I became part of the Russian army because I needed money for my family, and this is the only reason. When I was in Cuba, I was reported that Russia needs a person who would be in construction and work in general. I filled the form, came, but did not realize that I came to war. When I arrived in Moscow, I was sent to the war. Before that, I received my education in the field of teaching mathematics and geography. I taught geography in Cuba, but the money was missing. Then I started playing music, and that's what I really was interested, - said a prisoner of war.

Promised work in the hospital

- My name is Bikash. I am 32 years old and I'm out of Nepal. I have the same story as in others. I got to the Russian Federation through a tourist visa. I was deceived, said that everything would be fine and that I would not go to the front. Maximum promised to work at the hospital or what I will do logistics. Then I decided to go and joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, - said the mercenary.

«We were left without food and water and I gave up captured ”

- My name is Richard. I'm from Sierra Leone. I'm from a very poor family. He arrived in the Russian Federation on the application, allegedly for ordinary work. I was called and said they would expect me in Moscow, in the office. When I came to the Russian Federation, I saw that it was a military object. I was assured that everything would be fine, but on the same day we were sent to Rostov by military bus. Once, before we took away phones and documents, I managed to contact my family and explain where I found myself. Then my mother began to cry and say that I was running away from violence in my country, and was in the same violence. We have already been sent to Ukraine from Rostov. We were not taught anything, but were accompanied everywhere. I decided to surrender when we were thrown and left without food and water for 7 days, - the occupier said.

Poverty at home is much better than dying in a foreign land

A representative of the coordination headquarters on the management of prisoners of war, Petro Yatsenko reported that this meeting is a call to citizens of low -income countries - not to join the ranks of the Russian army and not to fight against Ukraine.

- These people who have been captured are just lucky, because they have saved their lives. Despite the fact that they are, in fact, mercenaries, and according to the Geneva Convention they are outlawed, and can be convicted of mercenary, we still follow the rules. Therefore, as long as the court has not taken place, Ukraine enforce their rights under the Convention. With this meeting, we want to demonstrate the countries that their citizens have been thrown into the front as cannon, because they have not been taught them. So we urge: poverty is much better at home than to die in a foreign country, fighting for a foreign army, - Petro Yatsenko said.

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In Sumy region the 500-pound Russian airbags were neutralized

In the Sumy region, police explosive equipment destroyed 500-pounds of Russians with a universal planetary and correction module.

About thisInformsMinistry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

As it is noted, with this module the bomb flies several tens of kilometers from the reset site from the plane. Usually, such strokes are not very accurate, but hundreds of kilograms of explosives inside the projectile during the explosion cause significant destruction and human casualties.

"The discovered aerial bomb fell in one of the villages of the Okhtyrka district near the border. After hitting the house, it broke through the roof, walls, plowed the yard and stopped next to the outbuilding. Fortunately, it did not explode," the department said.

The department noted that the explosions of the Sumy region police had disposed of the bomb, transported it to a safe place and destroyed.

As reported by the Armyinform, in Vinnytsia regionfoundThe fragments of the Russian winged rocket X-101.

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The invaders hit the rockets in Odessa: Ova reported the victims

Illustrative photo

On March 15, Russian troops attacked Odessa.

About thisinformsHead of the Odesa Regional Military Administration Oleh Kiper on Telegram.

“As a result of the Russian rocket attack on Odessa, there are victims. All the relevant services work on the spot, ”the message reads.

Currently, data on the consequences of hostile shelling are being specified.

On the eve of the Air Force of the Armed ForcesreportedAbout the launch of the rocket towards Odessa and the threat of ballistics for the southern regions.

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Putin's "election headquarters" head

The Security Service has collected new evidence of the subversive activity of Russian actor Volodymyr Mashkov, who promotes an aggressive war against Ukraine.

About thisinformsSecurity Service of Ukraine.

As it is noted, the person involved in Putin's closest environment and is one of the main headliners of mass actions in Moscow to support a large -scale invasion of the Russian Federation.

“Given this, in December 2023 Mashkova was appointed co-chair of the Putin's Election Staff for the so-called“ election ”of the President of the aggressor country. In this "position" the person involved became a key mouthpiece of propaganda in the "Kremlin head" election campaign, - said in the department.

According to the investigation, Mashkov publicly calls for the support of Russian occupation groups fighting against Ukraine.

He also personally justifies the destruction of civilian infrastructure and the seizure of part of the territory of our state.

“Mashkov's destructive rhetoric is repeatedly repeated during the" election "tours in different regions of Russia, as well as when traveling to temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine. For the most part, such propaganda speeches of the rashist take place in the form of "concerts-dimensions" and "meetings with voters", ”the SBU noted.

The SBU initiated by the SBU confirmed the facts of its subversive activity in favor of the aggressor country.

On the basis of the evidence collected, the security service investigators additionally informed Mashkov about suspicion under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • Part 2 of Art. 110 (encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine);
  • Art. 436 (propaganda of war).

We will remind that in May 2023 the SBU reported Mashkov about suspicion under three articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The indictment on these facts has already been sent to court.

Since the offender is on the territory of russia, comprehensive measures are underway to bring him to justice for crimes against our state.

The investigation was carried out by SBU staff in Vinnytsia region under the procedural leadership of the regional prosecutor's office.

We will remind, in Zaporozhye detained the Russian spy on the ships of the Armed Forces, whichpretended to be a trucker.

As reported by ArmyInform, in the Dnipropetrovsk region convictedRussian spy for HIMARS.

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In Odessa, a paramedic and rescuer were killed in a rocket attack

Illustrative photo

As a result of the Russian rocket attack on Odessa on March 15, a paramedic and an employee of the SES, who came to assist after the first explosion.

About thisreportedThe head of the Odessa Ova Oleg Kiper.

According to him, among doctors and rescuers are also seriously injured.

Currently, the total number of victims is specified, everyone is provided with the necessary medical care.

As reported by the Armyinform, occupiersThey hit rocketsIn Odessa, the victims are reported in the Ova.

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Ukrainian air defense shot down 27 of 27 Shahed drones. Russian army also launched 7 S-300/S-400 missiles at Kharkiv and Done...

Ukrainian air defense shot down 27 of 27 Shahed drones. Russian army also launched 7 S-300/S-400 missiles at Kharkiv and Donetsk region and Kh-59 missile at Poltava region

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Next week the second recruitment center in Ukraine will open to the Armed Forces

In Zaporozhye next week the second recruiting center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will open in Ukraine.

About thisreportedHead of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov.

"It is important to understand that the recruiting center is not about the military enlistment office. Here, a person will be provided with high-quality advice and support. No summonses will be served here," Ivan Fedorov said.

The main tasks of the center:

  • selection of vacancies in the Defense Forces;
  • counseling on serving in certain units;
  • Vocational tests and support of candidates for appointment in the army.

He also said that from March 1, the residents of Zaporozhye have already opened a recruitment to three military units that defend the country directly on the Zaporizhzhya Front.

The recruiting center of the Ukrainian army is a joint project of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Zaporizhzhya Regional Military Administration.

As reported by ArmyInform, the first in UkraineCenter for RecruitingThe Ukrainian army opened in Lviv. The purpose of the project is to inform the population about how to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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Smoke in Belgorod as result of shelling

Smoke in Belgorod as result of shelling

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Portugal allocates 100 million euros on the Czech initiative of the purchase of shells for Ukraine

Artillery shells are packed for departure to the Skrentone Army Ammunition Plant in Pennsylvania, USA. Photo: Brendan mcdermid

The Portugal Government has approved a contribution to the Czech Republic's support program.

About thisbecame known on March 15From the message on the official site of the Portuguese government.

The Czech Republic found 500,000 units of artillery ammunition and another 300,000 Soviet caliber units. The ammunition is out of the European Union and could be bought, for which the Czech Republic started raising funds.

Currently, one and a half dozen countries, including Germany, France, the Netherlands, Canada and others, have already joined the Czech initiative.

It is expected that after payment of the shells to Ukraine will take several months.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlier, Belgium allocates 200 million euros on Czech ammunition initiative for Ukraine.

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In Odessa, 20 people were injured as a result of two rocket strokes of the Russian Federation, including 5 SES employees

In Odessa, civilian infrastructure was damaged in the city as a result of a Russian rocket strike. There was a fire at the scene.

About thisreportedSES of Ukraine.

SES rescuers arrived right awayto the place of impactBut they began to extinguish the fire, the parsing of the rubble and the search for the victims. During the work, the enemy re -inflicted a rocket stroke that resulted inThe rescuer was killed.

According to preliminary information, 20 people were injured, 5 of whom are SES staff. All the victims are given the necessary help.

10 private homes, maintenance station, low pressure gas pipeline and two fire and rescue cars were also damaged.

Work is currently underway to eliminate the fire pipeline and a private house in a total area of about 120 square meters. m.

50 rescuers and 8 SES equipment work on the spot.

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Blow on Odessa: Already 14 dead and 46 wounded

As a result of the Russian rocket attack, 14 people were killed on Odessa, including locals, physicians and rescuer.

About thisreportedChairman of the Odessa Regional State Administration Oleg Kiper.

Another 46 people, including seven employees of the State Emergency Service, were injured.

"The victims are being provided with all necessary assistance. All relevant services are eliminating the consequences of the enemy attack. Law enforcement officers are recording another crime of the Russians. Tomorrow, mourning will be declared in Odesa and the region. I express my sincere condolences to the families of the victims...," the message reads.

Civil infrastructure is damaged: residential buildings, outbuildings, motor transport.

Data on the number of dead and injured, as well as the full list of destruction and damage, are being clarified. The Prosecutor General's Office previously reported 8 dead and 20 wounded.

On the grounds of events, prosecutors in cooperation with other law enforcement officers document the consequences of armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

The pre -trial investigation in criminal proceedings was launched on violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Asreported by ArmyInform, after rescuers arrived at the place of the first blow, Russia struck a second rocket.

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Dmytro Kuleba and Jens Stoltenberg coordinated positions on the eve of the meeting of the Council of Ukraine - NATO

Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba had a conversation with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. They coordinated positions on the eve of the meeting of the Council of Ukraine - NATO, which will take place in April.

Dmytro Kuleba about itReportedThe Twitter Twitter.

"Ukraine welcomes the efforts to enhance the role of NATO in providing Ukraine with everything necessary for the reflection of Russian aggression," the message reads.

In a conversation with NATO Secretary General, the Minister stressed the need to increase and accelerate the supply of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine. He also thanked him for his personal efforts to support Ukraine by NATO.

As reported by the Armyinform, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a meeting with Polish President Andrzej DudathankedHe for his strong support for Ukraine.

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The EU will increase the production of shells to 2 million per year. To do this, 500 million euros were allocated

The European Commission has allocated 500 million euros provided for by AMAP Production Act (ASAP).

This is stated in a statement to theSiteEC.

This will allow the European Defense Industry to increase capacity for ammunition production up to 2 million shells a year by the end of 2025.

The commission also launched a work program for the tool of strengthening the European Defense Industry through joint procurement (EDIRPA) and the fourth annual working program of the European Defense Fund (EDF). Together, these programs have a budget of almost 2 billion euros.

The Commission completed the assessment under the ASAP regulation in record time and selected 31 projects to help European industry increase ammunition production and increase their readiness.

The selected projects cover five spheres: explosives, gunpowder, shells, missiles, as well as testing and recovery certification. 513 million euros from the EU and Norway budgets will be allocated for the implementation of the projects.

This financing will attract additional investments from the co -financing industry, resulting in the total investment in the supply chain will be about € 1.4 billion.

ASAP focuses on powder and explosives that are problematic places in ammunition, and about three quarters of the program will be highlighted.

The program will support projects that will increase annual production capacity by more than 10,000 tons of gunpowder and more than 4,300 tons of explosives. To this end, the EU invests 248 million euros in power production capacity and 124 million euros in explosive capacity capacity.

Grant agreements with the selected applicants are expected to be signed in May 2024.

As reported by the Armyinform, the Portugal Governmentapproved the contributionto the support program for Ukraine, which was proposed by the Czech Republic.

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Destruction in Myrnohrad as result of Russian missile strikes

Destruction in Myrnohrad as result of Russian missile strikes

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The Lithuanian Seimas urged the European Commission to ban the import of grain from the Russian Federation and Belarus to the EU

The Seimas of Lithuania adopted a resolution calling on the European Commission to ban the import of Russian and Belarusian grain to the European Union.

About thisIt is saidOn the Lithuanian Parliament's website.

"This resolution we strive to consolidate the parliaments of all countries to reach a common European decision, not to prohibit individual countries," said Victorias Pranzkietis, chairman of the Agricultural Committee.

The Seimas also calls for cooperation and coordination between EU Member States to effectively and uniformly introduce this prohibition throughout the EU.

“This decision was proposed in view of the need to ensure food security in the EU and the world, in order not to stimulate the economy of Russia and Belarus in the fields of agriculture and food, as well as to limit the possibility of war against Ukraine.

The Lithuanian Parliament proposedThe European Commission to analyze the possibility of banning imports into EU food products of Russian and Belarusian origin, and if necessary, use products supplied by Ukrainian agro -companies.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the Lithuanian SeimascalledThe international community is increasing assistance to Ukraine.

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Britain has condemned Russia's pseudo -election in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine

The United Kingdom strongly condemned the "elections" of the President of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, calling them illegal.

About thisstatedThe UK representative of the OSCE Nile Holland.

“The United Kingdom strongly condemns Russia for holding a presidential election in Ukraine, which is contrary to international law, including the UN Charter. In order to make clarity, these so -called "elections" in the sovereign territory of Ukraine are illegal, "he said in his statement.

According to him, in the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine, Russia holds the presidential elections contrary to the will of the Ukrainian people.

“This is another flashy attempt to give the visibility of legitimacy to its illegal presence in Ukraine. And this is another violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine - the fundamental principles of the Helsinki Final Act, which Russia has broken into pieces, ”Nil Holland added.

He also said that there were already reports of visiting homes with armed soldiers who force residents to vote.

“The United Kingdom clearly made it clear that we will not recognize the results of any fictitious referendum or elections. Donetsk, Kherson, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Crimea are all part of Ukraine. The holding elections in these regions will not change this fact, ”the diplomat summarized.

As reported by the Armyinform, USAcondemnRussian elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

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Explosions were reported in Kherson

Explosions were reported in Kherson

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“They are already in Gravoron, they have already taken the visor, these villages, Glotov” - cross -country gur

Ukrainian scouts have published a intercepted conversation of civilian Grayvoronsky district of Belgorod region, which discuss hostilities in the Russian Federation.

Intercepted conversationPublishedMain Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

In particular, in the conversation, the Russians discuss the fact that Ukrainians have already taken several settlements in Russia. They also emphasize that all residents are immediately evacuated.

  • “Well, yes, this, crests, they say, is already in Gravoron, measures are being taken. Here right now a neighbor, they leave, everyone is leaving ... "
  • “The column is running, which is from the side of Gravoron, so many cars are going on. They say they are already traveling along the street of the world - crests "
  • “Well, they have already taken the trump card, these villages, Glotov. Yes, a trump card, Glotova, they ride there ... "

IUU also emphasized that for every military crime committed against Ukraine, there will be a fair retribution.

As reported by the Armyinform, the local population of Belgorod regiondiscussesdissatisfaction with the actions of the Russian military, who place military equipment in residential areas and, accordingly, open fire from there.

We will remind, the GUR MOU released the conversation of the wife or girlfriend of the occupier in which she discusses with himthe situation with the evacuation of civilians of individual regions of Belgorod region.

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Russian Federal Security: A person was arrested in Moscow on charges of launching drones near military installations

Russian Federal Security: A person was arrested in Moscow on charges of launching drones near military installations

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Damage in Petrovsky district of Donetsk as result of shelling

Damage in Petrovsky district of Donetsk as result of shelling

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Delayed a resident of Lviv region, who for $ 6500 "rescued" evasion

The suspicion of a man who fictitiously employed the military for the sake of armor was informed.

About thisShe reported March 15Special Prosecutor's Office of the Western Region.

According to the investigation, a 44-year-old suspect promised to employ the military in the capital enterprise, which is part of the defense complex of JSC Ukroboronprom, as well as to produce a business trip for him.

It is established that on the basis of this document, his "client" had a legitimate way to go to one of the EU countries, avoiding mobilization. Such services were estimated by the organizer of the scheme at $ 6.5 thousand.

Delayed the latter while receiving an advance of $ 4,500.

He is currently chosen by a pre -trial detention measure with the right to introduce almost UAH 170,000.

The involvement in the crime of other persons is checked.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlier, in Bukovina detained a multi -lobe.

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Sweden will transfer to Ukraine a party of hydrocycles

The Swedish government has decided to transfer the coastal protection hydrocycles that are used for maritime surveillance to Ukraine.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defense of Sweden.

“The government has decided to entrust the coast protection to transfer water motorcycles to Ukraine. Hydrocycles are what is in demand in Ukraine, and, according to coastal protection, hydrocycles can be immediately transferred to Ukraine as a gift, ”the message reads.

As noted in the defense department, in general it is planned to transfer nine hydrocycles, beforehand, they are dismantled with service equipment.

As reported by the Armyinform, SwedentableAnother country that joins the Czech initiative to supply artillery ammunition to Ukraine. It buys ammunition for Ukraine for 30 million euros.

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Russian Ministry of Defense claims regaining full control over Kozinka village of Belgorod region

Russian Ministry of Defense claims regaining full control over Kozinka village of Belgorod region

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In Zaporozhye, Ukrainian defenders destroyed the invaders' observation post

In Zaporozhye, Ukrainian border guards destroyed the observation post of invaders with the help of Dron-Kamikadze.

About thisinformsState Border Service of Ukraine.

"In the Zaporizhzhya direction, the border guards found enemy chats and, involved in the support of brothers from the forces of defense, destroyed them with drone Kamikadze,"-the message reads.

The department also emphasized that the border guards in the defense forces purify the Ukrainian land from the Kremlin Horde.

As reported by the Armyinform, the loss of the Russian Federation per day:minus 580 invaders, 11 BBM and 15 Artisystems.

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US Ambassador on Odessa Attack: This shelling demonstrates that the Russian Federation will not stop its aggression in Europe

US Ambassador Bridget Brinka responded to the Russian shelling of Odessa on March 15 and said it was a demonstration that Russia would continue its bold aggression.

About that Bridget BrinkwroteThe Twitter Twitter.

“Today, Russia fired Odessa again, killing innocent civilians and kissing rescuers. This cruel shelling emphasizes that Russia will not stop its bold aggression in Europe. We need to help Ukraine stop Russia now. You can not destroy any moment, ”the post reads.

As reported by the Armyinform, as a result of the Russian rocket attack on OdessaDied14 people, including locals, physician and rescuer. Another 46 people, including seven SES, were injured.

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Explosions at refinery in Polotnyany Zavod village of Kaluga region after drone strike

Explosions at refinery in Polotnyany Zavod village of Kaluga region after drone strike

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The enemy used Iskander-M missiles from occupied Crimea to strike in Odessa

To strike on Odessa on Friday in the afternoon, Russian troops used the Iskander-M missiles, which were released from the temporarily occupied Crimea.

About thisreportedDefense forces of South of Ukraine.

A three -storey building of the recreational facility was destroyed as a result of a rocket attack on civil infrastructure objects of the city.

At least 10 private homes, maintenance station, low-pressure gas pipeline, ambulances and fire and rescue cars were also damaged.

According to the available data14 people were killedAmong the residents of the area, a physician and a rescuer. 46 people were injured, including 8 rescuers.

Rescuers eliminated the fire. There is a parsing of rubble.

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DOT has concluded contracts with food suppliers for the Armed Forces

The state of the rear operator has regulated food suppliers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 13 sectors that cover the whole of Ukraine. The average price per set is 111.49 UAH.

About thisinformsMinistry of Defence Ukraine.

As it is noted, according to the results of two rounds of collection of commercial proposals, 5 suppliers were selected, whose proposal was most economically advantageous.

Cherkasy Meat Factory will supply 4 sectors:

  • Kharkiv, Donetsk, Sumy, Lugansk, Poltava regions. Price for the set - 118,38 UAH;
  • Cherkasy, Kirovohrad, Vinnytsia, Kyiv regions. Price for the set - 104,88 UAH;
  • Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson regions. Price for the set - 108,48 UAH;
  • Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya regions. Price for the set - 111,72 UAH.

Busk Canned Plant will supply 2 sectors:

  • Mykolaiv, Kherson, Odesa, Kirovohrad regions. Price for the set - 113,76 UAH;
  • Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr regions. Price for the set - 113,76 UAH.

"Your Bread" will supply in 5 sectors:

  • Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil regions. Price for the set - 109,62 UAH;
  • Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil regions. Price per set — 109.62 UAH;
  • Transcarpathian, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Price for the set - 111,24 UAH;
  • Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Vinnytsia, Cherkasy regions. Price for the set - 104,94 UAH;
  • Vinnytsia, Khmelnitskaya, Zhytomyr, Kyiv regions. Price for the set - 104.94 UAH.

"Fud Grand" will supply to a sector consisting of Kharkiv, Donetsk, Sumy, Lugansk, Poltava regions. Price for the set - 118,38 UAH. "Yug Produ" will be supplied to a sector, which consists of the Nikolaev, Kherson, Odessa, Kirovograd regions. The price for the set is 119.70 UAH, ”the department said.

The Defense Ministry also added that the first deliveries are expected from April 1.

As reported by ArmyInform, the State Logistics Operator has startedThe process of creating a supervisory board.

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The death toll as a result of a rocket attack of the Russian Federation on Odessa increased to 16

As a result of the Russian rocket attack, 16 people were killed on Odessa.

About thisreportedThe head of Odessa Ova Oleg Kiper.

According to official information, another 55 people with injuries are in hospital.

"Meanwhile, more than 200 Odessa and guests of the city have donated blood for the victims after a hostile attack, and about a hundred people are in queues near the reception points," said the head of the Odessa Ova.

SES of Ukrainereportedthat there is one rescuer among the dead. Another 8 rescuers were injured.

At the scene work psychologists of the SES and the National Police, who provide psychological assistance to people.

Due to the threat of repeated shelling by the enemy, rescuers are forced to periodically interrupt work and stay in shelters.

As ArmyInform reported, Russian troops were striking Odesa on Friday afternoonused the Iskander-M missiles, which were released from the temporarily occupied Crimea.

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Three traitors were sentenced to 15 years in prison

Based on the SBI materials, the court sentenced three traitors who collaborated with the occupiers to 15 years in prison.

About thisreported March 15State Bureau of Investigation.

The court found guilty of high treason a former law enforcement officer who joined the occupiers in Yakymivka, Melitopol district, Zaporizhzhia. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Also, 15 years in prison, an expert protection from the city of the Crustelny Luhansk region, which went to the service in the illegal armed formation of the LNR terrorist organization. The court found an expert protection man guilty of treason, participation in armed formations and a terrorist organization.

According to the court decision, the GAI expression from Anthracite in the Luhansk region will also spend 15 years behind bars. After the occupation of the city by Russian troops, the person not only serves the invaders, but also helps pseudo -state to spread the ideas of the "Russian measure" among young people. The court found an expert protection man guilty of treason, voluntary employment of positions in illegal law enforcement agencies, participation in a terrorist organization and illegal armed formations.

BeforeThe Armyinform reported, who detained a Russian in Zaporozhye, who spied on the ships of the Armed Forces, pretending to be a trucker.

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Explosions were reported in Odesa

Explosions were reported in Odesa

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Bradley's melee, oil factory in Russia is burning again, drone minister: Star from the frontline city

Bradley 47 brigades shot a Russian armored personnel carrier in the Avdiivsky direction. The roof crew of 3 mechanized battalion showed his work on the enemy from the inside of the armored vehicle. Du reacted to today's Russian shelling of Odessa and called for more assistance to Ukraine.

The Flying Skull unit also works in the Avdeevsky direction-the fighters with a clear blow to Dron-Kamikadze destroyed an APC with a bunch of Russians on board.

In the Kaluga region this night there was an explosion at the refinery.

And Ukrainian developers have shown a unique wheel drone that can lay 15 anti-tank mines in one departure.

These and other topics are discussed by our presenters - junior lieutenant Sergei Lipko and Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Misyura.

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Fire at civilian infrastructure as result of Russian missile strike in Odesa

Fire at civilian infrastructure as result of Russian missile strike in Odesa

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Prisoners returning to Ukraine will be renewed in a new way

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution: "On approval of the Procedure for carrying out renewable (post -insulation, reintegration) measures, measures for adaptation, support (support) of persons in respect of which the fact of deprivation of personal freedom as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine is established after their release."

On the acceptance of the documentreported March 15Coordinating headquarters on prisoners of war.

According to him, now the work on the restoration of personnel will be comprehensive, with the provision of medical, rehabilitation, psychological assistance and social services. The order offers a model of complete diagnosis, a continuous process of treatment and rehabilitation.

Restoration is envisaged in specialized centers and the Ministry of Health determined by healthcare facilities according to uniform standards and protocols, with minimal time to move patients.

The developed algorithms follow similar procedures in NATO countries and can be extended to the categories of released civilians and subsequently to wounded servicemen.

Reintegration and post -insulation measures will be taken:

  • Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, SBU, UDO of Ukraine and SZRU - on the released defenders of Ukraine, without fail;
  • The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Policy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine - regarding the released civilians with their consent.

A group of 22 experts of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the command of the medical forces of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Social Policy, and Ministry of Veterans worked on the project.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat during a large -scale war, Ukraine managed to release only 160 civilians.

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Moldova President: Russia's war has no limits, Ukraine needs urgent assistance

Moldova President Maya Sandu reacted to today's Russian shelling of Odessa and called for more assistance to Ukraine.

She is about itwroteIn the social network H.

Maya Sandu wrote that today in Odessa the Russian rocket first destroyed the houses, and then, when the emergency services team arrived, there was a second missile.

“Russia's war against Ukraine has no limits. Ukraine needs urgent help to protect itself and protect peace in Europe. My heart with Odessa, ”Moldova's president wrote.

As reported by the Armyinform, as a result of the Russian rocket attack on Odessa16 people were killed, another 55 people with injuries are in hospital.

To strike on Odessa on Friday in the afternoon Russian troopsused the Iskander-M missiles, which were released from the temporarily occupied Crimea.

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Deputy "DNR Minister" went under court

The prosecutors sent an indictment to the former employee of the Donetsk Administrative Court of Appeal on the facts of participation in a terrorist organization and collaboration activities.

About thisreported on March 15Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The investigation found that in December 2018, in support of the aggression of the Russian Federation, the accused voluntarily agreed to the proposal of the occupiers and occupied the position of "First Deputy Minister of Justice of the DPR".

In the delegations of the pseudo -ministry, he signed orders, memoranda, headed delegations, carried out working meetings and other actions that contributed to the activity of a terrorist organization.

In order to formulate the opinion of citizens on the legality of the bodies created by the occupation administration of the aggressor state, he carried out public speeches in the territory of temporarily occupied settlements of Donetsk region-Mangush and Nikolske.

The accused also handed over the assistance of the Ministry to the Ministry workers who are fighting against the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The pre -trial investigation was carried out by investigators of the Territorial Directorate of the DBR located in Kyiv.

Asreported the armyinform, the names of another 25 collaborators, who went to the occupying "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" in Kherson region became known.

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The occupiers destroyed the C-300 missiles of emergency medical care in Kharkiv region

The Russian troops struck the C-300 rockets on Zolochev in Kharkiv region.

About thisreportedThe head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov.

As a result of the impact, the premises of the hostel and the premises of the emergency care point were destroyed.

In addition, the premises of the Zolochiv Hospital were damaged. Two ambulances were destroyed, two more were damaged. Fortunately, it was without the victims.

As reported by the Armyinform, in the Kharkiv region because of the attack of Dronov-Kamikadze at night on March 15There was a fire. The victims have not been recorded.

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The President held a meeting with the Minister of Defense and the Chief Committee on the situation at the front and drones

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held a meeting with the Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov and the head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on March 15, Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky on the development of unmanned systems.

The president was about itreported on his official page.

The meeting was also attended by General Major General Anatoliy Bargilevich, SBU Chairman Vasyl Malyuk, Lieutenant General Kirill Budanov, Head of GUR Kirill and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, responsible for the direction of unmanned systems, Colonel Vadim Sukharevsky.

“We identified the most vulnerable places of the enemy, those where we can do the greatest harm to him. And we will cause. The more the Russian state will lose and the greater the price of its aggression, the closer the end of this war will be, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

The President then met with representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers, Defense and other agencies on the production of high -tech drones for conducting these and future operations.

“There is such a weapon in Ukraine, but it must become far more far more far more far, more massive and more powerful. Identified the appropriate tasks and terms. No Russian terrorist attack should remain unanswered, ”the President wrote.

Also, Volodymyr Zelenskyy heard the report of the head of Alexander Sirsky, who returned from the Avdiivsky direction in the morning and told about the situation there, on the spot and in other key areas of the front.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlier, the President stated that "every day we are accumulating more and more of such the necessary power, a long -range force."

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Finally determined the location of the National Military Memorial Cemetery

At its meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved an order to determine the location of the National Military Memorial Cemetery.

This is stated inmessagegovernment portal.

The decision was finally decided that the memorial cemetery will be located in the Gatnen rural territorial community of Fastiv district of Kyiv region.

Prior to that, the government resolution was in place, which determined the procedure for the implementation of the experimental project on the memorial complex. Its validity was limited - by July 30, 2025.

Thus, today the government has finally determined the location of the cemetery.

The decision to transfer more than 265 hectares to the State Military Memorial Cemetery of the State Institution "should be made in the near future. This will actually start the start of construction and the queue of the cemetery.

Preparatory work on the removal of green spaces will begin soon in the territory of NVMC.

Earlier the Armyinformreportedwhen the work begins and what will be the mourning house in the territory of the National Military Memorial Cemetery.

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One person killed as a result of yesterday's shelling of TV towers in Sumy Oblast. It was an engineer who was on duty at the ...

One person killed as a result of yesterday's shelling of TV towers in Sumy Oblast. It was an engineer who was on duty at the site

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Ukrainian officers have completed the training course with American instructors

The Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) was held on the basis of one of the military educational institutions.

About thisShe reported March 15Deputy Minister of Defense Natalia Kalmykova.

According to her, experts of Sonata Holding LLC were involved in training, who are veterans of the US military service and are well known to the use of this methodology in combat planning.

The MDMP process makes seven interconnected steps that provide for: mission analysis, processing options, modeling, comparison, definition, approval of the optimal option and processing of combat order.

It is a technique for constant brainstorming and delegation of powers to a lower level of military administration, as well as the work of staffs both vertically and horizontally - according to the principles of trust, initiative and critical thinking.

Maneuverable war and combined use of new technological weapons at the same time allow you to win even more enemy.

“I am very grateful to American experts for cooperation. The implementation of the project on the basis of military educational institutions will allow to widespread this experience and knowledge among future officers, ”Natalia Kalmykova wrote.

In accordance with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the American Memorandum Company on cooperation, during 2024, its experts will conduct more than ten similar courses for teachers and cadets of military educational institutions, as well as training for the headquarters of combat units.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlier, Ukraine creates a new and maximum effective system of military medicine.

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Dniester forces were detained in Odessa region

Border guards of maritime protection together with colleagues of the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky detachment were detained on the bank of the Dniester River of the State Border.

About thisShe reported March 15State Border Service

The detainees were the residents of Odessa and Tatarbunar district.

As it turned out, with the help of a rubber boat and "armed" the water stocks, the violators tried to shake the Dniester and illegally enter the neighboring Moldova.

The intentions of offenders became known to the border guards in advance, thanks to the advance of the employees of the operational units. The maritime boat was involved in the search.

The attempt to illegally cross the state border of violators was brought to administrative responsibility. The fate of men will already be decided by the court.

It should be noted that having dare to such an act, men could die, given the weather conditions and flow of the river.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat on the border with Moldova the evicters had to stop shots.

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Rescuer and a medic killed in double-tap ballistic missile strikes in Odesa. Multiple casualties

Rescuer and a medic killed in double-tap ballistic missile strikes in Odesa. Multiple casualties

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Defense forces will do everything for Russian murderers to feel a fair reaction

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky promised Russia's response to its rocket strike on Odessa residential quarter.

He is about itsaidIn the evening address.

"Our defense forces will definitely do everything to make the Russian killers feel our just reaction," said Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

He noted that rescue work and assistance after a Russian rocket strike are still underway in Odessa.

“A very subdued impact of these scums: two rockets, and the second, when rescuers and doctors arrived in the place of hit. Among the dead and the victims are the paramedics "Emergency", rescuers of the SES. My condolences to all my relatives and loved ones, ”said the Head of State.

The President thanked the police, SES, doctors, volunteers and utilities who help eliminate the effects of hostile shelling.

“I instructed the regional authorities to fully support all the victims. I thank everyone who works for our country and people. Thank you all who are fighting for Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! ”, - added Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

As reported by the Armyinform, as a result of the Russian rocket attack on Odessa16 people were killed, another 55 people with injuries are in hospital.

To strike on Odessa on Friday in the afternoon Russian troopsused the Iskander-M missiles, which were released from the temporarily occupied Crimea.

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President: You need more long -range drones. It should be a conveyor of responsibility of the Russian Federation for terror

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has declared the need to increase the production and use of shock truckers.

He is about itsaidIn the evening address.

“Further active steps have been agreed today. The production and use of our shock drones, long -range drones have been discussed today. According to Russian logistics, their system of financing of war, ”said Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

He also stressed that the Cabinet of Ministers should do everything to create even more technological and long -range, mass drones.

“It should be a conveyor of Russian responsibility for terror. And this is a fundamental moment, in many ways historical. The more of our fair answers will be the Russian state and the more tangible our actions against the Russian system, it will be more difficult Putin will continue his sore rule, and therefore the war, ”the Head of State emphasized.

As reported by the Armyinform, President of Ukraine Volodymyr ZelenskyyspentOn March 15, a meeting with the Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov and the Main Committee of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky regarding the development of unmanned systems.

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Russian artillery shelling Kherson

Russian artillery shelling Kherson

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General Staff of the Armed Forces: During the day the Russians attacked the defense forces 68 times

The enemy caused 8 missile and 57 aviation strikes, and made 46 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements.

About thisreported on the evening of March 15General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In Volyn and Polissya directionsOperative situation without significant changes. No signs of formation of offensive groups of the enemy were detected.

At Siversky and SlobozhanskyDirections of the enemy retain military presence in border areas, conducts sabotage and intelligence activities, carry out shelling of settlements from the territory of the Russian Federation, increases the density of mine-explosive barriers along the state border of Ukraine.

In Kupyansk directionDefense forces repelled 3 enemy attacks in the areas of Sinkivka settlements, Tabayivka of Kharkiv region, where the enemy tried to improve his tactical position.

In the estuary directionOur warriors repelled 9 attacks of the enemy in the areas of settlements of Bigorivka of Luhansk region and Terny, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Bakhmut directionThe enemy of the offensive (assault) did not take action. The enemy struck an aviation strike in the area of the settlement of the Yar of Donetsk region.

In the Avdiivsky directionOur defenders repelled more than 20 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements Berdichi, Orlovka, Tonenke, Pervomaisk Donetsk region.

In the Novopavlovsky directionThe forces of defense continue to restrain the enemy in the areas of Krasnogorivka, St. George, Novomikhailivka, Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense of our troops 22 times.

In the Orikhiv directionThe enemy attacked the positions of our defenders 5 times in the districts of Staromayorsky Donetsk region and a robot Zaporizhzhya region.

In the area of ​​responsibility, "Odesa",in the Kherson direction, during the day, the enemy performed 3 in vain storms of the positions of our troops.

During the day, the Aviation of Defense forces struck in 7 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment of the enemy.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlier, The President held a meeting with the Minister of Defense and the Chief Committee on the situation at the front and drones.

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20 person wounded, including 5 rescuers as result of Russian missile strikes in Odesa

20 person wounded, including 5 rescuers as result of Russian missile strikes in Odesa

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Blow on Odessa: 20 people have already been killed

The death toll has increased to 20 people as a result of the Russian rocket attack on Odessa.

About thisreported on the evening of March 15State Emergency Service.

Among the dead are one rescuer and several national police officers.

“Unfortunately, we also have losses among the staff of the National Police of Ukraine. Every hero-defender-forever in our hearts, forever in order. The sympathy of the relatives, relatives, brothers and colleagues of the fallen, ”they wrote in the department.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlier, the enemy applied the Iskander-M missiles from the occupied Crimea to strike in Odessa.

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Rustem Umerov met with Vice President of the US Peace Institute, talked about the situation at the front

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov met with the Vice President of the US Peace Institute, the former US Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor.

About it reportsTelegram channelDefense Office.

The Minister informed William Taylor about the current situation on the battlefield with the Russian aggressor.

The parties discussed in detail the urgent and long -term needs of the Ukrainian army and ways that the US can help satisfy them.

The Minister of Defense emphasized the critical importance of timely and full supply of assistance provided by the Allies.

Rustem Umerov and William Taylor also discussed the implementation of the Peace Formula proposed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in particular its paragraph No. 6 "Withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities".

As reported by the Armyinform, President of Ukraine Volodymyr ZelenskyyspentOn March 15, a meeting with the Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov and the Main Committee of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky regarding the development of unmanned systems.

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On Zolochev in Kharkiv region the enemy hit the "Isandard", as in Odessa

According to updated data, the occupiers hit the village of Zolochiv with an Iskander missile.

About thisreported on the evening of March 15Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Oleg Sinegubov.

BehinddataThe SES, the enemy struck a rocket on the territory of the medical institution. As a result, there were fires in two buildings: emergency medical care and unfinished hostel.

In addition, two ambulances and two cars were engulfed in flames.

The total area of the fire was about 200 square meters. The hospital also damaged the medical institution, 4 cars and at least 16 nearby residential buildings.

According to preliminary data, there are no casualties and victims.

ЯкThe ArmyInform reported earlier, the enemy used Iskander missiles to strike Odesa, as a result of which20 people have already died.

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8 killed and over 20 wounded as result of Russian missile strikes in Odesa

8 killed and over 20 wounded as result of Russian missile strikes in Odesa

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German Chancellor announced the creation of a coalition of long -range jet artillery for Ukraine

Germany, France and Poland have agreed to create a new coalition of long -range reactive artillery for the Ukrainian army.

This was stated by German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz after meeting in Berlin with French President Emmanuel Macron and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, reports, reportsBild.

According to Olaf Sholtz, a coalition for the purchase of reactive artillery will be formed within the framework of a contact group on Ukraine's support in Ramstein format.

Chancellor also stated that Germany, France and Poland will buy more weapons for Ukraine in the world market.

He also agreed with Emmanuel Macron and Donald Tusko to expand military equipment and work with partners in Ukraine.

Olaf Scholtz said that the Weimar Triangle meeting sent a "Support for Kiev". Speaking about President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, the chancellor added: "He knows what he can rely on us."

"At the same time, we are sending a clear signal to Moscow. the Russian president must know that we will not retreat from our support for Ukraine, we stand unwaveringly and united on the side of Ukraine," Olaf Scholz said.

As reported by the Armyinform, next week in GermanyHappenAnother meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine in Ramstein format.

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Death toll of Russian missile strikes in Odesa increased to 14 dead, 46 wounded

Death toll of Russian missile strikes in Odesa increased to 14 dead, 46 wounded

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Defense forces destroyed the enemy's observation complex

In the Kharkiv direction, the border guards found and destroyed the observation complex of the Russians "Mur-M".

About thisOn March 15, she reportedState Border Service of Ukraine.

Initially, the complex, which enabled the occupiers to observe the forces of Ukraine's defense forces, was discovered by air intelligence fighters, and then the games entered the game, who left the enemy without the possibility of observation.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat the SCO with HIMARS destroyed the rare Russian Reb "Palatin".

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A new tool to support IDPs — a subsidy for rental housing — has been developed

The Ministry of Social Policy has developed a new tool for supporting internally displaced persons - a subsidy for rent.

This is stated in a message onSiteGovernment.

The peculiarity of the subsidy is that its size will take into account the cost of rent in a particular region or populated city of the country. After all, the rental price in Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Transcarpathia or in a small town is significantly different.

Thus, according to a study conducted by the analytical company CEDOS with the support of the Council of Europe at the request of the Ministry of Social Policy, housing prices in Kyiv are 22% higher than the national average (up to UAH 8.4 thousand for a one-room apartment), in Mykolaiv and the Mykolaiv region they are 30-35% lower (do not exceed UAH 4.5 thousand), and in Transcarpathia they are 2.5 times higher than the national average (reaching UAH 17 thousand for a one-room apartment).

The lowest prices are in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Kherson regions and range from UAH 2.8 thousand to UAH 4.4 thousand for a one-room apartment, in regional centers in these regions the figure will be slightly higher, from UAH 3.2 thousand to UAH 5 thousand for a one-room apartment.

Therefore, the lease subsidy will take into account the difference in the cost of housing.

In addition, the amount of subsidy will depend on the number of persons in the household that rent a home, as well as household income and the ability to pay for rent accounts independently. The lower the income, the higher the percentage of the lease will cover the subsidy.

In the first stage, the introduction of a lease subsidy is planned for internally displaced persons. In the future, this support tool can also be for other citizens who will need such assistance from the state.

This project is currently agreed within the government and with the interested authorities.

The Ministry of Social Policy expects that after the approval of the relevant government decision, IDPs will be able to use the new support tool for them from June.

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The government proposes to increase the number of border guards by 15 thousand

Illustrative photo

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a bill to increase by 15 thousand servicemen of the total number of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

About thisreported March 15Cabinet.

Also in the law, which will be transferred to the Verkhovna Rada, it is stated that the total number of State Border Service during the year from the date of termination or abolition of martial law in the territory of Ukraine will be up to 75,000 people, including up to 67,000 servicemen.

ЯкThe ArmyInform reported earlier, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said plans to increase the number of border guards.

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The Secretary General of the Council of Europe condemned the Russian missile attack on Odesa

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, condemned the Russian missile attack on Odesa that took place on Friday.

About it is in herMessageIn the social network H.

“I mostly condemn Russia's rocket attack on Odessa aimed at civilian infrastructure. These attacks should stop, ”the message reads.

Earlier Moldova President Maya SandureactedAt present, Russian shelling of Odessa has called for more assistance to Ukraine.

As reported by the Armyinform, the number of deaths due to the Russian rocket attack on Odessaincreased to 20.

EnemyAppliedIskander-M missiles from the occupied Crimea to strike Odesa.

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Ukrainian cyberfhachivs blocked the supply of components for thousands of "Shahmed" and winged missiles

The SBU cyberfactors have results in blocking the supply of components to Russian weapons, including parts for the production of Shahaneda and chips for winged missiles.

About thisHe told March 15I am on the air of the Unified News TV. Head of the Department of Cyber Security of the Security Service of Ukraine Ilya Vituk.

“We are overlapping the supply chains of components to Russian weapons. One example is that the supply of servotors for the production of 1600 "Shahmed" and 4000 chips for winged missiles, ”Ilya Vituk said.

In addition, he said that the cyberfachivtsi work on the front lines on the destruction of enemy system of EW and Rer, as well as to intercept enemy drones, which coordinate rocket and artillery strikes on defense forces.

According to Elijah Vityuk, the reconnaissance information obtained by his department helps to prevent human victims. As well as the reflection of cyberattacks.

"Imagine: the special services of the Russian Federation broke the messengers of one military and thus found out the exact place and time of the planned collection, and as a result - the arrival and dozens of the dead," - said Ilya Vituk.

During the 2 years of the full -scale war, the SBU reflected almost 10 thousand cyber attacks, most of which - at the initial stage. These cyberattacks had a different purpose: intelligence, destructive, psychological impact or combined.

Ilya Vityuk predicts that Russian special services will increase their cyber -tuned potential. But at the same time, he reminds that the SBU conducts its own special operations in cyberspace and arranges a "cotton" enemy, destroying various military objects.

ЯкThe ArmyInform reported earlier, Cyberfachivts have broken the servers of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

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In Sumy region, 180 people were evacuated from the border community

In just three days, more than 180 residents left the Okhtyr District, where the safety situation is most sharpened.

About thisShe reported March 15Sumy Regional Military Administration.

The largest number - 84, of which 20 children left the Great Pisarivka after massive community shelling.

As a result of the shelling of the Velikopysariv community, 3 people were killed in five days (11.03-15.03), 13 were injured, 5 of them were injured.

Currently, 4523 people have been evacuated from dangerous territories in Sumy region, including 829 children.

To date, all residents of 2 22 settlements located in the territory of 3 districts have been left in the territory of 3 districts.

The military administration calls on residents of border settlements to take care of their safety and go to safer places.

The head of Sumy Ova Volodymyr Artyukh reported on March 14 that 800 explosions were heard in Sumy region in the last two days. The same number of explosions was accrued in half a year.

AsThe ArmyInform reported earlier, the army of the Russian Federation hit the radio technical sites of Sumy region.

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Russia struck a rocket on Konotop

Photo illustrative

The enemy struck the rocket strike on the civilian infrastructure of Konotop.

About thisIn the evening of March 15 reportedSumy Regional Military Administration.

“All the necessary services work in place. The consequences of the rocket strike are specified, ”Sumy Ova said.

BeforeThe Armyinform reportedthat 20 people have already died as a result of a Russian rocket strike on Odessa.

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Russian aviation launching guided bombs towards Zolochiv

Russian aviation launching guided bombs towards Zolochiv

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Putin at National Security Council claims all attack in Belgorod region were repelled

Putin at National Security Council claims all attack in Belgorod region were repelled

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Explosions reported in Kherson

Explosions reported in Kherson

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March 16. This day in history

16 березня. Цей день в історії

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Explosion was reported in Pokrovsk district

Explosion was reported in Pokrovsk district

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Explosions were reported in Kakhovka

Explosions were reported in Kakhovka

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Russian army conducted missile strike at civilian infrastructure in Konotop

Russian army conducted missile strike at civilian infrastructure in Konotop

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Explosions were reported in Kostiantynivka

Explosions were reported in Kostiantynivka

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Explosions were reported in Sloviansk of Donetsk region

Explosions were reported in Sloviansk of Donetsk region

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Loud explosions were reported in Kursk

Loud explosions were reported in Kursk

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AS ORIKHIV DIRECRON RUSIAN Army Shelled Levadne, Poltavka, Gulyaypole, Railway, Novoandriivka, Mali Shcherbak of AF Constipation ...

At Orikhiv direction Russian army shelled Levadne, Poltavka, Huliaipole, Zaliznychne, Novoandriyivka, Mali Scherbaky of Zaporizhzhia region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

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Ukrainian military had 68 combat engagements with Russian forces near Synkivka, Tabayivka of Kharkiv region, Bilohorivka of L...

Ukrainian military had 68 combat engagements with Russian forces near Synkivka, Tabayivka of Kharkiv region, Bilohorivka of Luhansk region and Terny, Rozdolivka of Donetsk region, Berdychi, Orlivka, Tonenke, Pervomayske of Donetsk region, Krasnohorivka, Heorhiyivka, Novomykhaylivka of Donetsk region, Staromayorske of Donetsk region and Robotyne of Zaporizhzhia region, at the eastern bank of Dnipro river in Kherson region, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the evening report

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2 drones were shot down over Kursk region, - according to local authorities

2 drones were shot down over Kursk region, - according to local authorities

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